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Project Description Paper

Student’s Student’s Surname Student’s E-mail Student’s School


Egi Kasa TOD

Alvin Muka TOD

Abbreviations for Schools:

Turgut Ozal – Albania Schools
TOI Turgut Ozal Elementary School (Primary – Tirana)
TOO Turgut Ozal Middle School (Lower Secondary – Tirana)
TOL Turgut Ozal High School (Upper Secondary – Tirana)
TOD Turgut Ozal Durres College

Gulistan – Albania Schools:

MAE Mehmet Akif Boys College
MAK Mehmet Akif Girls College
HRP Hasan Riza Pasha College

Gulistan – Kosovo Schools:

ISP International School of Prishtina
L-MAC Prishtina (Lipjan) Mehmet Akif College
P-MAC Prizren Mehmet Akif College
GJ-MAC Gjakova Mehmet Akif College

Yahya Kemal – Macedonia Schools:

SK-YKC Skopje Yahya Kemal College
ST-YKC Struga Yahya Kemal College
T-YKC Tetovo Yahya Kemal College
Please answer the following questions concretely, without writing irrelevant things. Please note that
this Project Description Paper must show the details of your project’s development to qualify for
ASEF finals.

1. How did you come up with the idea of the project? Did anyone help you to find the idea? Who?
I came up with the idea with my friend as we though that this could be an interesting idea to talk
about. Since right now teachers are talking about WW1 and WW2 how it changed countries
appearance with many casualties but then we though that even before all of that chaos, there would
be other wars we just haven’t talked about. So, we thought of The First Punic War. It happened in
261p.K in before Rome empire took all that fame.

2. What are you aiming to achieve with this project?

Showing that even before all the wars that happened there would be still loads of deadly wars even
without the technology, guns or even tanks. We are trying to achieve that not only WW1, WW2 is a
deadly war only but even “Before Christen” period they we’re deadlier wars. Like the First Punic War.

3. Which methods have you used in your project?

The methods we used are searching in the websites. We thought that not only newest wars were results
of today but also in the past. In out History books in our schools we haven’t talked about the “Before
Christen” wars but only “After Christen” when revolution started, basically newer wars.

4. Have you done any experiments or prepared any demonstrations/prototypes? Explain in

Yes, we have done a prototype. We have made a example of some inventions that the romans have
borrowed from other countries like the first war ship, some architecture got borrowed from Greece.
Some prototypes are : First War Ship (Stolen from Carthage), Weapons and etc.

5. How have you had your data by experiment done by you or from another source? Have you
used any data from national or international institutions? If yes, state the source.
The data that we have found is from a YouTube Video which include historical event, the fellow
YouTuber is called Oversimplified. He explained how a deadly war this was at that time with many
casualties, death and broken economies it has created.

6. Explain whether your results are matching with your expectations.

My expectations were that is was just a small conflict and had low casualties. But I was wrong. As I saw
the video, I relies that was much, much worse than that. It was the deadliest war at that time period. With
many deaths, many lost and impossible payback. But it came close that I suggested that would probably
be a war since Romans were angry that Carthage took its own people as theirs.

7. Explain how your project will contribute to the community.

This would show them that this war brought many, many MANY changes. From its growth of the Republic
of Roman to the inventions and how much payment did the Carthage people did to the Romans from the

8. Please insert some photos that show you (yourself) are actually involved the development of
your project.

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