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Comparison (With our Europe correspondents)

Overall, in our comparison between the interviews from Europe and India there were a
few differences in the exact years where media developments or historical events took
place but There were quite a few similar answers as well,
Starting with our 1st Generation, From India we had Roshnak Khan and Hemchand
Gala and from Europe we had Ria Afjes, the historical events were different for all 3
interviewees, yet each one was very personal to that candidate, interestingly both the
1st generations from India and Europe all used newspapers and Radios, but also
mentioned that out of all they used newspapers the most!
Ria Afjes said that in Europe one newspaper was priced for 1 Quarter whereas in India
a newspaper was 10-15 Paisa (both relevantly cheap for that era)
Though Roshnak and Hemchand talked about the introduction of TV and Door darshan,
with Hemchand talking about Sunday evening movies, it seems like Ms Afjes also had a
progression in media with regards to films, talking about the cinema just coming in and
how everyone wanted to go!

Moving on to our 2nd Generation, Sameera Khan and Vicky Gala from India and Gul
Tekeli and Sevket Bilir from Europe, For our question on Historical events Sameera and

Vicky mentioned the deaths of the 2 Gandhi’s and Sevket talked about the War of
Cyprus, Gul on the other hand couldn’t remember any significant event

Interestingly once again, all our candidates used the same means of media! Radio and
Television, with Sevket even commenting on the bad quality of the radios. If anything, it
really shows that not much had changed during the gap of these 2 generations and
these 2 nations as well. Gul and Sevket also talked about the introduction of wireless
Phones as being a major development, Our Indian candidates on the other hand
couldn’t mention any major development though Sameera did talk about the
introduction of coloured TV’s when she was in grade 9.

And last but not least, our 3rd Generation. From India we had Atiya Patel and Bhavya
Gala and from Europe we had Kevin Aafjas, Ekrem Bilir and Lev Evers.
When it came to historical events, Atiya mentioned the overturning of Roe V Wade and
many other significant events whereas all Bhavya, Kevin and Ekrem talked about The
Covid-19 Pandemic. As for prices of media
The Europeans gave very different answers from our candidates in India, they all added
the high price of telephones as well as newspapers, interestingly one person said it was
free whereas the other one said it was for 7 Euros, Atiya mentioned that she uses social
media which is free and Bhagya talked about using OTT platforms (Netflix being 500Rs)
The one main similarity of all the 3rd Generation interviews (and what they said were
media developments) was about how the internet and phone development has brought
media to a much larger scale and even though they weren't teens when the internet was
introduced, media and technology is developing now, when they are teens!
Comparison and reflection (Alina)
As group leader my main task was informing the group about certain developments and
initiating meetings to talk about the project and sketch out our plan and interviews, As
for tasks, I did the comparison and helped with the interviewing of the candidates, in fact
each group member was involved as we all took turns for questioning which in the long
run was a very profitable experience for us.
The think I found most fascinating in the entire experience was how even though India
and Europe are thousands of kilometres apart, yet the development of media in India
wasn’t stagnant as many would expect in a developing country.
Whether it was the final interviews we did or even just talking to the interviewees itself I
was able to learn so much. One of the first interviews itself was Roshnak Khan (My
grandmother) and even though she’s been my next door neighbour my entire life I was
able to learn so much about her upbringing, the main reason being because I was able
to understand how much the media impacted her life.
Today, it is very often that media is highly criticized (this could be the reason why the
3rd generation doesn’t use it as much) and fake news is rather common but the impact
that media has played on people’s lives is undeniable even today, because from all the
information in our candidates responses (especially generation 3) that we would have
been able to go through the pandemic without the media and many other past
As for anything to change about the experience, I honestly believe it went very well,
however, it would have been nice to have more discussions with our corresponding
group in order to get more of an idea of media in Europe, As for our group here,
everyone was really enthusiastic and I really appreciate that everyone made time for all
the interviews with such quick notice, truly showing their dedication.
Comparison and Reflection (Soumya)
My main assigned role was the Editor, I helped edit all the videos and photos from the
experience as well as compile them into all the different files and folders. Additionally I
also helped with the interviewing of 5 of our candidates and the writing of the summary
The overall journey has been quite fascinating. If we compare the interviews we can find
a lot of similarities. In the 1st generation even they were not introduced to phones or
any other digital devices, the most popular media platforms were newspapers and
radios. Moving on to the 2nd generation, in both countries they said that television was
being used. The introduction of televisions took an important part in the media industry
which was clearly told to us by our interviewees. In the 3rd generation interview we
came across many more similarities such as the usage of social media, different OTT
platforms and how different the usage of devices was from the first 2 generations. For me
it’s been a great experience. I got to learn a lot from the people that we
interviewed. The students on the other side also seemed eager to know more about
what we were presenting. That was definitely a motivating factor. All and all it was a fun,
interesting and a very different experience.

Comparison and Reflection (Kritika)

As a group member I wrote the ‘Evidence of Communication’ section in this document
and also helped with the interviewing. We had a lot of discussions where all of us were
able to talk about the topic and everything that had to be done and would often join
G-meet online calls after school if need be.
When I read through their response, I noticed it was very similar to ours. Newspapers
and radio being popular during Generation 1 and 2 and then smartphones, televisions
and the internet took over in generation 3
However, I did notice that the price for the europeans was extremely expensive
compared to India
I liked how interactive they were and though in the beginning it was awkward by the end
we had all learned so much from the experience.
It was very interesting to learn about older generations and how media was so different
for them and advanced for us (Gen 3)

Comparison and Reflection (Vaidehi)

For the interview and writing tasks we divided the work where I wrote about the
comparison between the families and the three generations and working behind the
camera. This was when I learned about how to write comparisons not just in pointers
but as a paragraph. I had never done a formal interview before this so this was quite a
learning experience for me to see what work goes on behind the camera. For this task I
feel our analyzing and collaborative skills are quite necessary as we were needed to
compare and summarize the interviewees' responses. It was extremely exciting to do
this task with my classmates considering all the work that went on before and after the
interview. I look forward for an opportunity like this again

Comparison and Reflection (Kshitij)

I have helped in asking and decided the questions I had to ask and I helped in setting
up the recording device.I also wrote the conclusion for the document. It was a great
experience. I got to learn a lot about our past and how the media helped each person.
My favorite part was definitely the whole experience of interviewing from the questions
to the whole process of setting up. I feel like our transitions could be smoother and the
information for the corresponding team could have been more detailed.

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