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Seat Number

¹ãŸãÀ - 027


Constitutional Law – I
P. Pages : 4
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to Candidates :
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used for
writing paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All questions are compulsory.
5. Figures to right indicate full marks.

1. The preamble is the statement of the purposes for which the Indian 16
constitution stands – Discuss.


Discuss in detail the outstanding features of Indian constitution.

2. The state shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal 16
protection of the law with in the territory of India – Discuss.


Discuss in detail the various freedoms guaranteed by Article 19 of the


3. Explain with the help of case law the constitutional guarantee of 'Protection 16
of life and personal liberty'.


India is a secular state therefore equal rights are given to all in respect of
freedom of conscience and religion under the Indian.

¹ãŸãÀ - 027 1 P.T.O

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4. "The right to enforce all the fundamental rights is itself made a fundamental 16
right under the constitution" – Discuss.


Discuss in detail the 'Directive Principles of State Policy' as enshrined in the

constitution of India.

5. Discuss the concept of public Interest Litigation with help of case laws. 16


Explain the 'Fundamental Duties' as enshrined in the constitution of India.

6. Write short notes on any four. 20

1) Basic structure.

2) Doctrine of eclipse.

3) Judicial review.

4) Mandal commission case.

5) Right against exploitation.

6) Protective discrimination.


¹ãŸãÀ - 027 2
¹ãŸãÀ - 027

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Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100

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¹ãŸãÀ - 027 3 P.T.O

¹ãŸãÀ - 027
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