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Seat Number

¹ãƪ¦¦ã - 032


Law of Contract
P. Pages : 2
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to Candidates :
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used for writing
paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All questions are compulsory.

1. Define the agreement & discuss the difference between agreement and contract. 16
Define the consideration and discuss the past, present and future consideration.

2. Define consent. Discuss when the consent is said to be a free consent. 16

Discuss the various circumstances in which contract are discharged.

3. What is quasi contract? Discuss the provisions regarding certain relations resembling 16
those created by the contract.
Define contingent contract and explain its essential features.

4. Explain the various provisions of recovering the possession of property under 16

specific Relief Act 1963.
Write a detail note on injunctions with the help of specific Relief Act. 1963.

5. Explain which contracts can be specifically enforced under the specific Relief Act. 16
Explain the provisions of award and decree in specific Relief Act.

6. Write a short notes on any four of the following. 20

a) Wagering agreement.
b) Discharge of contract by novation.
c) Essentials of contract.
d) Fraud.
e) Minor's agreement.
f) Undue influence.


¹ãƪ¦¦ã - 032 1 P.T.O

¹ãƪ¦¦ã - 032

½ãÀãŸãè Á¹ããâ¦ãÀ
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100

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¹ãƪ¦¦ã - 032 2

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