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Seat Number

Øã•ãÀ - 047


Company Law (Also Old BSL / LLB Equivalence)
P. Pages : 2
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to Candidates :
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used for writing
paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All questions are compulsory.

1. Define the term company and explain types of company. 16

Explain in detail characteristics of Company.

2. Explain doctrine of lifting of corporate veil under company law. 16

What are various modes of winding up of company.

3. Why prospectus is essential for company. 16

What are the contents of memorandum of Association.

4. What are different types of meetings. 16

Explain the concept of shares in detail.

5. Explain the procedure for Appointment and removal of Director under Company Act. 16
Define company and explain incorporation of company.

6. Short Notes any four. 20

a) Debentures.
b) Promoter
c) Statement in lieu of prospectus.
d) Dividends
e) Salomon V Salomon Co. Ltd.
f) Different between stock and share.

Øã•ãÀ - 047 1 P.T.O

Øã•ãÀ - 047

½ãÀãŸãè Á¹ããâ¦ãÀ
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100

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5. ÔãÌãà ¹ãÆͶã Ôããñ¡ãäÌã¥ãñ ‚ããä¶ãÌãã¾ãà ‚ããÖñ¦ã.

1. ‡ã⊹ã¶ããèÞããè ̾ã㌾ãã ãäÊãÖã Ìã ‡ã⊹ã¶ããèÞãñ ¹ãƇãŠãÀ Ô¹ãÓ› ‡ãŠÀã. 16

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4. ‡ã⊹ã¶ããè ‡ãŠã¾ãªã ½ã£ããèÊã Ôã¼ãñÞãñ ¹ãƇãŠãÀ ãäÊãÖã. 16

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5. ‡ã⊹ã¶ããè ‡ãŠã¾ã²ãã¶ãìÔããÀ ÔãâÞããÊã‡ãŠãÞããè ãä¶ã¾ãì‡ã‹¦ããè Ìã ‡ãŠã¤î¶ã ›ã‡ãŠ¥¾ãã Ôã⪼ããæããèÊã ¦ãÀ¦ãîªãè Ô¹ãÓ› ‡ãŠÀã. 16
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6. ã䛹ãã ãäÊãÖã ÞããÀ. 20

a) ‡ãŠ•ãÃÀãñŒãñ
b) ¹ãÆÌã¦ãÇ㊠ÔãâÔ©ãã¹ã‡ãŠ
c) ½ãããäÖ¦ããè ¹ã¨ã‡ãŠã†ñÌã•ããè ãä¶ãÌãñª¶ã
d) Êãã¼ããâÍã
e) ÔãñÊããñ½ã¶ã ãäÌã. ÔãñÊããñ½ã¶ã (‡ãñŠÔã)
f) Íãñ‚ãÔãà Ìã Ô›ãù‡ãŠ ¹ãŠÀ‡ãŠ Ô¹ãÓ› ‡ãŠÀã.

Øã•ãÀ - 047 2

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