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 01-01 Exposition (Introduction): Starts with Khadija wanting a boy and Masoud being
unhappy about having girls.

 01-02 Rising Action & Conflict:

 The Problem: Khadija worries because she's had only girls, and Masoud wants a son.

 Struggle: Khadija feels pressure from society to have a boy.

 01-03 Climax: Khadija's health gets critical while giving birth.

 01-04 Falling Action: Masoud feels happy about a baby boy, but Khadija tragically dies.

 01-05 Resolution (Conclusion): The story ends with Masoud's sadness over losing Khadija
and having a baby boy.

02. Setting:

 02-1) Place: Happens at home, where having a boy is very important.

 2-2) Time: Not mentioned.

 2-3) Weather conditions: Not talked about.

 02-4) Social conditions: Reflects a place where having a boy is valued more than having a

 02-5) Mood or atmosphere: Feels sad and tense due to the family's situation.

03. Character:

 Protagonist: Khadija, facing pressure to have a son.

 Antagonist: Society's expectations and Masoud's wish for a son.

 Character Types: Khadija is shown as a character with feelings and worries, while Masoud
seems more focused on having a son.

04. Point of View:

 the story is narrated from a third-person, Like someone watching the family from the

05. Theme:

 Big Idea: Talks about how society's preference for boys affects families and the pain of
losing someone important.

 What the Story's About: It's about wanting a son, but it shows how this wish leads to
sadness and tragedy.



Example: "Her belly was burning like an oven full of flames."


Example: "You remind me, Khadija, of our land."


Example: "The pains of childbirth would vanish..."


Example: "I pledge a dozen candles and half a pound of incense..."


 Happy / Sad
 Birth / Death
Example: "Muhammad" symbolizes the desired son.

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