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Soekarno and Surabaya


 Sub Zone: Surabaya is Soekarno's hometown both physically and
Soekarno Zone
ideologically. As the city of birth, the influence of
Soekarno Surabaya's social and cultural character is evident in
Soekarno who is straightforward, assertive, brave,
egalitarian, and open to cultural diversity. As a city
where Soekarno learned and recognized the national
movement for the first time, there are many traces of
Soekarno's monumental political events and journeys
that took place in Surabaya.

 6 June 1901: Birth of the Son of the  Ahead of Soekarno's birth, there was an eruption
of Mount Kelud, located in Kediri, precisely on May 22-
23, 1901. In Javanese belief, there is a view that
considers the moment of birth accompanied / close to
a mountain eruption is a sign of the birth of an
important figure.

 Soekarno was born on June 6, 1901 at half past six,

exactly 05.16 WIB. While remembering his mother's
words, Soekarno (1965, p.4) said, "I was born at 5.16.
At that time the eastern sky had begun to turn red, the
sun was about to rise, at that time....protjot....Sukarno
was born on earth. Mother called me the son of fadjar.
Because you are the son of fadjar, fulfill your duty, help
your nation later become a nation that truly brings
sunshine in its own homeland and in this world."

 Soekarno (in Adams, 2014, p. 21) also recalled his

mother saying, "My son, you are looking at the sunrise.
And you, my son, will one day be a noble person, a
great leader of your people, because Mother gave birth
to you at dawn." .... Don't ever forget, son, that you are
the son of the dawn. The title Son of the Dawn comes
from that moment of birth.

 Soekarno's birth process took place in the house,

with all economic limitations and simplicity. Soekeni at
that time was described as not even being able to call a
traditional birth attendant. Soekarno was born with
the help of an old grandfather who was a neighbor of
his house. Soekarno (in Adams, 2014, p. 22) said, "The
birth itself was very sad. Father could not afford to call
a witch doctor to help the child who was about to be
born. We were too poor. The only person who took
care of the mother was our family friend, a very, very
old man. It was him, and no one else, who welcomed
me into the world."

 Tulungagung, 1905  Kusno (little Soekarno) lived on the move according

 Renaming Kusno to Soekarno
to the teaching assignments his father received.
Kusno often fell ill, until his parents decided Kusno
was cared for by his grandfather, Raden
Hardjodikromo, who lived in Tulungagung. In that
city, with the aim that Soekarno would not fall ill
easily, the family changed Kusno's name to Soekarno.

 In Javanese culture, a person's name can/should be

changed. A person's name always has both literal and
symbolic meanings that are closely related to local
cultural values. One of the reasons for changing the
name is that the owner of the name is sickly. Terms
for this phenomenon include kabotan jeneng.

 The change of name is followed by a certain rite,

namely slametan, which is a gathering with family
and relatives and neighbors. The dish served is red
porridge with white porridge right in the middle,
which symbolizes purity. In addition, there is also
tumpeng, which is rice shaped like a mountain, which
means respect for the almighty god. The name
change ritual is generally led by a dukun suwuk, a
person who has a spiritual edge and therefore has
the expertise to help a person escape from bad

 Soekarno's name comes from "Soe" meaning "good".

Soe or Su is commonly used in Javanese first names.
"Karno" is taken from the name Adipati Karna, an
important character in the puppet story of the
Mahabarata epic. Soekarno (in Adams, 2014, p. 31)
describes the story of the selection of Karna/Karno
as a new name as follows

My name at birth was Kusno. I started life as a sickly

child. I had malaria, dysentery, all diseases and every
Father thought, "His name doesn't fit. We should give
him another name so he doesn't get sick anymore."
Father was a great admirer of the Mahabharata, the
ancient Hindu classic. I had not yet reached adolescence
when my father said, "We will name you Karna. Karna is
one of the greatest heroes of the Mahabharata."

"So Karna must have been a very strong and very big
man," I cried out in excitement.

”That's right, son," said Father. "Also loyal to his

comrades and has faith regardless of the consequences.
Known for his courage and loyalty. Karna was a warlord
and a loyal defender of his country."

 1916  - Soekarno officially attended Hoogere Burgerschool

 The beginning of Soekarno
joining the political gathering (HBS). In Surabaya, Soekarno lived with HOS
Tjokroaminoto until 1921. Soekarno called Surabaya
the Kitchen of Nationalism, because in that boarding
house he recognized various schools of political
thought, nationalism, and philosophy from important
figures in the movement at that time.
 The HBS building at the time of Bung Karno's
schooling was located on Regentsraat (currently the
large Surabaya Post Office). Soekarno said that the
distance of HBS was only one kilometer from where
Soekarno stayed at HOS Tjokroaminoto's house
located in Peneleh alley VII.

 In the HBS Reglementen Programma's document

(education regulation book), on page 78 of the
Naamlijst der Leerlingen section (list of student
names) as of July 1, 1916, Raden Soekarno is written
as a first year student in class G (No.16).

 1917  Soekarno joined a political association for the first

 The beginning of Soekarno time. The association was called Tri Koro Darmo
joining the political gathering (Three Sacred Goals), namely sakti, budi, and bakti.

 In 1918, Tri Koro Darmo officially changed its name to

Jong Java, and Soekarno remained active in it. Jong Java
also socialized national values. Soekarno added that
Jong Java devoted itself to developing indigenous
culture such as teaching Javanese dance or playing
gamelan. In addition, Jong Java also does social work,
namely going to neighboring villages to raise funds for
schools or help victims of volcanic disasters.

 Surabaya became the first city to represent Tri Koro

Darmo, an organization previously founded by
Satiman Wiriosandjojo in the Stovia Building,
Weltevreden, Batavia (Jakarta) in 1915. Its members
came from MULO, HBS, and NIAS students. The
mission of Tri Koro Darmo is (1) to establish links
between indigenous students studying in high schools
and secondary schools, as well as in further education
and vocational courses; (2) to generate and increase
interest in the national arts and language; (3) to
advance the general knowledge of its members.

 1918  Soekarno joined the Djawa Dipo (Jawa Dwipa)

 Soekarno joined Djawa Dwipa movement. The organization's mission was to
promote the use of ngoko Javanese (a variety of
Javanese often considered "low", commonly used by
fellow lower-class people) in everyday
communication practices across social classes and
official situations, as a symbol of the spirit of equality.
 Djawa Dipo (Jawa Dwipa) was initiated by one of the
Sarekat Islam figures named Tjokrosoedarmo. Djawa
Dipo views the use of the Javanese ngoko language as
more reflective of the values of equality in the
hierarchy of society, especially Java.

 1919 – 1920
 Soekarno deepened his political
insights through discussions and
diligent reading of books.  In 1919, Soekarno read San Min Chui's book (Hering,
2013: 7). Some other books that Soekarno also
studied at that time included De Psychologie van het
Socialisme by Hendrik de Man, Hilden en
Heldenverering (Heroes and Herowaschip) by
Thomas Carlyle, Nationalitaten Frage by Otto Bauer,
Colonial Ideal by Dr. EFE Douwes Dekker, Declaration
of Independence by Thomas Jefferson The French
Revolution, by Thomas Carlyle.

 "In my world of thought I conversed with Prime

Minister Gladstone of Britannia as well as Sidney and
Beatrice Webb; I talked face to face with Mazzini,
Cavour and Garibaldi of Italy; Otto Bauer and Adler of
Austria; Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Lenin, and I
chatted with Jean Jacques Rousseau."

 1921  After his wife died, Cokroaminoto was saddened and

 Soekarno married Oetari and
thought about the fate of his children. Mr.
continued his studies in Bandung. Cokroaminoto's brother told Soekarno to make him
happy by marrying Utari Cokroaminoto. After that
 Soekarno works at Semut Station
in Surabaya
Soekarno submitted his proposal. Cokroaminoto was
happy and accepted Soekarno as his son-in-law.

 On June 10, 1921, Soekarno graduated from HBS.

Soekarno planned to continue his studies in the
Netherlands, unfortunately the plan was rejected by
his mother. Finally Soekarno enrolled in Bandung
college. The college where Soekarno went to school
was Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (TH) which
is now ITB.

When Soekarno was in Bandung to study. He was tested

by the arrest of his father-in-law and teacher, HOS
Tjokroaminoto, by the colonial government. The
colonial government believed that the strike in the city
of Garut was initiated by Sarekat Islam. This disturbed
Soekarno emotionally which finally made him say
goodbye to Mrs. Inggit as his boarding mother and his
lecturer Professor Kloter to go to Surabaya. In order to
replace Mr. HOS Tjokroaminoto's role as a father,
Soekarno supported his wife and nephew by working at
Semut Station as a clerk. Soekarno's position at that
time was "Raden Sukarno, B.K.L. Der Eerste Klasse.
Eerste Categorie with the task of making a list of
employee salaries. Soekarno added that his office had no
air ducts so he inhaled steam and train fumes for seven
hours a day. As a clerk Soekarno received a salary of 165
rupiah a month, then Soekarno divided the salary into
125 for Mr. Cokro's family and 40 was held by himself.
At times to entertain his family with the remaining
money Soekarno took his family to the movies, bought
picture postcards and even circumcised his nephew
 1928  Soekarno made Surabaya an important city in the course
of his struggle for independence. On May 28-30, 1928 in
Surabaya, Soekarno led the first congress of the party he
founded, the Indonesian National Party.
 Surabaya as the venue for the first
congress of the Indonesian
National Party  On 30 August-2 September 1928, Soekarno as one of
the founding figures of the Permufakatan
Perhimpunan-perhimpunan Politik Kebangsaan
Indonesia (PPPKI) also played a role in making
Surabaya the venue for the first congress of the cross-
party organization and regional associations.

 1932  Surabaya was the first city chosen by Soekarno as an

 Surabaya as the venue for the
important marker of his political journey after being
Indonesia Raya congress released from Banceuy and Sukamiskin prisons
(1929-1931). Precisely on January 1-3, 1932,
Soekarno gave a speech in Surabaya at the Great
Indonesia Congress as well as marking Soekarno's
first public reappearance after being imprisoned as a
political prisoner by the Dutch East Indies colonial
 Bernhard Dahm in his book Soekarno and the
Struggle for Independence said that Soekarno's
departure to Surabaya graced the main pages of
various newspapers. The journey he made from
Bandung to Surabaya was a triumphant journey.
Bernhard added that the masses crowded the train
stations to watch Soekarno pass. When he arrived in
Surabaya, Soekarno received extraordinary honor. As
many as six thousand Surabaya residents who
became sympathizers welcomed him enthusiastically.
The cult of Soekarno reached its peak during the
Great Indonesia Congress in 1932.

 Surabaya, 1934  Soekarno was sentenced to exile in Ende, Flores.

Soekarno departed from the port of Tanjung Perak
 Soekarno was exiled to Flores
 On December 28, 1933, the Governor General of the
Dutch East Indies Colonial Government, De Jonge,
issued a decree to exile Ir. Soekarno (then 32 years
old) to Ende, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. Soekarno
was exiled or banished to Ende because his political
activities endangered the Dutch East Indies Colonial
Government. Ir. Soekarno and his family traveled
from Surabaya to Flores on the KM van Riebeeck

The daily De Locomotief of February 19, 1934 wrote

Het Vertrek van Ir. Soekarno.
Met de "Van Riebeeck" naar Flores.

Our correspondent in Surabaya reports to us:

Saturday afternoon the K.P.M.'er "Van Riebeeck" left the
harbor of Surabaya, with on board ir. Soekarno under
police escort, for his upcoming residence Flores.
The police had taken care not to make a demonstration of
it. For the P.N.I. and the like, the grounds were off limits.
Sukarno's father living in Blitar had come here to bid his
son farewell. There were a few onlookers.

The time between Thursday and departure was spent in

Departure of Ir. Soekarno
"by Van Riecbeeck to Flores"

Correspondence in Surabaya informs us that on

Saturday afternoon the ship KPM Van Riebeeck from
the port of Surabaya on which Ir. Soekarno is
traveling under police escort will head to Flores. The
police ensured that there would be no
demonstrations. The PNI and the like had been
frozen. Soekarno's father who lived in Blitar met his
son to say goodbye. There were several crowds
watching. The interval from Thursday to departure
will be spent in prison.

 1945  The fighting in Surabaya was still going on on October

 Soekarno was summoned to
Surabaya to make a truce with 29, 1945. At 11:30 a.m. a Dakota airplane flew over
the allies the city. The fighters did not know who was on the
plane. Although news of the arrival of the president
and vice president had been heard by the local
government, not all fighters had heard the news. Even
when the plane was about to land in
Morokrembangan with the intention of preventing it,
the fighters were so ready to attack the plane that
several shots were fired. When the plane touched the
runway, the fighters saw the President and Vice
President and even Amir Sjarifoeddin, the shots were
immediately stopped and replaced with shouts of

 The leaders from the capital were taken to the

residence of Resident Soedirman and went straight to
the Governorate for negotiations. This negotiation
was carried out at Mallaby's request to stop shooting.
An agreement was reached in this negotiation,
namely maintaining peace, firing was stopped, the
safety of the population was guaranteed by both
parties, negotiations would be carried out by
Soekarno and the Commander of the Java Occupation
Army regarding the October 27, 1945 leaflet, the
population was free to go out at night, each unit
returned to itsangs and the wounded were taken to
the hospital. That same night the results of the
negotiations were announced by the President and
Mallaby from Bung Tomo's Rebellion Radio studio
because RRI Surabaya was burned down in the
fighting. Despite the ceasefire, Bung Tomo warned the
fighters to remain vigilant against foreign troops still
in the city. If they opened fire then the battle would
have to start again.

 1946  Soekarno established the events of November 10 in

 Soekarno established Heroes'
Day Surabaya as an important event in the history of the
struggle of the Indonesian people so that it should be
commemorated as Heroes' Day and celebrated by all
Indonesian people (Government Decree No.
 1950  There were changes in street names throughout
 Street name changes in Surabaya
Surabaya. Nesstr Street became Guntur Street, while
Galenstr Street became Megawati Street. Guntur and
Megawati are the names of Soekarno's two children,
Guntur Soekarno Putra and Megawati Soekarno Putri.

 1951  Soekarno led the laying of the first stone for the
 Soekarno leads the laying of the
first stone of the construction of construction of the Heroes Monument as a monument
the Heroes Monument to honor and commemorate the services of the heroes
who died in the November 10, 1945 war.


 Soekarno inaugurated the Heroes Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, from Sabang to
Monument on November 10,
1952. Merauke.
We are now commemorating Heroes' Day again:
November 10th.
Last year I delivered a speech on Heroes' Day in
Surabaya, and now I am in Surabaya again. In fact, a few
hours ago I inaugurated the establishment of the Heroes
Monument in Surabaya. A mighty monument, more than
40 meters high soaring into the sky, made of strong
concrete. A monument that hopefully, when we are
dead, when our children, grandchildren, great-
grandchildren, canggah-canggah, and so on are dead,
will still rise to the sky as a symbol that the value of
heroism will not die, but will live on throughout the
ages, from year to year, from century to century, from
era to era...
And thank God, today, right on Heroes' Day, this
monument can be inaugurated... Our prayer is that the
material monument can really stand for at least a
thousand years, the spiritual multiplies more than a
thousand years. May it continue to symbolize
Indonesian heroism from humiliation and slavery!

If later everything around the monument has changed

its appearance and condition, if later everything that is
now in the form of a railroad or buildings, trees or alleys
has become different, completely different from now,
may the monument still stand up to the sky, as it every
day and every second says: here, here once the heroes of
the Indonesian revolution began to practice their
heroism in order to defend the honor of the motherland
and the country, follow their example, imitate their

 1958 – 1964  Soekarno made several visits to Surabaya and read his
 Soekarno's speech in Surabaya
speeches. It was recorded in ANRI that he had made
17 speeches in Surabaya during 1958-1964.

 Photos of President Soekarno in


1. President Soekarno gives his

speech in front of the people of

2. President Soekarno giving a

speech on the VIth Hero's Day at
the governor's mansion in

3. Opening ceremony of the first

youth week, in Surabaya
President Soekarno giving his

4. In Surabaya, a giant meeting at

tambak sari

5. President Soekarno is welcomed

by P.A.L.R.I commander Col.
Nazir when he arrives at the
reception venue at P.A.L

6. rr V in Surabaya Governorate.

7. President Soekarno's trip to

central and eastern Java, his
arrival at the Morokrembangan
airfield, Surabaya on September
27, 1952.

8. Photo of "bung karno in his

youth in Surabaya".

9. Photo of "bung karno in his

youth in Surabaya. bung karno:
3rd from the left (standing)
10. Bung karno at the PBI congress
in Surabaya 1932.

11. Bung karno (x) with his

"partner" when he was a student
of H.B.S. in th. 1918-1919 in
Surabaya (photo reproduction
major singgih)

Some unique facts about Bung Karno Soekarno is Good at Performing Arts
As there were only a few educated women at that time,
not many girls were members of our association. That's
why every time Jong Java held a performance, I always
got the female role. I had to powder my cheeks and
redden my lips. And I'll tell you something, but I don't
know what foreigners would say about a President who
would tell this story...I bought two slices of sweet bread.
With my slim figure everyone said I looked very
beautiful...Watching my performance on stage, the
audience commented that I had a great talent for public
performance. I completely agree with that comment.

Soekarno is good at painting

I was a pretty good watercolor painter. In the second
year, the teacher told us to draw a dog cage. While the
other students were still measuring and making plans
with pencils, I had already finished drawing a complete
cage, with a chained dog and a piece of bone in it. Our
teacher showed my drawing to the whole class. She said,
"This painting is so lively and soulful, it deserves the
highest possible grade."

Soekarno also said that he was the maker of the emblem

of Sarekat Islam.

Do you know who made the first Illahi fisabilillah

emblem for the Sarekat Islam congress? Who? Bung
Karno! Well, when I was a young teenager at
Cokroaminoto's house. Cokroaminoto and Haji Agus
Salim asked me, Sukarno, I know you are an artist, you
are an artist, you are a painter, make an emblem... At
that time Cokroaminoto and Salim asked me, make for
us an emblem for our congress today, Illahi Fisabilillah.
And thank God, I made it! And this emblem was put up
in the Sarekat Islam Congress at that time.

Soekarno is able to read upside down writing

Once a week I enjoyed the only luxury of the movies. I
liked them very much, however, the way I watched was
very different from the Dutch children. I sat in the
cheapest seat. Come to think of it, I was so poor that I
could only afford the behind-the-scenes tickets. Imagine,
behind the scenes! I gradually got so used to the
situation that I could quickly read the words written
upside down from right to left.
Fongers Bicycle Enthusiast
I started saving and saving and when I had eight dollars,
I bought a shiny black Fongers bicycle made in the
Netherlands. I took care of it like a mother takes care of
her child. I wiped it, stroked it, hugged it.
Biography: Proclaimer of Indonesian Independence,
 Short Biography
Founder of the Indonesian National Party, Initiator of
the Asian-African Conference and the Non-Aligned
Movement. Member of BPUPKI, Chairman of the
Constitution Drafting Committee and Chairman of PPKI
(Indonesian Independence Preparation Committee).
In 1925 Soekarno founded and became Chairman of the
Algemeene Studie Club (ASC) in Bandung, a student
association with a nationalistic spirit. Then in 1927 he
founded the Indonesian National Party, which was a
very brave association against Dutch colonialism.
Soekarno was arrested by the Dutch East Indies
Government on suspicion of provocation against the
government, and sentenced to imprisonment on
December 22, 1930 in Sukamiskin Prison.
On August 17, 1945 Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta
proclaimed Indonesia's independence and were later
appointed as the first President of the Republic of


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