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PROJECT : Simulating operations of a Movie production House

SilverScreen Studios Producer:

The producer is responsible for overseeing the entire
film production process. They manage the budget,
secure funding, make key decisions, and ensure the
User Classes project stays on schedule. Producers collaborate with
various stakeholders to bring the film to fruition.
Producer Director:
Director The director is the creative force behind the film. They
interpret the script, guide actors, and make artistic
Project Manager decisions to bring the story to life visually. Directors
Cinematographer work closely with other departments to ensure their
vision is realized on screen.
Scriptwriter Project Manager:
The project manager is in charge of coordinating and
Actors organizing various aspects of the film production. They
Resource Supplier manage schedules, budgets, and resources to ensure
the project progresses smoothly. Project managers act
/project/UMLClass Diagram as a bridge between the creative and logistical aspects
of filmmaking.
The cinematographer, also known as the director of
photography (DP), is responsible for the visual aspects
of the film. They work closely with the director to create
the desired look and feel of the film. Cinematographers
manage camera crews, lighting, and framing to
capture the desired shots.
The scriptwriter is responsible for crafting the
screenplay. They develop the storyline, create dialogue,
and provide the foundation for the entire film.
Scriptwriters collaborate with the director and other
creative team members to ensure the vision of the
script is translated effectively.
Actors bring the characters to life on screen. They work
closely with the director to understand and embody
their roles, delivering lines and conveying emotions as
per the script. Actors collaborate with other crew
members to create a cohesive performance.
Resource Supplier:
Functionality: Resource suppliers provide essential
materials and services needed for film production. This
can include equipment rental, costumes, props, and
other resources. They work closely with the project
manager to ensure timely delivery of required items.
The client is often the entity funding the film or the
one for whom the film is being produced. This could be
a production company, a studio, or an individual.
Clients may have specific expectations and
requirements for the film, and they collaborate with
producers and the production team to achieve their

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