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Nama : Dinda Puji Hamsyari Pulungan



Praise be to God Almigthy for the blessings of his grace, and that we were given the
oppurtunity to be able to compile a working paper entitled “Culture in a workplace”.

This paper is structured so that readers can know how culture in a workplace in daily life.
This paper was compiled with help form various parties. Both parties come from outside as
well as from parties concerned itself. And because the aid and help of God Almighty, these
papers can be finally resolved.

Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. Although this paper has
advantages and disadvantages. Thankyou.


08 DESMBER 2023
Table Of Contents




1.1 Background of the paper

1.2 Purpose of the paper



2.1. What is culure in workplace

2.2. What is influences work culture
2.3. Elements of healthy work culture
A. Accountability
B. Equity
C. Expression
D. Communication
E. Confession
2.4. Productive work environment
A. Pleasant working atmosphere
B. Open comunication
C. Reward An Motivation
D. Good cooperation
2.5. Work culture in conventional companies
2.6. Work culture in startup companies
2.7. The importance of a positive work culture
A. The best recruitment option
B. Employee retention
C. Performance quality
D. Reputation
2.8. Culture in a workplace function
2.9. Types of culture in a workplace
2.10. How to build a positive work culture
2.11. Example of work culture form the world’s best workplace
2.12. Difference in work culture and workplace culture


3.1. Conclusion
3.2. Suggest


1.1 Background of the paper

When starting college, of course every student is faced with two choices after graduating. The
two options are working for a company or deciding to build a business to create job
opportunities. Of these two choices, of course more will decide to pursue a career in a
company. When deciding to work, everyone must follow the existing rules. There are many
rules that must be obeyed in the world of work, including having good ethics and being able
to respect the culture in the company. That's why it is very important for all students to be
able to understand ethics and culture in the world of work while they are still on campus.

Students need to know that ethics and culture are an inseparable unity in everyday life,
including in the world of work. Every person who has ethics will certainly be able to
appreciate the various work cultures that exist in the company. Seeing the importance of
ethics and culture for students, here are 3 reasons why you should understand both of them
while you are still in college and they can be the secret to success in your career.

When every employee has ethics and respects culture, they will respect each other and this
will directly impact the growth of enthusiasm. Every employee who has high work
enthusiasm will certainly be able to complete the job well. Once the work is completed well
and on time it will be able to increase the company's productivity.
1.2 Purpose of the paper
A. Increase Productivity

By implementing ethics and culture it will have a direct impact on increasing productivity. In
a company, productivity is really needed because the greater the employee's productivity, the
greater the ability to achieve company targets. Without productivity, it is difficult to achieve
targets and will be less competitive with other companies. So, students who want to work
must be able to increase company productivity by implementing good ethics.

B. Cultivate a sense of enthusiasm

When every employee has ethics and respects culture, they will respect each other and this
will directly impact the growth of enthusiasm. Every employee who has high work
enthusiasm will certainly be able to complete the job well. Once the work is completed well
and on time it will be able to increase the company's productivity.

C. Achieve greater succes

Employees who implement good work ethics and culture will achieve greater success. This
can be obtained by making a real contribution to work and also implementing a positive
attitude at work such as discipline, responsibility, respect for all employees, and other
attitudes desired by the company.

D. Forming responsible professionals

While studying on campus, students need to learn the principles of integrity, honesty and
social responsibility. This will create future leaders who are able to overcome complex
ethical dilemmas with careful consideration and a commitment to always doing what is right
even when faced with challenging situations in the workplace.

E. Ready to work with cross-cultural workers

In today's increasingly global world, the workforce is more diverse than ever. College
students must be equipped with cross-cultural competencies in order to work effectively in a
multicultural environment. By integrating cultural awareness into the university curriculum,
students develop the ability to appreciate and embrace differences thereby reducing the
possibility of misunderstandings and conflict in the workplace.

F. Improve Decision making skills

While studying on campus, students learn to analyze situations from various perspectives and
consider the impact of their choices. A decision-making process based on moral values
ensures that students can make good decisions based on ethics, thereby behaving ethically
throughout their careers.
G. Build trust and reputation

By understanding ethics, students can understand how important trust is in personal and
organizational contexts. By prioritizing ethical behavior, they can build a positive reputation
that can increase credibility and open the door to more career opportunities.

H. Convincing employers

Today's employers actively seek candidates who have not only technical expertise, but also
ethical integrity and cultural awareness. College students who understand ethics and culture
are more likely to meet these expectations and stand out in a competitive job market.
Companies increasingly value employees who can uphold organizational values and adapt to
diverse work environments with empathy and respect.

2.1. What is culture in a workplace

Work culture, workplace culture or work culture is a collection of attitudes, beliefs and
behavior that form an orderly atmosphere in a work environment. A healthy workplace
culture aligns employee behavior and company policies with overall company goals, while
considering individual well-being.

Work culture determines how well a person adapts to their environment at a new job and their
ability to build professional relationships with coworkers. Your attitude, work-life balance,
growth opportunities, and job satisfaction all depend on your workplace culture.

2.2. What is influences culture in a workplace

Work culture develops based on the behavior of people within the company, from
management to entry-level employees. Companies set the tone for company culture through
their policies, benefits, and mission.

Managers shape company culture from their hiring practices, where they can select applicants
whose personal vision aligns with a healthy work culture. The workplace environment also
influences culture, with many offices opting for open floor plans, natural lighting, and the
inclusion of amenities such as in-office gyms and breakout facilities.

Work culture forms and develops naturally over time as a result of previous worker
interactions. This means that work culture is not just created, but it exists because the
company has gone through various problems and learned to overcome them.

2.3. Elements of healthy work culture

Culture is a complex concept that continues to evolve in the workplace based on many
elements. While some people may appreciate a more traditional work culture and others want
something more modern and fun, all healthy work cultures have a lot in common. Look for
these signs of a good work culture when considering potential employers.

If you don't have an idea of what a company that has a positive work culture looks like, you
can look at the following characteristics of the company:

A. Accountability

When everyone working in a company is responsible for their behavior, it indicates a healthy
work environment. A balanced workplace allows people to feel comfortable enough to take
credit for their ideas and mistakes. Open accountability allows every employee to learn from
challenges rather than avoid them. Accountability fosters a work culture based on teamwork,
open communication, trustworthiness and responsibility.
B. Equity

Companies that treat all employees the same often have a healthy work culture. Every
position in a company has value, and providing opportunities for everyone will increase
employee morale. Favoritism in the workplace is a sign of a toxic work culture and can lead
to feelings of distrust and resentment among coworkers, making a fair workplace
environment essential to a positive work culture.

C. Expression

People are generally happier, more productive, and more focused when they feel able to
express themselves at work. If employees have freedom in their personal style and how they
decorate their workspace, it shows a level of comfort in their work culture.

D. Communication

Open communication is essential to a productive workplace environment. Everyone in a

company must understand how to give and receive feedback, share ideas, collaborate, and
solve problems.

All teams have interpersonal conflicts at times, but a functional work culture will allow them
to solve problems and work as a team despite challenges. Avoid companies with a work
culture where people feel unable to talk about conflicts or concerns, as there won't be much
room for growth.

E. Confession

A thriving work culture recognizes employee success and rewards people when they do well.
Management in a healthy workplace environment will look for the positive attributes of each
person on the team and encourage the use of their talents. Employee recognition ranging from
regular verbal praise to competitive salaries can build a work culture of appreciation and
mutual respect.

2.4. Productive work environment

One of the characteristics of a company that has a positive work culture is that the work
environment is productive. All the workers in it feel happy and enjoy the work they do.

A. Pleasant working atmosphere

Many workers feel stressed at work because the office atmosphere is not conducive and tends
to be stiff. Well, companies with a positive work culture usually allow employees to
occasionally interact and laugh with their colleagues while working. A work culture like this
will make employees more relaxed, less stressed, and comfortable to work.

B. Open comunication

Apart from the work atmosphere, open and honest or honest communication is also one of the
characteristics of a company with a positive work culture. Imagine if employees could
communicate honestly, be open to opinions and feedback from other people, and work
together to solve problems, this would certainly create a positive work culture.

C. Reward And Motivation

Of course, it is a pleasant thing for employees to achieve their targets and their superiors give
them appreciation. For example, in the form of bonuses, promotions, certificates, and so on.
That way, employees will feel appreciated and more motivated to contribute to the company.

D. Good cooperation

Every employee will definitely get assignments that require them to work together with other
employees. A good work culture will encourage employees to work together well and
compete healthily. In this way, the work results obtained will be maximized and have a
positive impact on the company's development.

2.7. The importance of a positive work culture

People need a healthy environment to thrive, and this is especially true in the workplace. The
attitudes and behaviors of those you interact with every day have an impact on how you feel
both at work and at home. A thriving work culture affects all aspects of a business and the
people in it.

A. The best recruitment option

Managers at companies with successful work cultures know how to attract and select new
employees who share their vision. You will most likely be attracted to companies that share
your values and the type of culture you feel comfortable with. A healthy work culture has
like-minded professionals who are compatible with each other and work together to achieve
common goals.

B. Employee retention

A good work culture provides stability for talented employees and allows them to grow
within the company, rather than limiting them to certain roles or levels of success. Happy
employees typically want to stay in their jobs, making work culture key to reducing employee
turnover and connecting qualified candidates with long-term careers.

C. Performance quality

Employees who are happy to come to work because of a positive culture will generally be
more productive and produce high-quality work. The work atmosphere is a great motivator
that encourages everyone to invest in their work, especially because a prosperous workplace
environment recognizes and celebrates hard work and success.
D. Reputation

Having a healthy workplace culture creates a positive and prestigious reputation for the
company and the people who work there. A pleasant workplace environment is an important
asset for attracting talented people.

Companies that have a passionate mission that empowers their employees can create positive
community relationships through them.

The Purpose of a Workplace Culture

The formation of a workplace culture in the work environment is certainly not without
reason. The company has its own goals in building it, including:

- Creating certain characteristics that differentiate one company from another.

- Helping employees provide the best service for customers.
- Unite employee commitment so they can work according to the company's vision and
- Increase employee work motivation, so that the turnover rate decreases.
- Building harmony in the implementation of job duties and responsibilities.
- Encourage employees to make the best business decisions.
- Strengthen professional relationships between fellow employees in the company.

2.8. Culture in a workplace function

Apart from goals, you also need to know the function of implementing workplace culture in
the work environment. Some of these functions include:

- Increase company productivity, so that the company's vision and mission can be
- Building social system stability so that the work environment becomes more positive
and able to solve problems well.
- Facilitate the process of exchanging ideas, ideas, opinions and knowledge in
- Control employee attitudes and behavior so that they are in line with company values.
- As a means of communication between employees, superiors and fellow co-workers.
- Bringing together all employees from different cultural backgrounds.
- Overcoming various core company problems, for example adaptation to the
company's external environment, or internal integration of its members.

2.9. Types of culture in a workplace

Work culture is something that was formed by the founder of the company and applied to
employees while working and being part of the company.

There are many types of work culture, this time we will discuss the 4 most common work
cultures applied in several companies.
A. Hierarchy culture

Hierarchical culture or hierarchical culture. This work culture applies a leadership structure
and formality in every activity. Through a hierarchical culture, companies can achieve long-
term resolutions and stable results in the work environment.

In this work culture, control of the corporate hierarchy is in the hands of experienced leaders.
Usually hierarchical rules are firm, right on target, and able to achieve company goals. The
following are some of the advantages of a hierarchical culture:

- Employees feel comfortable and safe at work. Especially if the salary is paid on time
- Every promotion has a reward so that employees become more motivated
- Through hard work and maximum effort, employees can achieve the position they

The work culture in companies that adopt a cultural hierarchy has a formal and standard
structure, including how to dress. Examples of companies with a hierarchical culture are in
the banking sector, fast food restaurants, and several government agencies.

A. Clan culture

As the name suggests, this type of workplace culture emphasizes the collaborative aspect
where its members see themselves as one clan, group or extended family who participate
actively with each other. This clan culture focuses on teamwork, mutual agreement, and good
communication. The benefits that can be obtained by implementing clan culture as your work
culture are as follows:

- Employee and company productivity increases consistently

- There is communication and transparency in expressing ideas and opinions
- Employees can receive appreciation and constructive criticism

One company that has adopted this type of work culture is Tom's of Maine, a natural body
care products company. Tom Chappell as founder focuses on building good relationships
with employees, customers, suppliers and the surrounding environment.

B. Advocacy culture

The adhocracy culture type is a work culture that focuses on energy, creativity and risk
taking. Companies that implement this type of work culture will encourage their employees
to always be innovative, creative and dare to take risks. Adhocracy culture can be said to be
the most optimal work culture for increasing company productivity and innovation. So, it is
not surprising that this kind of work culture is widely implemented by startup companies.

There are several benefits that you can gain by implementing an adhocracy culture in the
work environment, namely:

- Become more competitive in market competition.

- The same commitments regarding innovation at various levels in the company.
- Create a work environment that is ready to accept any idea, even if it is out of the box.
C. Market culture

You could say that this third type of workplace culture is more aggressive than the other
types. Aggressive here means that the company emphasizes competitive aspects between
employees in the work environment. So, they are required to compete with each other to
provide the best results for the company. If they succeed, they can get a bonus, whereas if
they fail they will get punishment from the company.

Employees in companies with a market culture must be tough and have high ambitions to
achieve certain goals. In fact, this type of work culture can increase employee motivation at
work, but unfortunately many have a toxic culture due to dishonesty and decreased

Even so, there are several benefits that you can get by implementing market culture as a work
culture in the company, namely:

- When targets fail to be met, employees must look for other ways to achieve them.
- Employees are able to give their best and are inspired by their superiors.
- Employees easily adapt to market changes.

2.10. How to build a positive work culture

Companies that have a good work culture also influence work performance. On the other
hand, if the work culture implemented is less effective, it will also have an impact on
employee productivity and comfort while working.

For example, a creative work environment that really values opinions certainly brings
benefits to the company because employees can convey their ideas without fear of being
judged badly. Every company can make efforts to build a positive work culture in the
following ways.

A. Build trust

The first way you can do this is to build trust between employees. This trust is built from
honest and good communication. Here, you must be brave enough to take risks in order to
increase employee trust in you.

B. Set Company Goals

To create a positive work environment, you must first determine the vision and mission as
well as company goals. Find out what the goals of your company are, then convey them to all
company members. Make sure they carry it out honestly without any unhealthy competition
in the company.
C. Create employee engagement

Invite all employees to be involved in all company business activities. This will make them
feel appreciated and can show their best performance. Apart from that, the more frequently
they are involved in activities such as decision making or large company projects, the more
their creativity and innovation can develop.

D. Build positve employee behavior

Create written rules or procedures regarding the methods and attitudes that company
members need to carry out when working. With this, employees can understand how to
behave and act correctly while working. If all employees can implement these regulations,
then the company's goals can be achieved, because the positive attitude of employees greatly
influences it.

E. Develop a culture of appreciation

Every employee who successfully achieves targets or excels at work should be given
appreciation or positive feedback. As a leader, you must develop a culture of appreciation, so
that employees will apply it in the work environment. Automatically, they will give each
other appreciation for the achievements and hard work of their colleagues. You can start with
simple things like giving awards directly or recognizing hard work in forums or office

F. Create a career development program

Every employee definitely wants to develop their career, whether it's trying a new role or
moving up to a higher position. You can encourage their dreams by providing career
development programs or special skills training. That way, employees will realize that the
company supports and helps them in achieving their career path. Indirectly, this will increase
employee loyalty and reduce turnover in your company.

G. Implement work-life balance

To create a positive work environment, you can implement work-life balance for employees.
After work, every employee definitely wants to enjoy their free time to relax, gather with
family, or develop their skills. If you give them this opportunity, they will feel comfortable
and reduce stress at work. Start with some simple actions such as not sending work-related
messages outside working hours, not providing work outside the job desk, and so on.

H. Conduct performance evaluations

The next way to build a positive work culture is to carry out regular performance evaluations.
In this way, you can find out which employees have worked optimally and which have not.
Find out what is causing them to not be able to work optimally and find a solution to solve it.
If necessary, every month invite employees to fill out a performance review so you can find
out their performance developments in detail.
I. Prioritize employee health

Employees who are physically, mentally and emotionally healthy will find it easier to work
optimally. With good health conditions, they can be more enthusiastic about creating a
positive work culture. Therefore, it is important for you to prioritize their health and safety at
work. Provide health facilities, medical check-up opportunities every year, and the best health
insurance for employees.

J. Get the best talent for the company

A positive work culture can be formed if employees are involved and implement it in the
work environment. To realize this, you must be selective in recruiting new employees.
Choose one that really has the brush, characteristics and way of working that suit the
company culture. That way, you will have no difficulty in creating a comfortable work
environment for employees.

2.12. Difference in work culture and workplace culture

Work culture and workplace culture are two concepts that are often used in the world of
work. Even though they sound similar, the two actually have quite significant differences.

Work culture refers to the values, norms and practices used in an organization or company.
Work culture includes things such as work ethics, policies, goals, ways of communicating,
ways of working, and so on. Work culture can influence how work is done and the end result.

Meanwhile, workplace culture refers to the physical and social environment in the workplace.
Workplace culture includes things such as interior design, facilities, workplace settings,
interpersonal relationships between employees, and so on. Workplace culture can influence
employee well-being and productivity.

In this case, work culture and workplace culture are interrelated and influence each other.
Work culture influences the way employees interact in the workplace and workplace culture
can influence how work culture is implemented. Both are equally important in creating a
healthy and productive work environment.

Although there may be differences in the precise meaning of this term in various cultures or
contexts, in a general context, “workplace culture” and “work culture” can be considered
2.11. Example of work culture form the world’s best workplace

1. Hilton hotels doubles employee benefit

Hilton hotels employ more than 10 million workers Open a new window Open a new window
around the world. To keep them engaged and satisfied, the company offers a suite of
employee benefits that cover all the essentials, like health insurance, 2–5 weeks of paid time
off, 12 weeks of paid parental leave, free meals, and more. The company also invests in
lifelong learning for its team members so they can advance their skills toward one of the
thousands of opportunities available at the company worldwide.

2. Ultimate software prioritizes collaboration

Premier Software, no. 2 Best Workplaces in the World in 2023, designs its entire workplace
based on the principle of collaboration Opens a new window.

The campus is filled with open work spaces, filled with chalkboards, yellow boards, and
writable tabletops where one can jot down ideas and share them with others. The company
calls its offices like a second home, complete with leather chairs and upholstered sofas where
you can have one-on-one discussions – employees call this type of work culture one
characterized by “corporate intimacy.”

3. Wegman's Food Market brings a sense of family to the workplace

Wegman's is a family-owned supermarket chain that has been on Fortune's Best Places to
Work list for more than two decades. And this is greatly influenced by the company's work
culture. On, the company has a culture rating of 4.1 out of 5. Open a new
window, with employees selecting a family environment and friendly coworkers as key
components of the company's work culture.

4. Cisco follows a workplace culture centered on awareness

environment, company characteristics, and experience. The final branch, experience,

specifically refers to a workplace culture where employees have a level of awareness in
everything they do.

Cisco leaders ensure that employees understand expectations, recognize employee

contributions, and that employees can use their strengths in their daily work. Additionally,
Cisco has many unique benefits. Opens a new windowincludes “job exchanges” to facilitate
cross-training, paid holidays on birthdays, and an on-site wellness center.

5. Workday reorganized its workplace based on employee feedback

Employee technology provider Workday is committed to providing its employees with a

superior work environment. To do this, Workday launched a short two-question pulse survey.
Opens a new window every Friday, where employees can share feedback about their
experiences throughout the week.
Companies immediately acted on this data – for example, Workday noticed Opens a new
window that millennial employees were unhappy with the visibility of their career paths.
Workday launches k development workshop
2.5. Work culture in conventional companies

The work environment of conventional companies is always considered formal and rigid.
This also affects the work culture held by each employee.

According to Harvard Business School, the typical corporate work culture is more structured
and formal. Because the number of workers can reach thousands, employees often do not
know each other's teams from other divisions.

The impact of implementing this rigid protocol hampers the innovation process. On the other
hand, the work and payroll system in conventional companies is more organized.

The work culture that is commonly applied is a hierarchical system. This means that staff or
lower class workers are obliged to report their work to their superiors.

2.6. Work culture in startup companies

in contrast to conventional companies, startups have a flexible work culture and are suitable
for millennials and Gen Z.

The work culture at startups adopts open communication, encouraging ideas, innovation and
creativity, here are examples.

A. Prioritize open communication

For those who have worked in public companies, you will definitely feel the existence of

The relationship between superiors and subordinates is usually not very close because there
are titles and gaps.

Startup companies implement open communication between their employees and there are no
formal boundaries between junior and expert level employees.

High-level employees are like mentors at startups who can provide advice to their colleagues
regarding work.

Employees can ask questions and provide ideas at meetings, without worrying about being
judged by 'senior' teammates.

The advantage of this work culture is that more ideas and innovations are possible from
bringing together the minds of everyone at different levels.

B. Implement flexible working hours

One of the characteristics of a startup work culture is setting flexible working hours.
The company does not ask employees to work from 09.00-18.00 every day.

Employees who work at startup companies can come at any time as long as they can
complete the work before the deadline set by the company.
C. Dyanamic work environment

The next startup work culture is dynamic. Companies may change decisions or targets if they
are deemed not profitable or relevant to the company's mission.

D. Empowering employees

The startup work environment requires workers to adapt and move quickly. One of the efforts
made is holding employee training.

Training is intended for each employee so that they can improve skills that affect their

For some startups, training programs are like investments. If employees are empowered
through programs, it will have a good influence on the company.

E. Work with passion

The work culture held by startup companies is to work with passion. It is easier for
employees to handle challenges that arise if they have passion or desire.

For example, someone who has a passion for content writing and is stuck with ideas will look
for ways to overcome writer's block through certain methods.

3.1. Cunclution

A positive work culture will encourage all employees to work together based on mutual trust,
invite participation from all employees, encourage the emergence of new ideas, and provide
opportunities for the implementation of reforms in the company, all of which leads to
achieving the best results. A good work culture can foster a climate that encourages all
employees to learn, namely learning how to learn and learning together. A climate will grow
that learning is fun and a necessity, no longer a compulsion. Learning arises from self-
motivation, intrinsic motivation, not because of pressure from outside in all its forms. There
will grow a spirit among employees to always learn about something that has good values.

A good work culture can improve employee performance and leadership. This situation will
be realized when the cultural qualifications are healthy, solid, strong, positive and
professional. In this way, an atmosphere of kinship, collaboration, learning resilience,
enthusiasm for continuing progress, encouragement to work hard and teach and learn can be
3.2. Suggest

A good work culture will effectively produce the best performance for each individual, work
group/unit and school as an institution, and a synergistic relationship between these three
levels. Work culture is expected to improve the quality of the company, performance in the
company and the quality of life which is expected to have the characteristics of being healthy,
dynamic or active, positive and professional.

A healthy work culture provides opportunities for companies and employees to function
optimally, work efficiently, be energetic, full of vitality, have high enthusiasm, and will be
able to continue to develop. Therefore, this work culture needs to be developed.

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