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• Lesson 1- Demographic issues

Since the end of World War II, the world population has kept growing, but unevenly, across the planet.
There are roughly 8 billion people on earth, mostly in developing countries.

I The World population: distribution and density

1/ Explain the following terms:
- Population distribution: ….........................................................................................................
- Population density: …................................................................................................................
2/ Using the map and the lists, complete the following table:

Population density Place Number on map Reasons

Densely populated

Sparsely populated

List of places: Himalayas/ Greenland/ Eastern USA/ Amazonia/ Ganges valley (India; Bangladesh)/
Sahara desert/ North-west Europe/ Nile Valley (Egypt)
List of possible reasons: no extremes of climate/ too hot/ too dry/ good water supply/ flat land/ many
resources/ few resources/ fertile soil/ too mountainous/ good transport/ money for development
II Population growth
1/ How to describe a graph or a curve:
Match the numbers on the graph with the following verbs:
To peak at To plummet To stagnate
To recover To decrease To rocket
To rise steadily To increase

2/ The evolution of the world population until the end of the Twentieth Century

Wheat and maize (US: corn) are different types of To wipe out: to vanish, to disappear, to annihilate
cereals. To curbe: to slow down, to halt
Plague: it was a very mortal disease in the Middle Ages Sanitation: public hygiene
Goods: products

a) Fill in the blanks to describe the curve:
The world population …............................................. from AD to 1000. It ….......................... from 1000 to
1800, but …........................... In 1348-1349, it …................................. because of …...................................
From 1800 to 1996 it …............................... to ….................. 5.5 billion in 1996.
b) How do you account for the fast population increase after 1800?

3/ The evolution of the world population today 4 Groups of experts

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