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Yin and Yang - Инь и Янь

▪️Defy - пренебрегать, бросать вызов, игнорировать, не повиноваться

A few workers have defied the majority decision and gone into work despite the strike.

▪️Captivation - очаровние

Her voice was utterly/absolutely captivating.

▪️Dispossess - лишать собственности

A lot of people were dispossessed of their homes during the civil war.

▪️wayward - своенравный, сбившийся с пути

He was a wayward kid.

▪️Intertwine - переплетаться

When you marry someone, your lives intertwine

▪️Raw emotions - неприкрытые эмоции

▪️Disarming smile - обезоруживающая улыбка

He displayed a disarming honesty by telling them about his father's bankruptcy.

With a disarming smile, O'Reilly tried to put her at ease.

▪️infiltrate - пропитывать (песню, свое дело)

At about this time the new ideas about "corporate management" had begun to infiltrate (into) local

▪️get into a flap about something = get upset and angry

▪️scrape through a test - to succeed in something but with a lot of difficulty.

He managed to scrape through his final exams.

▪️ram your opinion down someone’s throat - to force someone who disagrees with you to listen to your

For years I've had his political views rammed down my throat.

▪️rustle up a wonderful meal - o make something quickly, usually a meal from the food that is available.
Give me a minute and I'll rustle something up for dinner.

▪️Be rooted to the spot -you are unable to move because you are very frightened or shocked.

I stood rooted to the spot for a minute after seeing the two cars collide across the street.

Like any person, I have things that are dull.If start with trivial, then for me to wait is like watching paint
dry. Although I play chess, where games can last 5 hours, in general, waiting is boring to tears, well,
probably, like for many. If we move to just subjective things, then this is drawing. It's probably not as
boring as time-consuming. To draw a good drawing, I have to spend a lot of time, and since it's not very
fun, it becomes dull. What about people, there aren't such in my surrounding. It is not so extensive that
there are still boring companions. If we talk about who such an interesting person is, then this is
probably the one who will always have a topic or story for conversation, the one who can break the ice
at the right time with a funny joke, the one who can speak clearly and directly and at the same time

In general, the concept of boredom is very subjective, and as it said there are no boring things, there are
boring people.

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