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Universidad de las Américas

English 7
Daniela Venegas Z

Animal testing

Are animals part of our world? Of course! As they are an important part of our ecosystem, why

do we, as mankind, think that we own them? What gives us the right to torture them, abuse

them, eat them and worst, make experiments with them? Can people realize that they can feel

pain, that animals also suffer? Or maybe people just don’t want to notice that we are being

cruel? The cruelest species in this planet without a doubt.

The use of animals for experimentation is an evidence of our lack of respect for life. It shows

that we consider humans as a higher species, based on the fact that we are supposedly more

intelligent. It is not fair that those animals who had helped us to survive providing food,

transport, security, company and support, are abused in laboratories for drugs or cosmetic

testing. This actions just show us how ungrateful and unwisely bumptious we are.


“Animals are our brothers” this is what Saint Francis of Assisi said, they are at the same level

that human beings are. It has been proved that they feel pain, they miss their owners, they cry,

they show happiness. Big companies, prestigious ones, are daily using animals in their product

testing, these are horrible experiments, and now we have the possibility to know it , through

internet and news. There is a collective knowledge about how animals are being used to probe

beauty products. I think there is no difference between doing these testings in animals or

humans, you are hurting to an alive being. Personally I do not use products from this

Universidad de las Américas
English 7
Daniela Venegas Z

María Luisa

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