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the art of

Close more sales through
touching people's

Day 4: the Problem-Pain-Solution

Selling Method
the art of Emotional Selling

Sometimes (or many times) no matter

how buying from us makes so much
logical sense for the prospect, the
prospect still won’t buy and that is
because their emotional needs had not
been satisfied yet.

Problem and pain Desire and Pleasure

And to satisfy their emotions, or rather

trigger their emotions for them to say
Yes, we need to touch unto the pain
they want to remove or the pleasure
they want to satisfy.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

One of the best way to do that is

actually simple:
identify the external problem and the
internal problem AND frame your
product as the solution.

This is one of the simplest yet most

effective selling techniques there is:

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling


we identify what the

external problem is

then we identify how

that problem makes them
feel and we amplify it

and lastly we offer our

product as a solution to
the problem.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

Lets see that formula again.

We identify what their tangible or external

problem is.

We then identify how that problem makes

them feel and we amplify that.

Lastly we frame our product as the solution

to that problem.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

For example, you are the salesperson who is

selling me the laptop in the previous
Through you asking me questions that
makes you identify what the problem I am
experiencing is, you can then look for a
solution to my problem.

It could be questions leaning to why I am

buying a new laptop or how my current laptop
is doing.
You then try to find out how that problem
makes me feel. I, the prospect, might tell you
what that is but that rarely happens. You might
even ask me more questions but that might
sound like you stepping into my territory.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

So this is where empathy is important.

This is where putting ourselves in the
prospect’s shoes is important.

If you are in my shoes and you face

the problem I face, how does this
problem make you feel?

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

In this example, lets say I told you that

my current laptop is still okay but that I
need a better laptop. If you were in my
shoes wherein your laptop is still
working yet you want a better laptop,
how would an old but still working
laptop make you feel?

Why would you, knowing that your

laptop is still working, buy a new

What is the pain you are currently

feeling that made you look for a
new laptop?

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

And guess what, through that we get a

glimpse of how the prospect is feeling,
in this case you somehow get a glimpse
that I want an assurance that whatever
laptop I use will not get dysfunctional
thus affecting my work.

And assurance is just the antidote of


Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

The last step will be for you to look for a

laptop that satisfies my needs and
frame it as a solution to my problems.

As we frame the new laptop as the

solution to my needs, we also identify
the benefits of each feature relative to
the pain I feel which is me needing an
assurance of a laptop that won’t get

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

In this case, if there is a feature that makes

me feel more assured that this laptop will be
long-lasting, then you can explain that
feature to me and eventually tell me what
the benefit is as it relates to me needing

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling


FROM NOW ON.......

1. Identify what the external problem is of the


2. Identify how that external problem makes the

prospect feel through gathering more
intelligence or simply empathizing

3. Frame our product as the solution to both the

external problem and the internal problem

Problem- Pain- Solution.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

Again we sell products that help solves

the prospect’s external problems but the
reason they buy is to solve their internal

To trigger their emotions and get them to

buy emotionally, we have to identify
what their external problem and what
their internal problem are and frame our
product as a solutions to both their
external problem and internal pain or
desire they feel.

Project Ahente
the art of Emotional Selling

UP NEXT.....
Storytelling and Buying
How people make buying
decisions through making up

Project Ahente

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