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Mc Jhovan O.


1. Define Blended Learning

-Blended learning is the combination of traditional classroom teaching methods and online learning for
the same students studying the same content in the same course.

2. Give the Benefits of Blended Learning

1. Learners get Personal Experience. Blended learning provides learners with a more personalized
experience. This is because they learn at their own pace at home until they understand the topics.
Trainers can see who is struggling and who is performing well by using online quizzes and tests. They can
concentrate their attention in class on the needs, strengths, and weaknesses of the students. Class time
is better utilized, which promotes a collaborative environment and allows for greater participation.

2. It Increases Engagement. Blended learning makes use of a variety of learning materials, including
infographics, pictures, videos, tables, graphs, and more. This makes it easier for us to concentrate,
absorb, and internalize the information we learn.

3. It Improves Experiences. One of the most significant advantages of blended learning is that it makes
learning enjoyable. This is due to the fact that it combines traditional learning with interactive materials.
It enables learners to access interactive content no matter where they are or what they are learning
about. The learners are empowered and have more fun as a result of this.

4. You can reply and do assessments fast. Online training and LMS play a big role in blended learning.
And that brings along a benefit many teachers love. LMS track learners’ results and make it that much
easier for teachers to assess how well a learner is doing. By utilizing small tests and quizzes, trainers will
have access to important data. If one learner is behind the rest of the group, the teacher can take action
to prevent them from slipping too far behind. Teachers can reach learners privately and give suggestions
on how to improve. If necessary, they can arrange one-to-one sessions learner is up to speed.

5. Learners can access content anytime, anywhere. One of the most important blended learning
benefits is that it gives learners access to learning content anytime, anywhere. Learners can access
content on their own digital devices via interactive teaching tools. They can complete assignments,
interact with teachers and receive helpful feedback all from the comfort of their own homes.

6. It’s easier for teachers to see how learners are doing. Blended learning benefits not only students
but also teachers. Teachers can gain a better understanding of their students' progress using digital
teaching tools. They provide real-time tracking options to determine whether students are engaging
with the content and meeting their learning objectives. This allows teachers to see what works so that
they can provide a more effective learning experience. The same is true for the organization's learning
and development departments. They have real opportunities with blended learning to deliver faster
results at lower costs while also reaching a much larger audience through the use of digital platforms.
7. Blended learning saves money. By integrating the events of your training program into an online
setup, you not only eliminate time and place constraints, but you also reduce travel costs for both the
instructor and the participants.

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