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1. What is the total strength of the company?

2. Types of employees in the company? (Permanent, contractual, part time)
3. What mode of work schedule do you practice? (Fixed, Staggered, Flexi, remote, Hybrid)
4. How does the company promote diversity and inclusion in its workforce?
5. Are there specific programs or policies addressing diversity and inclusion?

6. Can you describe the process that your company follows for recruitment, from identifying a
need to onboarding?
7. In what ways has technology influenced your HRM practices, particularly in recruiting,
training, and addressing legal and ethical matters?
8. What are the primary sources your company relies on for recruiting new employees?
9. How do constraints like the company’s image, job attractiveness, and government
requirements influence your recruitment strategies?
10. How significant a role does background investigations play in your selection process? Could
you elaborate on the type of information these investigations aim to verify and their influence
on the hiring decision?
11. How often do you face candidates not showing up after accepting an interview invite and how
do you deal with it?
12. How does the company support the ongoing development of its employees, particularly in
terms of training programs or professional development opportunities?
13. How is employee performance assessed and managed within the company?
14. What is the company’s appraisal strategy?
15. Are there any performance review processes? And if so, how often do they occur? (Quarterly,
Bi-annually, Annually)
16. What initiatives or programs are in place to foster employee engagement?
17. How does the company support the well-being of its employees, particularly in a high-stress
industry like pharmaceuticals?
18. What efforts are made to retain top talent within the company?
19. Does the company have a succession planning strategy in place for key roles within the
20. Does the company face any labor union issues? If yes, what role does HR perform in resolving
21. Does your organization promote employee referral system?

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