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Almendra: almond

Carretera: road
Perro: dog

Word order – basic sentence of Spanish
English: I read books
Spanish: Yo leo libros

I ate an apple: Yo comí una manzana

Omission of objects
Yo leo libros -> leo libros
Yo comí una manzana -> comí una manzana

Form negative sentences

Yo no leo libros -> No leo libros
Yo no comí una manzana -> No comí una manzana

Form questions - Yes/No questions

Juan lee libros.
¿Juan lee libros?: Does Juan read books?
Juan lee librosm, ¿no?: Juan reads books, right/doesn’t he?
VSO: ¿Lee Juan libros?: Does Juan read books?

Punctuation – đặt dấu cả 2 đầu

¡’Hola! y ¡’Buenas noches!
Dấu phía trước chỉ apply cho phrase, dấu sau thì ở cuối câu
Juan, ¿adónde vas?
¿Adónde vas, Juan?
Vừa là question vừa là exclamation: phải consistent 2 đầu
¿¡Y tú quién te crees que eres!?: Who do you think you are?
¡¿ Y tú quién te crees que eres?!

Days, months, seasons: arent capitalized
Hoy es jueves, 23 de octubre: Today is Thursday Octobẻ 23
El invierno se acera:
señor señorita doctor
Sr. Srta. Dr.
Country: Viết hoa, Language không viết hoa
Reino Unido: UK
Hablo inglés: I speak English

Spanish accent mark: acute accent – dùng để stress âm

médico: physician
compró: bought
el – él: sound the same, different meanings
the – he
mas – más: but - more

ü: chỉ ra là chữ u phải được phát âm (thường chỉ xuất hiện với từ có âm u giữa g và e)
(do âm u thường silent khi đứng sau g)
Guerra: war
Guerrilla: guerrilla
Vergüenza: shame
Pingüino: penguin

Useful words and phrases

Expresing thanks and forgiveness
Muchas gracias: many thanks
De nada: youre welcome (it’s nothing)
Perdone: sorry, excuse me (formal)
Perfona: i’m sorry, excuse me (informal)

Where is..? Dónde está..?

Dónde está..?: Where is the…?
Dónde hay..?: Where is a…? (not specific, ‘hay’ used with indeffinte articles))
(Perdone,) ¿Dónde está el cuarto de baño?
(Perdone,) ¿Dónde hay un hotel?: Where is the hotel?
(Perdone,) ¿Dónde está el hotel? Where there is a hotel? (does one exist around hrere)

Not specific: Un/una/unas/unos
Specific: el/la/los/las

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