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Think of your answers to the following

questions while watching the film.

1.What is the video about?
2.Did you understand the message of the poem?
3.How will you describe the person speaking?
Was she a good speaker or not?
Got your tongue
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper
Got your tongue
One-one was a race horse.
Two-two was one too.
One-one won one race.
Two-two won one too
Got your tongue
Ann and Andy's
anniversary is in April
Features of
Prosodic Features of
Prosodic features are features that
appear when we put sounds together
in connected speech. 
Main Prosodic Features of Speech

Stressand Rhythm
is putting e________ on a s________
or w_______ by saying it l_______,
l_______, and h_______.
is putting emphasis on a syllable or
word by saying it louder, longer and
is the emphasis placed on a sound, syllable, or
word by saying it relatively more loudly and
It can be word stress or sentence stress.
How well do you know
village - \ ˈvi-lij \
remember -  \ ri-ˈmem-bər \
international - \in-tər-ˈnash-nəl\
surprising - \ sər-ˈprī-ziŋ\
How well do you know
 A stressed
syllable combines five features:
 It is l-o-n-g-e-r - com p-u-ter
 It is LOUDER - comPUTer
 It has a change in pitch from the syllables coming before and afterwards. The
pitch of a stressed syllable is usually higher.
 It is said more clearly -The vowel sound is purer
 Ituses larger facial movements - Look in the mirror when you say the word.
Look at your jaw and lips in particular.
Word Type of Word Tendency Exceptions
apple two-syllable nouns stress on the first syllable hotel lagoon
table and adjectives Apple

suspect import insult words which can the noun has stress on the respect witness
first syllable "You are the
be used as both SUSpect!" the verb has
nouns and verbs stress on the second
syllable "I susPECT you."

hairbrush football compound nouns fairly equally balanced but

with stronger stress on the
first part HAIRbrush
Read the following with
proper stress.
How will you stress the following

1.My teacher keeps a record of all

our absences.

I will record your scores now.

How will you stress the following

1.My teacher keeps a récord of all

our absences.

I will recórd your scores now.

Read the following with proper stress.

1. diSTINGuish
2. civiliZAtion
3. TOLerance
4. comMUnity
5. phiLOSopher
isthe way the p______ of a speaker’s
v_______ r_______ or f______.
is the way the pitch of a speaker’s
voice rises or falls.
Types of Intonation
1. Rising
2. Falling
3. Non-final/Circumflex
Types of Intonation
1. Wh questions: falling intonation
2. Yes/No questions: rising intonation
3. Statements: falling intonation
4. Question tags: 'chat' – falling intonation; 'check' – rising
5. Lists: non-final
6. Unfinished thoughts: non-final
Read these with correct
1. What is your name?
2. Is your name Alyssa?
3. Speaking English is challenging.
4. Your mom is a chef, isn’t she?
5. Gabriel loves eating chocolates, cakes, and ice cream.
6. She would love to go to your party, but…
What intonation should you use in reading
the following statements?

1. Are you listening to me?

2. Where are you going?
3. I saw Gaus, Cyruz and Michael.
4. There are students in the room.
5. He broke up with you, didn’t he? (Sure)
6. He didn’t mean to hurt you, did he?(Unsure)
What intonation should you use in reading
the following statements?
1. Are you listening to me? - Rising
2. Where are you going? -Falling
3. I saw Gaus, Cyruz and Michael. – Non final
4. There are students in the room. - Falling
5. He broke up with you, didn’t he? (Sure)- Falling
6. He didn’t mean to hurt you, did he(Unsure) - Rising
 It is a break, temporary stop, or
rest in speaking (or reading) to
emphasize or clarify meaning. .
 It is a break, temporary stop, or
rest in speaking (or reading) to
emphasize or clarify meaning. .
When should you pause?
1. Pause to Punctuate
 When you fail to pause when required by punctuation, you make it difficult
for others to understand what you are reading aloud or saying.
2. Pause for Change of Thought
 When you are making a transition from one main point to another, a pause
can give your listener/s an opportunity to reflect, to adjust, to recognize the
change in direction, and to grasp more clearly the next thought about to be
When should you pause?
3. Pause for Emphasis
 A pause for emphasis gives your listener/s the opportunity to reflect on what
has just been said, or it creates anticipation for what is to follow.
4. Pause to Allow for Response
 Allow your listener/s to respond, if not orally, mentally, because
communication is a two-way flow of thoughts.

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