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Signature of

Taiwan West Coast


Signature of Taiwan West Coast

• Hakka Neiwan Street 内湾⽼街

• Jiufen Old Street 九分⼭城⽼街
• Fengjia Night Market 逢甲夜市
• Xitou National Park 溪头⻛景区
• Monster Village 溪头妖怪村
• Ten Drum Village ⼗⿎⽂化村
• Ningxia Night Market 宁夏夜市
• Foguangshan ⾼雄佛光⼭
• Sun Moon Lake ⽇⽉潭
• Zhengbin Pier 基隆正滨渔港
• Pingxi Train 平溪线⽕⻋
• Yangmingshan 阳明⼭⼩油坑

7 Breakfast 早餐/4 Lunch午餐/3 Dinners晚餐

MEAL ARRANGEMENT: 新加坡Singapore - 桃园机场 Taoyuan

千岁宴 / 农家宴 / 邵族⻛味 / 集聚于新加坡樟宜机场, 办理登机⼿续⻜往桃园机场,台湾。

Assemble at Changi Airport, proceed check in your pleasant flight to Taoyuan, Taiwan.
⿎⻛味 /⼩笼包/三杯鸡
(午班机将额外当晚⼊住桃园酒店** / Noon flight arrangement will extra 1 night hotel accommodation)

• 桃花園酒店or similar
• 碧根or similar
• 富信 or similar
• ⾦⼭温泉or similar
• 台北喜来登or similar

服务费: $96 新币/⼈
Service Fees $ 96 / person

DAY2 (Breakfast早餐/Dinner晚餐:农家宴)

桃园Taoyuan - 新⽵Hsinchu - 南投 Nantou

After breakfast, head to Hsinchu Neiwan Old Street,stroll along the
old street, you will discover the rich Hakka and indigenous culture as
well as nostalgia atmosphere. After that, move towards to Xitou
National Park, which surround by natural conservation area with
beautiful scenery and diverse ecosystems. The tourist where by enjoy
activities such as hiking, bird watching, and forest exploration. Next,
explore the Xitou Monster Village where its unique Japanese style
decor with interesting character.

DAY3 (Breakfast早餐: /Lunch午餐:⿎⻛味餐)

南投 Nantou - 台南Tainan - ⾼雄 Kaohsiung

After breakfast, head to Ten Drum Cultural Village in Tainan, a former
sugar factory from the Japanese colonial era that has been
transformed into an art and cultural village. Enjoy the performances by
the Ten Drum team and have a drumming-themed lunch experience in
the village. Next, visit to Fo Guang Shan in Kaohsiung, which is the
largest Buddhist monastery in Taiwan. Founded by Master Hsing Yun, it
aims to promote Buddhist cultural heritage. Afterward, return to
Kaohsiung city and visit the famous Liuhe Night Market to explore and
savor delicious street food.

DAY4 (Breakfast早餐/Lunch午餐:邵族⻛味餐)

⾼雄Kaohsiung - 南投 Nantou - 台中 Taichung

它由⼀个⼤湖泊和⼀个⼩湖泊组成,形状像太阳和⽉亮。 续程前往原住⺠特
品的场所。接下来,前往逢甲夜市, 台灣台中市最知名的夜市之⼀。
After breakfast, visit to Sun Moon Lake to take a boat ride and enjoy
the picturesque lake scenery while exploring the surrounding
landscapes and attractions. Next,visit the Indigenous Native Products
Center which dedicated selling cultural and native products of
Taiwan's indigenous people. In the evening, visit to Fengjia Night
Market, one of the most famous night markets in Taichung, Taiwan.
DAY5 (Breakfast早餐/Lunch午餐:海鲜料理/Dinner晚餐:怀旧料理)

台中Taichung - ⾦⼭ Jinshan
第⼀⼤港,曾为繁荣极盛的渔货商港。 今晚夜宿⾦⼭温泉酒店。(如⽓候允许下,晚
After breakfast, visit to Yehliu Geopark, which well known for its unique rock
formations shaped by weathering, erosion, and tectonic movements. Continue
your journey to Keelung ZhengBin Pier, an old and historic fishing port. Tonight,
you will stay at the Jinshan Hot Spring Hotel. If weather permits, you can join
optional tour with night fishing squid at your own expense.

DAY6 (Breakfast早餐/Dinner晚餐:千岁宴)

宜兰Yilan - 台北 Taipei
了独特的⼭坡和阶梯式建筑景观。早期因⾦矿⽽兴盛,矿坑挖掘 ,现成为著名⼩吃
点放天灯 (孔明灯-4⼈1盏天灯),祈福或许愿。接下来体验平溪⽼铁⽕⻋⻛光。续
After breakfast, head to Jiufen Old Street, a charming mountain town with a
view of Keelung Mountain. Once thriving due to its gold mines, it has now
become a famous street for delicious local snacks and food. Continue your
journey to Shifen Waterfall, a renowned attraction along the Pingxi Line of the
Taiwan Railway. Visitors come here to light the sky lanterns (Kongming
lanterns) and make wishes or pray for blessings. Next, ride and experience
the scenic beauty of the old Pingxi railway. Afterward, return to Taipei and visit
Ningxia Night Market. You will be serve enjoy "Qiansuiyan" dishes.

(Breakfast早餐/Lunch午餐: 三杯鸡/)

台北 Taipei
早餐后,前往阳明⼭,素有台北后花园美誉。前往游览⼩油坑, 因地处⽕⼭活
After breakfast, head to Yangmingshan, which is often referred to as the
"backyard garden of Taipei." Visit Xiaoyoukeng, located in a geologically
active area with volcanic landscapes. You can reach the scenic trail by
making a right turn at the Xiaoguanyin Station on Yangjin Highway. The
area is known for its fumaroles, sulfur crystals, hot springs, and impressive
collapsed landforms formed by post-volcanic activities. Continue your
journey with a short stop at the Flower Clock to admire its beauty before
returning to Taipei. Next, visit the Tianlu Art Center, It is a dedicated venue
for hosting art exhibitions and cultural activities. Afterward, head to
Ximending Shopping District, which is currently one of the liveliest
pedestrian shopping areas in Taipei. Explore the bustling commercial
district, indulge in shopping, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere.

DAY8 (Breakfast早餐)

台北Taipei - 桃园Taoyuan - 新加坡Singapore

After breakfast, proceed to the airport from Taipei for check-in your pleasant
flight to Singapore. Appreciate for you accompany thru the journey, we look
forward your next travelling journey with us soon.

Important Important Note: The sequence of itineraries, meals, museums, and hotel arrangements are subjected to final adjustments of the local ground operator and flight arrangement. All group
tours except for tours to China, Hong Kong & Macau, Japan, Korea & Taiwan are conducted in English, unless stated otherwise.

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