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Group Members

 TALHA CHOHAN (20221-31995)

 ABDUL REHMAN QURESHI (20221-31945)
 MASHOOD (20181-24713)
 M. UMAIR (20221-32539)
 ABDUR REHMAN (20221-33056)



Group Information.................................................................................................................................2
1 Group/team formation.......................................................................................................................4
2. Diversity.............................................................................................................................................5
3. Decision making.................................................................................................................................6
4. PERSONALITY TYPES:.........................................................................................................................6
5. Motivation.........................................................................................................................................7
5. TEAM WORK:.....................................................................................................................................8
6. Leadership.......................................................................................................................................10
LESSON LEARNT FROM THE MOVIE – FAST FIVE..................................................................................12
"Fast Five" is the fifth film in the "Fast & Furious" film franchise, and it was released in 2011.
The main plot follows Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker), and their
crew as they organise a heist in Rio de Janeiro. The film continues from where the last film,
"Fast & Furious 4," left off.
After busting Dom out of a prison transport bus, the group becomes fugitives and chooses to
pull off one last job to secure their freedom. They are after a strong drug lord named Hernan
Reyes (played by Joaquim de Almeida), who has a large wealth stashed in a vault. Dom and
Brian gather a squad of talented drivers and thieves, including characters from previous films
such as Roman Pearce (played by Tyrese Gibson), Tej Parker (played by Ludacris), Han Lue
(played by Sung Kang), Gisele Yashar (played by Gal Gadot), and others, to carry out the
The robbery features intricate automobile chases, violent action sequences, and the gang
overcoming different difficulties in order to grab the money. The dogged pursuit of US
Diplomatic Security Service agent Luke Hobbs (played by Dwayne Johnson), who is
determined to arrest Dom and his squad, adds to the complication. As the plot progresses,
connections are tested, loyalties are called into question, and the protagonists are thrust into
a high-stakes war against both law enforcement and criminal forces.
"Fast Five" is notable for its heist themes, high-octane action, and the introduction of
Dwayne Johnson's character, which gave a new dynamic to the franchise. The film
represented a departure in the series' format towards a more heist-centric and ensemble-
driven format, laying the groundwork for the franchise's succeeding films.



The reason we chose this film is to examine the positive values it contains. We've seen that
movie previously and found it quite interesting because it depicted situations similar to our
own, such as bribes and gambling. Furthermore, this film emphasized the importance of a
good relationship between siblings, both brother and sister (Dominic Toretto and Mia Toretto)
and among their friends.
Aside from that, the most of the values in this film are relevant to this course, organizational
behavior. For example:
Group/team formation for certain mission (Property: job-fit roles), Diversity, Attitudes,
Perceptual biases, Emotions and moods, Personality types, Decision making, Team
work, Leadership
But we will discuss only six of them as required content.

 Group/team formation for certain mission (Property: job-fit roles),

 Diversity
 Decision making
 Personality types
 Motivation
 Team work
 Leadership

1 Group/team formation

As we discussed in introduction part Dom, Brian, and Mia organized a team for heist mission
they made their team on the basis of required skills that are necessary for heist. In this part
of franchise (fast five) the group is formed as formal group because there is certain mission
or task that has to be done for their fulfillments and wants. But later on till newly released
part of franchise fast & furious 10 this team organized in part five had become an informal
group and did different tasks in later parts as both formal, and informal group. Dom (main
lead role) called this team as his family many times in various situations of movies, means
they all became a family.
Job fit-roles of team members
Dominic Toretto (Dom) and his squad in "Fast Five" are comprised of skilled individuals with
diverse positions and unique skills. Here's a quick rundown of the main team members and
their roles:
(Vin Diesel) Dominic Toretto:

 Role: Master street racer and leader.

 Skills: Excellent driving abilities, leadership, strategic thinking, and a strong moral
code centered on family loyalty.
(Paul Walker) Brian O'Conner:

 Role: Former police officer became expert driver and strategist.

 Skills: Excellent driving abilities, undercover work, strategic planning, and a strong
sense of justice are required.
(Jordana Brewster's) Mia Toretto:

 Role: Dom's sister and an important team member.

 Skills: Skilled driver, familiar with team procedures, and emotional support for Dom.
Roman Pearce (Tyrese Gibson):

 Role: Wisecracking and talented driver.

 Skills: Excellent driving skills, humorous relief, and the ability to keep the team's
spirits high throughout stressful situations are required.
Tej Parker (Ludacris):

 Role: Mechanic and tech guru.

 Skills: Proficient in electronics, hacking, and car modifications. Tej can also drive
when needed.
Han Lue (Sung Kang):

 Role: Expert driver and tactician.

 Skills: Superior driving abilities, smart thinking, and the ability to remain calm in
stressful conditions.
Gisele Yashar (Gal Gadot):

 Role: Former liaison to a drug lord became member of Dom's team.

 Skills: Combat, guns, and driving skills. She also plays an important role in the
team's tasks.
Vince: (Matt Schulze)

 Role: Long-time friend of Dominic Toretto.

 Skills: Skilled mechanic and driver.
Each team member brings a unique set of skills to the table, which helps the missions
succeed. Their friendship and faith in one another, based on the notion of "family," is a key
component of the "Fast & Furious" franchise.

2. Diversity
The primary characters in this film are all distinct from one another. The characters' diversity
can be seen in a variety of ways, including gender, age, ethnicity, and skill. Two of them are
female, while the other two are male. Dominic Toretto's team consists of two women while
the rest are men. Despite their gender, Mia and Gisela are welcomed into the gang
alongside the males. They are not undervalued by the group and are assigned jobs just like
the men.
There are also many age stages. The characters range in age from 20 to 40 years old.
Dominic Toretto is the oldest member of the group. The characters are also from various
backgrounds, races, and ethnicities. Furthermore, they come from all over the world,
including the United States of America, London, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dom and
O'Conner call the members back from where they belong in Fast Furious 5 to complete a
Furthermore, each of the characters in this film has their unique specialty and talent.
Dominic Toretto is a street racer, as is Brian O'Conner. They are extremely precise drivers
that do not crack under pressure and never fail. Han is the type of person that can fit in
anywhere. Roman speaks quickly. He is capable of doing anything he desires. Tej is the
expert on the circuit. Gisele is a woman with competence in dealing with utilities and
weaponry who is also not afraid to toss down her target. However, they all have the same
driving talent and professionalism. Hobbs is also known as "the government's version of the
best bounty hunter on the planet.

3. Decision making
In this film, a lot of important decisions are made. In the first, Brian and Dom decide to rob
Hernan Reyes after talking about it. This is a significant choice because robbing the most
powerful man in Rio de Janeiro, is taking on a major task. They make the choice after
realizing they are on the top of the police's wanted list and are being pursued by them. As a
result, they decide to take on one last, but very important, job in order to leave that life
behind and begin a new one. Taking into account all the intricacies involved in completing
the task, they began assembling a team and reaching out to competent individuals worldwide.
Each member of the nine-person team is an expert in their own field. As he learns as much as
he can about all of their options and capabilities, Dom is employing a rational model. Once
he had identified them, he began to acquire cars and model the routes to the police station
Agent L. Hobbs makes the second choice, deciding to assist the gang in exacting revenge on
Hernan Reyes for killing numerous of his men. He therefore desires retribution for that.
However, he ought to give it some serious thought because his primary goal is to apprehend
Dominic, even though he eventually joins Dominic's side. To help a criminal is also against
his oath as a police officer. As a result, the choice was made using an unconscious process
known as intuitive decision-making, which is derived from condensed experience. It's
possible that he made the irrational choice out of sheer shock at witnessing his men die in
front of him.

Hernan Reyes, Agent L. Hobbs, Dominic, and Brian O'Conner are the film's four central
protagonists. As a result, it is difficult to pinpoint a personality type for those characters.

 First, based on the MBTI notion, Dominic might be categorised as sensing since he
values order and pays attention to details. This is evident in the way he developed
his plan and selected the people he needed to carry out the task before beginning
the heist. It can also be demonstrated in depth by looking at how he gathers the data.
For instance, he had to find out where the vault was kept and how the police station
was designed in order to break in. He also has a high conscientiousness score,
which indicates that he is a very responsible, organised, dependable, and persistent
person, according to the Big Five Personality Model (BFPM). He is an excellent
leader who can delegate tasks to others according to their qualifications. Since the
work is too perilous, the majority of the other members rely on him, yet he manages
to win their trust. In addition, his core self-evaluation is good. He knows he is
effective, capable and he believes he can do the job very well despite the risk he is
taking which is can be said as an ambitious goal, to rob $100 million from a very
powerful man in Rio who is known to have lots of supporters. Moreover, he is willing
to take risks and never fear of anything even when most of the members start to
withdraw from the job, he is still standing firm with his decision to finish the job

 Brian O'Conner is the second character. He scores highly on agreeableness (BFPM),

which measures a person's tendency to submit to others. He is highly trustworthy
and cooperative. He will always have faith in Dominic as if he were his right-hand
man, regardless of what Dominic decides. Furthermore, he takes risks just like Dom
does. He seizes every opportunity to ensure the task is completed without a hitch,
even risking his life to rob the vault and drive it on the street while numerous police
cars pursue.

 Agent L. Hobbs, the third character, may be classified as a thinking person according
to the MBTI. He primarily employs reasoning and reasoning when looking into
Dominic and the gang. In the film, he begs his comrades to reconstruct the
automobile in order to find Dom because it makes sense—Dom would smash cars if
he was looking for anything inside of them, and sure enough, Dom did steal
something—a chip—from the vehicle. Furthermore, because he stated that he will
stop at nothing to achieve his goals, he might be categorised as a Machiavellian. He
begs his coworkers to look for any hints since he is so desperate to find Dom.

 Hernan Reyes is the final character. He has a poor emotional stability score (BFPM)
and is prone to anxiety, depression, and insecurity. It is demonstrated by the fact that,
following the robbery of one of his 10 properties by Dom and his gang, he orders his
servants to relocate all of his money to one location for storage. Emotions taking
over, he didn't think things through well because Dom already knew what he was
going to do—well, except for the bit where Reyes kept the money at the police
station. He falls under the category of Machiavellianism as well. He will stop at
nothing to achieve his goal of becoming extremely wealthy. He even engages in illicit
activities, including drug sales, and will kill anybody who stands in his way.
Furthermore, he poses as a helper to get what the locals desire in order to take
advantage of their assistance, but in reality, he threatens to reclaim the facilities or
demands that they perform other unlawful tasks.

5. Motivation
Motivation refers to a process that explains a person's level of effort, direction, and
determination towards achieving any goal.
Reinforcement theory, which holds that behaviour is determined by its
consequences, is one of the motivational theories used in this film. Reinforcements
are the immediate results of an action that make it more likely that the behaviour will
be repeated.
In this movie, it is explained that Elena, in Rio’s police station, worked as a translator
from where Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) picked her as a translator as she was
one of the few uncorruptible cops in the city. Moreover, her act of being corruptible is
motivated by the death of her late husband, a police officer who was murdered in
front of his own house in the previous film. So the assassination of her husband
acted as a positive refence for her to continue her work as a police officer in her city.
Moreover, team also exhibits intrinsic & extrinsic motivation which was driven by a
common goal during the heist planning. The challenge of the robbery and the
possible payoff inspire all members, from drivers to tech experts. The concept from
organizational behaviour that cooperation and dedication can be fuelled by intrinsic &
extrinsic motivation derived from someone's personal fulfilment in the task is best
illustrated by this scene.

Dom, during the reunion scene, was planning to rob hernes Drug dealer as he and
Brian wanted change their life for better as they are intrinsically motivated but during
the meeting to plan a big heist, Roman decided to leave a leave as he was a little bit
on the cautious side. Just as he was about to leave, Dom, being a leader, steps in
and grab Roman's attention by revealing that " they are going to rob 100M USD
which will be divided evenly among the group members. 100 Million dollars works
here an external motivation and through this, Dom not only stop Roman but also able
to add some an extra level of excitement to thier plan. Now with the huge expected
reward, the group is more driven to work together to complete the
heist and motivated.

In this film, teamwork was used, and we believe the teamwork used was beneficial.

Teamwork is defined as a group whose individual efforts result in performance that is more
than the sum of the individual contributions and that is capable of generating positive
synergy via coordinated effort. The Team Effectiveness Model may be used to assess the
team's effectiveness. It consists of three components: context, team makeup, and team

The first contextual aspect associated to Fast Five is a trusting environment. Members of
productive teams should have faith in one another. They must also have faith in their
leaders. Dominic Toretto, as a leader, has earned the trust of his followers, including Brian
O'Conner, Roman Pearce, and others. Interpersonal trust between

Leadership and structure are the second contextual aspect associated to Fast Five. If team
members cannot agree on who does what and how everyone shares the task, the team is
dysfunctional. Domino Toretto, for example, has allocated task details to each member and
puts them all together to incorporate particular abilities required by leadership and structure.
Because each member brings a unique set of talents and abilities to the table, Dominic
Toretto plays an important role in delegating responsibilities and acting as a facilitator. This
is compatible with multiteam systems, which need diverse teams to coordinate their activities
in order to achieve the desired result. In the film, the desired goal is the destruction of the

The first variable in Fast Five team construction is member abilities. Each participant in this
film have unique powers, expertise, and skills to carry out their assigned missions. Roman
Pearce, for example, speaks quickly. In reality, he has the ability to redirect people's
attention away from disclosing his true motive when speaking. It is shown in the film when he
enters the police station to place the evidence box, which is actually a controlled automobile.
He successfully diverts the police officer to place the evidence box in the vault.

The second aspect in Fast Five team makeup is member diversity. Diversity should be
regarded positively. It should benefit from several points of view. In Fasting

The first Fast Five process variable is shared plan and purpose. Effective teams start by
analyzing the team's objective, setting goals to fulfil that purpose, and devising tactics to
achieve those goals. Before assembling the team members, Dominic Toretto, Brian
O'Conner, and Mia Toretto first analyzed the mission's plan and goal. They even devise
tactics to ensure that the other members grasp the same objective and purpose and are
willing to take risks. They have spent a significant amount of time and effort discussing,
shaping, and agreeing on a goal that is both communal and personalized to them.

Specific goals are the second Fast Five process variable. The collaboration in this film may
be described as effective.
In "Fast Five," the team drags a huge vault through Rio de Janeiro's streets using two Dodge
Chargers. This high-stakes heist requires teamwork and precise driving; the remaining team
members are in contact with each other through calls. one person guiding the route. Two
team members join Dom and Brian on the road by clearing the police cars from the road.
Then Dom and Brian had time to hide the vault somewhere. There are four team members
driving the truck in a tunnel. Dom and Brian hide the original vault in the truck. And connect
the empty vault to their cars. So, the police think that the empty vault is an original one. In
this way, they divert their minds away from the original vault.

7. Leadership
Leadership is described as the ability to influence a group to achieve a vision or set of goals.
Dominic Toretto and Luke Hobbs are the leaders featured in this film.
Dominic Toretto is a professional criminal and the team's leader, along with Brian O'Conner,
Mia Toretto, and others. He employs transformative leadership. Transformational leaders
encourage followers to go beyond their own self-interests and are capable of having a
significant and astonishing impact on their followers. Dominic Toretto employs this
leadership style by paying attention to his team members' concerns and requirements,
changing members' understanding of difficulties by assisting them in looking at old problems
in new ways, and motivate team members to go above and beyond to achieve their
objectives. Furthermore, this type of leadership style is more effective than others, and it
motivates other team members to follow them by being creative.

Following are some situation where Dom’s transformational leadership can be seen.

Dominic Toretto demonstrates some aspects of transformative leadership, particularly when

leading his squad in a high-stakes heist. The planning and execution of the Rio robbery is
one prominent scene that demonstrates features of transformational leadership.

1. Inspiration and Vision: When Dom meets the gang to discuss the plan, he
articulates a clear vision of the heist's goal: taking $100 million from a corrupt
businessman. Dom emphasises the value of the job not only for the money but also
as a method of escaping a life on the run.
2. 2.Motivation and teamwork:Dom emphasises the value of team trust and loyalty.
He stimulates each person by emphasising their specific skills and the unique
contributions they offer to the mission. This fosters a sense of camaraderie and
shared purpose among team members.
3. Leading by Example: Dom is known for being a hands-on leader who frequently
leads by example. Whether it's driving skillfully during a high-speed chase or putting
himself in danger, he exhibits a willingness to take the same risks as his teammates.
4. Adaptability and problem-solving abilities: Dom demonstrates adaptability and
fast thinking when unforeseen problems arise throughout the crime. He adapts the
strategy on the go and devises imaginative solutions to overcome hurdles,
demonstrating his capacity to deal with hardship.
5. Creating Trust: Dom's management approach is based on trust. He has faith in his
team members to carry out their responsibilities efficiently, and they have faith in him
to lead them to success. This trust is critical for the team's cohesion and success
during the difficult robbery.

Dom also showed laissez faire leadership when dom and his team got arrested by
Hobbs and were being taken for investigation; both dom’s and hobb’s group were
attacked by hernen’s people, and one of dom’s old friend, and team member Vince got
several fire shots and died due to which half of Dom’s team member got sacred for their
lives, and were decided to leave their mission, because they had known the power of
their opponent Hernen. Dom let his team to decide either they want to leave or stay on
task when Brian and even hobbs decided to stay with dom later on whole team
continued their task,.

Furthermore, Luke Hobbs is regarded as a police leader. He works with other officers to
apprehend the most sought professional criminals, such as Dominic Toretto and Brian
O'Conner. In the film, he plays a dynamic leader with a charismatic leadership style. In
organizational terms, charismatic leadership theory can be characterized as followers
attributing heroic or outstanding leadership abilities to certain acts. Vision and articulation,
personal risk, and unusual behavior are all important attributes of a charismatic leader.


According to the film Fast Five, the gang was working together to fulfil their goal of
stealing US$100 million in cash from the criminal enterprise of Hernen Reyes. The
gang uses their automobiles to break into the police station where Reyes' money is
held and remove the vault off the structure. They assigned each of them a specific
task. For example, Brian and Dom are tasked with removing the vault from the
building, while Mia is tasked with observing traffic while the vault is being dragged
along the stress to avoid police and Hernan Reyes' squad.
There is a saying that says that no matter how crazy things get among friends, they
should stick together till the end of time. Although a variety of circumstances and
things strike Dominic Toretto and Brian O'Conner in Fast Five, they always stick
together no matter what. In fact, it is because they both work together that they are
able to pull off such a large theft involving a politician.

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