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Name:Ubaid Kamran

Roll Number:201233
Subject:Communication Skills
Department:Bio-Medical Engineering
Assignment # 3
Topic:It is False That No One is Above
The law

My name is Ubaid Kamran as you already know, today I am here to ask you that do you think that no one

is above the law,that the law works properly,that it is equal for all,that it gives justice to both the strong

and weak equally?

Have you ever thought about or experienced how difficult it is

to get justice when you are a nobody or poor? well thousands of people every day get to experience

it,they get sent to jail for crimes they have not commited,they don’t get any justice and even when

they are the victims they are treated like the worst law breakers of society just because the one who did

them wrong was a rich,famous or powerful somebody and they are a nobody and it is still presented that

no one is above the law.

Many people get a free get out of jail card if they have

powerful friends or are themselves powerful,all it takes for them is one phone call and they become free

and their law friends put an innocent in their place to answer and pay for the crimes that they have

commited and it is still presented that no one is above the law.

A lot of the people keep saying that no one is above the

law however they don’t realize that this is false,it only takes to read a newspaper for a few minutes or

watch the news once a day to get the idea that there are infact people that are far above the law we hear

one day in the news that one of their many crimes is brought to light and are arrested because of it and

people celebrate that the law is working properly but the very next day that person gets released due to his

status or contacts and it is still presented that no one is above the law.

Law has been turned into a business by the greedy and it is

manipulated by the strong to do their deeds,There are many people related to the different law

organizations who use their position to beneifit from the rich,they take money from them and make them

immune from the law,they put innocents into prisions to get the jobs of the top people done.
And now I again ask you do you think that no one is above

the Law,that no innocent suffers due to the people that are above the law ,that the weak are not kept from

Getting justice by the strong and powerful,that it is easy to get justice that,the law doesn’t protects those

wrong doers that are in High posts?

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