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The given pie charts illustrate the percentage of students following four different

types of courses over a 20-year period from 1984.

Overall, a significant decrease was seen in the proportion of students choosing face
to face courses but this type of course still made up the highest percentage among
four types surveyed.

According to the charts, there were just three types of courses in 1984. It can be
seen that, the percentage of students joining face to face courses was 67%, which
was the highest figure in the first surveyed year. In addition, the figure for
correspondence courses was much lower at only 20%, followed by 13% of those on
mixed media courses.

Looking at the charts in more detail, it is obvious that online courses first appeared in
1994 and accounted for the lowest figure with 11%. Coupled with the addition of
online courses, the figure for face to face courses witnessed a remarkable decline,
falling to 54%. By contrast, the figure for mixed media courses increased slightly to
15%. Despite changes in other types of courses, the figure for correspondence
courses stayed stable (20%). In the last surveyed year, the proportions of students
following those four types of courses remained unchanged compared to those in

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