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Introduction to India

Part I :
Brainstorming about India :

Part II :
The map of India :
Striking elements :
There is a variety of states with its own state laws in a federal system with federal
The official language all over India is English but each state has its specific =
vernacular language.

Part III :
The article : A few fact about the History of India :
The starting point of British domination :
§ 1 : In the late 1750s, a British general appointed a cooperative Indian chief to
set up a system of sponsored states = states with an economy financed by British
merchants. It enabled the British to control India without administrating it.

The British ways and means to control India :

§ 2 : The British took advantage of the situation : the Indians made little
resistance thanks to the money used by the British to bribe them. Then, little by
little, the British came to possess the country and exploited its resources.

§ 3 : Thankd to corruption, the British created a dependence to the British rule. It

became a vicious circle.

The end of British rule over India :

§ 4 : Because of religious conflicts, it became difficult for the British to continue
Besides, there was an agitation to claim independence.
So, the British tried a reform to soothe = calm down the situation.
But it was not enough and in 1947, the independence was given = granted.

Part III :
The video : To see the video :
• The Indian means to influence British society :
The Indians used food to influence the British culture.

• The historical irony :

This influence came from the Indian servants who worked for the British masters.
The submitted people got control over the British master thanks to their greed /
their appetite !

Part IV :
Conclusion about the relationship between India and the United Kingdom :
In the past, this relationship used to be tensed.
Today, this relationship is appeased.

Wordbank :
a state law : une loi étatique
a federal law : une loi fédérale
vernacular : vernaculaire, spécifique à un état, une région
appoint : désigner, mettre en poste
set up : installer
enable + somebody + to + BV : permettre, donner les moyens à qqu’un de + verbe
take advantage of : profiter de, prendre l’avantage sur
thanks to : grâce à
bribe : corrompre avec de l’argent, soudoyer
come to + BV : arriver à +verbe, en venir à + verbe
the rule : le gouvernement, la gestion politique
besides : de plus
claim : revendiquer, réclamer
soothe : calmer
granted : accordé
submitted : soumis
greed : la gourmandise
appetite : appétit
tensed : tendu
appeased :

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