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11 7 2


Representative Steve Scalise, who Republicans
picked to be the next speaker of the US House
of Representatives, dropped out of the race on
Countries urge Israel to
Thursday as his party failed to resolve its divisions,
sending the chamber into its 10th day without
leadership. Scalise, the Majority Leader, had secured
#$.+-/4Ǵ.)*($)/$*)/*- +' *0./ + & -
Kevin McCarthy but was still short of the 217 votes
)  /*  ' / *)/#  *0. Ƨ**-ǧ.. 1 -'*!
his fellow Republicans said they would not support
him. > 5

Xbox maker $-*.*ƨ'*. $/.ʎƹƼ$''$*) '

for Activision Blizzard on Friday, swelling its
# ƨ$)/# 1$ *ǽ"($)"(-& /2$/# ./ǽ. ''$)" ' ./$)$).Ƨ /# $-#*( .($ .- '$./-$& .ǧ($/# *)"*$)"*)Ƨ$/ /2 ) .- ') (.$)5$/4*)-$4Ǧ— Reuters
titles including “Call of Duty” to better compete
2$/#$)0./-4'  -*)4Ǧ-$/$)Ƥ)''4' - 
$-*.*ƨǴ.,0$.$/$*)*!/$1$.$*) -'$ -$)
COUNTRIES URGED Israel on Friday to
/# 4ƨ -$/!*- /# *3*2) -/*. ''/# 
steaming rights to address its competition concerns. #*'*ƥ*)+').!*-)''Ƕ*0/..0'/*)
Ǡ  *).*$'( $ǟ
#$/  *0. )/$*)'. 0-$/4.+*& .Ƕ
The deal was blocked in April by the Competition northern Gaza, where more than a million   () *#) $-4.$.0##0"  10Ƕ
and Markets Authority (CMA) which said it could $1$'$).'-" '4 ơ $/.*- -/* 10/  /$*)2.Ǯ/''*- -ǯǠ0//#/.#$)"/*)
give the US computing giant a stranglehold over  !*- $/"* .Ƥ - (.ǟ    2*0')*/. *)"0 ..$/.''4ǭ. $.$*)/*
the nascent cloud gaming market. But the regulator (.Ǡ2#$#*)/-*'./#  ). '4 / ''$1$'$)./*" /*0/*!/# 24ǟ
-$++ 0+$/.+'4**&4- *+ )$)"/# . ƨ - +*+0'/ ' ./$)$)/ --$/*-4Ǡ1*2 /* MUSCAT: Sayyid Badr bin Hamad al Busaidy, #(*0.Ǡ- .$ )/*!/# ' .Ƕ
$-*.*ƨ"- /*. ''/# ./- ($)"-$"#/./* ơ"#/0)/$'/# './-*+*!'**)/*' Foreign Minister, received a phone call from Ayman /$)$)0/#*-$/4Ǡ/*' - /-4*!// 
/$1$.$*)Ǵ."( ./*$.*ƨ)/ -/$)( )/ǧ2$/# - .$ )/./*./4+0/Ƥ - .- '.$/# 4 Safadi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of )/*)4'$)& )$) *-)/#//# !*- 
remedies to ensure the terms were enforceable. > 7 .#*0'(*1 /*/# .*0/#2$/#$)Ʈư#*0-.ǟ *- $")Ƣ$-.*! *-)*)-$4Ǧ# 4$.0..  $.+' ( )/*!' ./$)$).$)52*0'
While some heeded the call to leave, by - "$*)')$)/ -)/$*)' Ƣ*-/.( /*./*+ *)./$/0/ - + /*!ƭƵưƴǠ2# )#0)Ƕ
-$4Ƥ -)**)/# - 2.'$//' .$")*! the escalation of violence, and the importance of - .*!/#*0.).*!' ./$)$).ƣ *-
(.. 3*0.ǟǮ /#$. // -/#)' 1Ƕ protecting civilians from the repercussions of the 2 - -$1 )!-*(2#/$.)*2 .- 'ǟ*./
$)"Ǡǯ.$*#(( ǠƮƬǠ./)$)"$)/#  current crisis between Israel and the Palestinians 5).- /#  . ))/.*!.0#- !0Ƕ
./- /*0/.$ 0$'$)"- 0 /*-0'  in Gaza. The two ministers stressed the importance " .ǟ.'' !*-$/* ''*2 $)/*
in an Israeli air strike two days ago near the of resorting to political solution based on the 5$(( $/ '4ǟ .- '#..$$/2$''
 )/- *!5ǟǮ 2.*-)# - Ǡ) 2$'' -0' .*!$)/ -)/$*)''2)/# -$"#//*. '!ǽ )*/'$Ƥ$/.'*& 0)/$'.*- .*!#*./" .
$ # - Ǡ' 1$)"$../$"(ǟǯ$/#+*2 - determination. +/0- 4 (.- . /!- ǟ
.0++'$ .0/)!**)2/ -$)/# 'Ƕ '$)& )) .- '$-$( $)$./ -
./$)$) )'1 -0))$)".#*-/Ƥ -2 &  )%($) /)4#0$.0.. +-*1$$)"
*!- /'$/*-4$-./-$& .)!0'' .- '$ '/$*)$)5$./$"#/ )$)"ǟ *2- ƭǟƭ .! 5*) .$)5Ǯ2# - $1$'$).*0'
'*& Ǡ/# .$5ǭ.$1$'$).2 -  ($''$*)+ *+' .0++*. /*(*1 -*.. - '*/ /* .! !-*( .- 'ǭ.' "$/$(/ 
$))$(+*..$' .$/0/$*)ǟ  ). '4+*+0'/ 2-5*) $)' ../#)Ʈư . 0-$/4*+ -/$*).Ǡǯ.//  +-/( )/
Ǯ# )**. -*0)/# $1$'$)+*+0Ƕ #*0-.ǧǯ$#$ !-/$)-$Ʀ/#.2-*/  *Ʀ$'/*'- +*-/ -.ǟ Ǚ

Ambitious research yields new largest atlas of human brain cells

WASHINGTON: Examining the ($)/$)".*( *!/# !/*-./#/ *(()./*/# (0.' .)$(Ƕ 1 -4/#$)"/#/2 )*.#0()
#0()-$)//#  ''0'-' 1 ' . +-/ 0.!-*(*0- 1*'0/$*)-4 +-/$)" ' /-$'.$")'.'*)"/#   $)".Ǡǯ.$) 0-*.$ )/$./ $)
$)(*-  /$'/#) 1 - !*- Ǡ &$))/-0'4(& 0.#0()ǟ 24ǟ# -$)*(+-$. .'(*./ *!/#  //' Ƕ. '' ) )./$/0/ 
.$ )/$./.#1 $ )/$ơ ) )*-Ƕ # 2*-&Ǡ+- . )/ $)Ʈƭ./0Ƕ ƭƬƬ$''$*)) 0-*).) 1 )(*-  !*--$)$ ) Ǡ*) *!/# - Ƕ
(*0.--4*! ''/4+ .Ƕ(*- /#) $ .+0'$.# $)$ ) )/2* )*)Ƕ) 0-*)' ''.ǟ# . ''-  . -# -.ǟ# 1-$*0. ''/4+ .
ƯǠƯƬƬǶ+*+0'/$)"*0-(*./*(+' 3 */# -%*0-)'.Ǡ2.& 4/#  *-")$. $)/# #0)- .*!$.Ƕ #1 $./$)/+-*+ -/$ .)- 
organ, creating an atlas that may "*1 -)( )/ǭ./$*)' )./$Ƕ /$)/-$)./-0/0- ./#/"*1 -) '$& '4ƥ / $ƥ - )/'4$)$. . Ǡ
# '++$)+*$)//#  ''0'-.$.*! /0/ .*! '/#  )$/$/$1  '' .+ /-0(*!!0)/$*).ǟ $).$ǟ) .0-+-$. 2./#//# 
) 0-*'*"$'$. . .)!$'$//   ).0. /2*-&*).*-/$0(ǟ#  # - . -#$ )/$ơ ƯǠƯƭƯ  ''0'-$1 -.$/42.*) )/-/ 
) 2/# -+ 0/$.ǟ #0()-$)$.*(+' 3$)/ -(.*!  ''/4+ .Ǡ-*0"#'4ƭƬ/$( .(*-  $) 1*'0/$*)-$'4*' -+-/.*!/# 
# ($/$*0.- . -#0)1 $'  $/.0/$'$/4Ǹ. ).$)"Ǡ(*1$)"Ǡ- Ƕ /#)+- 1$*0.'4&)*2)Ǡ)/#  -$)Ƕ/# ($-$))#$)-$)
*)#0-.4'.* 3($) .$($Ƕ $)"Ǡ2-$/$)"Ǡ.+ &$)"Ǡ/#$)&$)") A digital version of brain. *(+' / . /*!" ) .0. 4 # Ƕ$)./ *!/# ) **-/ 3Ǡ- .+*).$Ƕ
'-$/$ .)$ƥ - ) . /2 )/#  (*- Ǹ)$/. ''0'-$1 -.$/4ǟ  ''/4+ 2#$' '.*(++$)"/# $- ' !*-#$"# -*")$/$1 !0)/$*).$)Ƕ
-$).*!+ *+' )*/# -+-$(/ .  0-*).Ǹ*-) -1  ''.Ǹ-  - "$*)'$./-$0/$*)$)/# -$)ǟ '0$)"' -)$)"Ǡ $.$*)Ƕ(&$)"Ǡ
Ǹ#$(+)5 .Ǡ"*-$''.Ǡ-# .0. /# -$)ǭ.!0)( )/'0)$/.Ǡ/&Ƕ Ǯ# -$) ''/'..2#*'  . ).*-4+ - +/$*)Ǡ( (*-4)
(*)& 4.)(-(*. /.Ǹ$''0Ƕ $)"$). ).*-4$)+0/Ǡ/-).($//$)" +-*1$ ./#  ''0'-.0./-/ !*- ')"0" ǟǸ
2 SATURDAYȈǖǙȈǗǕǗǘ @omanobserver


Two cities in one candy

Tomoko Kojima with her candies


Oman! Yes, it is unique and a
true masterpiece and be-
lieved to be one of its kind in
the world.
This extraordinary creation is
now the pride of Purewells LLC,
a small Omani company, and its
visionary founder, Tomoko Ko-
jima, a Japanese woman residing O (wa) frankincense candy
in Oman since 2008.
*(*&*ǭ.- (2./*- / 
a delectable edible frankincense Ame techniques to create a spe-
product that would preserve all cial recipe that ensures a har-
of its remarkable qualities. monious blend of frankincense
The result of her passion is the ƣ1*0-2$/#*0/*1 -+*2 -$)"
)4&)*2).ǬǾ2ǿǠǭ)(  sweetness.
derived from the Japanese con- The result is a sophisticated
 +/*!Ǭ2Ǡǭ( )$)"/# .+$-$/ )2 ''Ƕ') ƣ1*0-+-*-
*!#-(*)4ǟ-$// ).ǬǠǭ$/$. ơ' Ǡ*ƥ -$)".2 /) ..Ǡ-*(/$
+-*)*0) .Ǭ2Ǡǭ.4(*'$.$)" richness, and a subtle hint of
the harmony Tomoko aims to saltiness.
bring to life. Tomoko says that “it provides
Purewells LLC, under a unique and memorable taste Highlights
*(*&*ǭ.'  -.#$+.$) ƮƬƭƱǠ for those who appreciate its
unites two distinct traditions to $./$)/ƣ1*0-.Ǡ2$/#-0.#  Tomoko Kojima, a
create a perfect union. frankincense incorporated into Japanese expatriate,
#$.'030-$*0.)4$.-Ƥ  each candy, akin to enjoying #.-ƨ 0)$,0  Tomoko with Omani girls display the candies
0.$)"/# ơ) ./ *%-$-)&- whole frankincense resins in (./ -+$  Ǿdz
incense from Salalah and tradi- sweetness.” ȅ2ȆǴ)4ǧ
tional Japanese candy-making *(*&*ǭ.)4- /$*).-  #-(*)$*0.!0.$*)*!
techniques from Kyoto, Japan. )( ǬǾ2ǿ -'ǠǭǬ -''0.Ǡǭ Omani frankincense ƣ1*0-./* 3+)# --)ǭ. her in between classes.
/$)*-+*-/ .+0-  $('- Ǭ -'*!$- Ǡǭ)Ǭ*.  -'ǭǟ and Japanese reach, becoming a representative She discovered salt candies
yan Crystal Pink Salt, celebrated Ǿ2ǿ*.  -'Ǡ/# ) 2 confectionery of Oman, particularly in the GCC and decided to create her own, as
for its abundant mineral content ƣ1*-Ǡ$.1 -4.+ $')4 -/$./-4Ǧ )!0. 2$/# region. She aspires for frankin- they were not readily available in
and lower sodium levels. that is infused with the petals of /# Ƥ) ./ *%-$ cense candy to become a cher- /# (-& /ǟ -+/#$)/ -/2$) 
Traditionally, frankincense /# ơ) ./+$)&-*. ."-*2)*)' Frankincense and $.# /-$/$*)Ǡ&$)/* '2Ǡ. with young Omani women
was chewed, but Tomoko noticed ''&#-!-*(/#  %- $('4)-4./' +-/*!()ǭ.# -$/" *1 -/#  whose SMEs were selling pure
its bitterness and tendency to mountain ranges. pink salt, this candy coming decades. $('4)+$)&.'/Ǡ.+-&$)"
stick to teeth. Inspired by this, #$.( /$0'*0.'4-Ƥ  embodies the spirit of */'4Ǡ/# ()$*( )ǭ. the idea of adding frankincense
she conceived the idea of com- with careful attention to factors harmony, creating a -*0+#)-Ƥ./#  0/$!0' to create this exquisite treat.
bining it with her salt candy like temperature and humidity sophisticated blend of "$Ƥ*3 .#*0.$)"/# .  3,0$- *(*&*ǭ.!-)&$) ). )4
treat. during mixing while cutting and Ƨ1*0-.Ǧ site candies, and the packaging is more than just a confection; it
Kyo Ame, a master confec- individual packing are auto- $..*0- !-*(-' -!4Ǡ is a harmonious fusion of cul-
tioner, employing traditional mated using machines. Although promoting traditional Omani tures and traditions, a testament
Japanese expertise passed down production currently takes place #)$-Ƥ.).0++*-/$)"*1 - to the bonds between Oman and
for over three centuries, meticu- in Japan, there are plans to es- 300 local families. Japan, and a promising legacy for
'*0.'4-Ƥ./# )$ .$) 4*/*ǟ tablish a factory in Oman in the *(*&*ǭ.%*0-) 4$)/*!-)&$)- ()ǭ.# -$/" ǟ*(*&*ǭ.1$.$*)
Kyo Ame, or Kyoto sweets, near future. cense candy making began when is clear: she hopes that one day;
#1 -$##$./*-4Ǡ)*(*&*ǭ. Looking ahead, Tomoko envi- she was teaching yoga in Oman her creation will be as beloved
team has collaborated with Kyo sions introducing new Omani and sought an energy boost for )$*)$.()ǭ. '2ǟ
@omanobserver SATURDAYȈǖǙȈǗǕǗǘ 3


Here are some ways you can
prevent bloodsucking stowaways
from sneaking home with you,
wherever you travel

TALK of Paris Fashion Week this 2*-&Ǡ0/*)*/#1  )*0"#.$ )/$ơ
year has been the little, brown ./0$ .&$)"/# (0+Ǡ.$)"'*ƥǶ
bug — bedbugs. The pests have Kaufmann. They can also provide a false
popped up in trains, airports and sense of security, Backenson said.
movie theaters, fanning fears that !4*0ơ))4 1$ ) *! 0".Ǡ*
they may also be lurking in hotels, an echo )*/./4$)/# -**(ǟ )./ Ǡ*)///# 
*! 2*-&$/4ǭ.($ǶƮƬƬƬ. 0"+)$ǟ #*/ './ƥǠ' 1 /# -**(2$/#4*0- '*)"Ƕ
# $/$ .)  .(4 $ƥ - )/Ǡ0/ ings and request a room in another part of
the scourge is eternal. /# #*/ 'Ǹ)*/% )//*/# $)! ./ *) ǟ
 0".*)ǭ/%0./'$1 $) .ǟ# .  During your stay minimise the places a
++' Ƕ. Ƕ.$5 $). /.)#$ *0/$)!0-Ƕ bedbug could hide by storing your clothes
niture, waiting for their chance to come out, in sealable plastic bags. Some travellers also
0.0''4/)$"#/Ǡ/*! *)#0().ǭǾ) bring large, airtight plastic bags for their
+ /.ǭǿ'**2#$' /# 4.' +ǟ# $-$/ .Ǡ luggage.
0.0''4+$)' ..Ǡ*Ƥ )*0-$)'0./ -.*- A hard suitcase, Backenson said, may be
lines. .! -#*$ /#).*Ƥ'0"""  0. $/
Although bedbugs generally pose miniǶ has fewer crevices where bedbugs can stow
mal risks to health, said Bryon Backenson, away. Always keep your luggage on a rack,
director of communicable diseases at the away from the wall, or in the bathtub.
New York State Department of Health, their Do not sprinkle diatomaceous earth — a
bites can cause allergic reactions for some 2#$/ Ǡ.$'$Ƕ-$#+*2 -/#/.*( /-1 'Ƕ
and, of course, they are a source of discomǶ lers have deployed
fort and anxiety for pretty much everyone to desiccate bedbugs
else. — in a hotel room,
1 )$!4*0ǭ- )*/#  /*-$.Ǡ/# -  Highlights )"'*ƥǶ 0!())
are some ways you can prevent bloodsuckǶ said, because it may
ing stowaways from sneaking home with # )4*0Ƥ-./ )/ - contaminate the room
you, wherever you travel. the hotel room, and potentially even
When you arrive Check your hotel room immediately put cause a scare if a hotel
before you settle in, even if the room is spotǶ your luggage in the worker sees it and
less. The warmth, blood and carbon dioxǶ bathroom, then * .)ǭ/- *")$. $/ǟ
ide of humans are far more important to do your bedbug Blasting your lugǶ
bedbugs than an unsanitary environment, inspection, advises gage or clothes with a
according to the Environmental Protection *4)"'*Ƣǽ hair dryer or a portǶ
" )4ǭ. 0"(4/#2 .$/ ǟ0/Ǡ/#  Kaufmann, a senior able steamer, another
website adds, clutter can help them hide. extension associate popular tip, may not
# )4*0ơ-./ )/ -/# -**(Ǡ$(( Ƕ at Cornell University work because the
diately put your luggage in the bathroom, who focuses on pest temperature may not
then do your bedbug inspection, advises management and be high enough for
*4)"'*ƥǶ 0!())Ǡ. )$*- 3/ ).$*) has a doctorate in long enough to kill
associate at Cornell University who focuses entomology. the insects, said James
on pest management and has a doctorate in Mulloso, vice presiǶ
entomology. dent of Northeastern
Adult bedbugs are wingless and have six Exterminating in Brooklyn. Their eggs may
' ".)ƣ/Ǡ*1'*4ǟ# 4ǭ- *0//#  /& 0+/*ƵƬ($)0/ ./ƭƮƬ "- .#- )Ƕ
.$5 *! $)*')ǭ.# *)+ ))4Ǡ*-$)" heit to destroy, the EPA says on a webpage
to the Centers for Disease Control and PreǶ for bedbug control.
vention. The eggs are pearl white and about Wiping down your suitcase with rubbing
/# .$5 *!+$)# Ǡ/# 2 .$/ .4.ǟ '*#*'Ǡ)*/# -+*+0'- 0"Ƕơ"#/$)"
Thoroughly check the bedding, box strategy, can help kill the insects if done
spring, bed skirt, side tables and even the .! '4$)2 ''Ƕ1 )/$'/ - Ǡ0''*.*
alarm clock, anywhere the bugs can hide. said, but keep in mind that rubbing alcohol
Ǯ# ơ-.//#$)"4*0($"#/)*/$ $./#  $.ƣ((' Ǡ)$/*0' )" -*0.ǟ
fecal stains that they leave behind, which Ƥ -4*0- /0-)#*( Ƥ -4*0-/-$+Ǡ
is kind of like magic marker dots in fabric,” unpack your bags in the bathroom against
)"'*ƥǶ 0!()).$ǟ '$"#/Ƕ*'*0- .0-! Ǡ.*4*0).+*/
Also check the headboard; some can any bugs, the New York City Department
 +*++ *ƥ/# 2''ǟ !/# - $.+*2 - of Health advises, then shake out the clothǶ
 #$)/# # *-Ǡ)"'*ƥǶ 0!()) ing in a bathtub or shower and vacuum
said, that may be a sign that the room has *0/4*0-'0""" ǟ*)ǭ/!*-" //* (+/4/# 
been treated for bedbugs in the past. vacuum and dispose of its contents.
&.('' ƣ.#'$"#/4*0)0. . Put your clothes in the dryer as soon as
4*0*4*0-$).+ /$*)ǟ /2$''# '+$''0Ƕ possible, the experts agreed, and run it at
minate any eggs or shells discarded durǶ /# #*// ./. //$)"!*-/' ./ƮƬ($)0/ ./*
ing molting. Finally, check the rest of the kill bugs and eggs.
furniture and any nooks or crevices — think !4*0/#$)&)$/ (#. ) 3+*. /*
. *-.Ǡ(*'$)".)ƣ**-.Ǹ-*0) bedbugs and it cannot go in the dryer, seal
the room. A sweet, musty smell may also it in an airtight plastic bag and leave it in
indicate the presence of bedbugs. a warm area for six months — the time it
Commercial bedbug tests such as the takes for the bugs to die from lack of water,
.2Ƕ. -0 /3Ǡ2#$#+-*($. .Ǯ- '$Ƕ )"'*ƥǶ 0!()).$ǟ
'  / /$*)$)%0./ơ1 ($)0/ .ǯ(4 — The New York Times.
4 SATURDAYȈǖǙȈǗǕǗǘ @omanobserver



GAZA: The death toll in Israel has risen to at least

ƴǧƶƳƳ .- '$$1$'$).).*'$ -.ǧ .- ' ! ) 
*- .ȅ Ȇ.+*& .() *)/#)*)-$0.
#..$Ǧ*)-$0..$/#/(*- /#)ƶǧƳƳƳ
+ *+' 2 - $)%0- Ǧǵ.2 (/#)$ )/$!4
more and more of the Israeli bodies that are
0)*1 - $)/# *((0)$/$ .ǧ2 2$''#1 (*- 
$)!*-(/$*)*0/($..$)"+ -.*).ǧǶ*)-$0.

GAZA: # " )4!*-' ./$) - !0" .

ȅȆ#.(*1 $/.# ,0-/ -./*/# 
.*0/#*!/# 5/-$+!*''*2$)"''.!*-
10/$*)Ǧǵ- '*/ $/. )/-'
*+ -/$*). )/- ʳ$)/ -)/$*)'./Ƣ/*/# 
.*0/#/**)/$)0 $/.*+ -/$*).).0++*-//*
$/../Ƣ)' ./$)  !0" .$)ȩ5ǧǶ/# 
agency said in a social media post.

VIENNA: $ ))Ǵ. 0/$*)0/#*-$/4$. ' ./$)$).--4$)"/# $- '*)"$)".Ƨ /# $-#*( .)(*1 .*0/# !*- ) 3+ / "-*0)*Ƣ ).$1 $)5$/4*)-$4Ǧ— AFP
+-*1$$)"/ # -.$)/# 0./-$)+$/'2$/#

Gaza civilians urged to

3/-/ #$)"(/ -$'.*)/# *)Ƨ$/$)/# 
$' ./ƨ -//&.*) .- 'Ǧ# " ǽ
++-*+-$/ (/ -$'$)'0 .$)!*-(/$*)*)
$)/ -)/$*)''2ǧ/# 0/#*-$/4))*0) Ǧ
ǵ (#++4/#/2 )*Ƣ - 0/$*))

evacuate as tanks mass

.0++*-/$).#**'.2# ))  /**0)/ -/
/# . *)Ƨ$/.ǧǶ.$ 0/$*)*0)$''*-
#-$./*+#$  -& #-Ǧ— dpa

called on Friday for all Highlights ơ"#/$)"!*-*0-!0/0- Ǡǯ ! ) $)$./ -
civilians in the northern Yoav Gallant said.
half of the Gaza Strip, *0-.ƨ -/#  .- '$ 10/$*)''ǧ “The path will be long, but ultimately I
more than 1 million /# - 2 - )*.$").+ *+' 2 - ' 1$)"5$/4ǧ promise you we will win.”
people, to relocate south 2# - *5 )."/# - /'#$! *.+$/'ǧ .- '.4./# #*--$ơ//&*)$/.$1$'-
within 24 hours, as it amassed tanks for an 1*2$)"/*./4+0/ ians means it must annihilate the group
expected ground assault in response to an and others must get out of the way. Hamas
attack by Hamas. tunnels, military compounds, senior
Hamas, which controls the strip, told *+ -/$1 .ǭ- .$ ) .)2 +*)../*--
- .$ )/./*./4+0/Ǡ)1*2 /*ơ"#//* age warehouses were among 750 military
the last drop of blood. shields,” the Israeli military said, accus- targets struck overnight, it said.
4-$4Ƥ -)**)/# - 2.)*.$") ing Hamas of hiding in and under civilian The military wing of Hamas said the lat-
of any mass exodus as Israel prepared its buildings. est air strikes had killed 13 of the captives
onslaught. International talks focused on provid- it brought back from Israel and that it had
“Death is better than leaving,” said ing aid and safe zones in Gaza amid fears ơ- ƭƱƬ-*& /./ .- '$)- .+*). ǟ
Mohammad, 20, standing in the street /# *)ƣ$/*0'.+- ǟ # )$/ /$*)..$ .- 'ǭ.''!*-
outside a building reduced to rubble in Pro-Palestinian protests were held Gaza civilians to leave could not happen
an Israeli air strike two days ago near the around the world and in some places, “without devastating humanitarian conse-
centre of Gaza. “I was born here, and I will Jewish communities feared they could be quences”, prompting a rebuke from Israel
die here, leaving is a stigma.” /-" / Ƥ - .- 'ǭ.($'$/-4- .+*).  which said it should condemn Hamas and
The United Nations said evacuating to the unprecedented weekend attacks .0++*-/ .- 'ǭ.-$"#//*. '!Ƕ ! ) ǟ
everyone was impossible with power sup- that killed more than 1,300 people, mostly # #0()$/-$)*Ʀ Ǿ ǿ
plies cut and food and water in the Pales- civilians. said more than 400,000 people had already
/$)$) )'1 -0))$)".#*-/Ƥ -2 & Israel has already responded with the been made homeless in Gaza and 23 aid
of retaliatory air strikes and a full Israeli most intensive air strikes of its 75-year workers had been killed.
blockade. The US called it a “tall order”. *)ƣ$/2$/#/# ' ./$)$).ǟ50- “Mass displacement continues,” it said.
The northern half of the Gaza Strip thorities say more than 1,500 people have The UN Palestinian refugee agency
$)'0 ./#  )'1 ǭ.$"" ./. //' ( )/ been killed. Ǿǿ.$$/#(*1 $/. )/-'
Gaza City. The UN said it had been told Ǯ - - 4/*%*$)/# ơ"#/)-$ *+ -/$*). )/- )$)/ -)/$*)'./ƥ
that Israel wanted the entire population to the Palestinians of the Israeli atrocities,” /*5ǭ..*0/#)0-"  .- '/*.+- $/.

PARISIAN PALESTINIAN SUPPORT move across the wetlands that bisect the
“Civilians of Gaza City, evacuate south
said Muntadhar Kareem, 25, a teacher
among thousands of Iraqis protesting in
Seeking to build support for its re-
.+*). Ǡ .- 'ǭ."*1 -)( )/.#*2 
-*/ ./ -.'$"#/Ƨ- .)21 ' ./$)$)Ƨ". for your own safety and the safety of The Israeli military pledged to operate  - /-4*!// )/*)4'$)& ))
0-$)")0)0/#*-$.  (*)./-/$*)$).0++*-/*! your families and distance yourself from Ǯ.$")$ơ)/'4ǯ$)*($)"4.ǟ Nato defence ministers graphic images of
' ./$)$)./'  ' +0'$,0 $)-$.Ǧ— AFP Hamas who are using you as human Ǯ - ơ"#/$)"!*-*0-#*( ǟ -  those killed. — Reuters


Scholz seeks release of hostages Biden vows to free captive Americans Mass displacement unrealistic
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called - .$ )/ * $ )1*2 $)) The International Committee of the Red
for the fastest possible release of Israeli $)/ -1$ 2-*.//**ǵ 1 -4/#$)"$) -*..ȅ Ȇ.$/#/#0()$/-$)
#*./" .4 (.ƨ -( /$)"2$/#/#  *0-+*2 -Ƕ/*!- ( -$)./& )#*./"  *-")$./$*).2*0')*/ ' /*..$./
Emir of Qatar Shaikh Tamim bin Hamad al 4 (.Ǧ$ )/*'Ǵ.ǵƹƳ$)0/ .Ƕ (*- /#)($''$*)+ *+' $)52#*
Thani in Berlin. Scholz received Al Thani at /#/# $./*( /41$ **)! - ) 2$/# .- '#."$1 )ƵƷ#*0-./* 10/ /*
/# #) '' -4$)Ƨ0--4*!$+'*(4*) the families of some of the Americans /# .*0/#*!/#  )'1 Ǧǵ$/#($'$/-4
/#  .'/$*)*!*)Ƨ$/$)/# $' ./Ǧ . $5 4/# ' ./$)$)"-*0+Ǧǵ# 4#1  .$ " $)+' ǧ#0()$/-$)*-")$./$*).
The chancellor emphasised “that Hamas /*&)*2/#//# +- .$ )/*!/# )$/  $)'0$)"/#  2$'')*/ ' /*..$./
#.!0''- .+*).$$'$/4!*-/# 2 '!- *!/#  // .*!( -$- . +'4*0/2#/Ǵ. .0#(..$1 $.+' ( )/*!+ *+' $)
hostages,” a spokesman said. — dpa happened to them, deeply,” he said. — AFP Gaza,” ICRC said. — Reuters
@omanobserver SATURDAYȈǖǙȈǗǕǗǘ 5


US House speaker
nominee drops out
REPRESENTATIVE STEVE SCALISE, who curred in January, when hardline con-
Republicans picked to be the next speak- servatives forced McCarthy to endure 15
er of the US House of Representatives, ƣ**-1*/ .*1 -!*0-4. !*- 2$))$)"
dropped out of the race on Thursday as his the gavel.
party failed to resolve its divisions, send- Several Republicans earlier said they
ing the chamber into its 10th day without 2*0'./$&2$/#'$. ǭ.-$1' $( *--
leadership. dan, who lost out in a secret-ballot vote on
Scalise, the Majority Leader, had se- Wednesday. Jordan had encouraged his
0- #$.+-/4ǭ.)*($)/$*)/*- +'  supporters to vote for Scalise, according to
ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy but was a source who spoke on condition of ano-
still short of the 217 votes needed to be nymity.
' / *)/#  *0. ƣ**-Ǡ.. 1 -'*! The US Capitol is seen at dusk Representative Greg Murphy said it was
his fellow Republicans said they would not $).#$)"/*)ǧǦ— AFP not clear that Jordan could win enough
support him. .0++*-//*.0 *)/# ƣ**-ǟ
 +0'$).*0'ƥ*-)*(*- /#) Ǯ /ǭ."*$)"/* #-Ǡǯ0-+#4/*'- -
four defections - they control the House by Highlights porters. “Personally, I think it may end up
a narrow 221-212 margin - if they wanted being a compromise candidate.”
/* )/#  *0. ǭ.'  -' ..*0//#/#. #  +0'$)$)Ƥ"#/$)"#.' ƨ/# #( - Representative Patrick McHenry, who

METAL-RICH ASTEROID MISSION already lasted nine days.

“I just shared with my colleagues that I
was withdrawing my name as a candidate
0)' /*//*.0++*-/ .- 'Ǵ.2-"$)./
' ./$)$).)+.."*1 -)( )/.+ )$)"$''.
 !*- !0)$)"-0).*0/*)*1 ( -ƴƺ
2.)( ./ (+*--4.+ & -Ƥ --
-/#4ǭ.*0./ -Ǡ$.. ).+*..$' !''-
back candidate if no one else has enough
+ '*) 14-*& /'$ƨ.*Ƣ--4$)" for our speaker designee,” Scalise told votes. Some Republicans have also sug-
..+ -ƨ/*$)1 ./$"/ /# .4#  reporters. gested that to work around the paralysis
./ -*$!-*(/#  )) 4+  )/- $)+  “If you look at over the last few weeks, if ment spending bills before funding runs caused by the lack of a permanent speaker,
)1 -'ǧ'*-$Ǧ#$.$./# Ƥ-./.+ -ƨ/* you look at where our conference is, there out on November 17.  )-4ǭ./ (+*--4+*2 -.*0' 
3+'*- ( /'ǽ-$#./ -*$ǧ2#$#(4 /#  is still work to be done ... There are still Republicans concluded a meeting on enhanced.
' ƨ*1 -*- *!+-*/*+') //#/ ")!*-($)" some people that have their own agendas,” Thursday night without coming to an '/#*0"#-/#42./# ơ-./.+ & -
$)/#  -'4.*'-.4./ ((*- /#)Ʒ$''$*)4 -. he said. agreement on who would be their nomi- to be removed in a formal vote, the last
"*Ǧ— Reuters #  +0'$)$)ơ"#/$)"#.' Ƥ/#  nee. two Republicans to hold the job wound up
#( -0)' /*//*.0++*-/ .- 'ǭ. Republicans had hoped to avoid a repeat leaving under pressure from party hard-
war against Palestinians and pass govern- of the embarrassing spectacle that oc- liners. — Reuters


   ȏ  of several
0-*+ )*0)/-$ .#.$)1$/ &-$) /**. -1 
$/. 3 -$. .ǧ2 $.#-$( $)$./ -'! -$./ -..*)
/*'+- ..*)! - ) *)-$4Ǧ
'*)"2$/#-$/$)ǧ/#  *$)/3+ $/$*)-4*- 
ȅ Ȇǧ$.*(+-$. *!($)'4'/$)*-$
*0)/-$ .$)'0$)" )(-&ǧ./*)$ǧ$)')ǧ
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*-24ǧ)2  )ǧ)$.$)/ ) !*-*+ -/$*).
$)/# '/$ - ǧ/# *-/#/')/$)/# 
ǵ&-$) #. )*Ƣ - *. -1 -.//0.!*-
'' Ǵ. 3 -$. .0-$)"ƵƳƵƷ)ƵƳƵƸǧ$)*- -
/*./- )"/# )/# $-+$/4)$)'0 /# $-
3+ -$ ) .ǧǶ -$./ -..*).$/ .0(($/*)
/# 2 $.#$.')*!*/')$)/# '/$ Ǧ
-$./ -..*).$ ( ( -.// .Ǵ ! ) 
($)$./ -.2$''( //*$.0..#*2/*+-*/ /-$/$'
$)!-./-0/0- ǧ+-/$0'-'40) -2/ -Ǧ# "-*0+
.$$) 0) $/2*0'$)- . **+ -/$*)/* / /
+*..$' /#- /./*-$/$'0) -. )*Ƣ.#*-   +- . )//$1 )$)/ -$(.+ & -*!/#  *0. /-$& )-4ǧǽǧ' 1 .ƨ - *0.  +0'$).00.( /$)"$)2#$#)*($) / 1 '$. 
$)!-./-0/0- Ǧ— Reuters -*++ *0/ǧ//# +$/*'$).#$)"/*)ǧǦ— AFP

0./-'$)Ƥ"#/./*.1  )$" )*0.- ! - )0(

 ǭ    “My goodness, kindness costs 3.8 per cent of the population.
ANTHONY ALBANESE on Friday is- nothing. Thinking of others costs A victory for the “yes” camp
.0 ) (*/$*)'Ǡơ)'Ƕ4+' /* nothing,” he told journalists in the “may just make life better” for In-
salvage a landmark referendum on South Australian state capital of digenous people, the prime minis-
Indigenous rights, his voice trem- Adelaide. / -.$ǟǮǭ*ǭ/& .0.)*2# - Ǹ
bling as he told voters: “Kindness “This is a time where Australians 2 - '$1$)"$)Ǭ)*ǭ-$"#/)*2ǟǯ
costs nothing.” have that opportunity to show the Support for the “yes” camp has
On Saturday, Australians will generosity of spirit that I see in the slumped since the opposition
decide whether to recognise First Australian character.” conservative Liberal Party, led by
/$*).+ *+' .!*-/# ơ-.//$(  The Australian leader reminded 3Ƕ+*'$ *Ʀ - / -0//*)Ǡ)-
in the 1901 constitution and create people of the harsh lives endured Australian Prime Minister Anthony nounced its opposition.
an Indigenous advisory body — a by many First Nations peoples, ') . ./.#$.1*/ 2$/##$..*) The “no” campaign has thrived
so-called “Voice” — for policies that whose ancestors lived on the con- Nathan in the referendum for an on concern about the powers the
ƥ //# $-*((0)$/$ .ǟ tinent for more than 60,000 years *-$"$)')*-- ./-$/ .') - “Voice” body would wield, warn-
Opinion polls give the reforms before white settlement. *$ /*-'$( )//--$&1$'' *2) ing it would divide Australians and
little hope, with recent surveys Highlights More than 200 years since British ''$)4) 4Ǧ— Reuters embracing uninformed voters with
indicating the “yes” camp is polling colonisation, Aboriginal and Torres /# .'*")ǡǮ !4*0*)ǭ/&)*2Ǡ1*/ 
at just over 40 per cent and the “no” The Australian leader Strait Islander peoples have lifes- no”.
side at nearly 60 per cent. reminded people of the pans eight years shorter than other The Indigenous advisory body
“There is nothing, no cost to Aus- #-.#'$1 . )0- 4 Australians, a suicide rate twice as would not be impacted if a “Voice” Ǯ2*0'#1  )1 -4.$")$ơ-
tralians showing kindness, think- many First Nations high, and double the mortality rate 2.- / /*# '+-Ƥ // - cant and detrimental change to our
ing with their heart, as well as their + *+' .ǧ2#*. ) ./*-. for mothers in childbirth, Albanese policies for Indigenous peoples. system of government”, Dutton told
head when they enter the polling lived on the continent for said. There are about 984,000 Abo- public broadcaster ABC. He blamed
**/#/*(*--*2Ǹ)1*/$)"Ǭ4 .ǭǠǯ (*- /#)ƹƳǧƳƳƳ4 -. “We can do better,” he said, argu- riginal and Torres Strait Islander the prime minister for the divisive-
Albanese said.  !*- 2#$/ . //' ( )/ $)"/#/(*./0./-'$).ǭ'$1 . people in Australia, representing ness of the campaign. — AFP
6 SATURDAYȈǖǙȈǗǕǗǘ @omanobserver


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)ƮƬƭƲǠ )*) .$))*0) /#/$/
%(.'*""$)")--*2./- /.)/-.#*) FOR LAND RIGHTS 2*0'- /0-)0./*(-4')./* )$"- A boy holds a sign showing the Dome of the Rock shrine at Al Aqsa mosque
*) Ƕ+-$./$)  # .ǟ AS MASS TOURISM )*0.+ *+' .ǟ*/ Ǡ/# *0)/-4#. compound in Jerusalem, while surrounded by Palestinian and Syrian
# '. -/%/$*- ./) &  SEEN AS THREAT - *")$. *0/ƭƱƯǠƬƬƬ# /- .!*-ƭƬƴ )/$*)'Ƨ"0-$)"))/$ǽ .- '-''4$).*'$-$/42$/#/# ' ./$)$)
('$)")- ) -/#- Ƕ#*0--$1  TO LIVELIHOODS, *((0)$/$ .Ǡ/# "*1 -)( )/.4.ǟ + *+' ǧ$)(.0.Ǵ )/-'-)*0.,0- ǧ($*)"*$)"Ƥ"#/$)"
!-*(/# .+.Ǡ4*"- /- /.) # CONSERVATION — Thomson Reuters Foundation  /2 ) .- ')/# ' ./$)$)"-*0+ (.Ǧ— AFP

'$(/ Ǭ*0)/*2)
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$/*-Ƕ$)Ƕ#$ !ǡ Abdullah bin Salim al Shueili

Ƕ($'ǡ $/*-ȧ*()*. -1 -Ǧ*(

 Ȉ Ȉ 
Tel: 22651222
TOP SCIENTISTS #1 '0)#  $)"- . -#$.' ..0. !0'!*- /#*-#-$.($/#Ǡ*!-$/$)ǭ.)$-

Tel: 22651200 4 -'4- +*-/. -$ ./*+'0"&)*2'- +*'$4(& -.- .+*)$)"/* 1 -.$/4*! .ǟǮ #1 (0#

" "+.# *!-0)#'$(/  !./Ƕ(*1$)"'$(/  ( -" )4ǟ (*- Ǿ'$(/ /'&.ǿ)
Tel: 22651209 /'&.Ǡ2$/#/# $-"'*'2-($)" Ǯ ))*/ƥ*-/*2$/ǯ!*- +*'$4!*0./#)/#  Ǡǯ2#$#
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Tel: 22651208  )4 -(-& 4 1.//$)" " *"-+#4/4)**/#)$1 -.$- 4'$(/ ( /-$.- )*2
 3/- ( 2 /# - 1 )/.Ǡ0$ /4$) - '))*Ƕ0/#*-*!/#   $)"(*)$/*- $)(*- **--
Tel: 22651205 The writer is a 2$''#*./& 4) "*/$/$*). ) 2- +*-/ǟǮ !2 - ƣ4$)"'$) $)/ 24/#)&./*/# ))0'
 journalist ./-/$)"*)*1 ( -ƯƬ$( / 2$/#*0/$)!*-(/$*)Ǡ2 ǭ- "*$)" /. /.Ǡ$./$)"0$.#$)"/# - -
Tel: 22651220 at AFP 0-$)""- )#*0. ". ($..$*). /*(& #*$ .Ǡǯ# .$ǟ . -#!-*(*/# -))0''$(/ 
  )# '+$)"/#  1 '*+$)"2*-' - +*-/.Ǡ($/# ǟ
Tel: 22651202
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Tel: 22651210
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Tel: 24649444, 24649430, 24649437, 24649401
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THE IPCC HAS *)'$(/ #)" Ǿ ǿ#. # . 2 - & 40+/ ./*/#  0+2$/#/#// ''.0.2# - 2 - 
Tel: 24649351/24649360 WARNED THE 2-) /# 2*-'$.*)*0-. /* - +*-/+0'$.# ' ../#) $)- '/$*)/*ƭǟƱǟǟǟ#$.$.'$& 
Fax: 24649379
WORLD IS ON -*../# & 42-($)"/#- .#- 4 - -'$ -ǟ /'.*.$/# - 2. *0)/*2)'*&ǟǯ
Ministry of Information
COURSE TO CROSS *'*!ƭǟƱ "- . '.$0.*1  1$ ) /#/$)- . .$)"- )- # .$ )/$./.'.*.*0"#//*
P.O. Box 974, Postal Code 100, Muscat, THE KEY WARMING +- Ƕ$)0./-$'' 1 '.$)/#  -'4 #*0. ". ($..$*).#1 .'*2 Ǡ *+ )/# 2*-&/*2$ -+0'$Ǡ
Sultanate of Oman
THRESHOLD OF ƮƬƯƬ.ǟ )/#/#)" *!$- /$*) 2$/#2  )"$) -. .$")$)"
0//# ' )"/#4/$( '" - *0' *. -1 $)!0/0- 0+- )$)/ -/$1 *)'$) .#*-
   ǡ /2 )$/."-")/0)- +*-/.Ǹ / .ǟ /*+- . )/& 4- .0'/.$)0. -Ƕ
The views and opinions expressed in these pages CELSIUS ABOVE -2$)"!-*(./0$ ./#/(4 Ǯ#$.$.)))0'/$( '4- - !-$ )'424ǟ )*)/-./Ǡ 
- .*' '4/#*. *!/# 0/#*-.)*)*/- Ƨ //# 
*+$)$*)*!/# . -1 -Ǧ PRE-INDUSTRIAL '- 4#1  ).0+ -.   ($) -ǯ*!'$(/ #)" Ƥ - - +*-/.)-0)/*/#*0.).*!
LEVELS IN THE 4) 2ơ)$)".Ǹ#..+-&  /# $)$/$'( $!- )54-*0) +" .)- Ǯ.-4/*/# " )-
EARLY 2030S *) -)/#/&2-Ƕ'**&- ơ)$)".! .Ǡ.$*Ƕ0- -'+0'$ǯǠ.$#*-) ǟ— AFP
@omanobserver SATURDAYȈǖǙȈǗǕǗǘ 7



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renewables in Oman

    tracts of land with
rich potential for
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# '.*+')./*))*0) /# Ƥ-./)/$*)'  1 '*+$)"'*2Ƕ-*) *)*(4!*- 4 -Ǡ# .$ǟ +-*% /.- .'/ /* *+ -/$*)'4
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'/ -)/$1 !0 '.ȅǧ ǧ)' ) - ) -"$ .Ȇ 4' 1 -"$)"$/.*+/$('.*'-) ment with the ultimate goal to support +')) /**( *)./- (4ƮƬƮƳǟ# 4
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./& #*' -.Ǧ committed to meeting its target of secur- !0 '.Ǿ.0#."- )#4-*" )ǿ- /#-  #-,$4#*1 -)*-/ ǢƮƬƬ0,(
)$/$*)ǧ/# . *) $/$*)*!/# dz*-0(*! $)"/' ./ƯƬ+ - )/*!$/. ' /-$$/4 (..$1 /-/.*!')ǡ' 5 -Ǿ#*!- 2$)+-*% /Ǡ)ƮƬƬ.-&#
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1$/$*) /*-Ǵ2$'' # '.)/$*)'+'/!*-( *'--$/$*)1 -"  /2 )ƮǠƬƬƬ 0./ǿǷƭƱǠƵƯƬ&(Ʈǟ# $-''*/$*)!*- '##$-#*1 -)*-/ ǟ
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0/#*-$/4.$Ǧ Ǿ #Ȓ(ƮǿǠ2#$' 2$).+ .1 -"  *1 -. )4 4-*" )()Ǿ 4-*(ǿǠ based projects over this timeframe is a
*-$)"/*/# ǧ*/# -+/#24..   /2 )ƴǷƭƬ( /- .Ȓ. *)$)$ƥ -- the orchestrator and master-planner of ./ Ƕ/*Ƕ) -"4+')//-&2$/#
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*)/-$0/ /*2-.$-0'- *)*(4)-  augur well for large-scale renewables de- "-(( *!0/$*).*!')'*&.ǟ 1 -1 )/0- 2$'' *+ -/$*)'4ƮƬƮƴǠ
)  ..-4!*-.0./$)' )# " !0 '.0++'4Ǧ 1 '*+( )/ǟ0-/# -Ǡ() )%*4.' - *2 1 -Ǡ/*#$ 1 /# "*'*! )- #  ǟ

$-*.*ƨ'*. .ʎƹƼ$''$*)/$1$.$*)'$55- '

XBOX MAKER $-*.*Ƥ'*.  The deal was the biggest test of '*.$)"/#  'ǟ
$/.ʡƲƵ$''$*) '!*-/$1$.$*) /# ǭ."'*'+*2 -/*/& *) The European Commision gave
'$55-*)-$4Ǡ.2 ''$)"$/.# Ƥ /# / #"$)/..$) -$/$)' Ƥ/#  /# "- )'$"#/$)42# )$/
$)/# 1$ *Ƕ"($)"(-& /2$/# 0-*+ ))$*)ǟ  +/ $-*.*Ƥǭ.*(($/-
best-selling titles including “Call of /.$Ǯ./$&$)"/*$/."0).ǯ$) ( )/./*'$ ) /$1$.$*)ǭ."( .
0/4ǯ/* // -*(+ / 2$/#$)0.- the face of criticism from the merg- '$& Ǯ1 -2/#ǯ)Ǯ*-'*!
/-4'  -*)4ǟ ing companies had delivered an --Ƥǯ/**/# -+'/!*-(.ǟ
-$/$)ơ)''4' - $-*.*Ƥǭ. outcome that was better for com- # ǭ.'*&$)+-$'- 2
,0$.$/$*)*!/$1$.$*) -'$ - + /$/$*)Ǡ*).0( -.) *)*($ !0-4!-*(/# ( -"$)"+-/$ .Ǡ2$/#
$)/# 4Ƥ -$/!*- /# *3 "-*2/#ǟ $-*.*Ƥ.4$)"/#/-$/$)2.
owner to sell the steaming rights to # .$$-*.*Ƥǭ.*)- $-*.*ƨ'*"*$.. )*).(-/+#*)  '*. !*-0.$) ..ǟ
- ..$/.*(+ /$/$*)*) -).ǟ The0*/ cession on streaming was a “ga- +' *)$.+'4 /$1$.$*) # -$/$.#"*1 -)( )/*)'4*!-
#  '2.'*& $)+-$' ( #)" -ǯǠ$)"/#/$/2./#  '$55-Ǵ."( .#-/ -.$)/#$. ! - '$($/ .0++*-//*/# Ǡ
4/# *(+ /$/$*))-& /. # - "0'/*-# *)'4*(+ /$/$*)" )4"'*''4/* $''0./-/$*)Ǧ— Reuters File 2$/#/# $)) $)$./ - - (4
0/#*-$/4Ǿǿ2#$#.$$/  '$1 - ' - #1  '$1 - /#$.*0/*( ǟ 0)/.4$)"/#/2#$' # $)*/
could give the US computing giant a ( .." /*$-*.*ƨ Ǯ# ) 2 '2$''./*+$-*.*Ƥ want to undermine its independ-
stranglehold over the nascent cloud /#//#  '2*0' !-*('*&$)"0+*(+ /$/$*)$) ) Ǡ- "0'/*-.'.*)  /*!*0.
"($)"(-& /ǟ  '*& 0)' .. '*0"($)"./#$.(-& //& . *) )*0-"$)"$)1 ./( )/ǟ
But the regulator ripped up its /# 4*(+- # ).$1 '4 *ƥǠ+- . -1$)"*(+ /$/$1 +-$ . '$& .*! ) )/.2 ''.'4/- #$ !3 0/$1 -#--
+'4**&4- *+ )$)"/# .  - .. *0- ). -1$ .!*- '*0"($)" /$*)Ƕ*2) -*)4ǟ#   -' ell said the regulator had “delivered
Ƥ -$-*.*Ƥ"- /*. ''/#  *) -).)2 ./0& 0./*( -.Ǡǯ$/.$$).// ( )/ǟ Trade Commission opposed the deal ' -( .." /*$-*.*Ƥ/#//# 
./- ($)"-$"#/./*/$1$.$*)ǭ. /**0-"0).*)/#/ $-*.*Ƥ))*0) /#  ' 0/Ƥ -!$'$)"/*./*+$/Ǡ/#   '2*0' '*& 0)' ../# 4
"( ./*$.*Ƥ)/ -/$)( )/Ǡ $) -'4ƮƬƮƮǠ$($)"/***./$/. 2.' Ƥ./)$)"'*) ǟ *(+- # ).$1 '4- .. *0-
with remedies to ensure the terms SARAH CARDELL "-*2/#$)*).*' Ǡ(*$' ǠǠ) # $.ơ"#/$)"*)Ǡ0/ *) -).)2 ./0&/**0-"0).
2 -  )!*- ' ǟ #$ !3 0/$1 cloud gaming to compete with the $-*.*Ƥ#..$$/2$'')*/./*+$/ *)/#/ǟǯ— Reuters
8 SATURDAYȈǖǙȈǗǕǗǘ @omanobserver










STUART A. THOMPSON tent producers and misinformation Partnership on AI.

AND SAPNA MAHESHWARI peddlers adopt the novel tools. Social '/#*0"# 2.0-ǭ.- +*-/

platforms including TikTok are scram- focused on TikTok, which has increas-
A SLICKLY produced Tik- '$)"/*ƣ")' '.0#*)/ )/ǟ ingly become a source of news, simi-
Tok video, former president The video that sounded like Obama lar content was found spreading on
Barack Obama — or a voice was discovered by NewsGuard, a YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.
eerily like his — can be heard company that monitors online misin- Platforms like TikTok allow AI-
defending himself against an formation. The video was published " ) -/ *)/ )/*!+0'$ơ"0- .Ǡ
explosive new conspiracy theory by one of 17 TikTok accounts pushing including newscasters, so long as they
about the sudden death of his for- baseless claims with fake audio that do not spread misinformation. Parody
mer chef.  2.0-$ )/$ơ Ǡ*-$)"/* videos showing AI-generated conver-
“While I cannot comprehend the report the group released in Septem- sations between politicians, celebri-
basis of the allegations made against ber. The accounts mostly published ties or business leaders — some dead
me,” the voice says, “I urge everyone videos about celebrity rumours using Highlights — have spread widely since the tools
to remember the importance of unity, narration from an AI voice. The chan- became popular. Manipulated audio
understanding and not rushing to nels had collectively received hun- adds a new layer to deceptive videos and prohibiting deepfakes of young
judgments.” In fact, the voice did not dreds of millions of views and com- The video that on the platforms that have already + *+' )+-$1/ ơ"0- .ǟ1$
belong to the former president. It was ments that suggested some viewers sounded like Obama featured fake versions of Tom Cruise, Rand, a professor of management sci-
a convincing fake, generated by arti- believed the claims. was discovered Elon Musk and newscasters like Gayle ence at the Massachusetts Institute of
ơ$'$)/ ''$" ) 0.$)".*+#$./$/  by NewsGuard, $)")*-#ǭ*)) ''ǟ$&*& Technology whom TikTok consulted
new tools that can clone real voices to NEWSGUARD a company that and other platforms have been grap- for advice on how to word the new
create AI puppets with a few clicks of TikTok requires labels disclosing monitors online pling with a spate of misleading ads labels, said the labels were of limited
a mouse. realistic AI-generated content as fake, misinformation. The lately featuring deepfakes of celebri- use when it came to misinformation
The technology used to create AI but they did not appear on the videos video was published ties like Cruise and YouTube star Mr. because “the people who are trying
voices has gained traction and wide ƣ"" 4 2.0-ǟ$&*&.$$/ by one of Beast. to be deceptive are not going to put
acclaim since companies such as Elev- had removed or stopped recommend-

/# ' '*)/# $-./0ƥǟǯ$&*&'.*
enLabs released a slate of new tools ing several of the accounts and videos POWER OF TECHNOLOGY said last month that it was testing
late last year. Since then, audio fakes for violating policies around posing The power of these technologies automated tools to detect and label
have rapidly become a new weapon as news organisations and spread- TikTok accounts could profoundly sway viewers. “We AI-generated media, which Rand said
on the online misinformation bat- ing harmful misinformation. It also pushing baseless do know audio and video are perhaps would be more helpful, at least in the
/' ơ 'Ǡ/#- / )$)"/*/0-*#-"  removed the video using the AI-gen- claims with more sticky in our memories than short term.
political disinformation before the -/ 1*$ /#/($($& (ǭ. fake audio that text,” said Claire Leibowicz, head of AI YouTube bans political ads from
2024 election by giving creators a way !*-1$*'/$)"$&*&ǭ..4)/# /$( $ NewsGuard and media integrity at the Partnership using AI and requires other advertis-
to put their conspiracy theories into policy, as it contained highly realistic $ )/$Ƥ ǧ*-$)" on AI, which has worked with tech- ers to label their ads when AI is used.
the mouths of celebrities, newscasters content not labelled altered or fake. to a report the nology and media companies on a Meta, which owns Facebook, added
and politicians. Ǯ$&*&$./# ơ-./+'/!*-(/* group released in set of recommendations for creating, a label to its fact-checking tool kit in
The fake audio adds to the AI-gen- provide a tool for creators to label AI- September. sharing and distributing AI-generated 2020 that describes whether a video is
erated threats from “deepfake” videos, generated content and an inaugural content. “altered.” And X, formerly known as
humanlike writing from ChatGPT and member of a new code of industry TikTok said last month that it was Twitter, requires misleading content
images from services such as Mid- best practices promoting the respon- introducing a label that users could /* Ǯ.$")$ơ)/'4)  +/$1 '4
journey. sible use of synthetic media,” said select to show whether their videos altered, manipulated or fabricated” to
Disinformation watchdogs have Jamie Favazza, a spokesperson for used AI. In April, the app started violate its policies. The company did
noticed the number of videos contain- TikTok, referring to a recently intro- requiring users to disclose manipu- not respond to requests for comment.
ing AI voices has increased as con- 0 !-( 2*-&!-*(/# )*)+-*ơ/ lated media showing realistic scenes — THE NEW YORK TIMES
@omanobserver SATURDAYȈǖǙȈǗǕǗǘ 9


With the growth of peer-to-peer rental companies like RVShare and Outdoorsy, RV travel has become more accessible — and more
appealing — to vacationers of varying ages and budgets.

  Ȉ   is on the rise ferent classes based on size and amenities. Towable
and not just with baby boomers. With the growth .Ǡ.0#.*)1 )/$*)'/-1 '/-$' -.ǠơƤ#Ƕ2# '
of peer-to-peer rental companies like RVShare and trailers, truck campers, folding camping trailers and
Outdoorsy, RV travel has become more accessible — sport utility RVs, require a vehicle to pull them.
and more appealing — to vacationers of varying ages If you have the right vehicle to pull it, a towable
and budgets. RV is a great option because you have a car for ex-
1 -/# +./.$3(*)/#.Ǡ0/**-.4ǭ.**&$)". ploring, Gray said.
have shot up more than 300 per cent among global “Campervans with four-wheel drive are popular
users, the company said, with half those users under (*)"($'' ))$'. 0. /# 4ǭ- $ '!*--$1$)"
/# " *!ưƬǟ$($'-'4Ǡ (+"-*0).*!( -$ǭ. $)*ƥǶ"-$'*/$*).Ǡǯ.$ ƥ1$).Ǡ#$ ! 3 0-
latest North American Camping Report noted mil- /$1 *!0/**-.4Ǡ. *)#$.*(+)4ǭ./ǟǮ# 
lennials and Gen Xers now account for 70 per cent of Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, Winnebago Revel and the
RV users. Sportsmobile Classic 4 by 4 are all top sellers.”

!4*0ǭ1 ) 1 -/-1 ' 4(*/*-#*( *-Ǡ*-
/#*0"#/$/2.)ǭ/!*-4*0Ǡ# - - ! 2/$+./*. /  
the wheels in motion. “Map out your route in advance,” Trevino said.

“Smaller roads may not be equipped to accom-
    (*/ # Ƥ$ -.ǟǯ# - *(( ). *(-
- *(Ǡƣ 3$$'$/4))$(( -.$*)$))- $)"**('0( ( -ǾʡƮƵȒ4 -ǿ/*
ture are just a few appealing perks of RV travel. access its web-based trip planner, which has helpful
Visiting multiple destinations without having to ơ'/ -.!*-'*2Ƕ' -) 1*$) )*+/$*)./*
pack and unpack, traveling with a pet, the lure bypass highways and tolls.
of the open road and kitchens for those with dietary For a $26.99 yearly subscription, the app CoPilot-
restrictions are also big advantages. Boondocking, *ƥ -.Ƕ.+ $ơ)1$"/$*)Ǿ/-0& -(+.)
or dry camping, lets travelers park almost anywhere Ƕ.+ $ơ 1$ .+-*1$ .$($'-$)!*-(-
2$/#*0/.-$ơ$)"*(!*-/.'$& .# '/ -) ǟ /$*)ǿǠ2#$' */-$++ -.ǟ*($.!- - .*0- !*-
Ǯ /ǭ.#++4( $0( /2 )#*/ ')/ )/ plotting RV routes and calculating travel time, mile-
(+$)"Ǡǯ.$ *)-4Ǡ#- ǭ.#$ ! 3 0/$1 ǟ age and estimated fuel cost.

RVs have also become a popular choice for people
attending festivals, tailgating at sporting events or 
staying near family during the holiday season, he /ǭ.-0$'/*- . -1 (+"-*0).$)1) Ǡ
added. especially during summer months and other

peak travel periods. Websites like Reserve
      America, Roverpass, Campendium and Recrea-
-$/$*)'- )/'ơ-(.*ƥ -. -1$ /#/ǭ. provide lists of campsites available across
similar to renting a car, while peer-to-peer the country.
services are more akin to Airbnb, said Kevin Ǯ - *(( )ơ-.//$( -./*./4/!0''4Ƕ
Broom, a spokesman for the RV Industry Asso- loaded RV park or campground like Kampgrounds
ciation. *!( -$)*"$ -ǭ. ''4./*) -&(+Ƕ
“When renting from owners, look closely at the  .*-/.Ǡ2#$#*ƥ -!0''#**&0+.Ǡ0(+.//$*).)
details,” he advised. Take time to read customer re- ./ƥ*).$/ Ǡǯ-4.$ǟ
1$ 2.Ǡ# &/# " *!/# 1 #$' )(& .0- $/ǭ. When renting a rig, request detailed instructions
well maintained. from the owner or rental company how to use the
“Companies like Cruise America, El Monte RV ǭ..4./ (.Ǡ$)'0$)"/# " ) -/*-Ǡ$-Ƕ*)$/$*)-

and Apollo tend to have lower insurance deducti- ing, leveling, slide outs, electric and entertainment,
bles than renting a privately owned vehicle,” said .2 ''.#*2/* (+/42./ /)&.)- ơ''!- .#
Deborah Trevino, a Virtuoso travel agent, “but rental water.
prices are typically less in the sharing economy be- Typically, the owner or rental company will
0. 4*0ǭ- )*/- )/$)"!-*(!-)#$. ǟǯ conduct a walk-through orientation with the vehi-
For travelers uncomfortable driving larger RVs, ' ǭ.- )/ -.ǟ*./- )/'*(+)$ .*ƥ --*.$ 
+ -Ƕ/*Ƕ+ -- )/'2 .$/ .+-*1$ . -#ơ'/ -. assistance in their pricing, and extended roadside
for owners who are willing to deliver and set up service, for nonmechanical mishaps like misplacing

trailers at a location selected by the renter. your keys, is also available.

Make sure to take the vehicle for a test drive to get
       comfortable turning, parking and towing it.

Your budget, destination and the number of
travelers are the biggest factors in determining  
what size and model is best for your trip. “A cou- Some RV owners provide free bedding, tow-
ple visiting several locations and driving lots of '.)&$/# ) .. )/$'.Ǡ2#$' */# -.*ƥ -
miles may want a smaller motor home with better housekeeping kits and outdoors equipment at

fuel economy,” Broom said. “A family with children a cost; inquire ahead of time. “Many customers
may want a larger RV with slide outs and more sleep- opt to have their RVs supplied with groceries and
ing areas.” (+$)"" -'$& &4&.Ǡơ.#$)"+*' .)"-$''Ǡ
GoRVing is a website that compares features of so all they need to do is arrive with their suitcase,”
various RV types and has a “Find My RV” tool to help .$1$).ǟ !4*0ǭ- ./*&$)"/# 1 #$' 4*0-. '!Ǡ
. ' //# -$"#/ơ/Ǡ2#$' /# *(+/++'$) provides a helpful checklist, broken
2 .$/ *0/'$) ./# +-*.)*).*!/# $ƥ -- down into categories from toiletries and clothing to
ent categories. (Most states do not require a special kitchen supplies and tools. Of course, most items can
-$1 -ǭ.'$ ). !*-.ǟǿ  +0-#. *)/# -*$!4*0*)ǭ/2)//*04
Motor homes, or motorized RVs, come in three dif- them before you leave. Ǹ#  2*-&$( .
10 SATURDAYȈǖǙȈǗǕǗǘ @omanobserver


'' -"$). ($.Ƥ -
stunning Harimoto
*)/ ) -0./ƵƳƵƶ/**)'0 /*4
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Ƥ -/*0"#'.#*)-$4//# $)**-
    action in the WTT Contender #''*!/# 0'/)**.+*-/.*(+' 3ǟ
Muscat 2023 will conclude on )/# ( )ǭ.*0' .Ǡ2 $.#0**!
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SPORTS REPORTER ư*(*&50 -$(*/**! +)ƯǶƮǾƱǶƭƭǠ ƭƭǶƳǠƭƭǶƲǿǟ# 42$''( / -()4ǭ./-
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.0++*-/ 4 *'!Ǧ +)Ǵ.*(*&50 -$(*/*+'4.- /0-)"$)./2  )Ǵ.)/*) '' -"$)/# ,0-/ -Ƥ)'Ǧ

Cricket approved by IOC for 2028 Los Angeles Olympics

  ǭ ǖǕǕȈ Ǯ . /# "-*2$)"+*+0'-$/4*!  /# ơ-./0(( -'4(+$../" 
   3$' (*1 '*. -/* )- ƮƬ-$& /)2 '**&!*-2-/* $)/# )$/ // ..$) /# ƭƵƵƲ
$)"Ƥ -/# .+*-/2.++-*1 !*- 2 '*($)"/# 2*-'ǭ. ./+'4 -. /')/( .ǟ
$)'0.$*)//# ƮƬƮƴ *.)" ' . /*/# $)ƮƬƮƴǠǯ#  ǟ Ǯ# #*$ *!/# . ơ1 ) 2
( .4/#  )/ -)/$*)''4(- *.)" ' .#$ !.#1 +-*+*.  .+*-/.$.$)'$) 2$/#/# ( -$)
+$*(($// ǭ. 3 0/$1 *-ǟ .$3Ƕ/ ( 1 )/Ǡ$)*/#( )ǭ.) .+*-/.0'/0- )2$''.#*2. 
- .$ )/#*(.#Ǡ 2*( )ǭ.ƮƬ-$& /Ǡ2$/#/# )$/  $*)$( -$).+*-/./*/# 2*-'Ǡ
.+ &$)"Ƥ --$4ǭ.. *)4 // .. //*ơ '.$ ../# #*./ 2#$' -$)"$)"$)/ -)/$*)'.+*-/.
*!) 3 0/$1 *-( /$)"$) TheQuote nation. /*/# )$/ // .Ǡǯ# .$ǟ
0($Ǡ.$*Ʀ$'.# +/  0/)*ơ-( $.$*)*)/# )0(- Ǯ# . .+*-/.2$''(& /# '4(-
+-*+*.'4 *-")$. -.!*-  -*!/ (.*-#*2/# 4- ,0'$- - .$ )/#*(.#+'4.-$& / +$( . Ʈƴ0)$,0 ǟǯ
2 )/4ƮƬ-$& //* $)'0 . ơ 2$'' /& )0)' ..)0)/$' /) 1 )//*'0)#/# '4(+$'0 . * -)+ )//#'*)Ǡ! /0-$)"
*) *!ơ1 ) 2.+*-/./*" /# -2$/# -$& /-  $1 .!*-('-/$ơ/$*) 0/$*)-*"-(( //#  '$)  *./' -$)"-/# -/#)#*-. Ƕ
. ''Ȓ.*Ƥ''Ǡƣ"!**/''Ǿ)*)Ƕ on Monday. *0)/$*)*0)"#(+.!**/'' -$$)"Ǡ)2 $"#/'$Ƥ$)"#1 '.*
*)//( -$)!**/''ǿǠ.,0.# -$& /'./! /0- //# ƭƵƬƬ  (4$)1$0($Ǧ— AFP  )- ./*- /*/# +-*"-(( ǟ
and lacrosse. -$.'4(+$.Ǡ2# )/ (!-*( .+*-/.$- /*- $/*)) ''
0//# ơ)'#*$ *!2#$#  . /# "-*2$)" -$/$) /.$ - +- . )/$)" /# '0-/$1 .*0/#.$)(-& /Ǡ .$/# +-*+*. .# 0' 2*0'
.+*-/.- *)/# ƮƬƮƴ+-*"-((  +*+0'-$/4*!ƵƳ -) ǟ# .+*-/#.( (*1 . //-/$)"!).$)*0)/-$ ..0#. .  ƮƬƮƴ 3 $)"/#  ǭ.+- -
2$'' 1*/ *)*)4//#   -$& /)2 '**& /*2-.- /0-)/*/# ( .!*- )$)&$./)ǟ 1$*0.'4))*0) '$($/*!ƭƬǠƱƬƬ
. ..$*)$)0($Ǡ*) *!/# #*/- !*-2-/*2 '*($)" (*- /#)  Ǡ2$/#/#  )- Ǯ#$.$.2$)Ƕ2$).$/0/$*)Ǡǯ /#' / .Ǹ,0*/$(+*. /*'$($/
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( )ǭ.ƱƬǶ*1 --$& /*-'0+ǟ /*/# $)ƵƳƵƻ/ ( )/ǟ *++*-/0)$/4/*"-*2 4*)/-$- ( .ǟ
Ǯ*-/#  Ǡ$/$."- /*++*-/0- $)"-$& //*/# '4(+$ /$*)'/ --$/*-$ .))/$*).ǟǯ *)) '' /#  $( 
)$/4/* )"" 2$/#) 2/#' / ) THOMAS BACH +-*"-(( $.)*1$*0.(*1 Ǡơ- # /# +-*+*. ) 2 /*Ǯ'$($//# $)- . Ǡ0/'$($//# 
!)*((0)$/$ .Ǡǯ.$#ǟ - .$ )/ ))$''4.+ &$)"ǟ /2*0'/+$)/* .+*-/.2 - 2 ''Ƕ.0$/ /*2#/2$'' $(+/*)/#  3$./$)".+*-/ǯǟ— AFP
@omanobserver SATURDAYȈǖǙȈǗǕǗǘ 11




*-" $'2.)( 
as the new coach of the
*-**2*( )Ǵ.)/$*)'
team on Thursday, weeks
ƨ - $)".& .+$)
*..!*''*2$)"/# $-*-'
Cup triumph and the Luis
0$' .&$...)'Ǧ
+$)2*)/# $-($ )2*( )Ǵ.*-'0+/$/' 
4 /$)")"')$)/# Ƥ)'$)4) 4 .+$/ 
($..$)". 1 -'+'4 -.2#*2 )/*)./-$& *1 -
$'Ǵ./-$)$)"( /#*.)//$.Ǧ
Vilda was seen as an ally of former Spanish
football federation president Rubiales, who has been
accused by public prosecutors of sexual assault and
* -$*)!*-"$1$)" ))$ -(*.*)0).*'$$/ 
&$..*)/# '$+.0-$)"/# +*./ǽ*-'0+Ƥ)'
2-. - (*)4Ǧ
But Morocco have named Vilda as successor to
Frenchman Reynald Pedros, who took the team to
/# *-'0+&)*&*0/./" *)/# $-/*0-)( )/
 0/Ǧǵ# *4'*-*)!**/''!  -/$*)#.
. 0- /# . -1$ .*!+)$.#*# *-" $'
*-$"0 5/*/-$)/# )/$*)'2*( )Ǵ./ (ǧǶ/# 
.$Ǧ$'2..& 4+$)ƨ -''*!
#$.*-'0+ǽ2$))$)"+'4 -..$/# 42*0')*/
+'4$)/ -)/$*)'!**/''"$)0)/$'# ' ƨǦǿ +$)+'4 -. ' -/ ƨ -.*-$)"/# $-Ƥ-./"*'"$)./*/')Ǧǿ 0/ -.

Spain avenge Scotland
# -2!*-/# ()
*-+*-/  "0 OCL
2023 football tournament in
its third edition took a place
 ! /$)0-*,0'$ơ -
with the participation of 26
teams at the Qantab Hall in *-/ǭ.$1$)"#  - $)%0-4!*''*2$)"*''$.$*)2$/#$(*)ǟ
Al Bustan Palace Hotel on ).-++4$#) +$)/#- 2*)2$)" --4)-"*5
0)4Ǧ# / (.- !-*( ) /"*' -)  !*-#$. 0//#'!Ƕ/$( )# $)./)/'4
*(+)$ .*+ -/$)"$)()$)$/.1-$*0.. /*-.Ǧ +$))$(+*-/)/ƮǶƬ 0"#//#  4 Ǡơ-$)")--*2'4*1 -Ƥ -
The draw ceremony was held under the auspices 2$)*1 -*/')$) (54-$' ǟ
of Ahmed bin Mohammed al Humaidi, Chairman 0-*ƮƬƮư,0'$!4$)"*)#0-.4ǟ
*!0./0)$$+'$/4ǧ'*)"2$/#'$' / 1 '-& ǭ..$ 2 - ' Ƥ!0-$*0.Ƥ - CONTROVERSIAL MOMENT
Obaidani, President of the International Socca *//*($)4.*- -$''$)/!- Ƕ *($)4Ǡ2#*) // */#*!*/Ƕ
Federation in the Middle East, in addition to a &$&/*+0/*/')# 0//# "*' ')ǭ."*'."$)./+$)$)'."*2Ǡ
)0( -*!.+*-/.Ƥ"0- .)- +- . )//$1 .*! 2.$.''*2 !*-$)/ -! -$)"2$/#+$) /#*0"#/# #./-0&"$)2# )#$.
+-/$$+/$)"*(+)$ .Ǧ "*'& + -)$$(*)ǟ ./$)"$)"!- Ƕ&$&!-*()$(+*..$'4/$"#/
# +-/$$+/$)"/ (.2 - $1$ $)/* *-/-*& /#  '*&Ƥ -ƳƯ )"' -$++ $)/*/# !-/*+*-) -Ǡ.+-&Ƕ
$"#/"-*0+.$)/ "*-$ .)Ǧ# / ( ($)0/ .)) /0)' #*( .#  $)"2$' ' -/$*).ǟ *2 1 -Ǡ/# - ! - 
/#/2*)/# #(+$*).#$+ȅ/ "*-4Ȇ2$'' /)"' 2$/# ! ) -4)*-/ *0./* -0' *0//# "*'Ƥ -$)./-0/ #$(
qualify to participate in the International Socca . ' *%ǭ.1$/*-4Ǡ2#$#+0/./# (*) /*2/#- +'4Ǡ++- )/'4!*-!*0'4
#(+$*).#$+$) 3$* -'4) 3/4 -ǧ*-")$.  /# 1 -" *!0-*ƮƬƮưǟ & )-4*)$(*)Ǡ 1 )/#*0"#1 -4
).0+ -1$. 4/# +*-/& -.Ǧ Ǯ &) 2/# $-' 1 'Ǡ/# 4- /*0"# '$//' *)//2.( ǟ
# /*0-)( )/ "$).*)/* -ƵƵǧ//#  *++*) )/Ǡ!*-#*2#-/# 42*-&Ǡ#*2  .+$/ $)$/$)"!*0'Ǡ'/ -/# *ƦǶ
+'4"-*0)Ǧ# / (2*)/#   /$"#//# 4& +/# $-'$) .Ǡ/# 4- 2 ''Ƕ $'++- )/'4 3+'$) /*+'4 -.$/2.
championship title in its previous two editions, -$'' Ǡ/#/ǭ.2#4/# 4ǭ- ơ-./$)/#  $.''*2 !*-*ƥ.$ "$)./ )-4ǟ
2#$#,0'$Ƥ $//*- +- . )//# 0'/)/ *! "-*0+Ǡǯ*-$/*'+)$.#-*./ -. Ǯ1 -4*) 2/#$)"/#/"( /*)$"#/
()$)/# **-'0+.Ǧ ǟǮ0-$"" ./1$-/0 2.+/$ ) ǟǟǟ !-*(*/')+*$)/*!1$ 2Ǡ2# - 1 -
2$/#/# ($)0/ ."*$)"4)/# /$- Ƕ +$)Ǵ.'1-**-/ ' -/ ..*-$)"/# $-Ƥ-./ 4*02 - Ǡ$/%0./! '/'$& 2 2 - )ǭ/" //$)"
) ..Ǡ.+ ++ - ǟǯ "*'"$)./*/')Ǧǿ 0/ -. )4ƱƬǶƱƬ $.$*)ǶǶ$/( $/1 -4$ƦǶ
-*0+'  -.*/')2*0'#1  0'/"$)./2*-'Ƕ'../ (Ǡǯ*/')
. ' ,0'$ơ/$*)!*-/# /*0-)( )/ ($ơ ' - *#)$))/*'$+'4ǟ
   $) -()4) 3/.0(( -2$/#+*$)/$) ǞǜǞǠ   Ǯ .# "*$)"/*.1 $/ǧ*#) ǟ*
 1$'' ǟ#*0'. *)Ƕ+' +$)1*$   Ǩ "*'& + -$)/# 2*-'$."*$)"/*.1 
ǖǜ   ! /"$)./*-24Ǡ/#$-Ǡ*)0)4Ǡ /#/ǟ *2 1 -Ǡ/*) +*$)/Ǿ/# - ! - ǿ
'-& ǭ./ (2$''- #*). 0/$1 0-*Ƕ  .$$/ǭ.!*0'Ǡ- '$. .$/$.)ǭ/!*0'Ǡ.*
-$'ǧƼ/#ǽ"-  + )#(+$*).#$+.ǟ ) -)ǧ4+-0. #)" .$//**ƥ.$ ǟǯ
./0 )/at Indian School +$)Ǡ/#- +*$)/. #$)*/')Ǡ) Cyprus 0 Norway 4 (Sorloth 33, '-& .$# $)*/&)*22#4/# 
*#-ǧ ( -" .2$)) - 2-+0+/# $-*2),0'$ơ/$*)$!/# 4 Haaland 65, 72, Aursnes 81) - ! - #-0' *0//# "*'ǟ
$)/# ) -ǽƴƺ  /*-24Ǡ2#*/#-.# 4+-0.ưǶƬ*) ) 1$'' ǧ+$) Ǯ# "( /0-) *).(''(-"$)Ǹ
Clusters tournament held #0-.4ǟ*/')--$1 $))'0$ Spain 2 (Morata 73, Sancet 86) Scotland 0 $!$/2.*ƥ.$ *-!*0'Ǡ *)ǭ/&)*22#/
/ ǽ0./-  )/'4Ǧ 2$/#)$((0'/ - *-!-*(/# $-ơ1  # "1 $/!*-/* #*) ./Ǡǯ.$'-& ǟ
The competition featured +- 1$*0.,0'$ơ -.Ǡ$)'0$)"ƮǶƬ2$)  Ǯ*0).#*2/# "*'.()4/$( .
participants from all Indian *1 -+$)$)'."*2$)-#ǟ )$" .4*0'$& Ǡ2 ǭ- )*/" //$)"$/Ǡ2 #1 /*
Schools across Oman, and /2.+$)*# 0$. '0 )/ ǭ. Latvia 2 (Ikaunieks 39, Balodis 68) (*1 *)ǟǯ
-Ǵ.- (-&' /' )/) $/$*). /# - . *)"( $)#-" )# $).$./ #$. Armenia 0 */')2 - ./$''. /#$)"2# ) 
+-/Ǧ / (2 - $)!- // -.#+ # *!/#  ).$% &ǧ-*/$ *%-*& /#  '*&Ǡ .0.1.
-Ǵ.%*0-) 4/*.0 ..$)/' / ))$.#. - (/#Ǡ).*$/+-*1 ǟ Croatia 0 Turkiye 1 (Baris Alper Yilmaz 30) -*..$)"!*-*-//*# #*( -$'Ƕ
 ),0$/ $(+- ..$1 Ǧ$/#./-$)"*!1$/*-$ .$) #*0.).*!1$.$/$)"!).% - +$) '$)/'4ǟ
various tournaments, she has become a force to be ($ơ ' -*-$ -)) 5Ǡ2#*#  +$)ǭ.. *)( 2# )/# */# -2$. 
- &*) 2$/#Ǧ*/'4ǧ-#. ). ' / /* ' '' */')ǭ.//$.)++-*#/ )$-) .0+ --*) $& 4.'$++ Ǡ''*2$)"
represent Oman at the national level, a testament to (+ )-&Ǯ-0$.#ǯǟ Albania 3 (Asani 9, Seferi 51, 73) *. '0/*.'$ /# ''-*../# *3)
# -$)- $' .&$''.Ǧ *-$)+$)*($)/ +*.. ..$*) Czech Republic 0 ) /%0./ /*-/ *0./*$/ǟ
Behind her achievements stand her proud )/# "( Ǡ2$/# --)*-- .ơ-$)" )*-.#1) Ǯ #/#$.'))2 2 - (Ƕ
parents, Dr Anwer Zabil and Dr Fazmeen Zabil, 2$ $)/# ơ-./($)0/ 2# )# .#*0' Faroe Islands 0 Poland 2 /0- Ǡ2 &) 2#*2/**(+ / Ǡǯ.$
/2*2 ''ǽ&)*2) )/$./.2$/#) -'4/2*  . #1 .*- Ǡ2#$' $& ' -$)*./-0& (Szymanski 4, Buksa 65) #++4 '0 )/ ǟ
*!+-/$ $)'/$)#*1 -)*-/ Ǧ-Ǵ. /# +*./)*-/#"*'-0' *0/ Ǯ 2)//*' -0+2#/ .$Ǡ *)ǭ/
elder brother, Aamir Zabil, played a crucial role in !*-*ƥ.$ ǟ  /#$)&(42*-.2 - 2 ''Ƕ$)/ -+- / ǶǶ 
.+-&$)"# -+..$*)!*-/# "( Ǧ )$/$*)/* */')' ƤǶ&)4* -/.*)2. ))*--' '' '24.- .+ //# *++*) )/Ǡ ǭ'') 1 -
her table tennis prowess, Zara also excels in tennis,  ' -/$)"2$))$)"#$.ƲƳ/#$)/ -)/$*)' Andorra 0 Kosovo 3 -$/$$. /# !**/''*!)*++*) )/Ǡǯ
.& /'')+ -!*-($)"-/..#*2.$)"# - +Ǡ/&$)"#$($)/*/# *0)/-4ǭ./*+ƭƬǠ (Rashica 26, 71, Zeqiri 83)  ./$.ơ *-$Ǡ- ! --$)"/*#$.
1 -./$'$/4Ǧ -.#**'- +- . )//$1 ..$2#$'  0/#$.)$"#/ ) $)$.++*$)/( )/ )0+ ./ǧ 0)"-4 - 0& *!*/')$)-#2# )# 2.
 ' -/$)"/# /-$0(+#/# 42$/(*- !-*(-Ǧ 2# )# 2./& )*ƥ2$/#.#*0' - Belarus 0 Romania 0 )*/.'(ǟ— AFP
12 SATURDAYȈǖǙȈǗǕǗǘ @omanobserver

New Zealand cruise past Bangladesh for third win

Williamson marked Mitchell did it in some style
his return to the 2$/#"$)/# 1 !*-.$3*ƥ)"-
World Cup with an ladesh seamer Shoriful Islam.
undefeated 78 as New $/# ''ơ)$.# 0) ! / 
Zealand cruised past *)ƴƵ*ƥ%0./ƲƳ '$1 -$ .Ǡ2$/#
Bangladesh by eight wickets on six fours and four sixes under his
Friday but the captain was forced belt.
to retire hurt with a hand injury. New Zealand, runners-up at
Williamson had been sidelined /# ƮƬƭƱ)ƮƬƭƵ*-'
with a serious knee injury picked Cups, had already defeated
up during the IPL and sat out New defending champions
 ')ǭ.ơ-.//2*2$).//#  England as well as outsiders
World Cup. Netherlands in India.
Chasing 246 to win, the 33-year- Bangladesh defeated Afghani-
*'Ǡ+'4$)"#$.ơ-./ .$)  stan and then lost to England.
)0-4Ǡ#- # #$.ưƯ-ơƤ4 -'$ -Ǡ0.#ơ,0-#$(#$/
$)/# !*-(/*ƥƴƭ''.)2. ơ) #'! )/0-4/*' )"-
looking well set for a century. ladesh to 245-9 while veteran
He moved on to 78 with eight Black Caps fast bowler Trent Boult
fours and a six when he had to call claimed a 200th one-day interna-
$/,0$/.Ƥ -/#-*2!-*(/#  + tional wicket.
rapped him painfully on the glove, 0.#ơ,0-( ƲƲ*ƥƳƱ''.
jamming his hand against the bat with six fours and two sixes, tak-
handle. $)"#$.)0( -*!ơƤ$ .$)/# 
format to 48 having also hit a
half-century against England three
Newinjury days ago.
The 36-year-old, playing in his
Williamson moved on to 78 with eight ƮƱƵ/# Ǡ.#- -0$'ƵƲǶ-0)
fours and a six when he had to call fourth wicket partnership with
$/,0$/.ƨ -/#-*2!-*(/#  + skipper Shakib Al Hasan (40) to
-++ #$(+$)!0''4*)/# "'*1 ǧ help their team recover from 56-4.
jamming his hand against the bat
handle. In discussion with the medical BOULT IN 200 CLUB
/ (ǧ)2$/#/# '&+.*)'4Ʒƹ Boult, meanwhile, became the
-0)..#*-/*!1$/*-4ǧ$/2. $ /* sixth New Zealand player to take
/& $''$(.*)*0/*!/# "( ƮƬƬ 2$& /.ǟ
The 34-year-old reached the
personal landmark when he dis-
In discussion with the medi- missed Towhid Hridoy, caught at
cal team, and with the Black Caps extra cover by Mitchell Santner for
only 46 runs short of victory, it ƭƯǠ$)/# Ưƴ/#*1 -ǟ
was decided to take Williamson '4$)"$)#$.ƭƬƳ/# Ǡ*0'/
out of the game. also dismissed opener Liton Das
New Zealand comfortably *ƥ/# ơ-./''*!/# (/#ǟ
wrapped up their third win with Liton was celebrating his 29th
43 balls to spare. birthday but any hopes of a big
Williamson had put on a score to mark the occasion were
second-wicket stand of 80 .#// - 2# )# .#0ƨ *2)
with opener Devon Con- the wicket to confront Boult only
24ǾưƱǿ)/# )ƭƬƴ2$/# to sky the ball to a grateful Henry
Daryl Mitchell who raced to 2#*+*& / /# #) /ơ) 
#$.ƱƬ*ƥưƯ''.ǟ leg. — AFP

Liton Das c Henry b Boult 0 D Conway lbw Shakib 45 Country Played Won Lost Tied No Result Points NRR
Tanzid Hasan c Conway b Ferguson 16 1$)-0.#Ƥ,0-
Mehidy Hasan Miraz c Henry b Ferguson 30 0./Ƥ50-Ƽ New Zealand 3 3 0 0 0 6 1.604
Najmul Hossain Shanto c Conway b Phillips 7 K Williamson retired hurt 78 South Africa 2 2 0 0 0 4 2.360
Shakib Al Hasan c Latham b Ferguson 40 D Mitchell not out 89 India 2 2 0 0 0 4 1.500
0.#Ƥ,0-#$( )-4ƹƹ G Phillips not out 16
Towhid Hridoy c Santner b Boult 13 Extras (lb1, w10) 11 Pakistan 2 2 0 0 0 4 0.927
Mahmudullah not out 41 Total (2 wkts; 42.5 overs) 248 England 2 1 1 0 0 2 0.553
Taskin Ahmed c Mitchell b Santner 17 Fall of wickets: 1-12, 2-92, 2-200*
0./Ƥ50-#() /#( )-4Ʒ (Williamson, retired hurt) Bangladesh 3 1 2 0 0 2 -0.699
Shoriful Islam not out 2 Bowling:0./Ƥ50-#()ƻǽƳǽ Sri Lanka 2 0 2 0 0 0 -1.161
Extras (lb1, nb4, w4) 9 36-1, Shoriful Islam 7.5-1-43-0, Taskin Netherlands 2 0 2 0 0 0 -1.800
Total (nine wkts; 50 overs) 245 Ahmed 8-0-56-0, Shakib Al Hasan 10-
Fall of wickets: 1-0, 2-40, 3-56, 4-56, 5-152, 6-175, 7-180, 8-214, 9-225 0-54-1, Mehidy Hasan Miraz 9-0-58-0 Australia 2 0 2 0 0 0 -1.846
Bowling: Boult 10-0-45-2, Henry 10-0-58-2, Ferguson 10-0-49-3, Result: New Zealand won by Afghanistan 2 0 2 0 0 0 -1.907
)/) -ƴƳǽƴǽƶƴǽƴǧ#$''$+.ƵǽƳǽƴƶǽƴǧ1$)-ƺǽƳǽƶƺǽƳǧ$/# ''ƴǽƳǽƴƴǽƳ eight wickets
NOTE: *+!*0-/ (.,0'$!4!*-/# . ($Ƥ)'.

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