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Important leadership qualities Ways to develop these qualities

Hello teacher, welcome to my short Developing the qualities and

presentation to day Im gonna talk skills of a leader requires
about the topic how to be an
intentional effort and
effective leader
There are numerous qualities that continuous growth
contribute to effective leadership. The leafer should take the first
Here are some important leadership step out of their comfort-zone
qualities that people need to and then the only way people can
consider becoming a good leader: do is breakout , people can see
Number 1 is Vision: one strong the second step three step fourth
leader has a clear picture of the step, then the self esteem goes up
future and are able to articulate it to and the self confidence goes up
others. They have a long-term
and become more creative. And
perspective and inspire others with
leader will start to think of all
their goals and aspirations.
Another quality is Emotional
kinds of ideas
Intelligence. leaders with high Leader also should Practice
emotional intelligence can empathy, regulate their own
understand and manage their own emotions, and build strong
emotions and those of others. They relationships based on trust and
are empathetic, self-aware, and able respect.
to build strong relationships based Besides Expand your knowledge
on trust and mutual respect. of leadership through reading
books, and articles, and attending
seminars or workshops. Learn
from experts and leaders in
various fields.
Negative effects of power that leaders can Ways to avoid these effects
When leaders hold significant power, To avoid the negative effects of
there is a potential for negative power, leaders can take several
effects to emerge. proactive steps:
Authoritarianism: Excessive power can lead to Create an environment where diverse
authoritarian behavior, where leaders become perspectives are encouraged, and everyone feels
controlling, dictatorial, and dismissive of others' comfortable expressing their opinions. Foster a
opinions. They may use their power to dominate culture of psychological safety, where team
and suppress dissent, stifling creativity, members feel valued, respected, and empowered
collaboration, and innovation within the team. to contribute their ideas
Lack of empathy: Power can Practice active listening: Actively listen to your
team members and value their input. Create
sometimes distance leaders from the opportunities for open dialogue and encourage
experiences and perspectives of honest feedback. This helps you gain different
others. They may become less perspectives, identify potential issues, and make
well-informed decisions.
attuned to the needs and concerns
of their team members, leading to a
lack of empathy. This can result in
decisions that prioritize personal gain
or organizational goals over the well-
being of individuals.

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