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Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I would like to address the thought-provoking question, "When does a

child become an adult?"

When does a child become an adult? This question has been debated for centuries,
with no definitive answer. Some argue that adulthood is determined by age, while
others believe it is based on maturity and responsibility. In my opinion, becoming
an adult is a gradual process that involves both physical and emotional
Physically, a child goes through various stages of growth and development.
Puberty marks the beginning of this transformation, as the body undergoes
significant changes. However, physical maturity alone does not define adulthood.
Emotional maturity is equally important.
Emotional maturity encompasses self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to make
responsible decisions. It is not solely dependent on age but rather on life
experiences and personal growth. Some individuals may reach emotional maturity
at a young age due to challenging circumstances or supportive environments. For
example Completing high school or college and embarking on a chosen career
path symbolizes the pursuit of personal goals and the assumption of adult
roles and responsibilities.

Finally, we may examine the legal standpoint. In many societies, reaching a

certain age, such as 18 or 21, is associated with the attainment of legal rights
and responsibilities. These include voting, signing contracts, and serving in the
military. From a legal perspective, this milestone signifies the recognition of an
individual as an adult.
In conclusion, there is no single moment when a child becomes an adult. It is a
complex process involving physical and emotional development as well as societal
expectations. Ultimately, becoming an adult requires personal growth and the
ability to take on responsibilities independently.
Thank you for your attention.

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