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Haya Al-Makhaitah


The Process of Growing Up

Each and every person goes through the common experience of growing up. It can
be scary, but at the same time really exciting. Many people connect growing up to
taking on responsibilities, but they completely ignore how exciting it is to become
independent. Our identities are shaped by the physical, emotional, and social
changes we go through as we grow from childhood to maturity.

For starters, we tend to change physically as we grow up. Growing up is not only
about getting wrinkles, but it also has a lot to do with hormonal changes. As a
person grows up, they grow taller, might put on some weight, or lose it.

Also, growing up emotionally means learning how to control and communicate our
emotions. Our awareness of our own and other people's emotions begins to grow.
We learn how to handle complicated relationships with friends and family as well
as how to build sympathy. While growing up, we start to become more emotionally

Growing up socially involves figuring out where we fit into the community. As we
form our own values and views, we also pick up on society’s expectations. We
want independence when it comes to making decisions and we want to be free
from strict rules, bedtimes, and curfews.
We face obstacles including identity crises, academic pressure, and peer pressure
during this process. These challenges help us grow personally by teaching
flexibility, problem-solving techniques, and self-awareness.

To wrap up, growing up includes physical changes to our bodies, emotional growth
in handling emotions and relationships with other people, and social development
in handling social standards while being true to who we are. Accepting this process
enables us to develop into mature, well-rounded people who can face challenges
early in life.

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