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David Imonitie-

Creating & Driving MOMENTUM -

Momentum -
the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and

Momentum has to do with a moving body. Your organisation is a moving body. Measured
as the product of its mass and its velocity - the amount of momentum your
organisation can have is predicated by the mass (how many people are in your
organisation), and it’s velocity (how many people are running and showing the plan
in your org.)

If you create anything it has to start with the SPIRIT SIDE! ‘I am so happy and
grateful now that I ______’

A lot of people don’t have patience and they come off their confession when they
don’t see the results straight away in their physical, based on their 5 senses.

Set the goal for February and have your whole organisation speaking the same exact
thing over and over and over again. It’s the amount of people saying it that’s
going to allow you to to create it at a faster rate.

Now that you’re saying it, you all have to see it. Tip: create the next rank flyer
for your team members RIGHT NOW. Then maybe when they’re 50/30/20 people away from
their rank send that flyer to them. That picture will help them see it clearly, it
will get them to move.

And then you got to EMOTIONALISE that goal. That is done through the power of
GRATITUDE. Give thanks and feel grateful

There are 3 skills your organisation want to master everyday

1. Prospecting - set a goal of how many people per day you’ll prospect.
That’s your GOAL. In prospecting you’re peaking peoples interests so you need a
power phrase - ‘right now today a lot of people are struggling
2. Presenting
3. Promoting

3 vital signs of growing in your organisation -

1. How many people in your group are showing the plan 5/6 nights a week?
First of all you have to be doing it, and then you track and see based on other
people’s calendars who else is doing it. People talk a good game all the time, but
you got to do it and do it and do it and do it. You develop 7-10 leaders who are
showing the plan 5/6 times a week, you’ll be a chairman. You keep developing those
leaders - they’ll become chairman. You’re only 7-10 leaders away from earning a
million dollars a year. You can’t ask anyone else to put in the work of you’re not
putting it first.

2. What type of tools are you using to build the business? the number 1
tool used right now is SOCIAL MEDIA - whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, clubhouse.
Make sure you’re utilising this major tool. Go live on your platforms. If you’re
showing the plan on zoom, go live on IG. Every now and then show something
encouraging, something inspirational. Go to other successful pages and look who’s
there. There’s people who have the same mindset as you. Those are the ones you want
to build a rapport with. Build a friendship with them. Build up your pipeline.

3. How many people are coming to the big events? You have to track these
numbers. You get 100 people to come to the event, you teach 10 people how to do
what you did- you’re a guaranteed millionaire.

3 laws of building:

1. A recruit is not a recruit until they have enrolled 2 customers. The

goal is 2 in 72.

2. A recruit leg is not a leg until it’s 4 levels deep. John is the first
leg, you help him - Get 2, he sponsors Susan. Now Susan’s not a recruit until you
help her get her 2. Susan sponsors Joe. Susan helps Joe get 2, he sponsors Elaine -
and Elaine’s on your fourth level. - Every time you take a leg 4 levels deep you’ll

3. A team is not a team until its 8 levels deep. Work with Elaine who’s 4
levels deep, like she’s direct to you and drive it another 4 levels deep. Now
you’re 8 levels deep and you have it anchored in. You have 2 superstars in that
leg. You now have retention.

YouTube Video - ART WILLIAMS -

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