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Field Trip Report: High Court of Karnataka

Title: Field Trip to the High Court of Karnataka

Date: 31 July 2023
Time: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Event: High Court of Karnataka, Bengaluru, India

Purpose of the Field Trip

The purpose of the field trip was to provide students with an educational experience and insight into
the functioning of the judicial system in India. Through this visit, students had the opportunity to
observe real court proceedings and gain practical knowledge about the legal process.

The field trip was attended by Chitrakshee, Girish, Rytvik, Sanskriti and Tanmaya, accompanied by
Nikhil sir and Rashmi ma’am

Description of Activities and Itinerary:

1. Court Hall 30:
In Court Hall 30, we observed several cases related to check bounces and other legal matters. It was
evident that many cases were delayed, which shed light on the challenges faced by the judiciary in
ensuring timely justice. Additionally, some cases were about tribunal matters and the issue of illegal
construction on the third floor. This provided students with an understanding of the varied types of
cases handled in the court.

2. Court Hall 1 - Chief Justice's Court:

In the Chief Justice's Court (Court Hall 1), we witnessed two significant cases:

- Case 1: The first case involved a dispute between a daughter and her elderly mother under
The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007. In a previous appeal,
the daughter was denied of her petition to leave her mother's care. The court granted the
petitioner (the daughter) a two-week period to reach an amicable solution with her mother.
The current arrangement involved the mother residing with the daughter under the condition
of providing her signature or thumbprint for confirmation.
- Case 2: The second case concerned a change of lawyers during an ongoing appeal. The court
allowed the change of counsel, as the previous counsel had provided a No Objection
Certificate (NOC) for the transfer of the case.

Key Observations and Findings

During the field trip, we observed the intricacies of court proceedings and how the judicial system
functions in real-life scenarios. Some key observations and findings include:

- The prevalence of delayed cases, highlighting the importance of efficient case management.
- The significance of The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007,
in protecting the rights of senior citizens and resolving family disputes.
- The court's willingness to accommodate changes in legal representation to ensure a fair trial.

Challenges Faced
One of the notable challenges witnessed during the field trip was the delay in resolving cases in Court
Hall 30. This raised concerns about the need for streamlined processes to expedite justice.

Lessons Learned and Insights Gained

The field trip provided valuable lessons and insights, including:

- Understanding the complexities of legal proceedings and the impact of delayed justice on the
- Gaining awareness of laws that protect the rights of vulnerable groups, such as the elderly.
- Appreciating the importance of efficient communication between legal representatives and the

Conclusion and Overall Experience

The field trip to the High Court of Karnataka was an enriching and educational experience for all
participants. Witnessing live court proceedings allowed us to grasp the practical aspects of the legal
system and its role in resolving disputes and upholding justice.
We look forward to more such opportunities in the future.

Sanskriti Sur

Grade 11 A
Edify School

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