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Student Monitoring (1st semester 2022-2023)

2nd Year BSIT Students (Mrs. Gato – Adviser)

Part 1. How often are these problems encountered by students?

Problems W. Mean Interpretation
3.41 Almost Always 1
Time management
3.37 Seldom 2
Problems in completing assignments & requirements
3.67 Almost Always 3
Unexplainable frear of failure in exam
3.63 Almost Always 4
Lack of self-confidence
2.89 Seldom 5
Family Problems
3.33 Seldom 6
Very personal problems
3.22 Seldom 7
Poor study habits
3.48 Almost Always 8
Frequent nervousness
3.11 Seldom 9
Poor relationship with school officials
3.07 Seldom 10
Lack of self-control
2.85 Seldom 11
Nervous breakdown
2.44 Rare 12
Poor relationship with classmates
3.15 Seldom 13
Acceptance of schoolmates
2.67 Seldom 14
Poor relationship with friends
1.96 Rare 15
Instructor related problems
2.04 Rare 16
Spiritual and religious problems
2.33 Rare 17
Love related problems
1.63 Never 18
School bullying
1.81 Rare 19
Do not like the course being taken
1.30 Never 20
Gender preferences
1.96 Rare 21
Poor relationship with members of opposite sex
2.15 Rare 22
1.07 Never 23
Unwanted pregnancy
1.00 Never 24
Drug addiction
1.04 Never 25
Sexual problems
1.41 Never 26
Verbal abuse from someone
1.96 Rare 27
Health problems
1.07 Never 28
4.33 Always 29
Sufficient usage of computer laboratory equipment

The respondents considered problem 29 (Sufficient usage of computer laboratory

equipment) obtained the highest weighted mean of 4.33 which considered to be recurring among
the problems presented in which students agreed that they experienced and encountered it
Followed by problem 3, 4, 8, and 1 considered “Almost always” by the students, obtaining
the weighted mean of 3.67, 3.63, 3.48, and 3.41 correspondingly.
However, problem number 24 obtained the lowest weighted mean of 1.00.

Part 2. Factors that contributes student students financial problems.

Problems/Factors W. Mean Visual Interpretation
Shortage of financial support from 3.36 Neutral
3.45 Agree
Lack of basic financial awareness
4.73 Strongly Agree
Not utilizing all financial aid resources
3.09 Neutral
Does not have budgeting skills
2.86 Neutral
Lack of financial discipline
2.14 Disagree
Shortage of source of income (working students)
2.36 Disagree
Too much debt
2.41 Disagree
Bad spending habits
2.59 Disagree
Succumbing to friend/pressure
3.55 Agree
Shortage of daily allowance for fare
2.91 Neutral
Shortage of daily allowance for meals

4.20 - 5.0 Strongly Agree
3.40 - 4.19 Agree
2.60 - 3.39 Neutral
1.8 - 2.59 Disagree
0.0 - 1.79 Strongly Disagree

For the second part which “factors that contribute student finacial problems.
Factor/problem 3 (Not utilizing all financial aid resources) obtain the highest weighted mean of
4.73 which considered “Strongly agree” by the 2 nd year students. 10 (Shortage of daily allowance
for fare) and Factors 2 (Lack of basic financial awareness) followed at second and third to the
highest garnered 3.55 and 3.45 weighted mean correspondingly and considered as “agree”.
However, “Shortage of source of income (working students)” is the least factor that
contributes financial problem to the respondents which only got 2.14 weighted mean.
Therefore, the data presented should be evaluated and determine what intervention should
be made to help the students (BSIT 2nd year) address their financial factors and problems.

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