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The findings of a study on the Effects of Reading Difficulties to Students

Academic Performance Among First Year English College Students enrolled in S.Y

2023-2024 at Southern Baptist College, M’lang Cotabato are presented in this chapter.

This contains the outcome of the variable shown below in the data obtained from 87

English major students who participate in the study.

This study aims to:

1. Determine the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

2. To identify challenges faced by first year college students in dealing with reading


3. To find out the effects of reading difficulties on first year college students on

academic performance in Southern Baptist College;

4. To establish appropriate strategies that would enhance reading comprehension

among first year college students;

5. To find out the significant relationship of reading difficulties on the academic

performance of first year college students.

Table 1. The frequency tallied of respondents according to gender

MALE 25 28.74%
FEMALE 62 71.26%
TOTAL 87 100.00%
Table 1 shows the frequency of tallied results where 25 of the respondents are Males

and 62 are Females. Overall there are 87 respondents in the study.

Table 2. The frequency tallied of the respondents according to age

18-20 80 91.95%
21-23 3 3.45%
24-26 3 3.45% 19
27 and above 1 1.15%
TOTAL 87 100.00%

Table 2 shows the frequency tallied that 80 of the respondents are ages 18-20, 3 of the

respondents are ages 21-23, 3 of the respondents are ages 24-26, 1 of the respondents

are ages 27 and above.

Table 3. The frequency tallied of the respondents based on the factors causing

reading difficulties among college students.


1. I lack interest in
reading generally. 2.62 0.93 Neutral
2. I settle down to read
only when I am given
assignments or exams 3.18 1.03 Neutral
3. I do not read other 2.46 1.07 Disagree
books such as novels,
newspapers and
4. I enjoy reading other
texts outside my
classroom work. 3.43 0.94 Agree
5. I prefer to play rather
than read during my
leisure/free time. 2.67 1.06 Neutral
6. Lack of provision of
reading materials by
parents. 2.59 0.93 Disagree
7. We have a library at
home. 2.15 1.11 Disagree
8. Lack of library at
school. 1.95 1.13 Disagree
9.Lack of guidance by
parents on students
reading. 2.16 1.06 Disagree
10. No proper method of
reading by teachers in
teaching. 1.91 0.96 Disagree
11. Lack of guidance by
teachers on students
reading. 1.85 0.99 Disagree
12. Lack of instructional
materials for teaching
reading in school. 2.01 0.95 Disagree
13. Lack of
encouragement to
develop the habit of
reading at early age. 2.34 1.04 Disagree
14. My parents have a
negative attitude towards
reading. 1.72 0.8 Strongly Disagree
15. Students whose
parents are literate have
the necessary texts and
reading materials. 3.17 0.93 Neutral
16. Students from literate
homes have better
reading habit than those
from illiterate homes. 3.18 0.97 Neutral
OVER ALL 2.46 0.48 Disagree

Table 3 shows that 2.62 mean and 0.93 standard deviation of the total respondents are

“neutral” in the statement “I lack interest in reading generally” as to when students

respond on the reading difficulties. 3.18 mean and 1.03 standard deviation of the total

respondents are “neutral” in the statement “I settle down to read only when I am given

assignments or exams” as to when students respond on the reading difficulties. 2.46

mean and 1.07 standard deviation of the total respondents are “disagree” in the

statement “I do not read other books such as novels, newspapers, and magazines” as

to when students respond on the reading difficulties. 3.43 mean and 0.94 standard

deviation of the total respondents are “agree” in the statement “I enjoy reading other

texts outside my classroom work” as to when students respond on the reading

difficulties. 2.67 mean and 1.06 standard deviation of the total respondents are “neutral”

in the statement “I prefer to play rather than read during my leisure/ free time” as to

when students respond on the reading difficulties. 2.59 mean and 0.93 standard

deviation of the total respondents are “disagree” in the statement “Lack of provision of

reading materials by parents” as to when students respond on the reading difficulties.

2.15 mean and 1.11 standard deviation of the total respondents are “disagree” in the

statement “We have a library at home” as to when students respond on the reading

difficulties. 1.95 mean and 1.13 standard deviation of the total respondents are

“disagree” in the statement “Lack of library at school” as to when students respond on

the reading difficulties. 2.16 mean and 1.06 standard deviation of the total respondents

are “disagree” in the statement “Lack of guidance by parents on students reading” as to

when students respond on the reading difficulties. 1.91 mean and 0.96 standard

deviation of the total respondents are “disagree” in the statement “No proper method of

reading by teachers in teaching” as to when students respond on the reading difficulties.

1.85 mean and 0.99 standard deviation of the total respondents are “disagree” in the
statement “Lack of guidance by teachers on students reading” as to when students

respond on the reading difficulties. 2.01 mean and 0.95 standard deviation of the total

respondents are “disagree” in the statement “Lack of instructional materials for teaching

reading in school” as to when students respond on the reading difficulties. 2.34 mean

and 1.04 standard deviation of the total respondents are “disagree” in the statement

“Lack of encouragement to develop the habit of reading at early age” as to when

students respond on the reading difficulties. 1.72 mean and 0.8 standard deviation of

the total respondents are “strongly disagree” in the statement “My parents have a

negative attitude towards reading” as to when students respond on the reading

difficulties. 3.17 mean and 0.93 standard deviation of the total respondents are “neutral”

in the statement “Students whose parents are literate have the necessary texts and

reading materials” as to when students respond on the reading difficulties. 3.18 mean

and 0.97 standard deviation of the total respondents are “neutral” in the statement

“Students from literate homes have better reading habit than those form illiterate

homes” as to when students respond on the reading difficulties. The overall mean was

2.46 and 0.48 standard deviation which was stated that all of the respondents

“disagreed” as to when students respond on the reading difficulties.

Table 4. The frequency tallied of the respondents based on the effects of reading

difficulties on college students academic performance.

1. Poor reading appears
to affect performance in
all other academic
subjects. 3.39 1.03 Neutral
2. Reading difficulties are
the principle causes of
failure in school. 3.45 0.99 Agree
3. Lack of understanding
discourages students
from studying outside
the class. 3.40 0.96 Neutral
4. Lack of reading skills
results to student’s poor
attitude to effective
study. 3.54 1.04 Agree
5. Students greatest
difficulty when reading
alone is how to
understand words,
concepts and complex
sentences. 3.26 1.02 Neutral
6. Students with good
reading habit perform
better than those with
poor reading habit. 3.97 0.86 Agree
OVER ALL 3.52 0.74 Neutral/Agree

Table 4 shows that 3.39 mean and 1.03 standard deviation of the total respondents are

“neutral” in the statement “Poor reading appears to affect performance in all other

academic subjects” as for how reading difficulties effects students academic

performance. 3.45 mean and 0.99 standard deviation of the total respondents are

“agree” in the statement “Reading difficulties are the principle causes of failure in
school” as for how reading difficulties effects students academic performance. 3.40

mean and 0.96 standard deviation of the total respondents are “neutral” in the statement

“Lack of understanding discourages students form studying outside the class” as for

how reading difficulties effects students academic performance. 3.54 mean and 1.04

standard deviation of the total respondents are “agree” in the statement “Lack of reading

skills results to students poor attitude to effective study’ as for how reading difficulties

effects students academic performance. 3.26 mean and 1.02 standard deviation of the

total respondents are “neutral” in the statement ‘Students greatest difficulty when

reading alone is how to understand words, concepts and complex sentences” as for

how reading difficulties effects students academic performance. 3.97 mean and 0.86

standard deviation of the total respondents are “agree” in the statement “Students with

good reading habit perform better than those with poor reading habit” as for how

reading difficulties effects students academic performance. The overall mean was 3.52

and 0.74 standard deviation which was stated that all of the respondents are

“neutral/agreed” as for how reading difficulties effects students academic performance.

Table 5.The frequency tallied of the respondents based on the strategies that

would enhance reading comprehension among college students.


1. Each school should have
a functional library manned
by a professional teacher
librarian. 4.14 0.95 Agree
2. Parent should teach their
children to start reading
from an early age. 4.34 0.91 Strongly Disagree
3. Time for reading in the
library should be included
in the school timetable. 4.06 0.89 Agree
4. Parent should provide
reading materials for their
children. 4.01 0.95 Agree
5. Students should be
encouraged to read
publicly to the hearing of
others during teaching
sessions. 4.00 0.90 Agree
6. Teacher should engage
students in fervent reading
and writing activities. 4.07 0.79 Agree
7. Parents should create
favorable reading
environment at home. 4.07 0.87 Agree
8. School libraries should
organize readership
promotion programs from
time to time. 4.07 0.8 Agree
9. Prizes should be
awarded to students who
are proficient in reading
and writing. 3.97 0.96 Agree
OVER ALL 4.08 0.72 Agree
Table 5 shows that 4. 14 mean and 0.95 standard deviation of the total respondents are

“agree” in the statement “Each school should have a functional library manned by a

professional teacher librarian” as for how strategies help students enhance reading

comprehension. 4.34 mean and 0.91 standard deviation of the total respondents are

“strongly disagree” in the statement “Parents should teach their children to start reading

from an early age” as for how strategies help students enhance reading comprehension.

4. 06 mean and 0.89 standard deviation of the total respondents are “agree” in the

statement “Time for reading in the library should be included in the school timetable” as

for how strategies help students enhance reading comprehension. 4.01 mean and 0.95

standard deviation of the total respondents are “agree” in the statement “Parent should

provide reading materials for their children” as for how strategies help students enhance

reading comprehension. 4.00 mean and 0.90 standard deviation of the total

respondents are “agree” in the statement “Students should be encouraged to read

publicly to the hearing of others during teaching sessions” as for how strategies help

students enhance reading comprehension. 4.07 mean and 0.79 standard deviation of

the total respondents are “agree” in the statement “Teachers should engage students in

fervent reading and writing activities” as for how strategies help students enhance

reading comprehension. 4.007 mean and 0.87 standard deviation of the total

respondents are “agree” in the statement “Parents should create favorable reading

environment at home” as for how strategies help students enhance reading

comprehension. 4.07 mean and 0.8 standard deviation of the total respondents are

“agree” in the statement “School libraries should organize readership promotion

programs from time to time” as for how strategies help students enhance reading
comprehension. 3.97 mean and 0.96 standard deviation of the total respondents are

“agree” in the statement “Prizes should be awarded to students who are proficient in

reading and writing” as for how strategies help students enhance reading

comprehension. The overall mean was 4.08 and 0.72 standard deviation which was

stated that all of the respondents “agreed” as for how strategies help students enhance

reading comprehension.


Summary of findings

This study aims to:

1. Determine the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

2. To identify challenges faced by first year college students in dealing with reading


3. To find out the effects of reading difficulties on first year college students on

academic performance in Southern Baptist College;

4. To establish appropriate strategies that would enhance reading comprehension

among first year college students;

5. To find out the significant relationship of reading difficulties on the academic

performance of first year college students.

A survey questionnaire was used to gather the needed data and information.

The survey questionnaire was consisting of sections A, B, C and D. Section A is for

the respondents profile. Section B questions are for factors causing reading

difficulties among college students. Section C questions are for effects of reading

difficulties on college students academic performance and Section D questions are

for strategies that would enhance reading comprehension among college students.

Section B part of the questionnaire includes 16 item questions. Section C part of the

questionnaire includes 6 item questions and Section D part of the questionnaire

includes 9 item questions. A five-point Likert Scale with Strongly Disagree (1),

Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), and Strongly Agree (5) choices has been utilized

to measure the questions for each sections.

This study was administered among first year college education students

major in English. The method being used to conduct the study was total population.

The respondents of this study were 87 students who were enrolled in the second

semester of the school year 2023-2024. They were informed about the objectives of

this study to ensure ethical consideration.

This study used the descriptive survey method design of research. The mean

was the main basis to analyze and interpret the data.


The table above shown the result of our research that most of our respondents in

Variable 1 which is “Factors causing reading difficulties” answered disagreed which

resulted to have a mean valued of 2.46 and Standard Deviation of 0.48. In Variable 2
which is the “Effects of Reading Difficulties on College Students Academic

Performance” answered Agreed/Neutral which resulted to have a mean of 3.52 and

standard deviation of 0.74. In Variable 3 which is “Strategies that Would Enhance

Reading Comprehension Among College Students” answered Agreed which resulted

to have a mean of 4.08 and standard deviation of 0.72.

As we study the data shown above, It’s merely fact that the result of our data find it

challenging for the respondents in Reading Difficulties, In Variable 1 out of 16 factors

causing reading difficulties, there are 5 highest mean such as; first, in the statement

“I enjoy reading other texts outside my classroom work” with a mean of 3.43.

Second, in the statement “ I settle down to read only when I am given assignments

or exams. And “Students from literate homes have better reading habit than those

from illiterate homes” with a mean of 3.18. Third, in the statement “Students whose

parents are literate have the necessary texts and reading materials” with a mean of

3.15. Fourth, in the statement “I prefer to play rather than read during my leisure or

free time” with a mean of 2.67. Lastly, in the statement “I lack interest in reading

generally” with a mean of 2.62.

In Variable 2, out of 6 effects of reading difficulties, there are 2 highest mean such

as; first, in the statement “Students with good reading habit perform better than

those with poor reading habit” with a mean of 3.97 and lastly, in the statement “Lack

of reading skills results to students poor attitude to effective study” with a mean of


In Variable 3, out of 9 Strategies that would enhance reading comprehension, there

are 3 highest mean such as; first, in the statement “Parent should teach their
children to start reading from an early age” with a mean of 4.34. Second, in the

statement “Each school should have a functional library manned by a professional

teacher librarian” with a mean of 4.14. Lastly, in the statement “Teachers should

engage students in fervent reading and writing activities”, “Parents should create

favorable reading environment at home”, and “School libraries should organize

readership promotion programs from time to time” with a mean of 4.07.




Variable Mean Deviation Interpretation T-test
Factors Causing
Reading Difficulties
Among College
Students 2.46 0.48 Disagree
Effects of Reading
Difficulties on
College Students
Performance 3.52 0.74 Agree
Strategies that
Would Enhance
Among College
Students. 4.08 0.72 Agree

3.35 0.64 Neutral
This table shows that in Variable 1 entitled “Factors causing Reading Difficulties

Among College Students” has a mean of 2.46, Standard Deviation of 0.48, and the

interpretation was Disagree. Variable 2 entitled “Effects of Reading Difficulties on

College Students Academic Performance” has a Mean of 3.52 and Standard

Deviation of 0.74 and Interpretation was Agree. Variable 3 entitled “Strategies that

Would Enhance Reading Comprehension Among College Students” has a Mean of

4.08 and Standard Deviation of 0.72 and Interpretation was Agree. Overall the Mean

has 3.35 and Standard Deviation of 0.64 and the Interpretation was Neutral and the

T-test was 2.00E-119.


The following recommendations are given:

1. The finding that a significant number of respondents are neutral or lack interest in

reading generally suggests the need to foster a love for reading among students.

Educators and parents can implement strategies to promote reading as a

pleasurable activity, such as providing a variety of engaging reading materials

and creating a positive reading environment.

2. The disagreement with the statement "I do not read other books such as novels,

newspapers, and magazines" suggests that students recognize the importance of

reading beyond their classroom work. However, efforts can be made to provide a

wider range of reading materials to cater to different interests and preferences,

including novels, newspapers, magazines, and other relevant texts.

3. The neutral response regarding settling down to read only when given

assignments or exams indicates a reliance on external motivations for reading.

Encouraging students to develop a habit of independent reading outside of

academic requirements can enhance their reading skills and overall enjoyment of


4. The neutral response to the statement "Poor reading appears to affect

performance in all other academic subjects" suggests a need to raise awareness

about the impact of reading difficulties on overall academic performance.

Educators and parents can collaborate to develop strategies that integrate

reading support across different subjects, emphasizing the importance of strong

reading skills for success in all areas of learning.

5. The neutral response to the statement "Lack of understanding discourages

students from studying outside the class" indicates a need to address the

challenges students face in comprehending and engaging with academic

materials outside of the classroom. Providing additional support, such as tutoring

or remedial programs, can help students overcome these difficulties and foster a

positive attitude towards self-directed learning.

6. The agreement with the statement "Students with good reading habits perform

better than those with poor reading habits" underscores the importance of

cultivating positive reading habits among students. Educators and parents can

encourage regular reading, provide access to a variety of reading materials, and

model reading behaviors to promote the development of strong reading habits.

7. The agreement with the statement "Each school should have a functional library

manned by a professional teacher librarian" highlights the importance of well-

equipped and staffed libraries in schools. Schools should prioritize creating and

maintaining functional libraries that provide access to a wide range of reading

materials and resources. Having a professional teacher librarian can enhance the

effectiveness of the library in promoting reading comprehension.

8. The agreement with the statement " Time for reading in the library should be

included in the school timetable" emphasizes the importance of incorporating

dedicated reading time in the school schedule. Schools should allocate specific

periods for students to engage in independent reading in the library, allowing

them to develop reading comprehension skills and cultivate a reading habit.

9. The agreement with the statement "Teachers should engage students in fervent

reading and writing activities" highlights the importance of active engagement in

reading and writing to enhance comprehension. Teachers should design activities

that encourage students to actively interact with texts, such as discussions,

writing reflections, and analysis of reading materials.

10. The agreement with the statement "Prizes should be awarded to students who

are proficient in reading and writing" emphasizes the importance of recognizing

and celebrating students' achievements in reading and writing. Schools can

implement recognition programs, awards, or certificates to motivate and

incentivize students to excel in their reading comprehension skills.


Reading Difficulties is very challenging and many scholars have attributed reading

difficulties to several factors. In his study, Agyei (2019) found that laziness to read

books, novels, and newspapers by students, lack of enjoyment of reading books

outside classroom work, lack of provision of reading materials by the government

and parents, lack of instructional materials for teaching reading in schools, lack of

encouragement to develop the habit of reading at an early age, lack of guidance by

teachers on students' reading, no proper method of teaching reading by the teachers

are some of the factors that cause reading difficulties among students.

The purpose of knowing student’s perception on reading difficulties was the main

aim of this present intervention study. Moreover, there is no significant towards

academic performance of the student’s even though they faced difficulties in terms of


The findings in this research might help future researchers to find answers to some

questions in their study “Effects Of Reading Difficulties To Students Academic

Performance Among First Year English Major Students of Southern Baptist College”.

Firstly, this study sets the stage for investigating the Factors, Effects, and Strategies

in Reading Difficulties. Reading difficulties have the most significant impact on

academic performance. By understanding the specific reading skills that are

affected, educators can develop targeted interventions to address these difficulties at

an early stage, which can help prevent further academic setbacks.

The result of this study explains that students have different perceptions in terms of

reading difficulties. This study does not only focus on the factors or effects among

the students; it also focuses more on the perception of the student's use strategies

of reading comprehension. In summary, reading difficulties has a positive and

negative effect on learners. future researchers may be able to determine the

different perceptions of students regarding reading difficulties.

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