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22/09/2023 01:30 Ressources apprentissage anglais: 9.

Les modaux niveau 1: Modaux 1 - correction des exercices

Modaux 1 - correction des exercices

1. Modaux au présent: Remplissez les blancs avec can / be able to / must / have to / may / may not / can't / mustn't / should / shouldn't

To enter this course, you must (obligation) have studied Spanish for three years and you must be able to (capacité – équivalent de can après un
autre modal) speak Spanish fluently. If you can’t (incapacité) please don't sign up for it.

Can (capacité) you do this for me? You just have to (obligation neutre) type three pages on the computer, but you mustn’t (interdiction)/
shouldn’t (recommandation négative) make any typing errors, otherwise I will have to (obligation – équivalent de must après un autre modal)
redo it all again!

In this classroom, you may / can (permission) drink water, but you mustn’t/can’t/ may not (interdiction) drink soda. You should/must
(recommendation forte/ obligation) always leave a clean table at the end of class. There mustn’t/shouldn’t (interdiction / recommandation
négative) be sticky stains!

2. Modaux au present ou passé: Remplissez les blancs avec can/ could/ can't/ couldn't/ was or were allowed to / was or were able to / wasn't
or weren't allowed to / wasn't or weren't able to / must / have to / had to

You won't believe what happened to me yesterday! The door handle broke on my car. I couldn’t/ wasn’t able to (incapacité) open the door
anymore! Fortunately, I was able to (capacité) get out though the window, but I had to (obligation) get the door repaired and it cost me 200 $!

In the past, a lot of people couldn’t/ weren’t allowed to (incapacité, interdiction) vote. They had to (obligation) organize protests and strikes to
make things change. Fortunately, laws have been passed, and now most people can (permission/capacité) vote in free and democratic elections.

I couldn’t/wasn’t able to (incapacité) answer half of the questions on the midterm exam! I must (obligation) start working harder so I can
(capacité) still validate this semester.

3. Hypothèses: utilisez le modal approprié (can't / might / may/ must / will)

If you don't respect the rules, you will (certitude) lose!

No way! That can’t (impossibilité) be true!

He must (quasi-certitude) be lying. He looks too suspicious!

_ Why is she late? _ I don't know. She may (possibilité) be stuck in a traffic jam.

It might (faible probabilité) be possible to live on 2$ a day, but it certainly isn't easy.

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22/09/2023 01:30 Ressources apprentissage anglais: 9. Les modaux niveau 1: Modaux 1 - correction des exercices 2/2

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