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22/09/2023 01:30 Ressources apprentissage anglais: 9.

Les modaux niveau 1: Modaux 1 - exercices

Modaux 1 - exercices

1. Remplissez les blancs avec can / be able to / must / have to / may / may not / can't / mustn't / should / shouldn't

To enter this course, you _________ have studied Spanish for three years and you must _________ speak Spanish fluently. If you _________, please don't
sign up for it.

_________ you do this for me? You just _________ type three pages on the computer, but you _________ make any typing errors, otherwise I will _________
redo it all again!

In this classroom, you _________ drink water, but you _________ drink soda. You _________ always leave a clean table at the end of class. There _________ be
sticky stains!

2. Remplissez les blancs avec can/ could/ can't/ couldn't/ was or were allowed to / was or were able to / wasn't or weren't allowed to /
wasn't or weren't able to / must / have to / had to

You won't believe what happened to me yesterday! The door handle broke on my car. I _________ open the door anymore! Fortunately, I _________ get
out though the window, but I _________ get the door repaired and it cost me 200 $!

In the past, a lot of people _________ vote. They _________ organize protests and strikes to make things change. Fortunately, laws have been passed, and
now most people _________ vote in free and democratic elections.

I _________ answer half of the questions on the midterm exam! I _________ start working harder so I _________ still validate this semester.

3. Hypothèses: utilisez le modal approprié (can't / might / may/ must / will)

If you don't respect the rules, you _________ lose!

No way! That _________ be true!

He _________ be lying. He looks too suspicious!

_ Why is she late? _ I don't know. She _________ be stuck in a traffic jam.

It _________ be possible to live on 2$ a day, but it certainly isn't easy.


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22/09/2023 01:30 Ressources apprentissage anglais: 9. Les modaux niveau 1: Modaux 1 - exercices 2/2

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