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Date – Subject – BIOLOGY Total marks – 50

Grade – XII Time – 2 hours

Q.1) Answer the following questions: [ 1 x 16 = 16]

1) How do lower plants, such as algae and mosses, reproduce through both sexual and asexual mechanisms?

2) What are the key differences in the reproductive strategies of gymnosperms and angiosperms, the two
groups of higher plants?

3) How does fertilization occur in flowering plants, and what role do the male and female reproductive
structures play in this process?

4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction in plants, and how do these
strategies contribute to their ecological success?

5) In what ways do environmental factors, such as temperature and light, influence the reproductive processes
of both lower and higher plants?

6) How do lower animals, such as protozoa, achieve reproduction through asexual processes?

7) What are the key differences in the mechanisms of sexual reproduction between lower and higher animals?

8) How do higher animals, like mammals, ensure successful fertilization and embryonic development during
sexual reproduction?

9) What role do hormones play in regulating the reproductive cycles of both lower and higher animals?

10) In the context of reproduction, what are some notable adaptations and strategies employed by both lower
and higher animals for survival and species continuation?

11) How does the process of inheritance contribute to the transmission of genetic information from one
generation to the next?

12) What role do genes play in determining variations among individuals within a population?

13) How does the process of meiosis contribute to genetic diversity and variation in sexually reproducing

14)What is the significance of Mendel's laws of inheritance in understanding the patterns of genetic traits
passed from parents to offspring?

15)How do mutations contribute to the diversity of traits in a population and the process of evolution.

16) In what ways do environmental factors influence the expression of inherited traits, and how does this
contribute to the concept of nature versus nurture in biology?
Q.2) Answer the following questions in short: [3 x 6 = 18]

17) Explain the process of double fertilization in angiosperms. Provide a detailed description of the events that
occur during this reproductive process and highlight its significance in the life cycle of flowering plants.

18) Compare and contrast the processes of spore formation in lower plants, such as mosses and ferns, with seed
formation in higher plants, such as gymnosperms and angiosperms. Highlight the key differences and
similarities between these reproductive strategies.

19) Explain the process of fertilization in higher animals.

20) Compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction in animals, providing examples of each.
20) Describe the different types of reproductive strategies in lower organisms.

21) Discuss the key mechanisms of inheritance at the molecular level. How do genes transfer genetic
information from one generation to the next, and what role do DNA and chromosomes play in this process.
21) Explore the concept of genetic variation and its significance in evolution. How do mutations contribute to
genetic diversity, and what are the different sources of genetic variation? Provide examples to illustrate the
impact of genetic variation on species adaptation.

22) Examine the principles of Mendelian genetics and how they contribute to our understanding of inheritance.
Additionally, discuss cases where Mendelian inheritance patterns may not fully explain the observed traits,
and introduce the concept of complex traits influenced by multiple genes and environmental factors.

Q.3) Write Elaborative answers: [4 x 4 = 16]

23) In humans, eye color is determined by the genes for pigmentation (B for brown, b for blue), and hair texture
is determined by the genes for texture (S for straight, s for curly). A heterozygous individual with brown
eyes and straight hair (BbSs) mates with an individual with blue eyes and curly hair (bbss). What are the
possible genotypes and phenotypes of their offspring?

24) In a certain plant species, seed color is determined by the genes for color (Y for yellow, y for green), and
seed shape is determined by the genes for shape (R for round, r for wrinkled). A plant that is heterozygous
for both traits (YyRr) is crossed with a plant that is homozygous recessive for both traits (yyrr). Determine
the genotypes and phenotypes of the F1 generation.

25) In a population of cats, coat color is determined by the genes for color (C for black, c for orange), and tail
length is determined by the genes for length (T for long, t for short). A cat with the genotype CcTt (black
coat, long tail) is crossed with a cat with the genotype ccTT (orange coat, short tail). What are the possible
genotypes and phenotypes of their offspring?

26) Elaborate on the significance of alteration of generations in the life cycle of higher plants. Provide examples
and discuss how this reproductive strategy contributes to the adaptation and success of these plants in
diverse environments.

27) Explain the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction in lower plants, focusing on examples
from algae and fungi. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each reproductive strategy and how
these organisms have evolved to utilize both modes in response to environmental conditions.
28) In the context of higher plant reproduction, delve into the role and adaptations of pollination mechanisms.
Explore the coevolutionary relationships between flowering plants and their pollinators, highlighting
specific examples. Additionally, discuss the consequences of disruptions in these relationships on plant
populations and ecosystems.

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