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Compare your hometown with another town.

Hello, my name is Nghia and I am currently 15 years old. I am a student at Quang Trung Dong Da High
School. Today, I would like to compare my hometown, Quang Nam, to Ha Noi City.

Firstly, let's talk about population. Ha Noi has a large population, consisting of people from all walks
of life, from young to old, poor to rich, etc. Due to this, it is very crowded in Ha Noi, with a lot of
transportation and human activity. On the other hand, Quang Nam is much quieter and peaceful,
with fewer people and sparse roads and ground. I personally love the peacefulness of Quang Nam.

Secondly, let's compare the food. Specifically, the use of spice. In Quang Nam, the food tends to be a
bit saltier due to the use of more MSG, but it is still very delicious. In Ha Noi, dishes like Pho or Bun
have broth made from beef or pork bones, making them more original and healthy.

Finally, let's talk about the environment. Ha Noi has a lot of transportation and factories that
contribute to air pollution, making the air dirty and unhealthy. In contrast, Quang Nam has clean air
and a beautiful natural environment, making it a peaceful place to live in.

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