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Mục lục

Lời mở đầu 07

UNIT 1: Government roles 08 UNIT 3: Changes in family 65

Meet the physiological needs 08 Changes in structure of families 65

Meet the safety needs 12 Effects of some popular situations 70

Meet the knowledge and 15 Should household duties be divided 75

understanding needs equally all the time ?

Meet the aesthetics needs 17 Practice 76

To what extent should government 19 Key 82


Government's responsibility towards 20

global community
UNIT 4: Work 87
Practice 21
Work satisfaction-job security 87
Key 28
Work-life balance 90

The old and young at the workplace 93

UNIT 2: Environment 32 Competitiveness: Men-Women 96

Leadership: Who should assume this 98

The decline of animals and plants 32
The consumption of natural resources at 34
Practice 101
an alarming rate
Key 109
Non-renewable and renewable energy 35

Causes and effects of throw-away society 38

Who is in charge of solving the 45

environmental problems ?

Practice 50

Key 59

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UNIT 5: Education 114 UNIT 8: Crime 205
Who should deverse government grants/ 114 Causes leading to crimes 205
school scholarships ?
Effectiveness of common practices of 209
Universal access to education or just 116 dealing with crimes
young generation ?
An emerging crime: cybercrime 217
Importance of learning core subjects and 120
Practice 222
acquiring soft skills
Key 230
Well-rounded education or specializing in 126
certain subjects ?

Learning: National or international 131

Factors contributing to effective learning 135

UNIT 9: Travel & Tourism 235
Whether online learning can replace 139 Benefits of taking a gap year and travel 235
Drawbacks of taking a gap year 240
Practice 143
Drawbacks of travel and tourism 242
Key 152
Practice 245

Key 250

UNIT 6: Media and

Communication 157
UNIT 10: Health 253
Three common types of media 157
The prevalence of sedentary lifestyle 253
Communication: Spoken and written form 168
The excessive consumption of sugary food 259
Practice 169 or fast food
Key 175 Computer games: why are they so popular? 264

Pollution leading to health deterioration 267

The prevalence of cosmetics surgeries 272

UNIT 7: Technology 180 The benefits of playing sports and doing 275
The development of AI and robots 180
Practice 279
The necessity and difficulty space tech 183
Key 290
Future of vehicles: Driveless cars 188

Who should control the scientific research? 190

Practice 195

Key 201

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UNIT 11: Business 297 UNIT 15: Urbanization 385
Advertising: benefits and drawbacks 297 Comparison: city life and rural life 385

Commerce: online shopping and 303 The choices of means of transport in cities 395
traditional shopping
Solutions for traffic problems in cities 402
Goods and services import 309
Practice 407
Practice 313
Key 414
Key 319

UNIT 12: Historic -

Cultural values 323 Tác giả 420
The decline of traditions and customs 323

The decline of minority languages and the 328

prevalence of English - A global language

Traditional museum and digital museum 333

Globalization: advantages & disadvantages 336

Practice 341

Key 347

UNIT 13: Animals 351

Animal testing: Benefits and drawbacks 351

Animal zoos 354

Practice 357

Key 360

UNIT 14: Housing-Building 364

Function or appearance 364

Horizontal vs Vertical cities: What is better? 368

Uniformity or uniqueness 373

Practice 376

Key 381

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Understanding ideas for IELTS Writing được biên soạn nhằm giúp người học IELTS khắc phục vấn đề thiếu
ý tưởng cho các bài luận Task 2. Bằng cách thể hiện nội dung dưới hình thức sơ đồ tư duy (mind maps) và
các đoạn văn bản ngắn, người đọc có thể tham khảo ý tưởng hoặc dễ dàng nắm bắt cách xây dựng, mở
rộng, và bổ sung ý tưởng cho các đề bài viết.

Ấn phẩm bao gồm 15 chương tương ứng với 15 chủ đề phổ biến trong Writing Task 2, đó là:
1. Vai trò của chính phủ - Government roles
2. Môi trường - Environment
3. Sự thay đổi cấu trúc và vai trò trong gia đình - Changes in Family
4. Công việc - Work
5. Giáo dục - Education
6. Truyền thông và giao tiếp - Media and Communication
7. Công nghệ - Technology
8. Tội phạm - Crime
9. Du lịch - Travel and tourism
10. Sức khoẻ - Health
11. Kinh doanh - Business
12. Văn hoá và Lịch sử - Historic and cutural values
13. Động vật - Animals
14. Kiến trúc - Housing-Building
15. Đô thị hoá - Urbanization

Trong đó, mỗi chương sẽ bao gồm 3 phần chính:

Phần 1

Bài đọc và Sơ đồ tư duy. Bài đọc được chia thành nhiều đoạn đọc nhỏ hơn, thể hiện một khía cạnh cụ thể trong chủ đề
lớn. Bên cạnh đó, sơ đồ tư duy giúp người học nắm được các nội dung chính dựa vào các từ khoá của mỗi đoạn đọc. Cuối
cùng, mỗi khía cạnh nhỏ sẽ có phần Tổng hợp bao gồm các ý chủ đạo của đoạn đọc đó.

Phần 2

Practice (Luyện tập). Phần này cung cấp các bài tập ôn lại nội dung chính bằng cách điền từ vào các sơ đồ tư duy và dựa
vào sơ đồ tư duy để lập dàn ý và viết bài luận.

Phần 3

Suggested Answer (Đáp án gợi ý). Phần này giúp người học có thể tự sửa bài tập của mình thông qua phần đáp án gợi ý
từ đội ngũ tác giả.

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The government exists to represent and serve its citizens, so the government is expected to ensure access to
essential services in terms of physiology and safety. This is because citizens are the ones who pay taxes to be able to
receive these services from the government. In return, the government uses tax money to fund programs and provide
assistance to people in need. Meeting these needs will bring social stability, well-being and prosperity to all citizens
as well as promote the overall development of a country. Once basic needs are met, the government can focus on
higher needs like education and art, which can benefit both the government and its people. In this chapter, learners
will learn more about the government's responsibility toward their citizens and the global community.

Meet the physiological needs

To what extent should

Meet the safety needs government intervene?

Meet the knowledge and understanding needs Government's responsibility
towards global community
Meet the aesthetics needs

Meet the physiological needs

destroy crops
natural disasters
disrupt food supply chains
Food shortages
geographical reasons
fertile soil

agricultural infrastructure and technologies - crop yield

FOOD Solutions
food banks - redistributed

More people than ever before are facing hunger and malnutrition on a global scale. It is estimated that around 345.2
million people will not have access to enough food, which is twice the number from 2020. This represents a huge
increase of 200 million people since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Why is the world hungrier and malnourished
than ever?

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Food shortages are a serious problem that affects millions • food shortage: sự khan hiếm thực phẩm
of people around the world. One of the main causes of food • natural disaster: thảm họa thiên nhiên
shortages is natural disasters such as droughts, floods, • destroy crops: phá hoại mùa màng
storms, which destroy crops and disrupt food supply chains. • disrupt food supply chains: ngắt quãng
In addition, geographical reasons such as dry or less fertile chuỗi cung ứng thực phẩm
soil can make it difficult to grow crops and produce enough • geographical reasons: lý do địa lý
food for local people. These challenges often lead to food
insecurity, in which individuals and communities do not have
access to the food they need for a healthy life.

However, there are a number of solutions that can help address • agricultural infrastructure and
these challenges. One approach is to implement policies that technologies: cơ sở hạ tầng và công
support agricultural infrastructure and technologies that nghệ nông nghiệp
increase crop yield. In addition, food banks can help ensure • food banks: ngân hàng thực phẩm
that leftovers are redistributed to those who need it most, • leftovers: thức ăn thừa
while reducing food waste. These practices can reduce the • redistributed: được cung cấp lại cho
effects of food insecurity and shortage. người khác

high cost of housing

deteriorating national image
lack of housing

public housing
HOUSING offer low - interest loansing
prevent real estate bubbles

space research


As of 2023, the global housing situation remains a challenge • high cost of housing: giá nhà cao
for many people around the world. In some developed nations, • the lack of house : sự thiếu hụt nhà ở
the high cost of housing has made it difficult for low-income • deforest: phá rừng
families and individuals to find reasonable housing. Meanwhile, • deteriorating national image: ảnh hưởng
in many developing countries, the lack of housing remains a xấu đến hình ảnh quốc gia
significant issue. These problems lead millions of people
to live in poor conditions without access to basic amenities
such as clean water and sanitation. As a result, many people
choose to deforest to make way for new construction. This
results in a deteriorating national image. Moreover, in the long
term, the effects of climate change from deforestation will be
more extreme, with more frequent and serious weather events
causing damage to homes and displacement of people.

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To solve this, programs about public housing should be • public housing: nhà ở cộng đồng
proposed to provide affordable and accessible housing to • low-interest loans: khoản vay lãi
those in need. Another solution is to offer low-interest loans suất thấp
to people who want to buy a home or make necessary repairs • prevent real estate bubbles: ngăn chặn
to their existing home. This can help reduce the financial bong bóng bất động sản
burden of home ownership and make housing more • space research: nghiên cứu không gian
accessible to more people. It is also impor tant that
governments have to intervene in the housing market to
prevent real estate bubbles, which are one of the main
causes of rapid increases in housing prices and the housing
crisis. Moreover, with the growing demand for housing and
limited space on Earth, space research for a new home to live
in is considered as a potential solution for the future.

the lack of education

Causes overpopulation

natural factors

set maximum

WATER Solutions punish

have a deep understanding of its current water situation

Around the world, approximately one in ten people do not gain access to clean and safe drinking water, and every two
minutes, a child dies due to water-borne diseases. The impact of this crisis is greater on women even in 2023. Why
does our planet still lack clean water?


Water shortage is a problem that comes from many factors. • the lack of education: sự thiếu hiểu biết
One of the main causes of this problem is the lack of • overpopulation: sự quá tải dân số
education about use and conservation. Many people believe • natural factors: các yếu tố tự nhiên
that water is an unlimited resource, leading to misuse and
waste. Besides, pollution is a significant problem, with many
areas not having proper waste treatment before releasing
back into the environment.

Also, overpopulation worsen the problem as both household

and production activities require significant amounts of water.
Finally, natural factors such as climate change, natural
disasters and geographical factors such as having no streams
running through an area can also lead to water stress.

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Setting maximum limits for water consumption or punishing • set maximum limits: đặt giới hạn sử
those who overuse water would surely raise people's dụng tối đa
awareness of the consequences of misusing water resources, • punish: phạt
thereby discouraging them from misusing water. In addition, • understand current water situation: biết
only the government has a deep understanding of its current được tình hình nguồn nước và dòng chảy
water situation. Therefore, only they can take action
accordingly to prevent drought and other emergencies that
water shortages can cause.

Food shortages result from natural disasters and geographical reasons, which can destroy crops and disrupt food
supply chains. Solutions involve supporting agricultural infrastructure and technologies, and establishing food banks.
The global housing situation causes challenges due to high costs, lack of housing. Solutions include public housing
programs, low-interest loans, government intervention in preventing real estate bubbles, and space research. Water
shortage stems from a lack of education, overpopulation, and natural factors. Addressing it requires setting
maximum limits of consumption, stricter punishments, and deep understanding of the current water situation.

Food shortages



High cost of housing

HOUSING Lack of housing - deforest




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Meet the safety needs



Violence in the media is a widespread problem that can have • physical violence: bạo lực thể chất
harmful effects on individuals and society as a whole. This • sexual content: nội dung liên quan đến
violence can take many forms, including: tình dục
• Physical violence, such as using weapons, knives or guns • commit real-life crimes: phạm tội ở
to physically attack other people. Audiences, especially ngoài đời thật
younger ones, may copy these actions to physically bully their • wars and terrorism: chiến tranh và
peers because they think these actions represent strength khủng bố
• Sexual content such as harassment and rape can • domestic violence: bạo lực gia đình
stimulate negative reactions among potential criminals • cyberbullying: bạo lực mạng
and make them more likely to commit real-life crimes to • cyberstalking: theo dõi qua mạng
their friends and colleagues. • violence normalization: sự bình thường
• Violent content about wars and terrorism is often hoá bạo lực
illustrated in the media and can contribute to violence • false beliefs: niềm tin sai lệch
normalization. Some people may form false beliefs that
physical power must be used if people want to achieve
something in their lives.
• Domestic violence, such as parents beating or cursing at
their children, is another form of violence often described
in the media. This content can cause victims to be hurt, or
take extreme actions towards society.
• Cyberbullying, including online harassment and
cyberstalking, is becoming increasingly common in the
digital age. Some people may be stimulated and supported
by the demonstrations in the media, and commit
cybercrimes to society.

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Addressing violent content in the media is an pressing issue, • potential harms: những nguy hại tiềm năng
and there are several potential solutions to help reduce its • nonviolent content: xem những nội dung
negative impacts. An important method is education, with không bạo lực
school programs and media campaigns helping to educate • limit the exposure: giới hạn sự tiếp xúc
individuals about the potential harms of media violence and • control the types: kiểm soát thể loại xem
promoting watching nonviolent content. Parents can also play • a time limit: giới hạn thời gian xem
an important role in limiting the exposure to media violence by • rating system: hệ thống phân loại cấp độ
controlling the types of media content their children use and tuổi xem chương trình
setting a time limit for screen time. An effective rating system
can also help warn viewers of potentially harmful content,
including content about violence or other harmful behavior.


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Access to medical treatment is a concern to many individuals • medical treatment: sự chữa trị
and communities around the world. One of the challenges is • price of medications: giá thuốc
the increasing price of medications, which can make needed • drug effectiveness: sự hiệu quả của thuốc
treatments more expensive than ever. Furthermore, drug • healthcare facilities: cơ sở y tế
effectiveness may change constantly due to the emergence of • degraded existing infrastructure: cơ sở
new diseases and drug resistance in some patients. Another hạ tầng hiện tại xuống cấp
issue is lacking healthcare facilities and degraded existing • healthcare workers: nhân viên ngành y
infrastructure, which can make it difficult for individuals to • overwhelming workload: lượng công việc
access services they need. This is especially problematic for khổng lồ
people living in remote areas, who may have limited access • low wages, limited benefits and perks:
to healthcare facilities or have to travel long distances to be lương thấp, phúc lợi và đặc quyền hạn chế
taken care of. Finally, healthcare workers in many regions • employee retention: sự ở lại của nhân viên
may also be responsible for overwhelming workload but have
low wages, limited benefits and perks. This leads to lower
employee retention in the healthcare industry.

When it comes to treatment, one key solution is to increase • increase funding: tăng ngân quỹ
funding, ranging from medical research to enhance existing • medical research: nghiên cứu y khoa
drugs and invent new ones to the investment in technology, • partnerships with private companies:
equipment and infrastructure. Specifically, investing in new cộng tác với công ty tư nhân
facilities and technology can also help improve access to • borrow/ buy technology and equipment:
care while establishing partnerships with private companies mượn hoặc mua công nghệ và thiết
or borrowing or buying technology and equipment from other • public insurance: bảo hiểm trách nhiệm
countries can help reduce and share the financial burden with công cộng
governments. Because private companies have abundant • vaccination programs: chương trình tiêm
financial resources and have motivation to renovate products ngừa vắc xin
further, product development can be accelerated and improved • sports facilities: trang thiết bị thể thao
to be able to make money and get the profit in the fastest way. • promote healthy lifestyles: thúc đẩy lối
Additionally, offering public insurance can help ensure that all sống lành mạnh
individuals have access to the care they need. • raise awareness: nâng cao nhận thức

In terms of prevention, vaccination programs and sports

facilities in public areas can help promote healthy lifestyles
and reduce the risk of suffering from preventable diseases.
Raising awareness about the importance of healthy habits
such as eating habits and getting regular checkups is also
important. Finally, it is necessary to increase the base salary
and perks for medical staff to improve morale and job retention
in this team.

Media violence includes physical violence, sexual content, violence about wars and terrorism, domestic violence, and
cyberbullying, all of which can stimulate negative actions such as nominalizing violence, expressing strengths and

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achieving something using physical power to their colleagues and friends. Addressing media violence requires
education, promoting nonviolent content, limiting exposure, controlling media types, setting screen time limits, and
implementing an effective rating system to warn viewers of potentially harmful content.

Challenges in healthcare include expensive medications, changing drug effectiveness, lack of facilities and infra-
structure, and low wages for healthcare workers. Solutions involve increasing funding, investing in technology and
infrastructure, establishing partnerships, offering public insurance, promoting preventive measures like vaccinations
and sports facilities, raising awareness, and improving salaries and perks for medical staff.








Meet the knowledge and understanding needs

Education is one of the contributors to changing the current living conditions of an individual. Although playing a very
important role, it is ranked after the first two needs because if essential needs such as food, water, shelter, or safety
are not guaranteed, humans cannot focus on self-awareness and personal growth, and contributing to society.
One of the policies that the government meets the knowledge and understanding needs is providing “Free tuition fee”.
However, providing a free service also comes with disadvantages that need to be considered.


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Providing free-of-charge education can bring several benefits • free-of-charge education: giáo dục
to society. Firstly, it can help create equal opportunities for all miễn phí
individuals to access education, regardless of their financial • equal opportunities: cơ hội công bằng
backgrounds. This can help many students from low-income • lift oneself out of poverty: giúp bản thân
backgrounds to attend school and ultimately lift themselves thoát khỏi cảnh nghèo khổ
out of poverty. Additionally, a more educated workforce can • economic growth and productivity: sự
lead to increased economic growth and productivity, as phát triển kinh tế và năng suất
individuals with higher levels of education tend to have more • literacy rates: tỷ lệ có học
skills and knowledge that can benefit the labor force. At the • a more educated and skilled population:
same time, by removing financial barriers to education, we can dân số có giáo dục và kỹ năng cao hơn
also see increased literacy rates, which can ultimately lead to
a more educated and skilled population.


However, there are also some potential drawbacks worth • a significant burden: gánh nặng lớn
considering. Firstly, providing free education may put a • taxpayers: người trả thuế
significant burden on taxpayers and the national budget. This • the national budget: ngân sách quốc gia
could disadvantage other areas and potentially have negative • the quality of students: chất lượng học sinh
impacts on the entire economy. Additionally, if the quality of • motivation: động lực
students is not monitored properly, free education may lead • compete and strive: cạnh tranh hay
to a lack of motivation to learn, as students think there is nỗ lực
no need to compete and strive. This could lead to a lack of • accountability: trách nhiệm
accountability and potentially result in students dropping out • resources and facilities: nguồn lực và cơ
or not putting in the necessary effort to succeed. Furthermore, sở vật chất
free education can also lead to a lack of resources and • job market saturation: sự bão hoà thị
facilities in educational institutions, which can affect the trường việc làm
quality of education provided, as a result. Finally, the increase
in the number of graduates due to free education may lead
to potential job market saturation, making it difficult for
individuals to find employment even with a formal degree.

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Providing free education can create equal opportunities and lead to a more educated workforce, but this proposal
may burden taxpayers and disadvantage other areas of the economy. Without proper monitoring, it may also result in
a lack of motivation and accountability, as well as a lack of resources and potential job market saturation.

euqal opportunity

more skills
MEET THE and knowledge
UNDERSTANDING NEEDS put a significant burrden

Drawbacks the quality

job market saturation

Meet the aethetics needs

Aesthetics needs are an expanded need after meeting the aforementioned needs. Some people believe that
aesthetics needs belong to individuals, and therefore government intervention will bring disadvantages. However,
according to the mind map below, meeting aesthetic needs seems to bring many benefits not only for individuals but
also for the country.



Aesthetic needs play an important role in the development of • aesthetic needs: nhu cầu thẩm mỹ
society and can have several positive impacts. Firstly, • boost national image: nâng cao hình ảnh
investing in aesthetics can boost national image by creating quốc gia
attractive public spaces, buildings, and monuments that

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reflect the unique cultural and historical identity of a country. • cultural and historical identity: bản sắc
This can improve the country's image both nationally and văn hoá và lịch sử
internationally. Additionally, investing in aesthetics can have • attract tourism: thu hút du lịch
positive impacts on not only the economy, as it can attract • social cohesion: sự gắn kết xã hội
tourism and create jobs in fields, but also the social • foster a sense of unity and equality: thúc
cohesion,as the same style of architecture can foster a sense đẩy sự gắn kết và công bằng
of unity and equality in society. Also, by preserving cultural • preserve cultural heritage: bảo tồn di sản
heritage, societies can help pass down traditions from văn hoá
generation to generation. Finally, improving the aesthetics of • pass down traditions: truyền lại những
public spaces can enhance the quality of life for citizens by phong tục, truyền thống
creating attractive and functional areas for people to gather, • enhance the quality of life: nâng cao chất
relax, and enjoy. lượng cuộc sống


However, for some people, aesthetics is subjective, and what • subjective: mang tính chủ quan
may be considered aesthetic for one group may not be for • a limited audience: lượng khán giả
another. Therefore, it is only suitable for a limited audience, as giới hạn
not everyone can access or appreciate the beauty of a work. • using taxpayers’ money: sử dụng
Moreover, using taxpayers’ money to sponsor aesthetic tiền thuế
improvements may cause a resentful attitude among the • a resentful attitude: thái độ phẫn nộ
public, especially if they feel that urgent issues are not • immediate economic benefits: lợi ích
being addressed. Finally, investing in aesthetics may not kinh tế ngay lập tức
always bring immediate economic benefits and therefore may
be seen as a less attractive investment option.

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Investing in aesthetics can boost national image and the economy, promote social cohesion and culture, and enhance
citizens' quality of life. However, aesthetic preferences are subjective and may not be valued by all, leading to limited
audience and potential resentment among taxpayers.

Boost national image


BENEFITS Social cohesion


Enhance the quality

life for citizens


DRAWBACKS Using taxpayers

Not always bring immediate

economic benefits

To what extent should government intervene

The level of government intervention in different aspects of life will vary depending on the political system and level
of development of a country. However, is there any government in the world that has the right to control 100% of the
issues in their country? What would happen to that country if such a situation occurred?
The answer is:
If any government in the world has the right to control 100% of the issues in their country, individual freedoms and
rights in that country will be greatly limited or almost non-existent. That government will have the power to control
every aspect, from jobs, education to religion or social relationships. Therefore, innovation and creativity will be sup-
pressed and have no room to develop, and the country will find it difficult to compete with other countries in the world,
as a consequence. This can even lead to a resentful attitude and may be the beginning of forms of social instability.
In summary, the role of the government is crucial for the formation and development of a country. However, depend-
ing on the issues, the government needs to have a significant or moderate level of intervention to maintain stability
and promote the development of the country.

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Government's responsibility towards global community

Governments play an important role in promoting global peace • global peace and stability: hòa bình và
and stability, protecting human rights, addressing global sự ổn định toàn cầu
challenges, and promoting trade cooperation. • resolve conflicts: giải quyết mâu thuẫn
• humanitarian aid: hỗ trợ nhân đạo
In Southeast Asia, for example, countries have been working • human rights: bảo vệ quyền con người
together to promote regional peace and stability through • global challenges: thách thức phạm vi
organizations such as ASEAN, which aims to promote toàn cầu
economic, political, and security cooperation among its • climate change: biến đổi khí hậu
m e mbe r st a t e s . G over n m en ts in th e reg io n also wor k • poverty: đói nghèo
together to resolve conflicts, such as the territorial disputes in • inequality: sự bất công
the South China Sea, and to provide humanitarian aid to areas • trade cooperation: hợp tác thương mại
affected by natural disasters or conflicts. • mutual prosperity: sự thịnh vượng chung

Human rights have also been a major concern. In some

countries facing issues such as discrimination, human
trafficking, and other forms of exploitation, governments in
the region have been taking steps to combat these issues,
with some countries implementing laws to protect vulnerable
groups and promote equality.

Global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and

inequality are also issues that many parts of the world are
facing. For example, some countries have been cooperating
and implementing sustainable development initiatives and
promoting the use of renewable energy sources to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.

Trade cooperation is also important around the world. For

instance, countries in Southeast Asia are working together
to promote mutual prosperity through initiatives such as the
ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), which aims to create a free
trade area among ASEAN member states. Governments have
also been working to attract foreign investment and promote
trade with other countries outside the region.

In addition to their responsibility to their own citizens, governments also have a positive role to play in the internation-
al community in terms of the promotion of worldwide peace and stability, protection of human rights, addressing of
global challenges, and the promotion of trade cooperation.

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Resolve conflicts

Peace negotiations

Provide humanitarian aid

Against discrimination

Prevent human trafficking

Other forms of exploitation

Climate change



INTERNATIONAL Trade cooperation


Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.
1.1. Mind map about violence in media

Violence in
Forms of media violence

1.2. Some people feel that the government should regulate the level of violence for films of television and
cinema. Others feel that violent films should not be released. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
First, I advocate that government regulation of media violence can reduce the harmful effects it has on individuals.

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2.1. Mind map about water shortages

Government Intervention Situation

2.2. Some people think that people should be given the right to use fresh water as they like. Others believe governments
should strictly control the use of fresh water. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Firstly, I advocate that governments should have strict control on fresh water usage because of the lack of awareness
and education among many irresponsible users.

3.1. Mind map about drawbacks of meeting aesthetic needs

Drawbacks Aesthetics

3.2. Government investment in the arts, such as music and theater, is a waste of money. Governments must invest
this money in public services instead. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
On the one hand, it is understandable why some people oppose the idea of funding in the arts using the state budget.

4.1. Mind map about the benefit of free-of-charge tuition fee programs

Meet the knowledge and

Forms of media violence
understanding needs

4.2. In some countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in some others, the government pays
for them. Do you think the advantages that the government pays the money outweigh the disadvantages?
On one hand, providing free-of-charge education brings many benefits for students and the overall economy.

5.1. Mind map about governments’ responsibility towards the global community

Support trade cooperation Promote peace and stability

Address global challenges Protect human rights

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5.2. Some people believe that the government should not spend money on international aid when they have their own
disadvantaged people like the homeless and unemployed. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Opponents of spending money on international aid may argue that

Practice 2: Complete mind maps below using given phrases

2.1. Meet the physiological needs

public housing the lack of education food banks

set maximum limits natural disasters agricultural infrastructure

and technologies

disrupt food supply chains prevent real estate bubbles deteriorate national image

destroy crops
Food shortages
geographical reasons
fertile soil

(3)..................... - crop yield

FOOD Solutions
(4)..................... - redistributed

high cost of housing

lack of housing

HOUSING offer low - interest loans

space research

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Causes overpopulation

natural factors


WATER Solutions punish

have a deep understanding of its current water situation

2.2. Meet the safety needs

the increasing price violence borrow or buy Physical violence

of medications normalization technology and
equipment from
other countries

educate individuals establish copy these actions improve morale and

about the partnerships with job retention
potential harms private companies

Domestic violence limit the exposure An effective lower employee

rating system retention

overwhelming vaccination programs Raising awareness drug effectiveness



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2.3. Meet the knowledge and understanding needs

a lack of accountability put a significant burden increased literacy rates

equal opportunity lack of resources and facilities not monitored properly

job market saturation lift themselves out of poverty increased economic growth
and productivity



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2.4. Meet the aesthetics needs

attract tourism pass down traditions boost national image

enhance the quality of life a resentful attitude attract tourism

for citizens

not always bring immediate reflect the unique cultural and subjective
economic benefits historical identity



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The environment is one of the urgent issues of modern life. It is facing many threats and challenges from human
activities and changes in the natural world. Some issues that learners may encounter in Writing Task 2 are the
decline of many plant and animal species, the depletion of natural resources, the advantages and disadvantages of
renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and the increasing trend of the throw-away society. Chapter 2 will help
learners gain more knowledge about these issues and understand the roles of different groups of people in protecting
the environment.

The decline of animals and plants

The consumption of natural
resources at an alarming rate
Non-enewable energy
and renewable energy
Causes and effects
of Throw-away society
Who is in charge of solving the
environmental problems

The decline of animals and plants


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One major cause of the decline of many animals and plants is • habitat destruction: sự phá huỷ môi
habitat destruction, which is primarily due to overpopulation. trường sống
As human populations increase, the demand for housing and • overpopulation: sự quá tải dân số
other infrastructure increases, people resort to deforestation to • fossil fuels: nhiên liệu hóa thạch
make way for more human settlements, factories and farms. This • deforestation: nạn phá rừng
has a profound impact on animals, as they lose their habitats. • CO2 and greenhouse gases: khí CO2 và
khí nhà kính
Also, human activities such as burning fossil fuels are releasing • rise in temperature and sea levels: sự
huge amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the tăng nhiệt độ và mực nước biển
atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change. • overfishing and poaching: đánh bắt quá
This results in the rise in temperature and sea levels which mức và săn trộm bất hợp pháp
have severe effects on many species, including disrupted • fish populations: dân số loài cá
breeding and feeding patterns, suffering from more frequent
and extreme natural disasters, and increased risk of disease.

Overfishing and poaching are also significant threats to species.

Specifically, overfishing is depleting fish populations and
endangering the survival of marine animals while poaching is
threatening certain endangered species, such as elephants and
rhinos, which are hunted for their ivory, just for their personal interest.

Habitat destruction, burning fossil fuels, overfishing, and poaching are the main factors posing a threat to biodiversity
of certain plants and animals in the wild.





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The consumption of natural resources at an alarming rate



The fast consumption of natural resources has numerous • natural resources: tài nguyên thiên nhiên
negative impacts on our planet, including environmental • environmental degradation: sự xuống
degradation and resource depletion. First, deforestation, cấp môi trường
primarily for agriculture and urbanization, results in soil • agriculture: nông nghiệp
erosion, loss of biodiversity, and increased CO2 emissions, • urbanization: sự đô thị hoá
which exacerbate climate change. Additionally, the depletion • resource depletion: sự cạn kiệt tài
of natural resources, such as water and energy, results in nguyên thiên nhiên
water scarcity and energy insecurity, affecting daily lives and • water scarcity: sự khan hiếm nước
production activities. This, in turn, has economic risks when • energy insecurity: sự khủng hoảng
prices of these kinds of commodities in the market increase, năng lượng
which puts some countries at risk. • economic risks: rủi ro về kinh tế

Fast consumption of natural resources leads to environmental degradation, resource depletion, and economic risks.





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Non-renewable and renewable energy sources

Energy is an essential commodity in most human activities, from daily activities to production ones. Energy is divided
into two main types: non-renewable energy and renewable energy.



Non-renewable energy, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, has • non-renewable energy: năng lượng
been the primary source of energy for many years due to its không tái tạo được
reliability and security. Non-renewable energy sources have a • reliability: sự đáng tin cậy
high energy density and can produce a consistent and reliable • security: sự an toàn
supply of energy. They have been extensively developed and • energy density: mật độ năng lượng
optimized over time, making them efficient and dependable • a consistent and reliable supply: nguồn
for meeting energy demands. Also, non-renewable energy cung liên tục và đánh tin cậy
sources can be easily stored and used as needed, providing a • extensively developed and optimized:
reliable and readily available source of energy. This is được phát triển và tối ưu rất nhiều
particularly important for industrial and commercial purposes • easily stored and used: dễ dàng trữ và sử
where a constant and uninterrupted energy supply is essential. dụng khi cần
• industrial and commercial purposes:
It is also a more affordable option for many people, particularly mục đích công nghiệp và thương mại
in developing countries where the cost of renewable energy • affordable: phải chăng
technology is high. • developing countries: nước đang
phát triển
In addition to being reliable and affordable, non-renewable • economic growth: sự phát triển kinh tế
energy has been a significant contributor to economic growth.
Many countries have relied heavily on the extraction and

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production of non-renewable energy resources to support
their economies. For instance, oil-producing countries such as
Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United States have been able to
use the profits from the sale of oil to support their economies
and provide social services to their citizens.

One of the major drawbacks of non-renewable energy is • finite resources: những nguồn tài nguyên
pollution. Burning fossil fuels releases harmful chemicals hữu hạn
into the air, water, and soil, causing damage to both human • run out: cạn kiệt
health and the environment. Air pollution from burning coal, • leave future generations without access:
for example, is a leading cause of respiratory problems, and oil thế hệ tương lai không có để sử dụng
spills can contaminate waterways and harm wildlife. • dependent on foreign sources: phụ thuộc
vào nguồn từ bên ngoài
Another drawback is that non-renewable energy sources are • political and economic instability: bất ổn
finite resources, meaning they will eventually run out. As we chính trị và kinh tế
continue to consume these resources at an alarming rate, we
will eventually deplete them, leaving future generations
without access to these valuable resources.

Additionally, many countries are dependent on foreign sources

of non-renewable energy, which can lead to political and
economic instability. Countries that rely heavily on oil imports, for
example, are vulnerable to price fluctuations and supply disruptions,
which can have significant impacts on their economies.


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Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, • abundant: dồi dào và đáng tin cậy
offer several benefits over non-renewable energy sources. • increase energy access: tăng sự tiếp cận
One of the most significant benefits is that renewable energy đến năng lượng
can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and produce less • lack access to electricity:không có điện
harmful emissions of pollutants. This can not only help • promote sustainable development: thúc
mitigate the effects of climate change but also improve the đẩy sự phát triển bền vững
air quality, which helps people reduce the risk of suffering
from respiratory diseases.

Renewable energy also offers energy security. Unlike fossil fuels,

which are finite resources and subject to price fluctuations and
supply disruptions, renewable energy sources are abundant.
As a result, renewable energy helps reduce dependence on
foreign sources of energy.

Renewable energy can also create jobs and stimulate

economic growth. The renewable energy industry is one of the
fastest-growing industries in the world and has the potential
to create millions of jobs in manufacturing, installation, and
maintenance. This can help boost local economies and
provide new opportunities for workers.

Finally, renewable energy can increase energy access,

particularly in developing countries. Many rural areas lack
access to electricity, which can limit economic development
and social opportunities. Renewable energy sources can help
provide electricity to these areas, improving quality of life and
promoting sustainable development.

One of the primary drawbacks is the dependence on weather. • dependence on weather: sự phụ thuộc
Unlike non-renewable energy sources, renewable energy vào thời tiết
production is heavily dependent on weather conditions, such • less reliable and predictable: ít đáng tin
as sunlight, wind, and rainfall. This means that renewable và khó dự đoán hơn
energy sources can be less reliable and less predictable than • a large land and resources: cần diện tích
non-renewable energy sources. đất và nguồn lực lớn
• expensive to set up and maintain:
Another major drawback is that renewable energy infrastructure đắt đỏ để lắp đặt và bảo trì
often requires a large amount of land and resources. For • political and economic instability: bất ổn
example, large solar or wind farms require significant amounts chính trị và kinh tế
of land and can have environmental impacts, such as habitat
destruction and land use changes. Moreover, renewable energy
infrastructure such as the installation of hydropower can
change the riverflow and water quality nearby, which affects
the agricultural and daily activities of local residents.

Renewable energy technologies can also be expensive to

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set up and maintain. While the costs of renewable energy have
been decreasing in recent years, they are still often more ex-
pensive than non-renewable energy sources, particularly in the
short term.

Non-renewable energy sources provide reliable and secure energy with high density, supporting economic growth and
affordability. However, they cause pollution, are finite resources, and can lead to political and economic instability.
Meanwhile, renewable energy reduces emissions, improves air quality, creates jobs, and enhances energy security.
However, it is weather-dependent, requires substantial land and resources, and initial costs can be higher.




Causes and effects of throw-away society

Modern life witnesses a change in the way people consume and dispose of things. Indeed, we are living in a society
where people are generating more and more waste, or known as the "throw-away society". This phenomenon has
various reasons and certainly brings consequences that affect individuals and the environment. The diagram below
focuses on four objects commonly mentioned in the "throw-away society" topic in Writing Task 2, which are Food,
Fashion, Disposable Materials, and Consumerism.

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There are many reasons why people waste food, and one of • food fashion: những loại đồ ăn được yêu
them is related to food fashion. Food fashion refers to the thích sử dụng vào một thời điểm nào đó
trend of consuming certain types of food. For example,there • lose popularity: mất đi sự yêu thích
is a trend of ordering large amounts of food for social media • landfills: bãi rác
photoshoots or to impress others. However, when these kinds • shops and restaurants: các cửa hàng và
of food lose their popularity, they end up in landfills. nhà hàng
• discard perfectly edible food: vứt những
Food waste from shops and restaurants is a significant problem loại đồ ăn vẫn còn hoàn toàn ăn được
in many countries. One of the main causes of food waste in these • prioritize the appearance: ưu tiên vẻ
settings is the practice of discarding perfectly edible food due to bên ngoài
aesthetics. Stores and restaurants often prioritize the appearance • past the sell-by dates: quá ngày hết hạn
of their products, leading them to throw away food that is still ở trên bao bì
safe to eat but may not look appealing. For example, a bakery • overstocking: dự trữ nhiều hơn số lượng
may discard bread that is slightly misshapen. Another cause of cần thiết
food waste from shops and restaurants is the sale of products • lack of accurate calculations: thiếu sự
that are past their sell-by dates. Stores and restaurants may be tính toán chính xác
reluctant to sell products that are near or past their expiration • preservation methods: phương pháp
date, even if the food is still safe to eat. Additionally, overstocking bảo quản
is a common practice among stores and restaurants as they aim • eat leftovers: ăn đồ ăn thừa
to ensure that they have enough inventory to meet their customers'
needs or just simply due to lack of accurate calculations.

Additionally, awareness of the importance of reducing food

waste and storage and preservation methods are normally
ignored, which can contribute to food spoilage and waste.

Lastly, others may hesitate to eat leftovers as they may have

concerns about the safety and quality of food that has been
stored for more than a day. Others may perceive leftover food as
less desirable than freshly prepared meals, leading to discarding
and purchasing new food.

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The "throw-away society" we are living in today is largely • fast fashion: thời trang nhanh
influenced by fast fashion. • low-quality materials: vật liệu chất
lượng thấp
The use of low-quality materials in clothing production leads to • shorter lifespan: vòng đời tồn tại ngắn
shorter lifespan and encourages consumers to buy new items • constant desire: nhu cầu liên tục
more frequently, thus provoking a cycle of overconsumption. • work in the fashion industry: làm việc
Another factor contributing to this problem is the customers' trong ngành thời trang
constant desire for new clothes. Some people feel more • the latest fashion trends: xu hướng
confident when wearing new clothes, or buying them gives mới nhất
them a sense of excitement.

Additionally, many people work in the fashion industry, so

they have to keep up with the latest fashion trends, leading to
a constant need to update their wardrobes.


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The use of single-use materials is another cause of the • single-use/ disposable materials: vật liệu
throw-away society we are living in today. dùng một lần
• convenience: sự thuận tiện
One of the main reasons for this trend is convenience. Single-use • without cleaning: không cần phải rửa
materials such as paper plates, plastic utensils, and disposable • hygiene: sự vệ sinh
packaging are designed for quick and easy use and disposal • the spread of germs and diseases: sự lây
without the need for cleaning. lan của mầm bệnh và bệnh tật
• cost-effective: hiệu quả về chi phí
Another factor contributing to the use of single-use materials • mass production: sản xuất đại trà
is hygiene. Many people believe that disposable products are • variety: sự đa dạng
more sanitary than reusable alternatives, particularly in • more options for colors and designs:
environments such as hospitals and food service establishments, nhiều lựa chọn về màu sắc và mẫu
to prevent the spread of germs and diseases. For example, mã hơn
single-use materials, such as disposable gloves, gowns, and
masks, are designed for one-time use and then discarded.

Additionally, single-use materials can be cost-effective,

especially for mass production. Single-use materials often
require less energy and resources to produce and transport,
further reducing costs.

Finally, the variety of single-use materials available on the

market today can also contribute to the throw-away society.
Both manufacturers and customers have more options for
colors and designs that fit their specific needs.


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One of the main factors contributing to this trend is • consumerism: chủ nghĩa thúc đẩy
advertising and marketing. Companies use persuasive tiêu dùng
advertising techniques to create a desire for new products • advertising and marketing: quảng cáo và
and material possessions, which give people the illusion that tiếp thị
owning material things will bring them happiness and success. • a desire for new products: tạo nhu cầu
cho sản phẩm mới
In addition, social norms and cultural values often make people • material possessions: sự sở hữu vật chất
feel the need to keep up with their friends or meet certain • social norms: tiêu chuẩn xã hội
standards of appearance or lifestyle in order to be part of a • cultural values: giá trị văn hoá
community they want to belong to. • keep up with friends: theo kịp bạn bè
• meet certain standards: đáp ứng tiêu
Finally, the desire for status and identity can also contribute to chuẩn nào đó
our throwaway culture. People often use material possessions • status and identity: địa vị và bản sắc
to express their identity and social status, leading to a culture cá nhân
of excessive consumption and waste of trendy, branded, or
expensive goods. However, when the trend is over, they don't
hesitate to discard these things.


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The impacts of the "throw-away society" are numerous and • ecosystems and wildlife: hệ sinh thái và
far-reaching, not only affecting the environment but also human môi trường tự nhiên
health, social inequality, and personal finances. • leach toxic chemicals: rỉ ra các chất hóa
học độc hại
The production and disposal of single-use products contribute • social inequality: sự bất bình đẳng trong
to environmental degradation because they create huge xã hội
landfills and marine waste, exerting long-term effects on • low-income communities and countries:
ecosystems and wildlife. những nơi người/ nước thu nhập thấp ở
• a psychological perspective: khía cạnh
In the meantime, the use of single-use materials can also pose tâm lý
health risks, especially when it comes to plastics and other • inadequacy or dissatisfaction: sự thiếu
materials that can leach toxic chemicals into the environment thốn và không thoả mãn
and human bodies. • personal debt: các khoản nợ cá nhân
• financial insecurity: sự bất ổn tài chính
In addition, the throw-away society contributes to the depletion
of natural resources as more resources are used to create
mass products. This practice can put our future generations
at disadvantage, eventually.

Worse still, trash dumping also contributes to social inequality,

as waste is often disproportionately dumped in low-income
communities and countries. Or consumerism leads to an
increasingly clear divide between those who can afford goods
and those who cannot.

Moreover, from a psychological perspective, the constant

pressure to consume and discard goods can lead to stress
and anxiety, as well as feelings of inadequacy or dissatisfaction.

Finally, the financial burden of constantly upgrading assets

and discarding old ones can contribute to personal debt and
financial insecurity.

Food waste stems from food fashion trends, aesthetic discarding, sell-by date practices, and overstocking. Fast fashion
arises from low-quality materials and the desire for new clothes. Disposable materials are used for convenience,
hygiene, and cost-effectiveness. Consumerism is driven by advertising, social norms, and the desire for status and
identity. The throw-away culture results in environmental degradation, resource depletion, landfill pollution, social
inequality, health risks, psychological and financial insecurity.

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Food waste

Food fashion
Disposable materials


Environmental degradation

Health risks

Depletion of natural resorces

Social inequality

A psychological perspective

Personal debt and financial insecurity

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Who is in charge of solving the environmental problems
The responsibility for addressing these issues and protecting the environment should belong to all members of
society, from the government to organizations and individuals.


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Firstly, the government has a role in establishing and • laws and regulations: luật lệ và quy định
enforcing laws and regulations, and closely monitoring the • violate: vi phạm
implementation of laws related to overfishing and poaching. • strict penalties: các hình phạt
If any individuals or organizations violate these laws, strict nghiêm khắc
penalties such as monetary fines or imprisonment should be • conservation measures: các biện pháp
applied to discourage others. bảo tồn
• natural reserves: khu bảo tồn tự nhiên
Secondly, implementing conservation measures is crucial. • restore habitats: khôi phục môi
These include building natural reserves to protect wild and trường sống
endangered animals, restoring habitats, returning the environment • return to a natural balance: trả môi
to a natural balance, providing treatment for plants and animals, trường về trạng thái cân bằng
and implementing breeding programs or reintroducing species • breeding programs: chương trình
into the wild. nhân giống
• reintroduce species: tái du nhập loài
In addition, the government needs to promote research and • understand their behavior, needs: hiểu
development of programs related to animals and plants to được hành vi, nhu cầu
understand their behavior, needs, and find the most suitable
approach for each species.

Lastly, there is a need for media and school campaigns to

educate the public about the importance of animal and plant
protection and to improve the understanding and appreciation
of the natural world within the community.


The role of the government in promoting the development of • incentives: khuyến khích
renewable energy sources is very important. The government • switch to environmentally-friendly
can use the state budget to invest in research projects, new energy sources: chuyển sang nguồn
technologies, and improvements to existing technologies to năng lượng thân thiện với môi trường hơn
develop renewable energy sources. • collaborate: cộng tác
• reduce taxes: giảm thuế
Additionally, the government can provide more incentives • offer subsidies: trợ cấp
for businesses to switch to environmentally-friendly energy • set minimum energy efficiency
sources, such as reducing taxes or offering subsidies to standards: thiết lập tiêu chuẩn hiệu suất
these businesses. năng lượng tối thiểu
• raise awareness: nâng cao sự nhận thức
The government can collaborate with other governments to • educate the community: giáo dục
learn from their experiences, technologies, and techniques to cộng đồng
develop renewable energy sources.

In addition, the government needs to regulate the use of

non-renewable energy sources, such as oil. The government
can set minimum energy efficiency standards for technology
devices and electronics, control mining activities, or impose
higher taxes on individuals and organizations that emit large
amounts of carbon emissions when using these energy sources.

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Finally, it is necessary to raise awareness and educate the
community about saving non-renewable energy sources and
transitioning to greener energy sources to create understanding
and appreciation for the natural world in the community.


The government has a role in establishing laws and regulations • properly process waste: xử lý chất thải
related to waste management. For example, they can require phù hợp
companies to properly process waste before releasing it into • impose fines or even criminal penalties:
the environment, such as air, land, or water. If these companies áp dụng hình phạt tiền hoặc thậm chí
do not comply, the government can impose fines or even criminal hình phạt hình sự
penalties on these companies if pollution caused by the • products made from non-biodegradable
company seriously affects the lives of the surrounding residents. materials: sản phẩm làm từ vật liệu
không phân hủy sinh học
Additionally, the government can impose taxes on products • green lifestyles: lối sống xanh
made from non-biodegradable materials, which can encourage • encourage the 3R principles: khuyến
companies to switch to greener materials. khích các nguyên tắc 3R

Furthermore, the government needs to promote green lifestyles

and launch campaigns to encourage the 3R principles:
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.



People can limit their use of consumer products made from • energy-efficient household appliances
animal parts and non-biodegradable materials and prioritize and electronic devices: thiết bị gia dụng
the use of environmentally-friendly materials. For example, và thiết bị điện tử tiết kiệm năng lượng
people can avoid single-use plastic products like straws, bags, • conscious of shopping behavior: ý thức
and utensils, and instead using reusable alternatives like hơn về hành vi mua sắm
metal or silicone straws, cloth bags, and bamboo utensils.

Applying a green lifestyle and the 3R principle to reduce CO2

emissions into the natural environment is also important. For
example, commuters can switch to using green vehicles such

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as electric cars instead of traditional fuel-driven vehicles to
reduce their carbon footprint.

In addition, people should choose energy-efficient household

appliances and electronic devices, such as refrigerators with
better insulation and non-toxic refrigerants.

Finally, they need to be more conscious of their shopping

behavior, such as estimating the appropriate amount of food,
choosing suitable meals, and limiting unplanned shopping.



Businesses need to use more environmentally sustainable • environmentally sustainable practices:
practices in their production and development. For example, in biện pháp bền vững với môi trường hơn
agriculture, using a moderate amount of pesticide and avoiding
sacrificing customers' health and the environment for short-term
profit. Or in industrial production, being aware and implementing
measures to treat waste and wastewater before releasing
them into rivers, lakes, and other water sources.



Above all, both groups need to comply with government laws • comply with government laws and
and regulations, join hands to protect the environment and regulations: tuân thủ luật lệ nhà nước
improve the living environment around us. In addition, they

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should give support and engage in projects related to the
environment and conservation of resources, wildlife, etc.
Finally, educating each other about the importance of these
factors in their living community.

Government plays a crucial role in protecting plants and animals by enforcing laws, establishing reserves, conducting
research, and promoting education. It also prevents non-renewable energy depletion through investments, incentives,
regulations, and awareness campaigns. Waste reduction is achieved through legislation, waste processing requirements,
taxes, and promotion of the 3R principles.
Individuals can adopt a green lifestyle, choose environmentally-friendly materials, reduce CO2 emissions, and be
conscious of their shopping behavior. In the meantime, businesses need to implement sustainable practices and
comply with government laws. Both groups should support environmental projects and educate each other about the
importance of conservation.

Protect plants and animals

GOVERNMENT Prevent the depletion of

non-renewable sources of energy

Reduce waste in society

Limit their use

Apply a green lifestyle and the

3R principle

More conscious of their

SOLVING THE shopping behavior

Use more environmentally

sustainable practices

Comply with government laws

and regulations

BOTH INDIVIDUAL give support and engage


Educate each other

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Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph us-
ing ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.
1.1. Mind map about causes leading to the decline of certain plant and animal species

Habitat destruction

The decline of
Burn fossil fuels
plants and animals
Overfishing and poaching

1.2. The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in sea. What are the reasons
and solutions?
Granted, human-made activities on land and in sea contribute to the decline and extinction of certain animal species.

2.1. Mind map about benefits of renewable energy sources


2.2. Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are the main sources in many countries. However, in some countries,
the use of alternative sources of energy (wind and solar energy) are encouraged. Do you think it is a positive or
negative development?
Encouraging the use of alternative sources of energy such as wind and solar can be seen as a positive development
for several reasons.

3.1. Mind map about causes of “ Throw-away society”

Disposable materials Food

Consumerism Fashion

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3.2. These days people in some countries are living in a “throwaway” society which means people use things in a
short time then throw them away. What are its causes and what impacts can it have?
There are several causes of the throwaway society in the modern world.

4.1. Mind map about the role of government in protecting environment

The extinction of certain plants and animals

The depletion of non-renewable energy
Throw-away society

4.2. Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only governments can make a difference. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
There are plausible reasons why some people argue that environmental problems are only tackled by governments.

5.1. Mind map about the roles of other groups in protecting environment

The extinction of certain plants and animals

Other groups's
The depletion of non-renewable energy
Throw-away society

5.2. Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only governments can make a difference. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
On the other hand, I believe that ordinary people, through small, everyday actions, can also greatly contribute to
protecting the environment.

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Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases
2.1. The decline of animals and plants

meet increasing demand overfishing and poaching rise in temperature and sea

deforestation habitat destruction burning fossil fuels


2.2. The fast consumption of natural resources

resource depletion economic impacts loss of biodiversity

environmental degradation water scarcity soil erosion

energy insecurity

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2.3. Sources of energy

burning fossil fuels expensive to produce finite resources

and maintain

affordability greenhouse gas emissions reliability and security

dependence on weather contributor to energy security

economic growth

political and lack access to electricity a high energy density

economic instability


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2.4. Throw-away society

mass production environmental preservation methods depletion of

degradation natural resources

past their personal debt and the desire for status food fashion
sell-by dates financial insecurity and identity

keep up with the advertising and without the need constant desire for
latest fashion trends marketing for cleaning new clothes

social norms and hesitate to hygiene shorter lifespan

cultural values eat leftovers

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2.5. Solving the environmental problems

products made from understand the media and incentives for

non-biodegradable behaviours, needs school campaigns businesses

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implement set minimum energy establish and enforce more conscious of
conservation measures efficiency standards laws and regulations their shopping behavior

comply with require companies collaborate with Applying a green

government laws to properly other governments lifestyle and the
and regulations process waste 3R principle


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The structure of the family has undergone significant changes in recent years and this trend is predicted to
continue. A traditional extended family, consisting of multiple generations living together, or a nuclear family, consisting
of only parents and children, is no longer the standard model. Nowadays, there are many different types of families
such as single-parent families, families with step-parents, same-sex parent families, etc. What are the reasons for
these changes? Will the roles of "father" and "mother" in the family remain the same as before?

Changes in structure

CHANGES IN FAMILY Effects of some popular situations

Household duties

Changes in structure of families

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The level of income plays a significant role in the formation of • the level of income: mức thu nhập
families. Families with a lower income tend to live with their • extended families: gia đình mở rộng
extended families to save on rent and living expenses. This • save on rent and living expenses: tiết
is because living with extended family members can help in kiệm chi phí thuê nhà và các chi phí khác
sharing costs and reducing the financial burden. For instance, • pay for their own living expenses: có khả
in many big cities like Hong Kong, it is common for extended năng tự chi trả chi phí sống
families to live together, as it helps to share the expenses and
provide emotional support.

On the other hand, families with a higher income tend to have

their own households. This is because they can afford to pay
for their own living expenses and do not need to depend on
others for support. For example, in Western countries, it is
common for people to move out of their parents' house and
live independently once they start earning a steady income.

Limited job opportunities in a town or city can lead many people • job opportunities: cơ hội việc làm
to live away from their families to develop their careers, resulting • relocate to the city: chuyển đến thành
in the emergence of dispersed families. This means that family phố sống
members do not live together or live independently in different • dispersed families: gia đình phân tán
places. For example, many people in developing countries
relocate to the city or abroad to find better job opportunities,
leaving their families behind in the rural areas. Furthermore, some
families may have to relocate due to their job requirements. For
instance, a person may have to move to another city or country
for work, and their family may choose to stay behind due to
various reasons, such as children's education or family ties.

The cost of living is another factor that affects family structures. • delay marriage: trì hoãn việc kết hôn
High living expenses can lead many people to delay marriage • small-sized families: gia đình ít người
or form small-sized families. This is because they may not
have the financial resources to support a large family. For
example, in developed countries, it is becoming increasingly
common for people to delay marriage and having children due
to the high cost of living, such as housing and education
expenses. Additionally, people may choose to have fewer
children to reduce the financial burden. For instance, in some
European countries, the birth rate is decreasing due to the
high cost of raising children. Therefore, couples are choosing
to have fewer children or delay having children until they are
financially stable.

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Technological advances are the second factor that has gradually • technological advances: tiến bộ công nghệ
changed the structure of families. In the past, when • technology devices: thiết bị công nghệ
technology and the internet were not as developed as they are • reduce the interaction among family
today, people tended to spend more time together, both at work members: giảm tương tác với các thành
and in daily life. However, in the modern world, people often viên gia đình
work and spend their free time with technology devices. This • solitary lifestyle: lối sống đơn độc
reduces the interaction among family members and leads to • reproductive technology: công nghệ
a more solitary lifestyle than in the past. In addition, advances sinh sản
in reproductive technology today make delayed childbearing • delay childbearing: trì hoãn việc mang con
easier and less risky. This is why many adults often choose • focus on self-development : tập trung
medical solutions, such as egg freezing, for fertilization at a vào phát triển bản thân
later time. Instead, they focus on self-development and spend
time on work.

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The changing social values have significantly impacted the • social values: tiêu chuẩn xã hội
family structure. In the past, society's attitudes towards • society's attitudes: thái độ của xã hội
marriage were very strict, and nuclear families were the norm. • demographic factors: yếu tố nhân
However, in recent times, types of families such as single - parent khẩu học
families, same - sex parents, or those who choose to delay • an aging population: dân số già
marriage or live alone to focus on their careers are more widely • low birth rates: tỷ lệ sinh thấp
accepted. For example, in many Western countries, same-sex
marriage has become legal, and families with same-sex
parents are becoming more common.

Demographic factors such as an aging population and low

birth rates have also impacted the family structure. Many
elderly people live alone, and young couples choose to have
only 1-2 children. In countries with low birth rates, families
with only one child are becoming more common. For instance,
in China, the one-child policy was implemented to control
population growth, which led to a significant increase in
families with only one child. Moreover, the aging population
has resulted in a significant increase in the number of
single-person households. Elderly people may live alone due
to the death of their spouse, divorce, or children moving out
of the house.


The legalization of same-sex marriage has been a significant • legalize same-sex marriage: hợp pháp
factor in changing the family structure. In many countries, hóa hôn nhân đồng giới
same-sex couples have been fighting for the right to marry for
decades. The legalization of same-sex marriage has given these
couples the same legal rights and protections. For example,
in 2015, the United States Supreme Court legalized same-sex
marriage nationwide, which allowed same-sex couples
to enjoy the same legal rights as opposite-sex couples.
Similarly, in 2017, Australia legalized same-sex marriage,
and many other countries have followed suit.

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Legal immigration policies have also played a role in changing • legal immigration policies: chính sách
the structure of families. nhập cư
• multicultural families: gia đình đa văn hoá
Immigration policies that allow for family reunification have
encouraged the formation of multicultural families. For example,
in the United States, family-based immigration is the primary
method for legal immigration. This policy allows U.S. citizens
and permanent residents to sponsor their immediate family
members for immigration to the United States. As a result,
many families in the United States are multicultural, with members
from different countries and cultures.

In addition, some countries have implemented policies that

allow for temporary or permanent immigration of foreign workers.
These policies have led to the formation of transnational families,
where family members live in different countries. For example,
in Canada, the Temporary Foreign Worker Program allows
employers to hire foreign workers on a temporary basis to fill
labour shortages. These workers may bring their families with
them, resulting in the formation of transnational families.

Income levels and job opportunities impact family structures, leading to extended or dispersed families, and
influencing decisions like delaying marriage and having smaller families. Technological advances lead to reduced
family interaction, delayed childbearing,. At the same time, changing social values accept diverse family types and
legalization of same-sex marriage and immigration policies shape multicultural and transnational families.

Income levels
Economic factors Job opportunities
Cost of living

Change the way families interact

Advancces in reproductive technology

FAMILY STRUCTURE CAUSES Reduce waste in society Changing attitude

An aging population
Demographic shifts
Low birth rates

Legalization of same-sex marriage

Legal immigration policies

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Effects of some popular situations


Smaller sized families have become more popular in recent • financial stability: sự ổn định về mặt
times. One of the main benefits of having a smaller family is tài chính
that it can lead to better financial stability. With fewer children • the quality of life: chất lượng cuộc sống
to support, parents can provide a higher quality of life for their • flexibility: sự linh hoạt
children. This can include better education, health care, and • socialization: sự giao lưu
extracurricular activities. In addition, smaller families have • loneliness and social isolation: sự cô
more flexibility in their daily routines, travel plans, and đơn và tách biệt khỏi xã hội
decision-making processes. They can focus more on their • overprotective: bảo vệ con trẻ quá mức
individual needs, leading to a more relaxed and • face higher expectations: đối mặt với
stress-free lifestyle. những kỳ vọng cao
• academic and social success: thành
However, there are also some drawbacks to having a smaller công trong học tập và xã hội
family. Children in smaller families miss out on the socialization
that comes with having siblings, including exposure to different
personalities, opinions, and experiences. They may also miss
out on emotional support, advice, and companionship. This
can lead to loneliness and social isolation. Furthermore,
parents of smaller families may be more overprotective of
their children due to their smaller numbers, which can lead to
a lack of independence. Smaller families may also face higher
expectations from parents and society regarding academic
and social success. This can lead to stress and anxiety
for children.

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Delaying parenthood can have both benefits and drawbacks. • delay parenthood: trì hoãn làm bố mẹ
One of the benefits of delaying parenthood is the ability to • climb up the career ladder: thăng tiến
focus on personal growth and career advancement. Individuals trong sự nghiệp
who delay having children can invest more time and effort to • earn a stable financial base: có kinh tế
climb up the career ladder, earning a stable financial base vững vàng
and building a foundation for their family's future. Others • building a foundation: xây dựng nền móng
think that youth is the time when they can experience trials and • trials and errors: thử và rút ra bài học
errors so that they can accumulate experience and improve • accumulate experience : tích lũy
their expertise as much as possible, by working around the kinh nghiệm
clock, taking on new positions or changing jobs. Furthermore, • improve expertise: cải thiện chuyên môn
delaying parenthood can provide individuals with more time to • mature emotionally: trưởng thành về mặt
mature emotionally and understand themselves better, which cảm xúc
can lead to more informed choices about parenting and the • understand themselves better: hiểu bản
ability to provide a stable home environment for their child. thân hơn
• informed choices: quyết định sáng suốt
However, there are also some drawbacks to delaying parenthood. • a stable home environment: một môi
trường yên bình
At the individual level, one of the major drawbacks is the • susceptible to complications: dễ mắc
increased health risks that come with age. As individuals age, biến chứng
they become more susceptible to complications such as • fertility declines: khả năng sinh sản giảm
diabetes and high blood pressure, which can increase the risk • conceive: mang thai
of complications during pregnancy. In addition, fertility declines • medical interventions: can thiệp y tế
as individuals age, making it harder to conceive and increasing • an age gap: khoảng cách tuổi tác
the likelihood of requiring medical interventions. Another

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drawback of delaying parenthood is the social pressure that • an age gap: khoảng cách tuổi tác
individuals may face from their families and society to have • impact the parent-child relationship: ảnh
children. Finally, delaying parenthood can also result in an age hưởng mối quan hệ giữa con cái và bố mẹ
gap between parents and their children, which can impact the • a shortage of the workforce: thiếu nguồn
parent-child relationship and create unique challenges. nhân lực
• productivity and economic growth: năng
At the societal level, delaying parenthood means that fewer suất và phát triển kinh tế
babies are born every year and thus the country faces an • support the welfare systems: hỗ trợ cho
aging population. As a result, there will be a shortage of the hệ thống phúc lợi
workforce in the long run, leading to a lack of productivity and • state budget: ngân sách
economic growth, which may negatively affect the country's • heavier burden on young taxpayers: gánh
development. Furthermore, the younger generation is critical nặng cho những người nộp thuế trẻ
to supporting the welfare systems, including healthcare,
education, and social security. If the number of young people
decreases, the state budget will be under significant pressure,
and there will be a heavier burden on young taxpayers.


In recent times, people in many countries are spending less • personal pursuits: đam mê cá nhân
time with their families due to various reasons. • avoid conflicts: tránh xung đột
• increased self-esteem: lòng tự tôn
One of the main benefits of spending less time with family is cao hơn
the ability to focus more on personal pursuits such as hobbies • enhance an individual's social life: nâng
or career advancement. With fewer family obligations, individuals cao đời sống xã hội
have more time and energy to dedicate to their own interests, • engage in social activities: tham gia hoạt
leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying life. động xã hội

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Another advantage of spending less time with family is the • enlarge social circles: mở rộng mối quan
potential reduction in stress and tension. Conflicts regarding hệ xã hội
different opinions and lifestyles can cause tension within
families, leading to a negative impact on mental health. By
spending less time with family, individuals can avoid such
conflicts and reduce their stress levels.

Spending less time with family can also lead to greater

independence, as individuals learn how to rely on themselves
and make their own decisions. This can lead to increased
confidence and self-esteem, as well as a greater sense of
personal responsibility.

Finally, spending less time with family can enhance an

individual's social life. They may have more time to engage
in social activities, enlarge their social circles, and develop
new relationships. This can lead to a more diverse and fulfilling
social life.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to spending

less time with family.

It can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, especially for

individuals who do not have a strong social support network.

Furthermore, it may lead to a lack of familial support during times

of crisis or hardship. Worse still, some people feel regret since they
fail to spend much quality time with their loved ones in the future.

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Living independently can have both benefits and drawbacks. • Living independently: sống một mình
• the sense of freedom and autonomy: sự
One of the benefits of living independently is the sense of tự do và tự chủ
freedom and autonomy it provides. Individuals who live • promote personal growth and self-
independently have the ability to make their own decisions discovery: thúc đẩy sự phát triển cá nhân
about their living space, daily routines, and social lives without và khám phá bản thân
having to consider the needs or preferences of others. • loneliness and isolation: sự cô đơn và
Additionally, living independently can promote personal cô lập
growth and self-discovery, as individuals learn how to navigate • expensive: đắt đỏ
the challenges and responsibilities of living on their own. • all of their living expenses: tất cả chi
phí sống
However, there are also some drawbacks to living independently. • self-discipline: sự tự giác, kỷ luật cá nhân
One of the most significant drawbacks is the potential for loneliness • manage finances: quản lý tài chính
and isolation. Without the support and companionship of others, • household chores: việc nhà
individuals may struggle with feelings of loneliness and a lack • personal health and wellness: sức khoẻ
of connection to others. Additionally, living independently can be cá nhân
expensive, as individuals are solely responsible for all of their living
expenses. This can make it difficult to maintain a high quality of
life, especially for those who are just starting out in their careers.
Furthermore, living independently requires a significant amount
of self-discipline, as individuals must manage their own finances,
household chores, and personal health and wellness. Without
the support and structure of family or roommates, individuals
may struggle to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

In recent times, smaller-sized families have gained popularity, offering benefits such as improved financial stability
and a more relaxed lifestyle. However, smaller families may lack the socialization and emotional support that comes
with siblings. Delaying parenthood allows individuals to focus on personal growth and career advancement, but it
brings health risks and societal challenges. Spending less time with family can provide personal fulfillment, yet it may
lead to feelings of isolation and a lack of familial support. Living independently offers freedom and self-discovery, but
it can also result in loneliness and increased responsibilities.





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Should household duties be divided equally all the time?

The answer is: KEY WORDS

If household duties are divided equally regardless of reasons, • strength: thế mạnh
this practice may be counterproductive and have negative • best suited: phù hợp nhất
impacts on both men and women. Therefore, a few different • physical health: tình trạng sức khoẻ
ways to approach the division of household duties in a • ability to perform certain tasks: khả
relationship are to share responsibilities based on strengths, năng làm một việc
physical health, and preference. • personal preferences: sở thích cá nhân

Firstly, sharing household duties based on strengths can be

effective because each partner can focus on the tasks that
they are best suited for. For example, if one partner is better at
organizing and planning, they may take on more responsibilities
related to scheduling appointments or managing household
finances, while the other partner may be better suited to
hands-on tasks like cleaning or home repairs. This can lead to
a more efficient and effective division of labor, as each partner
is playing to their strengths.

Secondly, taking physical health into account can be important

because it can impact one's ability to perform certain tasks. For
example, if one partner has a health condition that makes it diffi-
cult for them to stand for long periods of time, they may be better
suited to tasks that don't require as much physical exertion, such
as organizing or working on a computer. By taking physical health
into account, partners can ensure that the
division of labor is fair.

Lastly, considering personal preferences can be important

because it can help to ensure that each partner is happy with
the tasks they are responsible for. For example, if one partner
loves cooking and finds it to be a relaxing and enjoyable
activity, they may prefer to take on more cooking responsibilities
in the household. By allowing each partner to have input into
the division of household duties, partners can work together to
create a system that works for them both.

Sharing household duties based on strengths, physical health, and personal preference can lead to a more efficient
and effective division of labor in a relationship. It ensures each partner is suited for their tasks and happy with the
division of duties.

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Focus on the tasks that more effecient
they are best suited for and effective

Impact one's ability to perform certain tasks

PERSONAL Ensure that each partner relaxing

PREFERENCES is happy with the tasks and enjoyable

Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph us-
ing ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.

1.1 Mind map about types of changes in the family structure and reasons

Changes in types

Family structure

1.2. In recent years, the family structure has changed. What types of changes are occuring? Do you think these
changes are positive and negative?
Families at present have undergone two main differences compared to the past.

2.1. Mind map about effects of spending less time with family

Spending less
time with family

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2.2. People in many countries are spending less time with their family. What are the reasons, and effects of this?
The decline of the amount of time people are with their family stems from personal pursuits for careers and hobbies.

3.1. Mind map about reasons why people delay parenthood

Personal growth and career advancement

Emotional maturity

3.2. In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life. What are the reasons for
this development? What are the effects on society and family life?
To many people, personal growth and career success are bigger priorities than having a child.

4.1. Mind map about effects of delaying parenthood

Health risks
Individuals Social pressure
Age gap
Face an aging population
Short of state budget

4.2. In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life. What are the reasons for
this development? What are the effects on society and family life?
However, such late parenthood may bring about many undesirable consequences for not only society but also individuals.

5.1. Mind map about responsibilities of men and women in household duties


Household duty
Physical health
division in family
Personal preferences

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5.2. Nowadays, as women and men have to work full time, household duties should be equally divided. Do you
agree or disagree?
However, I suppose dividing household chores equally can be detrimental when their partner’s health state and personal
preferences are ignored.

Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases
2.1. Family structure

live in low birth rate technology dispersed family

nuclear families structure

legal immigration income level an aging population legalization of

policies same-sex marriage

advances in social values live in delay marriage and

reproductive technology extended families childbearing

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2.2. Effects of some popular situations

face higher financial stability mature emotionally overprotective


increased confidence climb up the trials and errors flexibility

and self-esteem career ladder

miss out on an aging population enlarge their reduction in stress

the socialization social circles and tension

self-discipline the sense of freedom focus more on fertility declines

and autonomy personal pursuits

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Practice 1:
1.1 Mind map about types of changes in the family structure and reasons

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Unit 4: WORK

Work is an important aspect in the life of every individual and in society. And in today's modern world, where work is
increasingly changing and competitive between men and women, between old and young, and even between humans
and AI, people need many things to be able to keep themselves useful in their current jobs. In this chapter, learners
will learn more about the characteristics of men and women as well as old and young employees and who
should be the leader at the
workplace. Moreover, learners will gain more insights into why work satisfaction, job security and work-life balance
affect one much.

Work satisfaction and Job security

Men and Women

WORK Work-life balance

The old and young at the workplace

Work satisfaction - job security

These days, many people are beginning to reassess their work purpose. Do they want a job that brings them work
satisfaction or do they want to maintain a secure and safe position at work, or known as job security?

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Job security provides employees with a sense of stability and • lose their job unexpectedly: mất việc
assurance that their position will remain in place, which can một cách bất ngờ
have a number of benefits. • financial security: sự an tâm về tài chính
• hinder innovation and creativity: cản trở
For one, it can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, as em- sự đổi mới hoặc sáng tạo
ployees do not have to worry about losing their job unexpect- • take risks: mạo hiểm
edly. It also provides a sense of financial security, as employ- • complacency: sự tự mãn
ees can better plan for the future, take out loans or mortgages, • motivation: động lực
and invest in long-term financial goals. • no immediate threat of job loss: không
có sự đe dọa từ việc mất việc
However, there are also some drawbacks to job security. One
of the most significant is that it can hinder innovation and
creativity in the workplace. When employees feel secure in
their positions, they may be less likely to take risks, suggest
new ideas or approaches. Another potential drawback is that
job security can lead to complacency and a lack of motivation.
When employees feel that their job is secure, they may not feel
the need to work as hard or be as productive, as there is no
immediate threat of job loss. This can lead to a decline in
overall productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

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Job satisfaction has a number of benefits, including: • engagement: mức độ tham gia
• Higher levels of motivation: A satisfied employee • job loyalty: trung thành với công ty
might be more likely to arrive to work on time, take on • take on new challenges and opportunities:
extra responsibilities, and put in extra effort to complete đảm nhận những thử thách và cơ hội mới
a project. • be resistant to change: không chịu
• Higher levels of engagement: A satisfied employee might thay đổi
be more likely to participate in meetings, share ideas, and • feedback or constructive criticism: những
collaborate with colleagues to solve problems. góp ý và nhận xét mang tính xây dựng
• Higher levels of productivity: A satisfied employee might • adapt and evolve: thích nghi và phát triển
be able to complete tasks more efficiently, with fewer
errors, and with a higher degree of accuracy.
• Less stress and burnout: A satisfied employee might take
breaks when they need them, practice good self-care, and
feel less overwhelmed or anxious at work, which leads to
better mental and physical health
• Greater job loyalty: A satisfied employee might be more
likely to stay with the company for a longer period of time,
reducing the costs associated with employee turnover
and training.

However, there are also some drawbacks to job satisfaction.

One potential issue is that employees who are highly satisfied

with their current job may be less willing to take on new
challenges or opportunities, as they may feel that they have
reached their maximum potential within their current role.
This can limit their opportunities for growth and advancement
within the company.

Another potential drawback is that employees who are too

satisfied with their job may become complacent and resistant
to change. They may resist new ideas or approaches, and
become less open to feedback or constructive criticism.
This can hinder innovation and ultimately limit the company's
ability to adapt and evolve over time.

Job security provides stability, reduces stress, and offers financial security. However, it can hinder innovation, lead to
complacency, and lower motivation. Job satisfaction increases motivation, engagement, productivity, and loyalty. Yet,
excessive satisfaction may limit growth and resist change, hindering innovation.

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a sense of financial security
reduce stress and anxiety
hinder innovation and creativity
Drawbacks complacency
a lack of motivation


Less stress and burnout
Higher levels of productivity
Benefits Higher levels of engagemnet

Higher levels of motivation

SATISFACTION Greater job loyalty

Less take on new challenges

or opportunities
Become complacent and
resistant to change

Work-life balance
Work-life balance refers to the ability to balance the demands of one's job with the demands of their personal life. It
involves finding a balance between work-related responsibilities and personal responsibilities, such as spending time
with family, pursuing hobbies, or taking care of one's health and well-being. Achieving a good work-life balance is
important for individuals to maintain their mental and physical health, improve productivity at work, and have a
fulfilling personal life. A good work-life balance also helps individuals to manage stress and prevent burnout.
However, there are still many people finding it hard to achieve the balance between work and their personal lives. Why
is that? And how can we do to improve this situation?

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WORK-LIFE BALANCE? • stay connected: giữ kết nối
There are several reasons why people find it difficult to achieve • outside of regular working hours: ngoài
a work-life balance, including: giờ làm việc
• Technology: With the rise of technology, it's easier than • switch off: tắt thiết bị điện tử
ever to stay connected to work outside of regular working • high expectations: kì vọng cao
hours. This makes it harder for people to disconnect and • pressure to perform at a high level: áp
switch off, leading to an unhealthy work-life balance. lực phải thực hiện tốt
• Culture: Many workplaces have a culture that promotes • make ends meet: kiếm ăn đủ sống
long working hours, working weekends, and being available • the sole breadwinner: người trụ cột
outside of work hours. This can make it difficult for duy nhất
individuals to prioritize their personal life over work. • lack of boundaries: thiếu sự phân chia
• High expectations: Individuals may feel pressure to perform rõ ràng
at a high level both professionally and personally, which can
lead to them overworking and neglecting their personal life.
• Financial pressure: Many individuals feel pressure to work
long hours to make ends meet, particularly if they are the
sole breadwinner for their family.
• Lack of boundaries: Individuals may struggle to establish
clear boundaries between their work and personal life,
making it hard to switch off and prioritize their personal life.

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BETWEEN WORK AND LIFE? • set specific work hours: thiết lập giờ làm
Achieving a balance between work and life can be challenging, việc cố định
but there are some strategies that can help: • turn off work-related notifications: tắt
• Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work thông báo
and personal life by setting specific work hours, turning • designate a physical space: cố định một
off work-related notifications outside of work hours, and không gian vật lý
designating a physical space for work activities. • prioritize self-care: ưu tiên sự chăm sóc
• Prioritize self-care: Make time for self-care activities such bản thân
as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. • develop time management skills: phát
Prioritizing self-care helps reduce stress and promotes triển kỹ năng quản trị thời gian
overall well-being. • communicate your needs and priorities:
• Develop time management skills: Use time management trao đổi về nhu cầu và sự ưu tiên
tools and techniques such as calendars, to-do lists, and • outsource or delegate: thuê ngoài hoặc
prioritization to help manage time effectively and focus on uỷ quyền cho người khác
the most important tasks.
• Communicate with colleagues and employers:
Communicate your needs and priorities to colleagues and
employers. Be honest and assertive in setting boundaries
and negotiating workload or flexible working hours.
• Outsource or delegate: Consider outsourcing or delegating
non-essential tasks to reduce workload and free up time for
personal activities.

People struggle with work-life balance due to technology, long working hours, culture, high expectations, financial
pressure, and lack of boundaries. To achieve work-life balance, set boundaries, prioritize self-care, develop time man-
agement skills, communicate needs, and consider outsourcing or delegating tasks.



DIFFICULTIES High expectation

Financial pressure

Lack of boudaries
Set boundaries

Prioritize self-care

SOLUTIONS Develop time management skills

Communicate with colleagues and employers

Outsource or delegate

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The old and young at the workplace
We are all aware that the workplace and working patterns are changing due to the changes in demographics and dig-
italisation. Competition for talent, therefore, is fiercer and fiercer than ever before, especially between the old and the
young at the workplace. Both groups have their own strengths and weaknesses. The matter is that companies should
strive to create a diverse workforce that includes employees of different ages and backgrounds in order to maximize
their potential and create a successful business.


• Experience: Older workers bring a wealth of experience to a • industry-specific knowledge: kiến
company, including industry-specific knowledge, and thức ngành
problem-solving skills gained from years of working in their • costly mistakes: sai lầm tốn kém
field. This experience can help to increase efficiency and • excess processes: quy trình dư thừa
productivity, and thus avoid costly mistakes and • stable and committed: ổn định và trung
excess processes. thành với
• Stability: Older workers tend to be more stable and • lower turnover rates: tỷ lệ nhân viên nghỉ
committed to their jobs, resulting in lower turnover rates. làm thấp hơn
They are less likely to be seeking new job opportunities or • save time and expense of recruiting
to change careers, which can save a company the time and and training: tiết kiệm thời gian và chi phí
expense of recruiting and training new employees. tuyển dụng và đào tạo
• Reliability: Older workers often have a strong work ethic, • reliability: độ đáng tin cậy
and are reliable in meeting deadlines and completing tasks. • a strong work ethic: có đạo đức làm
• Mentoring: Older workers can serve as mentors to younger việc tốt

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employees, passing on their knowledge and expertise. • mentoring: Sự hướng dẫn từ người có
This can help to develop the skills and capabilities of the nhiều kinh nghiệm
next generation of workers, and create a culture of learning • pass on their knowledge and expertise:
and development within the organization. truyền lại kiến thức và chuyên môn


• Resistance to change and new technology: Older workers • prone to illness or injury: dễ bị bệnh
may be resistant to change and new technologies. They may hoặc bị thương hơn
be more comfortable with familiar processes and • higher salary expectations: mong muốn
systems, and may be slower to adopt new ways of working, lương cao
which can hinder a company's ability to innovate and stay
• Health concerns: Older workers may have health concerns
that can impact their ability to perform their job duties.
They may be more prone to illness or injury, or may require
modified work hours.
• Higher salary expectations: Older workers may have higher
salary expectations due to their experience and seniority.
This can be a financial burden for the company, particularly if
they are already paying higher salaries to retain older workers
who may have reached the top of their pay scales.

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• Adaptability: Young workers are often more adaptable • adaptability: khả năng thích nghi
to changes in the workplace and open to new technologies. • quick to learn and adjust: học hỏi và
They are typically quick to learn and can adjust to new work thích nghi nhanh
environments, procedures, and tools more easily than • energy and enthusiasm: năng lượng và
older workers. sự nhiệt tình
• Energy and enthusiasm: Young workers bring energy • fresh perspective: quan điểm mới mẻ
and enthusiasm to the workplace. They can inject new life • new ideas and approaches: ý tưởng và
and motivation into company culture, boosting morale and cách tiếp cận mới mẻ
encouraging teamwork. • tech-savviness: sự thành thạo về
• Creativity: Young workers often have a fresh perspective công nghệ
and can bring new ideas and approaches to the company.
They are less likely to be set in their ways and can offer
creative solutions to problems.
• Tech-savviness: Young workers are often familiar with the
latest technologies and can help companies stay up-to-date
with new tools, software, and digital marketing techniques.


• Lack of experience: Young workers may lack the experience
and knowledge required to perform their job duties
effectively. They may require additional training and
mentoring to develop the necessary skills to succeed in
their roles.
• High turnover rates: Young workers tend to have higher
turnover rates than older workers, resulting in higher
recruitment and training costs for the company. They may
also be more likely to easily leave a job for career
advancement opportunities elsewhere.
• Overconfidence: Young workers may be overconfident in
their abilities and underestimate the time and effort
required to complete tasks. This can lead to missed
deadlines, incomplete work, or mistakes that could have
been avoided with more experience.

Older workers bring experience, stability, reliability, and mentoring abilities. They have industry-specific knowledge,
problem-solving skills, and a strong work ethic. However, they may resist change, have health concerns, and expect
higher salaries. Young workers are adaptable, energetic, creative, and tech-savvy. They bring fresh perspectives and
ideas but may lack experience, have high turnover rates, and be overconfident.

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Resistance to change
and new technology
COMPETITION Drawbacks Health concerns
BETWEEN THE OLD Higher salary expectations
Energy and enthusiasm
THE YOUNG Tech-savviness

Lack of experience
Drawbacks High turnover rate

Competitiveness: men - women

Competitiveness between male and female workers is a topic that has been debated for a long time. While some peo-
ple believe that men are naturally more competitive than women, others argue that gender does not play a significant
role in determining competitiveness. However, it is undeniable that men and women tend to approach competition in
different ways due to their unique characteristics and societal expectations. These differences can have both positive
and negative impacts on workplace dynamics and can influence career advancement opportunities for both genders.

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They are also more likely to take risks, such as investing in a • start a new business venture: xây dựng
new product or starting a new business venture. For example, in 1 doanh nghiệp mới
the tech industry, men are often seen taking risks by investing in • technical expertise: năng lực về kỹ thuật
new and innovative technologies that could lead to big payoffs. • understand complex technical
concepts : hiểu được những khái niệm
Furthermore, male employees are more likely to have technical kỹ thuật phức tạp
expertise in fields such as engineering, IT, and finance. Their • masculine traits: đặc điểm nam tính
ability to understand complex technical concepts makes them • stronger physique: thể hình tốt
well-suited for these types of roles. For example, in the automotive • requires demanding physical
industry, men are often employed as engineers and designers strengths: yêu cầu thể lực khá cao
because of their technical knowledge and experience.

Lastly, thanks to the masculine traits and stronger physique,

they are more suitable for work that requires demanding
physical strengths such as construction work, firefighting,
military service and so on.


They are more empathetic, which is beneficial in roles such • empathetic: đồng cảm, cảm thông
as counseling or social work. For example, in the healthcare • understand and relate to: thấu hiểu và
industry, female employees are often employed as nurses liên kết với người khác
and social workers because of their ability to understand and • detail-oriented: chú trọng về chi tiết
relate to patients. • have a team-oriented working style:
phong cách làm việc theo nhóm
Furthermore, female employees tend to be detail-oriented, • value the inputs of other members:
which means they are careful and thorough in their work. For đánh giá cao sự đóng góp của các
example, in a legal or accounting role, female employees may thành viên
be responsible for reviewing documents and ensuring that all
information is accurate and up-to-date.

Finally, female employees typically have a team-oriented

working style. For example, in a leadership role, female
employees may communicate their vision and goals to the
team and value the inputs of other members, creating a
supportive work environment that fosters collaboration.

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However, there should not be any specific rules for occupational compatibility regarding gender. A lot of men are
growing more interested in taking responsibilities for childcare and housework which are typically considered
feminine. Women, by contrast, are showing great versatility in various jobs, even those demanding both brains and
brawn. For example, female gymnasts have been increasing in number. In addition, women’s social status has been
improved thanks to the success of world-class businesswomen and politicians. Take Hillary Clinton for example. This
is plain proof against the belief of gender-specific career pursuit.

In the workplace, male employees are often assertive, competitive, and possess technical expertise. They also tend
to perform physically demanding jobs due to their stronger physique. Female employees, on the other hand, are more
collaborative, empathetic, detail-oriented, adaptable, and have strong communication skills. It is important to remem-
ber that these are generalizations and not necessarily true for all individuals.

Take risks

MEN Have technical expertise

Masculine traits and stronger physique



WOMEN Detail-oriented

Have a team-oriented working style

Leadership: who should assume this position?

Age, gender, and other demographic factors should not be the sole determining factor in who assumes leadership
positions. Rather, it is important to consider a person's skills, experience, personality traits, and communication
abilities when selecting a leader.

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First, leaders should have a range of skills that are relevant • a range of skills: nhiều kĩ năng
to their role and the context in which they are leading. For • relevant to their role and the context:
example, a leader in a technical field may require specific liên quan đến công việc và trường hợp
technical skills such as coding or engineering, whereas a tình huống
leader in a creative industry may need strong problem-solving
and critical thinking skills to drive innovation. Leaders should
also have good financial management skills, decision-making
skills, and organizational skills to help keep their team and the
organization running smoothly.


Experience is important for a leader as it provides a deeper • challenges and opportunities: thách
understanding of the challenges and opportunities that come thức và cơ hội
with leading a team or organization. For example, a leader
who has experience in managing a team through a difficult
project or a crisis situation will be better equipped to handle
similar situations in the future. Furthermore, leaders with
experience in their industry or field can bring valuable insights
and knowledge to the organization, which can help them make
informed decisions.

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Next, certain personality traits can be advantageous for a • resilience: sự bền bỉ
leader, such as resilience, self-awareness, empathy, and • survive through challenging times: tồn
adaptability. Resilient leaders are better able to survive tại qua thời gian khó khăn
through challenging times. Leaders with self-awareness are • self-awareness: sự tự nhận thức
better able to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, bản thân
and seek out feedback from their team to improve their • recognize own strengths and
leadership. Empathetic leaders are better able to understand weaknesses: nhận ra được thế mạnh và
and support their team members, which can lead to higher điểm yếu của bản thân
levels of engagement and satisfaction. Adaptable leaders can
adjust their leadership style to suit different situations and
team members.


Finally, good communication skills are crucial for a leader to • vision, goals, and expectations to: tầm
effectively communicate their vision, goals, and expectations nhìn, mục đích và mong muốn đến
to their team, as well as listen to and address the concerns and • build trust: xây dựng niềm tin
ideas of their team members. Leaders who are good listeners • foster positive relationships: thúc đẩy
are better able to build trust and foster positive relationships các mối quan hệ tích cực
within the team.

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Overall, selecting a leader requires a comprehensive assessment of the individual's skills, experience, personality
traits, and communication abilities. These factors help organizations to identify individuals who have the potential to
effectively lead their team or organization towards success.

Relevant to their role


Relevant to the context

A deeper understanding of the

challenges and opportunities

Bring valuable insights and knowledge




Effectively communicate their

vision, goals, and expectations
Listen to and address the concerns and ideas


Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.
1.1. Mind map about benefits of job security

Job security Benefits

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1.2. Some people argue job satisfaction is more important than job security. Others believe a permanent job is
more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
On the one hand, it is understandable why some people believe job security is more important.

2.1. Mind map about the difficulties in balancing work and life

Financial pressure
Difficulties in achieving
work life balance
Lack of boundaries
High expectations

2.2. Nowadays, most people try to balance between work and other parts of their lives. Unfortunately, not many
achieve this balance. What are the problems with this? Suggest some solutions to solve the problems.
The struggle to maintain a work-life balance can be attributed to two reasons.

3.1. Mind map about advantages of having old employees at work

The old Benefits

3.2. Leaders and directors in an organisation are normally older people. Some people think a younger leader
would be better. Do you agree or disagree?
On the one hand, it is understandable that organizations will be operated better under the leadership of senior leaders.

4.1. Mind map about the disparities in the types of job compatible for males or females

Traits of men and

Women Men
women workers

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4.2. Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for
men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
On the one hand, there are some reasons why some argue that there are disparities in the types of jobs compatible
for males or females.

5.1. Mind map about what a leader needs



5.2. Some people could be naturally good leaders. Others believe that people can learn leadership skills. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
Nevertheless, I side with the advocates of leadership being a skill that can be learnt.

Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases
2.1. Job security and Work satisfaction

less stress higher levels less inclined to greater job loyalty

and burnout of productivity take risks

a sense of higher levels a decline in not worry

financial security of motivation overall productivity about losing their
and efficiency job unexpectedly

reach their complacency less open to higher levels

maximum potential feedback or of engagement
constructive criticism

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2.2. Work-life balance

technology prioritize self-care being available develop time

outside of work hours management skills

outsource or delegate make ends meet set specific long working hours
work hours

designate a high expectations communicate with lack of boundaries

physical space colleagues
and employers

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2.3. Competition between the old and the young

strong work ethic mentoring resistance to change and

new technology

prone to illness or injury industry-specific knowledge lower turnover rates

higher salary expectations avoid costly mistakes and tech-savviness

excess processes

inject new life and motivation high turnover rate adaptability

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2.4. Traits of male and female workers

understand and relate to others take risks masculine traits and

stronger physique

have technical expertise careful and thorough value the inputs of

other members

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2.5. Leadership

empathy self-awareness build trust and foster

positive relationships

resilience relevant to their role a deeper understanding of the

challenges and opportunities

listen to and address the make informed decisions adaptability

concerns and ideas

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Practice 1:
1.1. Mind map about benefits of job security

1.2. On the one hand, it is understandable why some people believe job security is more important. In terms of
finance, workers with a permanent job know exactly their monthly income, and thus are in full control of their financial
plan. As a consequence, they will no longer have to worry about short-term financial problems, such as bills and
debts, and could invest in long-term financial goals such as mortgages. In addition, job security helps employees
reduce stress and anxiety levels, as they do not have to worry about losing their job unexpectedly.

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As introduced in Chapter 1, education is one of the fundamental rights of human beings and a significant factor
contributing to the social and economic development of a country. In the world of constant change today, what
opportunities and challenges is education facing? Is a traditional education system still appropriate for the values
that younger generations are pursuing? This chapter will provide readers with different perspectives on some
education-related topics, such as: Who should be eligible for scholarships? Should education be universal for all citizens
or only focus on the younger generation? What factors contribute to the effectiveness of the learning process?

Well-rounded education or a
narrow range or subjects
Government grants/School scholarships

Learning: national or Internaltional

EDUCATION Universal access to education
Effective learning
Core subjects and soft skills
Traditional and online learning

Who should deserve government grants/school scholarships?

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Some people believe that scholarships should be given to • scholarship: học bổng
students who make progress because these scholarships • make progress: có sự tiến bộ
serve as encouragement for them to continue striving towards • promote equity: thúc đẩy sự công bằng
their goals and promote equity in a society where not all • have equal opportunities: có cơ hội
students have equal opportunities for education. Some như nhau
students face financial strains or geographical difficulties, • financial strains: những sự khó khăn về
which make it difficult for them to access comprehensive tài chính
education. Therefore, they may take longer to become the • geographical difficulties: khó khăn đi
best or a better version of themselves. Moreover, providing lại do địa hình
scholarships for those who make progress in their studies • become the best or a better version:
also contributes to diversity because everyone can come trở thành phiên bản tốt hơn hoặc tốt nhất
from different backgrounds, such as low-income families, • diversity: sự đa dạng
single-parent families, or those with strengths in sports, etc. • the best-performing students: học sinh
This creates a society where anyone who strives to có thành tích tốt nhất
make progress can receive recognition for their efforts • recognition: sự công nhận
through scholarships. • commitment : sự cam kết
• have outstanding talent and skills: có
On the other hand, the best-performing students certainly tài năng và kĩ năng nổi trội
deserve scholarships. This is seen as a recognition for • raise the reputation: nâng danh tiếng
their effort and commitment to excellence, as well as an • create innovations and breakthroughs:
encouragement to continue striving for excellence. These tạo ra những phát minh và sự đột phá
students not only have outstanding talent and skills but also
can contribute a lot to the school and society in the future.
They are the ones who help raise the reputation of the school
compared to other competitors and may even be the ones who
will create innovations and breakthroughs for the country
in the future. Therefore, it is essential to have rewards to
recognize their efforts.

Scholarships will appear in many forms, depending on many

factors that the school or the government is pursuing, such as
the purpose of the scholarship, selection criteria, or available
resources of the government or school

Scholarships should be given to students who make progress to promote equity and provide encouragement.
Best-performing students deserve recognition and rewards for their talent and commitment. Scholarships contribute
to diversity and help raise the reputation of schools and society.

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Recognition for their effort and

THE commitment to excellence
STUDENTS Outstanding talent and skills

Universal access to education or just young generation?


Firstly, universal access to education is crucial in breaking the • universal access to education: phổ cập
cycle of poverty. By providing equal educational opportunities giáo dục cho mọi người
to all, students are given the chance to gain knowledge, • break the cycle of poverty: phá vỡ vòng
skills, and competencies that can enable them to improve tuần hoàn đói nghèo
their economic situation. For example, in many developing • improve their economic situation: cải
countries, education can help people learn new skills that thiện tình trạng kinh tế hiện tại
allow them to become entrepreneurs and start their own • reduce social disparities: giảm sự chênh
businesses, which can, in turn, help break the cycle of poverty. lệch xã hội
• inequality and discrimination: bất công
Secondly, universal access to education can also help to và phân biệt đối xử

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reduce social disparities. Illiterate people suffer many forms • better health outcomes: sức khỏe tốt hơn
of inequality and discrimination , such as those related to • enhance democratic participation: tăng
gender, race, and job opportunities, and education is one way cao sự tham gia dân chủ
to help reduce these disparities. For example, when girls are • critically analyze issues: có năng lực
given the same opportunities as boys to access education, it phân tích vấn đề
can help break down gender stereotypes and promote • community decision-making process:
gender equality. quá trình ra quyết định của cộng đồng
• more informed and active citizens: những
Moreover, education is linked to better health outcomes công dân có kiến thức và chủ động
because it provides individuals with knowledge about health
practices like hygiene, disease prevention, or the importance
of good nutrition. For example, educating people on the
importance of washing hands before eating can help reduce
the spread of diseases, while teaching people about healthy
eating habits can help prevent chronic illnesses such as
obesity and diabetes.

Finally, universal access to education also plays an important

role in enhancing democratic participation. Education provides
individuals with the skills and knowledge to critically analyze
issues and participate in community decision-making. This
can help to create more informed and active citizens who are
able to participate in shaping their communities and societies.
For example, educated citizens are more likely to participate
in voting, join community organizations, and hold elected
officials accountable for their actions. This, in turn, can lead to
more transparent and accountable governance.

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Although providing universal education can bring out many • limited cognitive abilities: khả năng nhận
benefits, it is costly and ineffective if governors fail to thức giới hạn
recognise below difficulties in providing education for adults • comprehend new concepts: hiểu những
who are illiterate: khái niệm mới
• Limited cognitive abilities: As people age, their cognitive • limited time: giới hạn thời gian
abilities can decline, making it difficult for them to • have full-time jobs and family
comprehend new concepts and remember information. responsibilities: có công việc toàn thời
This can make it challenging for them to learn new skills gian và trách nhiệm gia đình
or pursue advanced education. For example, an older adult • have a negative attitude: có thái độ
may struggle with a new computer program or have tiêu cực
difficulty understanding complex financial concepts.
• Limited time: Many adults have full-time jobs and family
responsibilities, leaving them with limited time to attend
classes regularly or engage in home study. This can make
it difficult for them to commit to a structured educational
program or complete assignments on time. For example,
a working parent may struggle to balance a job, childcare
responsibilities, and coursework.
• Lack of motivation: Many adults who did not have positive
experiences with education in the past may lack confidence,
or have a negative attitude towards learning. This can make
it difficult for them to engage with educational opportunities
or pursue new skills. For example, an adult who struggled
with math in school may feel discouraged and believe that
they will never be able to learn math, even if they have the
opportunity to try again.For example, an adult who struggled
with reading in school may be reluctant to join a literacy
program for fear of being judged by others.

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Resources are limited, so not every country can meet all the • a competitive workforce: nguồn nhân lực
educational needs of every social group. In some cases, doing cạnh tranh
so would result in wasting resources. The reasons are varied, • flexible in their mindset: linh hoạt trong
as some individuals may lack the motivation to learn or have suy nghĩ
too little time to focus on studying, among others. Therefore, • receptive to new concepts: cởi mở với
most countries are focusing their resources on nurturing the các khái niệm mới
younger generation, who will create a competitive workforce • better retention: trí nhớ tốt hơn
and contribute to breakthroughs for the country in the future,
as they are flexible in their mindset, easily receptive to new
concepts, have more time for learning, and better retention.

Universal access to education breaks the cycle of poverty, reduces social disparities, improves health outcomes,
and enhances democratic participation. However, difficulties in providing education for illiterate adults include lim-
ited cognitive abilities, limited time due to work and family responsibilities, and lack of motivation and confidence.
Therefore, governments often iInvest in the young generation, which can create a competitive workforce and fosters
breakthroughs due to their flexibility, receptiveness to new concepts, and better retention.

Break the cycle of poverty

Reduce social disparities

Better health outcomes

Enhance democratic participation

Limited cognitive abilities


Lack of motivation

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Importance of learning core subjects and acquiring
soft skills


Core subjects such as mathematics, science, language arts, • core subjects: các môn học chính
and social studies provide a foundation of knowledge that • a foundation of knowledge: nền tảng
is essential for understanding and engaging with the world. kiến thức
They equip individuals with fundamental skills and concepts • understand and engage with the world:
necessary for further learning and specialized fields. hiểu và hòa nhập với thế giới
• Academic opportunities: For example, proficiency in
English literature can also pave the way for academic
pursuits. Students with a strong grasp of English literature
may choose to pursue degrees in literature, linguistics, or
related fields. This can lead to opportunities for research,
teaching at the university level, or pursuing advanced
degrees such as a Master's or Ph.D. in English literature,
which can open up further academic and research career paths.
• Career opportunities: A person who demonstrates a deep
understanding of English literature and language can
pursue a career as an English teacher, teaching language
skills, literature analysis, and creative writing. They can also
explore opportunities in fields such as publishing, journalism,
writing, or even working as a literary critic or editor.


Core subjects encourage the development of critical thinking • analyze and interpret information: phân
and problem-solving skills. Through subjects like mathematics tích và diễn giải thông tin
and science, individuals learn how to analyze and interpret
information, make logical connections, and find solutions to
complex problems.

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For example, studying natural phenomena, such as weather
patterns, can significantly enhance critical thinking and
problem-solving skills. Weather patterns are influenced
by numerous factors, including temperature, air pressure,
humidity, and wind patterns. By studying these factors,
individuals develop critical thinking skills to understand the
cause-and-effect relationships that govern weather
phenomena. They learn to analyze the interplay of variables,
identify connections, and predict how changes in one factor
can affect the overall weather conditions. Furthermore,
weather forecasting often involves solving complex problems,
such as predicting severe weather events or determining the
best course of action during extreme weather conditions.
Individuals must assess risks, evaluate available data, and
make informed decisions. Critical thinking skills come into
play as they analyze multiple factors, consider potential
outcomes, and develop strategies to mitigate risks or respond
effectively to weather-related challenges.


Language arts and humanities subjects foster effective • express clearly, persuasively, and
communication skills, including reading, writing, speaking, coherently: trình bày rõ ràng, thuyết phục
and listening. These skills are crucial for expressing ideas và mạch lạc
clearly, persuasively, and coherently, enabling individuals to • in various settings: trong nhiều ngữ cảnh
communicate effectively in various settings. Take learning khác nhau
literature as an example. Literature classes often involve
group discussions and analysis of literary works. Engaging in
these discussions requires active listening skills as individuals
must listen attentively to others' perspectives, ideas, and
interpretations. Through this process, individuals develop the
ability to comprehend and respond to different viewpoints
effectively. Moreover, literature often presents complex
themes, symbolism, and literary techniques. When reading and
analyzing literary works, individuals learn to listen critically
and attentively to identify and interpret these elements. This
skill translates into everyday situations, where individuals
become more adept at listening to nuances, subtext, and
implicit messages in conversations.

Learning core subjects is important for students to succeed in
exams and competitions. Core subjects, such as mathematics,
science, language arts, and social studies, provide a foundation
of knowledge and skills that are often tested in various academic
assessments and competitions. For example, the national
exam is a significant milestone for Vietnamese students as it
determines their eligibility for higher education institutions. A
strong foundation in core subjects plays a key role in achieving
high scores and securing admission to prestigious universities.

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Soft skills are important in schools because they foster • communication: kỹ năng giao tiếp
effective communication, teamwork, and personal • teamwork: làm việc nhóm
development. For example, in a group project, a student with • personal development: phát triển cá nhân
strong communication skills may take the lead in organizing • building relationships: xây dựng mối
and facilitating team discussions. By actively listening to their quan hệ
teammates' ideas, summarizing key points, and encouraging • leadership: khả năng lãnh đạo
participation, they create an environment where all members • problem-solving skills: kỹ năng giải
feel valued and engaged. This collaborative approach leads quyết vấn đề
to better coordination, innovative solutions, and improved
project outcomes.

In business settings, soft skills are crucial for building
relationships, leadership, and problem-solving skills. For

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example, effective communication skills allow employees
to convey their ideas, listen to colleagues, and engage in
productive discussions, fostering a positive work environment.
Leadership skills help individuals inspire and guide their teams,
while problem-solving skills facilitate creative and efficient
solutions to complex issues.

Overall, strong soft skills make individuals not only

academically successful but also desirable and competitive
in the job market, increasing their chances of securing
employment and career advancement in the future.


SCHOOL AND AT HOME? • academic subjects: các môn học thuật
At school • non-academic subjects: các môn phi
At school, students have various opportunities to hone their học thuật
soft skills through academic subjects, non-academic subjects, • discussions, presentations and debates:
and extracurricular activities. thảo luận, thuyết trình và tranh luận
• arts and humanities, physical education,
Academic subjects and social sciences: môn nghệ thuật và
In academic subjects, classroom discussions, presentations nhân văn, giáo dục thể chất và khoa học
and debates play a significant role in developing essential xã hội
soft skills. Engaging in these discussions allows students to • extracurricular activities: hoạt động
practice critical thinking, as they analyze and evaluate different ngoại khóa
perspectives. By expressing their ideas and actively listening • competition: cuộc thi
to their peers, students enhance their communication skills • clubs and organizations: câu lạc bộ và
and learn how to articulate their thoughts effectively. Group tổ chức
projects provide another avenue for skill development, as • voluntary work: làm công việc tình nguyện
students collaborate with their classmates to accomplish
shared goals. Through teamwork, leadership emerges,
problem-solving abilities are honed, and students learn
to navigate challenges and conflicts. Presentations also
contribute to the enhancement of soft skills, such as
communication and public speaking, as students gain
confidence and learn how to effectively convey information to
an audience.

Non- academic subjects

Non-academic subjects, including arts and humanities,
physical education, and social sciences, offer additional
opportunities for students to develop soft skills. Engaging in
activities like art, music, drama, or literature nurtures creativity,
self-expression, and empathy. Through artistic pursuits,
students learn to communicate emotions and perspectives
effectively, developing their ability to connect with others on an
emotional level, while physical education and participation in
sports foster teamwork, discipline, resilience, and leadership
skills. Students learn the importance of cooperation,
sportsmanship, and dedication to achieve common goals.

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Extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities further contribute to the development
of soft skills. Competitions, whether academic or skill-based,
challenge students to utilize problem-solving abilities, work
collaboratively with others, and manage their time effectively.

Furthermore, joining clubs and organizations related to

specific interests, such as debate, writing, robotics, or
community service, provides platforms for leadership,
collaboration, and networking. Students have the opportunity
to take on leadership roles, coordinate group efforts, and
develop valuable interpersonal skills.

Lastly, students have a chance to engage in voluntary

work that allows students to actively contribute to their
communities while fostering empathy, social responsibility,
and communication skills.

At home
From Parents
Parents play a crucial role in nurturing soft skills in their • engage in meaningful conversations:
children. Engaging in meaningful conversations is one way tham gia vào các cuộc trò chuyện ý nghĩa
to foster open and respectful communication. By creating a • foster open and respectful
safe and supportive environment, parents can encourage their communication: tạo dựng giao tiếp mở
children to express themselves, actively listen to others, and và tôn trọng
empathize with different perspectives. • role models: hình mẫu
• adopt and apply: áp dụng và thực hiện
Parents can also serve as role models by demonstrating • household duties: việc nhà
effective communication, conflict resolution, and time • personal care: chăm sóc bản thân
management skills. When children observe these skills in
action, they are more likely to adopt and apply them in their
own lives.

Household Duties
Engaging in household duties provides valuable opportunities
for students to develop various soft skills. Involving students
in meal preparation, fosters responsibility, organization, and
creativity. It teaches them the importance of planning, following
instructions, and working with precision. When cooking
is done collaboratively with family members, it promotes
teamwork, cooperation, and effective communication.
Additionally, assigning household chores to children instills
valuable skills like time management, organization, and a
sense of responsibility. By completing tasks efficiently and
taking ownership of their responsibilities, students learn the
importance of accountability and contributing to the
well-being of the family.

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Personal Care
Parents can encourage the development of soft skills
through personal care activities. Guiding students to dress
appropriately for different occasions cultivates skills related
to self-presentation, attention to detail, and professionalism.
For example, by understanding the importance of dressing for
success, students learn to express themselves appropriately
and make positive impressions. Encouraging personal
grooming habits, such as taking care of hygiene and
appearance, promotes self-confidence, self-care, and attention
to detail. Students develop a sense of pride in their personal
presentation and understand the significance of self-image in
various social contexts.

Learning core subjects like mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies provides a foundation of knowledge
for understanding the world. It offers academic and career opportunities, develops critical thinking and problem-solving
skills, enhances communication abilities, and helps students succeed in exams and competitions. Meanwhile, soft
skills are crucial for communication, teamwork, and personal development. Students can develop them through
discussions, presentations, group projects, non-academic subjects, and extracurricular activities. At home, parents
can nurture soft skills through conversations, household duties, and personal care. These skills prepare students for
success in school, business, and life.

Foundation of Knowledge

Critical Thinking and Problem solving

Communication and Expression

Pass exams

SOFT SKILLS At business

Soft skills

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Well-rounded education or specializing in certain subjects?


A well-rounded education exposes students to a variety • a well-rounded education: giáo dục
of subjects, ranging from humanities and sciences to arts toàn diện
and languages. • a broad knowledge base: kiến thức
nền rộng
BENEFITS • fundamental concepts and principles:
Broad knowledge base những khái niệm và nguyên lý cơ bản
This exposure helps students develop a broad knowledge • interconnectedness: sự liên kết lẫn nhau
base, allowing them to understand fundamental concepts • approach information from multiple
and principles across different disciplines. For example, perspectives: tiếp cận thông tin từ nhiều
studying history provides insights into the events and factors khía cạnh khác nhau
that have shaped societies, while learning mathematics • versatility and adaptability: sự đa năng
develops analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. By và sự thích nghi
understanding the interconnectedness of various subjects, • navigate the rapidly changing job market
students can make more informed decisions in their personal and future: có sự chuẩn bị với những thay

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and professional lives. For instance, a student with knowledge đổi trong tương lai và thị trường việc làm
of both economics and environmental science may better • balanced development: sự phát triển
understand the implications of economic policies on cân bằng
sustainable development. • nurturing their social, emotional, and
physical well-being: phát triển cả về sức
Critical thinking skills khoẻ xã hội, cảm xúc và thể chất
Studying diverse subjects encourages students to approach
information from multiple perspectives and think critically.
When exposed to different viewpoints and interpretations,
students learn to analyze and evaluate ideas, evidence, and
arguments. For example, studying literature exposes students
to various literary techniques and themes, enabling them to
critically analyze the motivations and symbolism within a text.
This fosters creativity and the capacity to think outside the box,
as students explore alternative solutions and perspectives.
Such critical thinking skills are essential for problem-solving,
decision-making, and engaging in meaningful discussions on
complex issues.

Versatility and adaptability

A well-rounded education equips students with a range of
skills and knowledge that can be applied to various situations.
By engaging with different subjects, students develop
transferable skills such as effective communication, research,
and collaboration. This versatility enhances their adaptability,
making them more prepared to navigate the rapidly changing
job market and future. For example, a student with a background
in both computer science and psychology may possess a
unique combination of technical skills and an understanding of
human behavior, making them well-suited for roles that require
user experience design or human-computer interaction.

Balanced development
A well-rounded education goes beyond academic subjects and
include the holistic development of students. It recognizes the
importance of nurturing their social, emotional, and physical
well-being alongside their academic growth. Schools that
prioritize a balanced education provide opportunities for
students to engage in extracurricular activities, sports, and
community service. For example, participating in team sports
can develop teamwork, leadership, and resilience, while
involvement in community service promotes empathy, social
responsibility, and a sense of civic duty. This holistic approach
ensures that students receive comprehensive development,
preparing them not only for academic success but also for a
well-rounded and fulfilling life.

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Time constraints
One drawback of a well-rounded education is the time constraints • time constraint: ràng buộc thời gian
it poses. With a wide range of subjects to cover, students • in-depth study: nghiên cứu chuyên sâu
may find themselves with limited time for in-depth study. For • personal exploration: khám phá cá nhân
instance, in a curriculum that includes a diverse set of subjects • compete in highly specialized fields:
like mathematics, science, literature, history, and art, students cạnh tranh trong những lĩnh vực
may only have a limited amount of time for specialization in chuyên môn
each subject. This can result in a surface-level understanding • resource allocation: phân bổ nguồn lực
of certain topics and restrict the time available for students to • qualified teachers, facilities, and
pursue their specific interests or passions. Additionally, the material: giáo viên chất lượng, cơ sở vật
busy schedule may leave little time for relaxation and personal chất và giáo trình
exploration, potentially increasing stress levels among students. • education relevance: tính ứng dụng, sự
liên quan về kiến thức
Lack of expertise • align with real-world challenges or
While a well-rounded education provides students with a immediate career needs: liên kết với
broad knowledge base, it may fall short in terms of providing những thách thức hiện tại và nhu cầu
the depth of knowledge and expertise required in certain công việc trực tiếp
specialized fields. For example, a student with a well-rounded • question the practical application: nghi
education in various subjects may not possess the specialized ngờ về tính ứng dụng
skills and knowledge needed for specific professions such
as engineering, medicine, or computer programming. In
these cases, students may need to pursue further education
or training to acquire the necessary expertise. The lack of
specialization in a well-rounded education can potentially
limit career options or make it more challenging to compete
in highly specialized fields.

Resource allocation
Providing a well-rounded education requires adequate
resources, including qualified teachers, facilities, and
materials. However, limited resources can pose a challenge
to delivering a comprehensive education across various
subjects. For instance, a school may face budget constraints
that affect the availability of specialized teachers or necessary
equipment for certain subjects. This can result in an uneven
quality of education across different disciplines, with some
subjects receiving more attention and resources than others.
As a result, students may not receive the same level of
instruction or support in all areas, potentially compromising
the depth and quality of their education.

Education relevance
In some cases, the subjects included in a well-rounded
education may not directly align with real-world challenges
or immediate career needs. While the breadth of knowledge
gained from a well-rounded education can be valuable,
students may question the practical application of certain
subjects in their future endeavors. For example, a student

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pursuing a career in computer science may question the
relevance of studying literature or art. Although these subjects
can contribute to a well-rounded individual, students may
perceive them as lacking immediate practicality or relevance
to their desired career path.


Specialized knowledge and expertise
Education focusing on specific subjects enables students to • specialized knowledge and expertise:
develop a deep understanding and expertise in their chosen kiến thức và kinh nghiệm chuyên môn
fields. For example, a student who focuses on studying • career aspirations: nguyện vọng
computer science throughout their educational journey may nghề nghiệp
acquire advanced programming skills, software development • optimize learning journey: tối ưu hóa
knowledge, and expertise in emerging technologies. This hành trình học tập
specialized knowledge can make them highly competitive in • achieve greater efficiency: đạt được hiệu
the tech industry and open doors to specialized job roles or quả cao
research opportunities.

Career preparation
Focusing on specific subjects allows students to tailor their
education to align with their career aspirations. For instance,
a student with a passion for finance may choose to specialize
in accounting, economics, and financial management. This
focused education equips them with the necessary skills
and knowledge required for a successful career in finance,
increasing their employability in the financial sector.

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By concentrating on specific subjects, students can optimize
their learning journey and achieve greater efficiency. They can
allocate their time and resources to deepen their understanding
in areas of interest, rather than spreading themselves thin
across a wide range of subjects. This targeted approach
enables them to develop a comprehensive understanding of
their chosen field in a more focused and efficient manner.

Narrow perspective
Education focusing on specific subjects may limit students' • Future uncertainties: sự không chắc chắn
exposure to a broad range of disciplines and perspectives. For cho tương lai
example, a student who solely focuses on studying engineering • undergo significant changes: có sự thay
may have limited exposure to the arts, humanities, or social đổi mạnh mẽ
sciences. This narrow perspective can hinder their ability to • become less relevant: không còn phù hợp
see the interconnectedness of different fields and may result • vulnerable to job market disruptions: dễ
in an incomplete understanding of complex issues that require bị ảnh hưởng bởi sự gián đoạn thì trường
interdisciplinary perspectives. làm việc
• transition into different fields: chuyển
Limited skill set sang ngành khác
Specialized education can lead to a narrower skill set, as
students may primarily focus on acquiring technical or
subject-specific knowledge. While expertise in a specific field
is valuable, it is important to develop a range of skills that are
transferable across various domains. For instance, a student
who solely focuses on computer programming may not have
the opportunity to develop strong communication, leadership,
or problem-solving skills that are essential in many professions.

Future uncertainties
Focusing on specific subjects may present challenges if the
chosen field undergoes significant changes or becomes less
relevant in the future. Technological advancements and shifts
in industries can quickly render certain specialized skills
obsolete. For example, advancements in automation may
impact the demand for certain specialized roles, potentially
leaving individuals with a limited skill set vulnerable to job
market disruptions. Or If their specialized field experiences
limited job prospects or saturation, it may be challenging for
them to transition into different fields or pursue alternative
career paths. For instance, a student who specializes in a
niche area of biology may face limited job opportunities if that
field becomes highly competitive or experiences a decline
in demand.

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A well-rounded education provides a broad knowledge base, critical thinking skills, versatility, and balanced development.
However, it may have drawbacks such as time constraints, lack of expertise in specialized fields, resource allocation
challenges, and irrelevance to immediate career needs. A narrow range of education offers specialized knowledge,
career preparation, and efficiency. However, it may result in a narrow perspective, limited skill set, and uncertainties
regarding future relevance.

Broad knowledge base

Critical thinking skills
Versatility and adaptablility
Balnaced development
Time constraints
WELL-ROUNDED Lack of expertise
EDUCATION & Resource allocation
Education relevance
Specialized knowledge and expertise
Benefits Career preparation


Narrow perspective
Drawbacks Limited skill set
Future ucertainties

Learning: national or international

With the current global integration, students not only limit themselves to acquiring knowledge within their own country
but also expand their understanding of other countries around the world through subjects such as literature, history,
international geography, etc. Absorbing knowledge related to both their own country and other countries is equally
important because they bring benefits to learners in different ways.

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Teaching students national areas of study plays a significant • national areas of study: các môn học về
role in helping them develop a strong connection with their kiến thức trong nước
cultural heritage, values, traditions. For example, by introducing • shape the cultural Identity: định hình bản
literature knowledge of their own country, children can gain sắc văn hoá
insights into the stories, myths, and historical events that • a strong connection : sự gắn kết chặt chẽ
have shaped their cultural identity. In a Vietnamese literature • cultural heritage, values, traditions: di
class, students may study works such as "The Tale of Kieu" sản văn hóa, giá trị, truyền thống
by Nguyen Du, which help students explore themes of love, • a sense of national pride and identity:
sacrifice, and the challenges faced by women in Vietnamese lòng tự tôn bản sắc dân tộc
society in the past. Through such literature, students can
develop a sense of national pride and identity, understanding
the unique experiences and perspectives of their own country.

Teaching students national areas of study plays a significant • contextual understanding: hiểu tình hình
role in helping them understand the present situations of the hiện tại
country, then making wise decisions. For example, learning
about the national economy situation allows individuals to
comprehend the factors that shape their country's economic
well-being. It equips them with knowledge about the functioning
of the domestic economy, government policies, and economic
indicators, enabling citizens, entrepreneurs, and policymakers
informed decision-making. Additionally, it allows individuals to
navigate personal financial decisions, understand the impact
of economic events on their lives, and actively participate in
discussions and debates surrounding economic policies.


Studying local areas of study can greatly enhance children's • syntax, idioms, and subtleties: cú pháp
language skills, particularly in their native language. For câu, thành ngữ và sự tinh tế của ngôn ngữ
example, local literary works expose them to the syntax,
idioms, and subtleties of the language, helping them develop a
deeper understanding and appreciation of their mother tongue.

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This exposure to rich literary expressions and vocabulary
can improve their communication and comprehension skills
within their own cultural and linguistic community.


Firstly, studying subjects from international sources exposes • international areas of study: các môn
students to issues that may not be prevalent in their own học về kiến thức nước ngoài
country but are common in other nations. This exposure helps • not be prevalent in one’s own country:
broaden their knowledge of the world and be open to different không phổ biến ở trong nước
perspectives. For example, by studying literature from different • fosters empathy: thúc đẩy sự đồng cảm
countries, students can gain insights into the social, political,
and cultural challenges faced by people in those societies.
They can explore themes such as oppression, discrimination,
or environmental concerns that may not be prevalent in their
own country. This understanding allows students to develop
a deeper appreciation for the complexities of global issues
and fosters empathy towards individuals from diverse

Secondly, as students engage with diverse issues from • social responsibilities: trách nhiệm xã hội
international subjects, they become aware of their • take collective action: chung tay làm gì
responsibilities beyond themselves. They recognize the
interconnectedness of global problems and understand the
importance of taking collective action to address them. For
instance, studying global environmental issues can raise
students' awareness of the importance of sustainable practices
and the need for global cooperation to combat climate change.
They may become advocates for environmental conservation
or actively engage in initiatives that promote social justice and

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equality. This sense of responsibility towards the community,
the environment, and other entities empowers students to
contribute positively to the world around them.

Lastly, understanding the culture and history of a foreign • a competitive edge: lợi thế cạnh tranh
country can provide individuals with a competitive edge in • multinational companies: công ty đa
multinational companies and international contexts. When quốc gia
working with colleagues or clients from different cultural
backgrounds, having knowledge and respect for their culture
can help establish effective communication and build strong
relationships. For example, a business professional who has
studied the customs and traditions of a foreign country will
be better equipped to navigate cultural nuances and avoid
misunderstandings. This enhances their ability to collaborate
with international partners, negotiate business deals, and
succeed in the global marketplace.

Studying national areas of study shapes cultural identity, provides contextual understanding, and enhances language skills.
International areas of study broaden knowledge, foster social responsibilities, and offer job opportunities through a global
perspective, diverse perspectives, and cultural understanding.

Shape the cultural identity

NATIONAL Contextual understanding

NATIONAL AREAS Language and Communication

AREAS OF STUDY Shape the cultural identity

INTERNATIONAL Contextual understanding

Language and Communication

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Factors contributing to effective learning


Teaching methods play a crucial role in students' ability • teaching methods: phương pháp dạy
to focus and engage in the classroom. When instructional • captivate: cuốn hút ai
approaches fail to captivate students or accommodate their • accommodate individual learning styles:
individual learning styles, it becomes challenging for them to đáp ứng các phong cách học cá nhân
concentrate. Monotonous and traditional teaching methods • rely solely on lectures: chỉ dựa vào
that rely solely on lectures and rote memorization can lead to bài giảng
disinterest and decreased attention. For example, if a teacher • rote memorization: học thuộc lòng
continuously delivers information without incorporating • diverse and student-centered teaching
interactive activities or hands-on experiences, students may strategies: chiến lược giảng dạy đa dạng
struggle to maintain focus. On the other hand, when teachers và tập trung vào học sinh
adopt diverse and student-centered teaching strategies,
such as project-based learning or collaborative group work,
students tend to become more engaged and attentive.


The relevance of the curriculum to students' lives and future • the relevance of the curriculum: tính liên
goals is another critical factor in maintaining their focus. quan của chương trình học
When students fail to see the practical application or value • the practical application or value: tính
of what they are learning, their motivation and attention levels ứng dụng hoặc giá trị
can diminish. For instance, if a mathematics curriculum solely • enhance their focus and understanding:
focuses on abstract concepts without relating them to real-life nâng cao khả năng tập trung và sự hiểu bài
situations, students may struggle to stay engaged. However,
when teachers make connections between the subject matter
and students' interests, experiences, or career aspirations, it
can enhance their focus and understanding. For example, in
a science class, discussing the impact of climate change on
the environment and how it relates to students' daily lives can
foster engagement and sustained attention.

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AND SOCIAL MEDIA • distractions: những nhân tố gây sao nhãng
Distractions have become increasingly prevalent in today's • resist the lure of smartphones: kháng lại
digital age, and students themselves can contribute to their sự lôi cuốn của điện thoại thông minh
lack of focus by succumbing to these distractions. With the • check notifications: kiểm tra thông báo
widespread use of technology and social media, students • browse social media feeds: lướt dòng tin
often find it challenging to resist the lure of their smartphones tức mạng xã hội
or other digital devices during class. The temptation to check • divert attention away: điều hướng sự chú
notifications, browse social media feeds, or play games can ý đi nơi khác
divert their attention away from the lesson. For instance, a • establish clear technology usage policies:
student may lose focus during a lecture and spend valuable lập ra luật sử dụng thiết bị công nghệ rõ ràng
class time scrolling through social media instead. To mitigate • incorporate interactive technology tools:
this, teachers can establish clear technology usage policies tích hợp các công cụ mang tính tương tác
and incorporate interactive technology tools in their lessons
to harness students' attention and keep them engaged.

Student engagement plays a vital role in their ability to • student engagement: sự tham gia của
concentrate and retain information. When students feel học viên
disconnected from the subject matter or have limited • interaction: sự tương tác
opportunities for interaction, their attention may waver. • hands-on activities: hoạt động thực tế
Passive learning environments where students are mere
observers can lead to reduced focus. Conversely, when
students are actively involved in discussions, hands-on
activities, and problem-solving tasks, they are more likely
to remain attentive. For example, a literature class that
incorporates group discussions, debates, and creative writing
exercises can foster student engagement and maintain their
focus throughout the lesson.

Students with learning difficulties, such as attention-deficit/ • health conditions: các vấn đề sức khỏe
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other cognitive challenges, • individualized support and lessons
face additional obstacles to maintaining focus in a traditional tailored: sự hỗ trợ cá nhân hóa và bài học

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classroom setting. These students may require individualized được điề chỉnh đặc biệt
support and lessons tailored to their specific needs. For
instance, a student with ADHD may benefit from seating
arrangements that minimize distractions or additional breaks
during long instructional periods. By providing necessary
accommodations and differentiated instruction, teachers
can help these students stay engaged and focused on their
learning goals.


Environmental factors can significantly impact students' • learning space classroom: không gian
ability to concentrate. Issues such as excessive noise, học tập
uncomfortable seating, poor lighting, or inadequate • excessive noise: tiếng ồn quá mức
ventilation can create distractions that hinder their focus. For • uncomfortable seating: ghế ngồi không
instance, a classroom located near a noisy construction site thoải mái
may disrupt students' attention and make it difficult for them • poor lighting: ánh sáng kém
to concentrate on the lesson. Creating a conducive learning • inadequate ventilation: thông gió kém
environment that minimizes external disruptions is essential
for promoting focus and concentration.

Outside of the classroom, students' home and personal life • family separation or parental abuse: sự
circumstances can affect their ability to focus in school. chia ly hay ngược đãi từ gia đình
Challenges such as family separation or parental abuse can
impact their emotional well-being and cognitive functioning.
For example, a student dealing with a family crisis may find
it challenging to concentrate on academic tasks. Teachers
and school staff can provide support and resources to help
students cope with these challenges and create a supportive
learning environment.

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PEER INFLUENCE • peer influence: ảnh hưởng từ bạn
Peer influence also plays a role in students' focus. If students trang lứa
are surrounded by classmates who are disinterested or • disinterested: không thích học
disruptive, it can hinder their ability to concentrate and stay • disruptive: ngỗ nghịch
on task. For example, a student sitting next to a disruptive
peer may become easily distracted and find it challenging
to maintain focus on the lesson. By promoting a positive
and respectful classroom culture, teachers can mitigate the
negative impact of peer influence on students' concentration.

Teaching methods and the relevance of the curriculum can impact students' focus. Distractions from technology and
social media, student engagement, and health conditions can also affect concentration. Moreover, environmental
factors like the learning space, family problems and peer pressure can create distractions. To improve their focus,
creating interactive and student-centered teaching strategies, establishing clear technology usage policies, and addressing
individual needs should be taken into consideration. Additionally, providing a conducive learning environment,
offering support for personal challenges, and promoting a positive classroom culture can also enhance concentration.

Teching methods


Language and Communication

Use of technology and social media

STUDENTS Student engagement
Health conditions

Learning space/classroom

Family problems

Peer influence

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Whether online learning can replace schools
The question of whether online learning can completely replace traditional schools is a complex one. While online
learning offers several advantages such as flexibility, access to a wide range of resources, and the ability to learn at
one's own pace, it also has certain limitations that make it difficult to fully replace the traditional school setting.

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Online learning provides flexibility in terms of time and location. • sacrifice their job: hi sinh công việc
With online courses, students have the freedom to choose • freedom to choose when and where: tự do
when and where they study, eliminating the constraints of trong việc lựa chọn thời gian và địa
traditional classroom-based education. For example, working điểm học
professionals can pursue further education without having • commute long distances: di chuyển xa
to sacrifice their job or commute long distances to attend • balance work, family, and education: cân
classes. They can access course materials and participate in bằng giữa công việc, gia đình và học tập
discussions at their convenience, making it easier to balance • geographical limitations: hạn chế về
work, family, and education. địa lý
• physical disabilities: khó khăn trong vấn
Moreover, online learning provides accessibility to education đề đi lại
for individuals who may have geographical limitations or • from the comfort of their homes: ngay
physical disabilities. Students residing in remote areas tại nhà
or countries with limited educational resources can now • renowned institutions: học viện nổi tiếng
access high-quality courses and programs from renowned
institutions around the world. This opens up opportunities for
individuals who may have otherwise been unable to pursue
their desired field of study. Additionally, people with physical
disabilities or health issues can benefit from online learning
as they can engage in education from the comfort of their
homes, eliminating the barriers posed by physical access to
educational institutions.


Online learning offers a vast array of resources that can • a vast array of resources: nhiều
enhance the learning experience. Students can access e-books, nguồn học
online libraries, research databases, and multimedia materials • comprehensive and up-to-date information:
that provide comprehensive and up-to-date information. This thông tin toàn diện và cập nhật
access to diverse resources enables students to delve

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deeper into their subjects of interest and explore a wider • customize learning schedules: cá nhân
range of perspectives. For instance, a student studying history hoá lịch trình học
can access primary source documents, scholarly articles,
and multimedia presentations related to a specific historical
event. Moreover, online learning allows students to customize
their learning schedules to fit their individual needs. They can
reduce the pace of learning whenever they want to slow down
and accelerate parts they have already known about.


One of the main challenges is the lack of face-to-face • face-to-face interaction and socialization:
interaction and socialization opportunities that are inherent in sự tương tác và xã giao trực tiếp
traditional schools. Classroom settings provide students with • holistic development: sự phát triển
the chance to interact with peers, engage in discussions, and toàn diện
develop important social skills. These interpersonal interactions • the cultivation: sự phát triển
contribute to holistic development and the cultivation of • replicate in an online environment: bắt
essential life skills that go beyond academic knowledge. chước ở môi trường trực tuyến
• specialized equipment: thiết bị
Additionally, traditional schools offer various extracurricular chuyên dụng
activities and opportunities for physical education, arts,
sports, and group projects, which are difficult to replicate
in an online environment. These activities foster teamwork,
collaboration, and personal growth, which are valuable aspects
of a well-rounded education.

Furthermore, certain subjects or areas of study may require

hands-on experiences or access to specialized equipment
and facilities that are not easily replicated in an online setting.
Science laboratories, art studios, and vocational workshops are
examples of learning environments that are more effectively
utilized in traditional schools.

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Lastly, not all students have equal access to technology or the
necessary resources for online learning. The digital divide can
create disparities in educational opportunities and hinder the
ability of some students to engage effectively in online education.

Online learning offers flexibility in time and location, benefiting working professionals and individuals with geographical
limitations or physical disabilities. It enhances the learning experience through access to diverse resources and the
ability to customize learning schedules. However, traditional schools play an indispensable role in facilitating face-to-face
interaction, socialization, and holistic development. They offer extracurricular activities, hands-on experiences, and
access to specialized equipment that are difficult to replicate online. The digital divide can also limit equal access to
technology for all students.



Enhance the learning experience

Face-toface interaction and socialization
Extracurricular activities and opportunities for
physical education, arts, sports, and group projects
Hands-on experiences or access to
specialized equipment

Not all students have equal access to technology

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Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.
1.1. Mind map about the factors affecting the students’ learning


What affects
students' learning
Environmental factors

1.2. Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available through the Inter-
net, and they can study just as well at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
On the other hand, I am convinced that despite how advanced the internet can be, schools still have an important role
to play.

1.3. Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school. What are the reasons? What could
be done?
Students' lack of attention during class could stem from several reasons.

2.1. Mind map about the importance of learning national areas of study

Cultural identity

Learning national
Contextual understanding
areas of study
Language and communication

2.2. It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about national literature than world literature. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
On the one hand, learning about national literature come with numerous benefits to students.

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3.1. Mind map about the benefits and drawbacks of learning a narrow range of subjects

Learning a narrow
range of subjects

3.2. Some education systems make students focus on certain subjects at the age of 15, while others require
students to study a wide range of subjects until they leave school. What are the benefits of each system? Which
is better?
On the other hand, students who study only a few subjects have more time for other purposes than those studying
so many.

4.1. Mind map about the reasons of giving grants to top students

Recognition for their effort

The best-performing and commitment to excellence
Outstanding talent and skills

4.2. Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best academic results, while others
believe that it is more important to reward students who show improvements. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion.
On one hand, there are several reasons why some people advocate that rewards should be given to students with top
academic results.

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Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using given phrases
2.1. Scholarships

raise the reputation of come from recognition for their effort and
the school different backgrounds commitment to excellence

create innovations and receive recognition face financial strains

breakthroughs for the country


2.2. Universal education

limited limited time break the cycle enhance democratic

cognitive abilities of poverty participation

reduce social comprehend new more informed and knowledge about

disparities concepts active citizens health practices

better retention competitive lack of motivation flexible in

workforce their mindset

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2.3. Core subjects and soft skills

desirable and extracurricular communicate engaging in

competitive in the activities effectively in meaningful
job market various settings conversations

role models academic subjects pass exams foundation of


critical thinking and personal care personal household duties

problem solving development

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2.4. Well-rounded education and education focusing on a narrow range of subjects

compromising the render certain broad knowledge education relevance

depth and quality specialized base
skills obsolete

approach for in-depth study career preparation for personal

information from exploration
multiple perspectives

balanced optimize their challenging to versatility and

development learning journey compete in highly adaptability
specialized fields

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2.5. National and international areas of study

foster empathy develop a sense of national understand the importance of

towards individuals pride and identity taking collective action

competitive edge in enhance children's shape the cultural identity

multinational companies language skills

contextual understanding issues that may not be preva- social responsibilities

lent in their own country

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2.6. Traditional and online learning

enhance the face-to-face access high-quality balance work, family,

learning experience interaction and courses and and education
socialization programs from
renowned institutions

not commute difficult to replicate provide comprehensive the cultivation of

long distances in an online and up-to-date essential life skills
environment information

create disparities customize their flexibility hands-on experiences

learning schedules or access to
specialized equipment

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Practice 1:
1.1. Mind map about the factors affecting the students’ learning

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Media and communication have become an essential part of our daily lives because they are bringing users unprec-
edented advantages thanks to the continuous development of technology and platforms. However, they also pose
certain challenges to individuals in their work and daily lives. The three most common types of media that test takers
may encounter in the IELTS exam are broadcast media, print media, and the Internet. In this chapter, we will focus on
the most representative forms of media for each of these groups, namely: television for broadcast media, newspa-
pers/books/journals for print media, and finally the Internet and social media, and compare the distinct characteris-
tics of spoken and written communication.

Spoken and MEDIA & Three common types

Written communication COMMUNICATION of media

Three common types of media

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TV is a powerful media tool as it is present in almost every • review subjects taught in school: ôn lại
household. As a mass communication tool, TV has the ability những môn học ở trường
to reach a large audience and play an important role in aspects • fall behind: chậm hơn so với lớp
such as learning, working, and entertainment. • imagination and creativity: trí tưởng
tượng và sáng tạo
First, TV can help them review their knowledge of subjects • inspired: được truyền cảm hứng
taught in school. Some students who fall behind in class • write own stories: tạo ra câu chuyện
or have some content that they do not fully understand can • create their own artwork: tạo ra tác
review these lectures to consolidate their knowledge. Currently, phẩm nghệ thuật riêng
Vietnam has implemented study review programs for different • documentary films: phim tài liệu
grade levels on national TV channels such as VTV6, VTV7 to • job-related knowledge: kiến thức liên
serve this target audience. quan đến công việc

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In addition, watching TV also helps viewers develop • strengthen bonding: thắt chặt mối
imagination and creativity. They can be inspired to write quan hệ
their own stories or create their own artwork through stories, • lose track of time: quên mất thời gian
visual illustrations, and emotionally conveyed content on TV trôi qua
products. Some people also use TV as a powerful tool to • exposed to harmful or inappropriate
expand their knowledge. They can watch documentary films content: tiếp xúc với nội dung độc hại
about culture, history, nature both inside and outside the hoặc không phù hợp
country to broaden their knowledge about different countries • imitate: bắt chước
in the world and at the same time, they can learn foreign • negative thoughts and actions: suy nghĩ
languages through international program channels. This also và hành động tiêu cực
applies to those who are already working, as they can use TV
to broaden their understanding not only about issues they are
interested in, but also job-related knowledge.

Finally, TV is certainly a popular entertainment tool for all

ages, from the elderly to young children. They can watch
TV programs to reduce stress about work and life, as well
as spend time watching TV with their family to strengthen

Television has become a ubiquitous presence in modern

society, but it is not without its drawbacks.

One of the most significant drawbacks of TV is that it can be

a major distraction from study or work. Viewers can get so
engrossed in binge-watching shows that they lose track of
time, leading to procrastination on important assignments.

Additionally, watching TV can expose viewers, especially

children and teenagers, to harmful or inappropriate content
such as violent or sexual scenes or negative news, which can
be easily imitated if the viewers are not mature enough or
have negative thoughts and actions towards other people.

Furthermore, excessive TV watching can lead to a reduction

in physical activities and social interaction, as viewers may
spend long hours sitting in front of the screen and become
isolated from family members and friends. This can result in
various health problems, including obesity, neck, and back pain.

Television is a powerful mass communication tool with broad access to audiences, playing a significant role in education,
work, and entertainment. It can help with knowledge revision, creativity, and expanding horizons. However, it can also
distract people from work, expose viewers to harmful content, and reduce physical activity and social interaction.

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In recent years, print media has been frequently compared to other platforms such as the internet and social media.
Some argue that print media, particularly printed books or newspapers, is no longer necessary as readers can access
information, knowledge, and entertainment through the internet or social media. However, despite acknowledging some
drawbacks, there are still many supporters of these traditional genres based on their advantages.


Print media is seen as more trustworthy and credible than • credibility: sự đáng tin cậy
digital media because it has to go through several stages • censorship and editing: sự kiểm duyệt và
of censorship and editing before being published. This biên tập
means that readers can be sure that the information they • accurate and reliable: chính xác và
are getting is accurate and reliable. For example, printed đáng tin
newspapers have a reputation for being a trusted source
of news because they have trained journalists who are
responsible for fact-checking and verifying the accuracy
of their stories before publishing them.

Print media can be personalized to meet the specific needs • customization: cá nhân hoá
and interests of certain groups of readers. This is particularly • meet the specific needs and interests of:
important for older readers who may not be as familiar with đáp ứng nhu cầu và sở thích cụ thể của
electronic devices and prefer to read print materials. A printed
magazine for older adults, for instance, may feature articles
on health, finance, and leisure activities that are tailored to
their specific interests and needs.

Many people enjoy the physical experience of reading a print • tactile experience: trải nghiệm về xúc giác
publication, such as the tactile feel of flipping through • flip through pages: lật từng trang
pages or the smell of a freshly printed book. • the smell of a freshly printed book: mùi
hương của sách mới

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Print media has a limited reach compared to digital media • limited reach: độ phủ sóng hạn chế
because it is only accessible to those who have physical • residents of a particular area: người dân
access to the publication. For example, a local newspaper may ở một vùng nào đó
only be available to residents of a particular area and may not
be accessible to people who live outside that area.


The production time for print media is much slower than • slow production time: thời gian sản
digital media, which means that news stories may be outdated xuất chậm
by the time they are published. For example, a print newspaper • outdated new stories: những câu chuyện
may take several hours to print and distribute, which means mới bị lỗi thời
that breaking news stories may be out of date by the time the
newspaper reaches readers.


Print publications, such as newspapers and magazines, • less interactive and appealing: tính tương
lack the dynamic elements of multimedia, such as videos, tác và hấp dẫn thấp
audio clips, and interactive graphics, which can enhance
the reader's experience. Without these interactive features,
print media may fail to engage readers in the same way that
digital platforms can.

Print media can be expensive to produce and distribute, which • produce and distribute: sản xuất và
can make it less profitable for publishers. A print magazine phân phối
may require costly printing and shipping fees, which can eat
into the profits of the publisher.


Print publications often have page limits or column inches • limited information in print: lượng thông
that constrain the amount of content that can be included. As tin giới hạn trên ấn phẩm

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a result, in-depth coverage or comprehensive information on a
particular topic may be lacking in print media. This limitation
becomes more evident when comparing it to the vast amount
of information available on the internet. For instance, a print
magazine article on a scientific discovery may only provide a
brief overview, while online sources can offer more detailed
explanations, supplementary materials, and links to related

Print media remains relevant due to its credibility, customization, and tactile experience. However, it may not reach a
larger audience and has slower publication time compared to digital media. It is also expensive to produce and
distribute and hard to track customer data.


BENEFITS Customization

Tactile experience

MEDIA Limited reach

Slow production time

Limited data tracking

High cost

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The development of science and technology has opened up
the proliferation of content on the Internet and social media
platforms. These platforms bring many benefits to learners,
workers, and those who want to seek entertainment from
these platforms.

For learners, the online mode offers access to a vast array of • delve deep into subjects of interest: đi
information and resources available on the internet, including sâu vào các chủ đề mà họ quan tâm
data, podcasts, scientific journals, and educational videos. • scheduling and syllabus: lịch học và
This wealth of resources allows learners to delve deep into chương trình học
their subjects of interest and then expand their knowledge base. • a balance between learning goals and
other aspects: cân bằng giữa việc học và
Additionally, online learning provides learners with flexibility các khía cạnh khác

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in terms of scheduling and syllabus. They can explore diverse
perspectives, engage in self-paced learning, and tailor their
educational experience to their specific needs. This flexibility
allows individuals to strike a balance between their learning
goals and other aspects of their lives, enhancing overall
productivity and engagement in the learning process.

Similarly, for workers, the adoption of flexible working hours • adjust work schedules: điều chỉnh lịch
in online environments offers numerous benefits. Employees làm việc
have the freedom to adjust their work schedules to better • suit preferences and lifestyle: phù hợp
suit their preferences and lifestyle. This flexibility promotes với sở thích và lối sống
work-life balance, reduces stress levels, and increases • training courses: khoá đào tạo
job satisfaction. For example, full- time working moms can • up-skill or acquire new competencies:
optimize their productivity by choosing the most suitable hours nâng cao kỹ năng hoặc có thêm năng
to focus on tasks. Meanwhile, it still allows them to efficiently lực mới
manage childcare responsibilities while actively completing • stay relevant: duy trì sự phù hợp
their tasks, leading to overall productivity and satisfaction. • personal branding: thương hiệu cá nhân
• showcase expertise, achievements, and
Moreover, online platforms provide workers with access unique qualities: phô bày chuyên môn,
to various training courses that enhance their job-related thành tựu và đặc điểm độc đáo
knowledge and skills. Through online learning platforms, • visibility and professional reputation: độ
employees can conveniently up-skill or acquire new nhận diện và danh tiếng nghề nghiệp
competencies to stay relevant in their respective fields. • shift training activities and business
They can enroll in specialized courses, attend webinars, or discussions to online: chuyển sang họp
participate in virtual workshops to broaden their skill set and hành và đào tạo online
professional development. • save on expenses: tiết kiệm chi phí cho
Furthermore, the rise of social media platforms offers • electricity bills: tiền điện
workers opportunities for personal branding. Individuals • printing documents: tiền in ấn
can showcase their expertise, achievements, and unique • procuring equipment: tiền mua trang
qualities to a wider audience, increasing their visibility and thiết bị
professional reputation. Through strategic online networking,
workers can connect with potential employers, collaborators,
or clients, opening doors to new job prospects, career growth,
and increased income.

Lastly, companies can shift their training activities and

business discussions to online platforms. This online mode of
operation enables companies to save on expenses related to
electricity bills, printing documents, and procuring equipment
for conducting meetings or training sessions.

Regarding the entertainment aspect, the Internet and social • share the same interest: cùng chung
media platforms provide them with many means to satisfy sở thích
different needs, such as watching movies, having online movie • have a sense of belonging: có cảm giác
platforms like Netflix, watching short content and videos, then thuộc về
having the reel feature of Tiktok and Facebook, etc. Also, on • a personal touch: dấu ấn cá nhân
these platforms, there are many communities that share the

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same interest. Therefore, people can find a group that they
have a sense of belonging to. Finally, the content on these
platforms contributes to promoting creativity in everyone.
Anyone can create content with a personal touch and even
has not existed on these platforms before.


The widespread use of digital media has brought a lot • the accuracy and authenticity of
of concerns in terms of the accuracy and authenticity of information: độ chính xác và tính xác
information available online. Due to the lack of regulation thực của thông tin
and verification of online content, there is a lot of fake and • regulation and verification: quy định và
misleading information that can be accessed by learners and sự xác minh
workers. Without proper fact-checking and critical thinking, the • fake and misleading information: thông
consequences can be disastrous. For instance, students might tin giả mạo và gây hiểu lầm
fail their exams because they relied on false information from
the internet, or workers might make costly mistakes because
they relied on incomplete or inaccurate data. This highlights
the importance of being vigilant and careful when it comes
to consuming online content, especially for educational and
professional purposes.

Another major concern with digital media is the distractions it • the constant influx of notifications and
creates for both learners and workers. With the constant influx messages: sự tràn ngập liên tục của
of notifications and messages from various platforms, people thông báo và tin nhắn
may find it hard to concentrate and stay focused on their tasks.

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For instance, a student might waste hours scrolling through
social media instead of studying, or an employee might get
sidetracked by non-work-related emails and chats, leading to
delays in completing their work. These distractions not only
waste time but can also affect the quality of work and productivity.

Cybercrime is another major risk associated with digital • cybercrime: tội phạm mạng
media. The internet provides anonymity and a large pool of • information leaks: rò rỉ thông tin
potential targets for cybercriminals to exploit. Learners and • identity theft: trộm danh tính
workers are not exempt from these risks and may fall victim • cyberbullying: bắt nạt trực tuyến
to various forms of cybercrime such as information leaks, • befriending bad people online: kết bạn với
identity theft, cyberbullying, or befriending bad people online. người xấu
For instance, a student might share personal information with
a stranger online who may later use it to blackmail or scam
them, or an employee might inadvertently click on a phishing
link, leading to the theft of sensitive company data. These risks
can be mitigated by being cautious when sharing personal
information online, using strong passwords, and being vigilant
for suspicious activities.

Copyright infringement has become rampant with the growth • copyright infringement: vi phạm bản quyền
of the internet. Numerous websites offer free electronic • pirated copies: bản lậu
books, which are pirated copies, to boost their web traffic • boost web traffic: tăng lượng người truy cập
and generate revenue through online ads. This unauthorized • generate revenue: tạo ra doanh thu
distribution is challenging to regulate, and the publishing • the publishing industry: ngành xuất bản
industry suffers significant financial losses every year.


Lastly, the excessive use of digital media can lead to the
neglect of precious face-to-face connections in real life. While
digital media provides a platform for remote communication
and collaboration, it cannot replace the value of in-person
interactions. Learners and workers who spend too much
time online may miss out on socializing and networking
opportunities in real life. For instance, a student who spends
all their time studying online might miss out on making friends
and participating in extracurricular activities on campus, while
an employee who works remotely might miss out on
team-building events and networking opportunities with
colleagues. Therefore, it is important to strike a balance
between digital and real-life interactions for optimal personal
and professional development.

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The internet and social media offer numerous benefits in terms of learning, working and entertainment. However, there
are concerns about the accuracy of information, distractions, and cybercrime risks. Overuse of these platforms may
also lead to a lack of face-to-face connections in real life.




SOCIAL MEDIA Concerns about the accuracy
PLATFORMS and authenticity of information


DRAWBACKS Cybercrime

Copyright ingringement

Lack of face-to-face interactions

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Communication: spoken and written form

Spoken language and written language are two forms of verbal • convey emotions and slight differences:
communication. truyền đạt cảm xúc và sự khác biệt nhỏ
• create a rapport: tạo mối quan hệ, sự kết
Spoken language can effectively convey emotions and slight nối tốt
differences in the message of the speaker, creating a rapport • clarify misunderstandings and conflicts:
with the listeners. It also allows for two-way communication to giải quyết hiểu lầm và xung đột
clarify misunderstandings and conflicts between the listener • persuasive and influential: thuyết phục
and the speaker. Ultimately, a spoken message can be more và có ảnh hưởng
persuasive and influential in promoting subsequent action. • promote subsequent action: thúc đẩy
hành động tiếp theo
Meanwhile, written language is more precise in terms of • transmission of messages: truyền tải
language, allowing for clear and accurate transmission of thông điệp
messages that can serve as reference or evidence in the • reference or evidence: sự tham khảo
future. Additionally, when a document is in written form, it hoặc bằng chứng
has the ability to reach a wider audience and can be passed • a wider audience: một lượng độc giả
down to future generations. However, the more effective rộng hơn
form depends on the purpose and context. Presenters should • pass down to: truyền lại
consider carefully before choosing the appropriate form
of communication.

Spoken language conveys emotions and facilitates two-way communication, while written language is more precise and
can reach a wider audience for future reference. Whether one form is effective or not depends on purpose and context.

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Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.

1.1. Mind map about the drawbacks of television and the Internet

Drawbacks of
Television The internet

1.2. Technology has changed the way children spend their free time. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Firstly, there are several potential disadvantages that could pose a risk to the physical and mental health of children
that get too much screen time or use modern technology irresponsibly.

1.3. Many people think modern communication technology is having some negative effects on social relation-
ships. Do you agree or disagree?
Technology is frequently criticized for contributing to communication issues, primarily due to the isolation it can
create among individuals.

2.1. Mind map about comparison of accessing information on the Internet and the print media

The internet
Print media

2.2. In the past, people stored knowledge in books. Nowadays people store knowledge on the internet. Do you
think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
On the one hand, storing knowledge on the Internet is greatly beneficial.

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3.1.Mind map about the benefits of the internet or social media platforms to companies

Adjust their work schedules

The internet
Shift their training activities
and discussions online

3.2. Research shows that business meetings, discussions and training are happening online nowadays. Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
There are numerous benefits associated with the growing trend of companies shifting their training activities and
business discussions to online platforms.

4.1. Mind map about comparison between spoken and written communication

Spoken form
Which is more
powerful tool?
Written form

4.2. Spoken communication is more powerful than written communication. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?
On the one hand, speaking is an extremely effective and efficient mode of communication in certain contexts.

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Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases
2.1. Television

develop imagination strengthen bonding distract from study or work

and creativity

expose to harmful or learn foreign language lose track of time

inappropriate content

update job-related knowledge reduce time for physical review the knowledge of
activities and social interaction subjects taught in school

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2.2. Print media

customization limited reach tactile experience

to produce and distribute credibility slow production time

less interactive and appealing limited amount of go through several stages of

information in print censorship and editing

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2.3. The Internet/ social media platforms

save on expenses increase job access to various concerns about the

satisfaction training courses accuracy and

authenticity of

stay relevant personal branding share the a vast array of

same interest information and
resources available

enhancing overall satisfy different adjust their the publishing

productivity and needs work schedules industry suffers

copyright flexibility in terms influx of notifications increasing their

infringement of scheduling and messages visibility and
and syllabus professional reputation

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2.4. Spoken and written communication

more precise promote subsequent action reference or evidence

clarify misunderstandings passed down to create a rapport

and conflicts future generations

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Practice 1:
1.1. Mind map about the drawbacks of television and the Internet

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We are living in an era where technology is rapidly developing and facilitating many breakthroughs in many
aspect of life. Humans have exploited and utilized many scientific and technological advances to improve their lives.
However, these developments are also gradually putting humans in unprecedented disadvantages. Chapter 7 will focus
on some prominent scientific and technological advances today: Artificial Intelligence/ Robots, SpaceTech, and
Driverless cars.

The development of AI and Robots

TECHNOLOGY The necessity and difficulty of Space Tech

Future of vehicles: Driverless cars

The development of AI and Robots

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In the previous century, artificial intelligence and robots were just terms appearing in science fiction movies.
However, in the 21st century, these concepts have become ubiquitous as humans realize them into algorithms
and machines that appear in many aspects of life and fields such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture,
etc. Why can robots or artificial intelligence be welcomed as they are today?


Firstly, the application of robots or AI in work helps people • repetitive and mundane tasks: công việc
increase efficiency and productivity. Some repetitive and có tính lặp lại và tẻ nhạt
mundane tasks such as assembling in factories can be assigned • complex and creative tasks: nhiệm vụ
to robots, allowing humans to focus on more complex and phức tạp và sáng tạo hơn
creative tasks for their development. Meanwhile, AI can help • work constantly and tirelessly: làm liên
humans process big data, saving time for research and tục và không mệt mỏi
development. Secondly, they can also work constantly and • mass production: sản xuất đại trà
tirelessly, making them suitable for mass production or continuous • continuous 24/7 support: hỗ trợ 24/7
24/7 support. In some industries where labor costs are high,
such as data collection, AI can save companies a significant
amount of money that can be invested elsewhere.


Secondly, robots and AI do not have emotions or human issues, • not have emotions or human issues:
so they can operate with lower error rates. For example, they không có cảm xúc hay vấn đề của con người
can assemble intricate components on an assembly line, ensuring
every piece is placed accurately and securely, minimizing the
chances of errors or faulty products. This level of accuracy is
often challenging for human workers, as fatigue or distractions
can lead to inconsistencies and mistakes.


Having said that, thanks to its advanced artificial intelligence, • enhance customer experience: nâng cao
some robots like Telenoid can understand social cues such trải nghiệm người dùng
as body language and tone of voice, allowing it to engage in
conversations with humans, and thus reduce the feelings of
loneliness and stress among people, especially the elderly
ones. Another example is robot cleaners used for domestic
use. Firstly, using a robot cleaner can save time and effort by
automating the cleaning process. With a robot cleaner, there is
no need to manually vacuum or sweep the floors, as the robot
can do it for you. This can free up time for other activities or
allow you to relax without worrying about cleaning.


Finally, in harsh environments such as space, nuclear or chemical • harsh environments: điều kiện môi trường
plants, using human labor can put them in danger. Therefore, khắc nghiệt
using robots is a way to ensure the safety of human life.

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However, the superiority of AI and robots is gradually putting • job displacement: sự thay thế công việc
humans at a disadvantage as many jobs are becoming redundant • redundant and disappearing: dư thừa và
and disappearing. For example, bank tellers are facing threats biến mất
from the development of AI and robots. Many banks in some
parts of the world are implementing automated transaction
models because they still serve the needs efficiently like humans
and can operate 24/7 without fatigue.

In addition, some individuals are becoming too dependent
on AI and robots, leading to a decline in their abilities and
skills. For instance, many households tend to use robots to do
household chores. This unintentionally creates a false perception
among children that they are not responsible for household
work and lack the skills to do such tasks.

In some other cases, some businesses using robots and AI • privacy concerns: lo ngại về tính riêng tư
are facing information leaks, which could lead to reputation • reputation damage: sự huỷ hoại danh tiếng
damage and financial loss. • financial loss: thiệt hại tiền bạc

Finally, working in an environment only exposed to machines, • insensitive: vô cảm
robots, and AI can lead to a lack of emotion in humans. This
could make these employees insensitive to events in
their lives.

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AI and robots increase efficiency and productivity, improve the level of accuracy, enhance customer experience, and
enhance safety in harsh environments. However, they also lead to job displacement, skills decline, and a lack of
emotion in humans and privacy concerns.

Increase efficiency and productivity

Improve the level of accuracy

Enhance customer experience

Work in harsh environments


Job displacement

Dependence on technology
Privacy concerns

Lack of emotion

The necessity and difficulty of space tech

Humanity has always been captivated by space, from the belief that stars control our fate to the possibility that we
may have to relocate our species from our present planet to ensure our survival. Therefore, a huge amount of money
are being invested in space technology to find the answers. Why is space tech so important to humankind? And which
difficulties are we facing?

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Space technology is crucial for various reasons, including
scientific exploration, national security, environmental
monitoring, communication, and economic development.


Scientific exploration is one of the main reasons for investing • scientific exploration: khám phá khoa học
in space technology. Space technology enables scientists • explore the unknown: khám phá những
to explore the unknown and conduct research that can't be điều chưa biết đến
performed on Earth. It has led to numerous discoveries and • not performed on Earth: không thể làm
advancements in fields such as astronomy, astrophysics, and trên Trái đất
planetary science. For example, the Hubble Space Telescope • discoveries and advancements: khám
has contributed significantly to our understanding of the phá và tiến bộ
universe and the formation of galaxies.

National security is another crucial reason for investing • national security: an ninh quốc gia
in space technology. Satellites are used for intelligence • satellites: vệ tinh
gathering, communication, and navigation, making them vital • intelligence gathering: thu thập thông tin
for national security. For example, satellites provide crucial tình báo
information for military and intelligence operations, such as • communication: viễn thông
monitoring missile launches, tracking troop movements, and • navigation: định vị
detecting nuclear weapons tests.

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Space technology also plays a vital role in environmental • environmental monitoring: giám sát
monitoring. Satellites equipped with sensors can collect data môi trường
on various environmental factors, such as air quality, ocean
currents, and weather patterns. This information is then used
to predict and prevent natural disasters, monitor climate
change, and assess the impact of human activities on the

Communication is also a significant application of space • television and radio broadcasting: phát
technology. Satellites are used for television and radio sóng truyền hình và đài phát thanh
broadcasting, and internet connectivity. They have made • internet connectivity: kết nối internet
it possible to communicate globally in real-time and have
revolutionized the way we connect with each other.

Finally, space technology has enormous potential for
economic development. It has led to the creation of various
industries, such as space tourism, and has resulted in
numerous technological advancements that have benefited
various industries, such as transportation, energy, and
healthcare. For example, NASA's research on materials used
in space has led to advancements in implantable medical
devices and firefighting gear. Another excellent example is
GPS, which was originally developed for space exploration. It
is now widely used in various services such as taxi and delivery
services like Uber or Grab, as well as in navigation systems for
cars and smartphones.

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One of the primary reasons is the high cost of developing • funding: tài chính
and launching space missions, which requires significant • a well-trained workforce: nhân lực trình
funding, advanced technology, and a well-trained workforce. độ cao
Developing space infrastructure requires a large investment, • space infrastructure: cơ sở hạ tầng
which many countries may not have the resources to allocate. không gian
• long-term planning and researching: sự
Furthermore, space technology often requires long-term lên kế hoạch và nghiên cứu dài hạn
planning and researching, which can be challenging for
countries facing economic instability or political uncertainty.

Additionally, space technology development involves • international collaborations: sự cộng tác
international collaborations, and some countries may not thế giới
have the necessary diplomatic relationships or expertise to • diplomatic relationships: quan hệ
participate in these collaborations. An example of this could ngoại giao
be North Korea, which has limited diplomatic relationships
with many countries and is subject to sanctions that prevent
it from accessing advanced technologies and participating in
international collaborations, including those related to space
technology development.


Finally, some countries may prioritize other areas, such as • prioritize: ưu tiên
basic education, healthcare, and poverty reduction, over • poverty reduction: giảm nghèo đói
space exploration and technology. These countries may not • immediate benefits: lợi ích ngay lập tức
see the immediate benefits of space tech and may not have
the political will to allocate resources for these purposes.

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Space tech is important for scientific exploration, national security, environmental monitoring, communication, and
economic development. However, challenges include high costs, the need for international collaborations, and
prioritizing other sectors.

Scientific exploration

National security

NECESSITY Environmental monitoring


Economic development

High cost

Long-term planning
DIFFICULTIES researching and testing

Involve international collaborations

Prioritize other areas

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Future of vehicles: driverless cars
Many people think that self-driving cars are still a far-fetched idea. However, with the rapid development, this concept
has become a reality in the 21st century. This type of vehicle brings unprecedented advantages to human life.


Self-driving cars are designed to be more efficient and safe • self-driving cars: xe tự lái
than human-driven vehicles. They can detect objects and • detect objects and obstacles: phát hiện
obstacles better, react more quickly, and make fewer mistakes. vật thể và vật cản
For example, a self-driving car can detect a pedestrian walking • react more quickly: phản ứng nhanh hơn
in the street at night, while a human driver might not see them. • eliminate human errors: loại bỏ lỗi do
Self-driving cars also eliminate the risk of human errors such con người
as distracted driving, speeding, and driving under the influence
of alcohol or drugs.

Secondly, self-driving cars offer a new level of mobility for • enhance mobility: nâng cao khả năng
people with disabilities or limited mobility. These individuals di chuyển
may find it difficult or impossible to drive themselves, use • disabilities or limited mobility: người bị
public transportation, or rely on others for transportation. khuyết tật hoặc hạn chế về đi lại
Self-driving cars can provide greater independence and
freedom of movement for these individuals, as they can travel
safely and comfortably to their destination without assistance.


Self-driving cars can optimize traffic flow and reduce • reduce congestion: giảm ùn tắc
congestion, which can lead to fewer traffic accidents, less giao thông
time wasted in traffic, and lower carbon emissions. By • optimize traffic flow: tối ưu hóa luồng
communicating with other vehicles and traffic infrastructure, giao thông
self-driving cars can adjust their speed and route to avoid • fewer traffic accidents: ít tai nạn hơn

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traffic jams and minimize their impact on the environment. This • less time wasted in traffic: ít tốn thời gian
also leads to a reduction in fuel consumption and air pollution, • lower carbon emissions: ít khí thải hơn
resulting in a healthier and more sustainable environment.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to

self-driving cars:


As self-driving cars become more prevalent, there is a risk • increase unemployment: sự thất
that traditional driving jobs, such as taxi and truck drivers, will nghiệp tăng
become redundant. This could lead to job loss and economic • traditional driving jobs: các công việc lái
disruption for many people. xe truyền thống
• economic disruption: sự đình trệ kinh tế
Moreover, self-driving cars rely on complex software and • hacking and cyber attacks: sự tấn
technology systems, which are vulnerable to hacking and công mạng
cyber attacks. A breach in the system could lead to a loss of • a loss of control: sự mất lái
control of the vehicle, putting human lives at risk.

Non-driving vehicles raise concerns about their dependability, • dependability: tính đáng tin cậy
particularly in the event of technical glitches, such as • technical glitches: sự cố kỹ thuật
malfunctioning navigation systems, which could put
passengers in both the vehicle and surrounding traffic in
danger. Tesla, a leading company in the development of self-
driving cars, has faced complaints about the reliability of their
vehicles, leading to skepticism about their ability to function
consistently in different weather and road conditions.

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Self-driving cars offer increased safety, enhanced mobility, and reduced congestion and emissions. However, potential
drawbacks include increased unemployment, risks of hackers, and concerns about dependability and technical glitches.

Increase safety

BENEFITS En hance mobility

Reduce congestion and have

less emissions
Increase unemployment

DRAWBACKS Risks of Hackers


Who should control the scientific research

Scientific research has the potential to create significant benefits for society, such as advancing knowledge, improving
public health, and enhancing economic growth. However, scientific research can also be costly, controversial, and
dangerous if not properly managed. Therefore, the question of who should control scientific research is a complex
one with no easy answer. The answer largely depends on the nature of the research and the interests involved.

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Government control of scientific research can have both • stability and long-term support: sự ổn
positive and negative effects. định và hỗ trợ dài hạn
• basic research: nghiên cứu cơ bản( tiền
On the one hand, government funding can provide stability and đề cho các nghiên cứu khác)
long-term support for scientific research that might not be • immediate practical application: tính áp
financially viable for private companies. This allows researchers dụng thực tiễn ngay lập tức
to focus on basic research that may not have an immediate • reliable and ethical methods: phương
practical application but can lead to major discoveries down pháp đáng tin cậy và có đạo đức
the line. For example, government funding played a crucial role • criminal activity: hoạt động/ mục đích
in the development of the Human Genome Project. In addition, phạm tội
scientific studies controlled by governments will ensure that • political influence and bias: ảnh hưởng
reliable and ethical methods are used, and minimize the risk và thiên kiến chính trị
of these studies being used for criminal activity. For instance, • political priorities: các ưu tiêu chính trị
studies related to nuclear power or weapons must be carried • a narrowing research agendas: sự hạn
out or supervised by governmental organizations to protect a hẹp của các chương trình nghiên cứu
country from terrorism or other warfare. • the suppression: sự đàn áp
• go against government interests: đi
On the other hand, government control of scientific research ngược với lợi ích của chính phủ
can lead to political influence and bias. Governments may
be more likely to fund research that aligns with their political
priorities rather than research that is objectively important.
This can result in a narrow research agendas and a lack of
funding for important areas of study. Additionally, political
influence can result in the suppression of research that goes
against government interests.

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Private companies have abundant funds for scientific • private companies: các doanh nghiệp
research in areas that are directly applicable to their business tư nhân
operations, which can lead to the quick development of new • abundant funds: ngân sách dồi dào
products or services. For example, pharmaceutical companies • business operations: hoạt động
may fund research in drug development, while technology kinh doanh
companies may fund research in artificial intelligence or • driven by profit motives: được thúc đẩy
robotics. bởi động cơ lợi nhuận
• immediate financial return: lợi ích tiền
However, private companies are typically driven by profit bạc ngay lập tức
motives, which means that they may not fund research that • have conflicts of interest: có xung đột
does not have an immediate financial return. This can lead lợi ích
to a lack of funding for basic research or research that is now • prioritize business interests over the
essential for the public. Basic research is important because quality: ưu tiên lợi ích kinh doanh hơn là
it provides the foundation for applied research, which can lead chất lượng sản phẩm
to new technologies or products in the long term. Without • unfavorable research findings: các kết
basic research, there would be limited scientific innovation quả nghiên cứu không thuận lợi cho sản
and progress. phẩm hoặc dịch vụ của họ

Moreover, private companies may have conflicts of interest

that could impact the quality and reliability of research. They
may prioritize research that supports their business interests
over the quality of products or suppress research findings that
are unfavorable to their products or services. This could lead
to biased or incomplete research that does not fully represent
the scientific consensus on a particular topic.

Therefore, while private companies can play a role in scientific

research, there is a need for transparency and government
oversight to ensure that research is conducted in an ethical
and unbiased manner.

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Individuals can play a crucial role in scientific research through • citizen science projects: các dự án khoa
citizen science projects or personal funding of research. học có sự tham gia của công chúng
• personal funding: đóng góp cá nhân
Citizen science projects allow members of the public
to contribute to scientific research by collecting data or
participating in experiment samples. These projects can cover
a broad range of topics, such as tracking bird migrations
or monitoring air quality, and involve various levels of
participation. For example, some projects may only require
individuals to download an app and report their observations,
while others may involve more hands-on participation, such as
collecting samples or conducting experiments.

Personal funding of research can also allow individuals to

support research that is of personal interest to them. This
may involve providing donations to research organizations or
directly funding a specific research project. Personal funding
can help support research that may not receive funding from
traditional sources, such as government or private companies.

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Government control of scientific research can provide stability and funding, ensuring reliable methods and protecting
against criminal use. However, it can also result in political influence, bias, and a narrowing of research agendas, sup-
pressing dissenting studies. Private companies have funds for research applicable to their operations but may prioritize
profit, leading to limited funding for basic research and potential conflicts of interest, while Individuals contribute to
scientific research through citizen science projects and personal funding, enabling public participation and supporting
research of personal interest

Stability and long-term support

GOVERNMENT Reliable and ethical methods

Political influence and bias

Have abundant funds

Driven by profit motives

Have conflicts of interest

Citizen science projects


Personal funding

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Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.

1.1. Mind map about the drawbacks of AI and Robots

AI/Robots Drawbacks

1.2. Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on our
lives in the near future. Others, by contrast, are worried that we are not prepared for a world in which computers are
more intelligent than humans. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
On the one hand, there are some compelling grounds why AI might become a threat to human survival.

2.1. Mind map about the benefits of AI and Robots

AI/Robots Benefits

2.2. Different types of robots are developed which are good friends to us and help us both at home and work. Is
this a positive or negative development?
On the flip side, there are several advantages to using robots and machines.

3.1. Mind map about the benefits of driverless vehicles

Driverless vehicles Benefits

3.2. In the future, all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people traveling inside these vehicles
will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?
I support the idea of promoting the use of driverless cars as they can help to decrease accidents caused by human
errors and reduce the expenses of maintaining traffic facilities.

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4.1. Mind map about the importance of space tech

Space tech Necessity

4.2. Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while others think that it is essential for
mankind to continue to explore the universe in which we live. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
Despite the high cost of space programmes, I believe that they should be continued because the advanced technology
developed for space exploration has practical applications in everyday life.

5.1. Mind map about the important role of government in scientific research

Scientific research Necessity

4.2. Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while others think that it is essential for
mankind to continue to explore the universe in which we live. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
I believe that governments should play the leading role in performing research due to a number of reasons.

Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases

2.1. AI/ Robots

focus on more privacy concerns improve the level job displacement

complex and of accuracy
creative tasks

a decline in their work in reduce the feelings of mass production

abilities and skills harsh environments loneliness and stress

enhance customer increase efficiency lack of emotion flexible in

experience and productivity their mindset

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2.2. Space Tech

collect data involve international communication explore the unknown

on various collaborations
environmental factors

space tourism prioritize other national security a well-trained

sectors workforce

research and testing conduct research that

can’t be performed
on Earth

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2.3. Self-driving cars

eliminate the risk of less time wasted enhance mobility economic disruption
human errors in traffic

increase vulnerable to hacking optimize traffic flow detect objects and

unemployment and cyber attacks obstacles better

technical glitches increase safety concerns about

their dependability

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2.4 Scientific research

have abundant funds driven by profit motives stability and long-term support

minimize the risk of these political influence and bias impact the quality
studies being used for and reliability
criminal activity

the quick development of new citizen science projects not have an immediate
products or services practical application

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Unit 8: CRIME

Crime is a current and complex issue that affects the lives of people worldwide. Despite the remarkable development
of technology and society, the 21st century still witnesses many types of crimes occurring daily. In this chapter, read-
ers will learn about the reasons for committing crimes and some possible solutions for different types of offences.
Additionally, this chapter provides readers with insights into the type of crime that has emerged in the technology
era - Cybercrime.

Causes leading to crimes

CRIME Effectiveness of common practices of dealing with crimes

An emerging crime: cybercrime

Causes leading to crimes

The typical reasons that lead an individual to commit a crime are: biological factors, psychological factors, and the
socio-economic background of that individual.

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First, some individuals are born with genetic disorders that • biological and psychological reasons:
make them vulnerable to diseases such as poor impulse nhân tố sinh lý và tâm lý
control, hormone imbalances, or brain injuries. This makes • genetic disorders: rối loạn gen
them unable to think and act like other individuals in society • think and act like other individuals: suy
and unable to control these thoughts and actions, making nghĩ và hành động như người khác
them prone to making mistakes and committing crimes in life. • control thoughts and actions: kiểm soát
suy nghĩ và hành vi
Secondly, some psychological disorders can also be a factor • personality disorders: rối loạn nhân cách
that leads to criminal behavior. They may have personality • empathy: sự đồng cảm
disorders that lead to a lack of empathy with objects and • morality: đạo đức
events in life, resulting in a lack of morality in their actions and • negative interpretations: diễn giải sự việc
thoughts. In addition, they may experience too much pressure một cách tiêu cực
during their development, leading to anxiety and depression, • go against social norms: đi ngược tiêu
and negative interpretations of events in their lives. Finally, chuẩn xã hội
some individuals have thoughts and behaviors that go against • inappropriate language: ngôn ngữ không
social norms and criticize these norms in an extreme way by phù hợp
using inappropriate language. Worse still, these individuals • rebel: nổi loạn
may have a desire to rebel and engage in opposing behaviors • opposing behaviors: hành vi chống đối
when suppressed

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Nurturing environments play a crucial role in individuals' • nurturing environment: môi trường
development, and negative experiences in the family, nuôi dưỡng
neighborhood, and school can have long-lasting negative • poor parenting: kỹ năng nuôi dạy con kém
effects on their lives. • guidance and emotional support: sự
• The family is the first place where children learn about hướng dẫn và hỗ trợ về mặt cảm xúc
the world and themselves. Poor parenting can lead to a • parental abuse: bị lạm dụng, ngược đãi
lack of guidance and emotional support toward the children. từ cha mẹ
Additionally, parental abuse, whether physical or emotional, • family separation: sự ly tán của gia đình
can have severe long-term effects on the child's mental • violence or drug use: bạo lực và
and physical health and lead to antisocial behaviors and nghiện thuốc
thoughts. Family separation is another factor that can lead • bullying : sự bắt nạt
to negative outcomes, such as low self-esteem and feelings • academic failures: thất bại trong mảng
of abandonment. học tập
• The neighborhood also has a significant impact on
individuals' development, especially when it comes to
exposure to violence or drug use. Living in a place where
such activities are prevalent can make individuals more
likely to imitate those behaviors.
• Schools are another nurturing environment that can shape
individuals' development. Bullying is a prevalent issue in
schools, and those who experience physical, emotional,
or psychological harm may develop a hostile attitude
toward their peers. Additionally, harsh discipline can lead
to negative attitudes, leading students to drop out or seek
revenge. Academic failures can also result in low self-esteem,
peer pressure, and a tendency to copy others' performance,
regardless of its negative impact.

Financial burdens can lead to criminal behaviors because • financial burdens: gánh nặng tài chính
they create stress, anxiety among individuals who are already • make quick money: kiếm tiền nhanh
vulnerable. These negative emotions can drive people to seek • make ends meet: xoay sở đủ sống
out ways to make quick money, even if it means resorting to • low self-esteem: lòng tự trọng và tự
illegal means. For instance, a person who is unable to find a tin thấp
job or make ends meet may turn to theft or drug dealing as a • a sense of worthlessness: cảm giác
means of survival vô dụng
Additionally, the financial strain can also lead to low self-esteem
and a sense of worthlessness. This can make individuals feel
like they have nothing to lose and choose to lead a criminal
life. They may believe that they are already at rock bottom, and
there is no way to improve their situation, so they take risks
and engage in criminal behavior.

When individuals are denied access to resources that they • denied access to resources: bị từ chối
need to survive, such as healthcare, water, and sanitation, they tiếp cận các nguồn lực
may feel that the system is against them, leading to a sense • have nothing to lose: không có gì để mất

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of injustice. This can lead to resentment and anger, which can • a sense of injustice: cảm giác bất công
manifest in criminal behavior.

Additionally, when people are excluded from the benefits

of society, they may feel that they have nothing to lose and
become more likely to engage in risky or illegal behavior.

Biological and psychological reasons for criminal behavior include genetic disorders, psychological disorders, and
a tendency to go against social norms. Socio-economic factors, such as nurturing environments, poor parenting,
exposure to violence, and academic failures, can contribute to criminal behavior. Financial burdens and inequality
can create stress, low self-esteem, and a sense of injustice, pushing individuals towards criminal acts as a means of
survival or rebellion.

Genetic disorders
Personality disorders


Nurturing environment



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Effectiveness of common practices of dealing
with crimes

Resolving and reducing crime is one of the top priorities of every country. There are many proposed and applied meth-
ods; however, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to consider which method is
appropriate in certain circumstances, or to combine multiple methods to achieve the most effective results.


Imprisonment is currently the most widely used solution • imprisonment: sự bỏ tù
to combat crime. This solution helps to isolate extremely • isolate extremely dangerous criminals:
dangerous criminals such as murderers, kidnappers, and tách biệt những tên tội phạm cực kỳ
rapists from society, thereby maintaining peace and security nguy hiểm
for innocent citizens. Besides, removing these individuals from • maintain peace and security: duy trì sự
society helps prevent them from causing further harm and yên bình và an toàn
provides a sense of justice for the victims and their families. • a sense of justice: sự công bằng
• a deterrent: biện pháp ngăn chặn
Additionally, this solution acts as a deterrent. When these • the loss of freedom: sự mất tự do
individuals know they can be imprisoned, they may consider • a miserable life in jail: có một cuộc đời
the loss of freedom and a miserable life in jail, causing them khốn khổ trong tù
to abandon criminal behavior. • provoke violent thoughts and plans: kích
động những suy nghĩ và kế hoạch tàn bạo
However, despite its effectiveness in preventing crime, the • form alliances: hình thành băng đảng
imprisonment of dangerous criminals also has its drawbacks. • learn new criminal behaviors: học những
hành vi phạm tội mới
First, housing dangerous criminals together may provoke • face social isolation: đối mặt với sự xa
violent thoughts and plans for revenge if they are released. This lánh từ xã hội
is because, in prison, criminals may form alliances with other • re-integrate into society: tái hòa nhập với
prisoners and learn new criminal behaviors. As a result, they xã hội
may leave prison even more dangerous than when they entered. • reoffend: tái phạm

Moreover, when these individuals are released from prison,

they may face social isolation. This is because society tends

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to stigmatize and reject ex-convicts, making it challenging
for them to reintegrate into society. This social isolation can
result in a lack of support and a limited number of employment
opportunities, leading to a higher chance of reoffending.


Another potential solution to reduce and prevent criminal • rehabilitation centers/ programs: trung
behavior is to send offenders to rehabilitation centers. This tâm/ chương trình cải tạo
approach can provide a number of advantages. • juveniles or good-time prisoners: tù nhân
thanh thiếu niên hoặc những tù nhân cải
First, it may help offenders, particularly juveniles or good-time tạo tốt
prisoners with positive attitudes and behaviors, to overcome • counseling and therapy: tư vấn và trị liệu
physical and mental challenges. These programs offer • understand the consequences of their
various forms of support, including counseling and therapy, actions: hiểu được hậu quả hành vi của họ
to help individuals address underlying issues and develop • vocational training programs: chương
healthier mindsets. By addressing their emotional well-being, trình học nghề
rehabilitation centers contribute to the overall reintegration • deeply ingrained criminal behaviors:
of young individuals into society. For example, counseling hành vi tội phạm ăn sâu
sessions can help offenders understand the consequences • intensive intervention: sự can thiệp
of their actions, develop empathy towards others, and learn mạnh mẽ
effective problem-solving skills. • specialized treatment: sự chữa trị
chuyên môn
Second, rehabilitation centers may offer vocational training • substantial cost: chi phí đắt đỏ
programs to help individuals learn new skills that can aid in • limit the availability: giới hạn sự sẵn có
their transition back into society. For instance, vocational • exacerbate disparities: làm trầm trọng

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training programs may include courses in carpentry, computer thêm sự chênh lệch
programming, culinary arts, or automotive repair, depending • overcrowding and understaffing: sự đông
on the interests and aptitudes of the participants. This enables đúc và thiếu nhân lực
them to acquire valuable skills that can lead to meaningful • personalized attention: sự chú ý cho mỗi
employment opportunities upon their release. cá nhân
• adequate supervision: sự giám sát đủ
However, there are also potential drawbacks to this solution.

While rehabilitation centers have shown positive outcomes for

many offenders, it is important to acknowledge that they may
not be equally effective for individuals with deeply ingrained
criminal behaviors or those lacking motivation to change. For
some individuals, long-standing patterns of criminal conduct
may require more intensive interventions or specialized
treatment outside the scope of traditional rehabilitation
programs. In such cases, alternative approaches, such as
intensive therapy or specialized correctional facilities, may be
necessary to address their specific needs and challenges.

Furthermore, the cost of operating rehabilitation centers

and implementing comprehensive training programs can be
substantial. This financial burden can limit the availability of
such programs, particularly in areas with limited resources or
funding. As a result, certain offenders may not have access
to the same level of rehabilitation services, potentially
exacerbating disparities in the justice system. For instance,
rural areas with fewer resources may struggle to provide the
same range of rehabilitation options as urban centers, leading
to unequal opportunities for offenders seeking rehabilitation.

Moreover, overcrowding and understaffing pose significant

challenges to the effectiveness of rehabilitation centers. When
facilities are overcrowded, it becomes increasingly difficult to
provide personalized attention,individualized treatment plans,
and adequate supervision for each offender. Understaffing
can further compound these issues, potentially compromising
the quality of care and increasing the risk of improper conduct
or abuse within the facility. These challenges highlight the
importance of adequate resources, proper staffing levels,
and effective management to ensure the safe and effective
operation of rehabilitation centers.

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Education is a crucial solution in reducing crime in society. • parental courses: các khóa học làm
Education can be divided into three levels: family, school, and cha mẹ
government. • laws and values: luật và các giá trị
• community activities: hoạt động
At the family level: cộng đồng
• Parental courses: Parents who lack experience in parenting • promote education programs: thúc đẩy
should consider participating in parental courses. These chương trình giáo dục
courses can teach them valuable skills on how to communicate
effectively with their children, how to manage behavioral
problems, and how to provide a safe nurturing environment.
They can also learn how to foster positive relationships
with their children and promote healthy development.
• Teach children about laws and values: Parents have a
crucial role in instilling values in their children. This includes
teaching them about the laws that govern society and the
consequences of breaking those laws. Parents should also
impart values such as honesty, respect, and responsibility to
their children, which are essential for building good
character and preventing criminal behavior.
• Provide a safe and nurturing environment: A safe
and nurturing environment is crucial for a child's healthy
development. Parents should create a home environment
that is free from physical, emotional, and psychological
abuse. They should also provide a supportive atmosphere
where children feel valued, loved, and understood. This
can help prevent children from seeking suppor t from
negative sources, such as gangs or other criminal activities.
• Encourage community activities: Parents can encourage

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their children to participate in community activities such
as volunteering, sports, and other extracurricular activities.
This can promote a sense of belonging and unity within the
community and provide opportunities for children to develop
positive relationships and skills that can help prevent
criminal behavior.

At the school level:

• Integration of lessons on laws and crime prevention: This
can help students understand the consequences of criminal
behavior and teach them how to prevent it. The curriculum
can cover topics such as cyberbullying, drug abuse, and
theft, as well as the laws and penalties associated with
these activities.
• Promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence: This
can be done through programs that teach conflict resolution
and problem-solving skills, as well as by promoting values
such as respect, empathy, and tolerance. A peaceful and
respectful school culture can prevent bullying and other
forms of violence, which can lead to criminal behavior.
• Enhancement of safety and security measures: This
can include implementing policies that prohibit unauthorized
individuals from entering the school, such as requiring visitors
to sign in and wear identification badges. Schools should also
train staff on emergency procedures, such as how to respond
to an active shooter situation or a natural disaster. Security
cameras and other monitoring systems can also be installed
to help detect and prevent criminal activity.

At the government level:

• Promotion of education programs: These programs can
be promoted on all platforms, including in schools, on social
media, and in community centers. The goal is to educate
citizens about the consequences of criminal behavior, how
to prevent it, and what to do if they witness it. Education
programs can include classes, workshops, seminars, and
other forms of outreach.

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• Surveillance cameras or CCTV can be installed in public • surveillance cameras or CCTV: camera
places to deter criminal activity and assist police in giám sát an ninh
identifying suspects through recorded images if a crime • deter criminal activity: ngăn ngừa hoạt
does occur. Compared to the past, law enforcement had động phạm tội
to rely on people's memories, which often were not • identify suspects: nhận diện nghi phạm
very reliable. • DNA technology: công nghệ DNA
• Furthermore, DNA technology has been a game-changer • carries an one's unique genetic information:
in solving crimes and bringing justice to victims. DNA, mang thông tin về gen duy nhất của mỗi
which carries an individual's unique genetic information, cá nhân
can serve as a powerful tool in identifying suspects, linking • DNA profiling / DNA fingerprinting: mẫu
them to crime scenes. For instance, DNA profiling, also xét nghiệm DNA
known as DNA fingerprinting, is the process of analyzing • mobile apps: ứng dụng điện thoại
specific regions of an individual's DNA to create a unique • report suspicious behavior: báo cáo về
genetic profile. This profile can be compared with DNA các hành vi đáng nghi
evidence found at a crime scene to identify or exclude potential • receive alerts: nhận cảnh báo về tội phạm
suspects. DNA profiling is widely used in criminal investigations
and has led to numerous successful identifications.
• Mobile apps also can be developed that allow citizens to
report suspicious behavior or to receive alerts about crime
in their area. These apps often provide anonymous reporting
options and geolocation features, enabling law enforcement
to respond quickly. One notable example is the "See
Something, Say Something" campaign in the United States,
which encourages citizens to report suspicious activities
via a mobile app or hotline.

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• Seek professional help: If parents are unable to address • seek professional help: tìm kiếm sự giúp
their children's potential for criminal behavior, they should đỡ chuyên nghiệp
seek professional help. This may include counseling, therapy, • collaboration with law enforcement
or other forms of intervention. Professional help can provide agencies: phối hợp với các cơ quan thực
parents with the necessary tools and resources to help their thi pháp luật
children overcome any challenges they may be facing and • collaboration between governments: sự
prevent criminal behavior from developing. cộng tác giữa chính phủ các nước
• Collaboration with law enforcement agencies: Schools
should work closely with local law enforcement agencies
to prevent criminal behavior. This can include partnering
with police officers to provide educational programs on
crime prevention to respond to emergency situations. By
collaborating with law enforcement, schools can create a
safe and secure learning environment for their students.
• Collaboration between governments: International criminal
activity poses a significant threat to society. Governments
should work together to prevent such activities from
occurring. This can include sharing information, intelligence,
and resources to combat criminal organizations that operate
across borders. Governments can also work together to
create international laws and treaties to prevent international
criminal activity.

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Imprisonment isolates dangerous criminals, maintains peace, and acts as a deterrent. However, it can lead to violent
alliances, learning of new criminal behaviors, and social isolation upon release, increasing the chances of reoffending.
Rehabilitation centers offer counseling, therapy, vocational training, and support to help offenders overcome challenges
and develop skills for reintegration. However, effectiveness varies, cost and resource limitations exist, and overcrowding
and understaffing hinder personalized attention and treatment quality.

Education plays a crucial role in reducing crime. At the family level, parental courses and teaching children about laws
and values create a nurturing environment. At the school level, integrating lessons on laws and promoting non-violence
enhances safety. At the government level, promoting education programs educates citizens about crime prevention.

Using technology such as surveillance cameras, DNA profiling, and mobile apps helps deter crime, identify suspects,
and enable citizens to report suspicious behavior or receive crime alerts.

Collaboration involves seeking professional help, collaborating with law enforcement agencies, and fostering
collaboration between governments to prevent and address criminal behavior effectively.







Surveillance cameras or CCTV


Mobile apps

Seek professional help

COLLABORATION Collaboration with law enforcement agencies

Collaboration between governments

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An emerging crime: cybercrime
Cybercrime refers to any illegal activity that involves the use of a computer or the internet. It can include exploiting
vulnerabilities in computer and network systems to steal sensitive information, committing fraud or causing damage
to computer systems. Cybercrime is a serious issue that affects not only individuals and businesses but also many
governments around the world.


The causes of cybercrime are varied and complex, and they • cybersecurity awareness and education:
often intersect with each other nhận thức và giáo dục về an ninh mạng
• Lack of cybersecurity awareness and education: Many • the interconnectivity of devices and
people are not aware of the risks associated with using networks: sự kết nối lẫn nhau của các
technology, nor do they understand the measures they need thiết bị và mạng lưới
to take to protect themselves. Without sufficient education • ease of anonymity online: dễ ẩn danh
and awareness, individuals may unknowingly expose trực tuyến
themselves to online threats or make poor choices that • financial gain: động cơ tiền bạc
increase their vulnerability to cyber attacks. • political motivations: động cơ chính trị
• The increasing interconnectivity of devices and networks: • revenge, ego, or thrill-seeking: sự báo
The increasing use of the internet and the interconnectivity thù, lòng tự tôn hoặc tìm kiếm sự
of devices and networks has created new avenues for cyber kích thích
attacks. As more devices become connected to the internet,
it becomes more difficult to secure them and protect
against potential cyber threats.
• The relative ease of anonymity online: The anonymity
provided by the internet allows cybercriminals to carry out
their activities without fear of being caught or identified.
• Financial gains: Many cybercriminals are motivated by the
potential for financial gain. They target individuals and
businesses with valuable data, such as credit card

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information or personal identification numbers, which they
can use for fraudulent purposes or sell on the dark web
for profit.
• Political motivations: Some cybercriminals may be
motivated by political agendas. They may carry out attacks
against government agencies or businesses that they
perceive as oppressive or unethical.
• Social and psychological factors such as revenge, ego, or
thrill-seeking: Some cybercriminals are motivated by
social or psychological factors, such as the desire for
revenge, ego gratification, or the thrill of carrying out a
successful cyber attack. These individuals may be driven
by personal motivations rather than financial gain or
political beliefs.


The effects of cybercrime can be severe and far-reaching, • financial loss: sự tổn hại tài chính
affecting individuals, businesses, institutions, and governments: • make unauthorized purchases: mua hàng
• Financial losses: Cybercrime can result in significant trái phép
financial losses for individuals and businesses. For example, • withdraw money: rút tiền
if a cybercriminal steals an individual's credit card information, • damage to reputation: thiệt hại về
they may use it to make unauthorized purchases or withdraw danh tiếng
money from the individual's bank account. Similarly, if a • loss of trust: mất lòng tin
business suffers a cyber attack, they may lose valuable data or • identity theft: sự đánh cắp danh tính
incur costs related to repairing damage caused by the attack. • personal data: dữ liệu cá nhân
• Damage to reputation and loss of trust: Cybercrime can • disruption: sự gián đoạn
damage the reputation of businesses, institutions, and • essential services and critical
governments, resulting in a loss of public trust. For instance, a infrastructure: các dịch vụ thiết yếu và cơ
data breach at a major retailer can lead to a loss of trust sở hạ tầng quan trọng
among customers who may fear that their personal • physical harm: thiệt hại về thể chất

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attack on a government agency can erode public trust in the • loss of life: mất mạng
ability of the government to protect sensitive information. • psychological distress and trauma: đau
• Identity theft and loss of personal data: Cybercriminals may khổ và chấn thương tâm lý
steal personal information, such as social security numbers,
credit card details, and passwords, which they can use for
identity theft. For example, if a cybercriminal gains access
to an individual's social security number, they may use it to
open credit accounts in the victim's name, causing
significant financial harm. Similarly, if a cyber attack on a
business results in the loss of customer data, the affected
customers may be at risk of identity theft.
• Disruption to essential services and critical infrastructure:
Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, such as power grids,
water treatment facilities, or hospitals, can cause significant
disruptions and even endanger lives. For example, if a
cyber attack disrupts the power grid, it can lead to widespread
power outages and disruptions to transportation systems,
businesses, and hospitals.
• Physical harm or even loss of life in extreme cases: For
instance, a cyber attack on a hospital could cause a
malfunction of medical equipment, endangering the lives of
patients. Similarly, a cyber attack on a transportation
system could result in accidents or other incidents that
cause physical harm or loss of life.
• Psychological distress and trauma for victims: Cybercrime
victims can suffer from anxiety, depression, and
post-traumatic stress disorder. One who is harassed online
often suffers from anxiety and stress in their real life.

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The effects of cybercrime can be severe and far-reaching, • cybersecurity best practices: các cách
affecting individuals, businesses, institutions, and governments: thức tăng cường an ninh mạng
• Financial losses: Cybercrime can result in significant • stringent regulations and legal
financial losses for individuals and businesses. For example, frameworks: các quy định và khung hình
if a cybercriminal steals an individual's credit card information, pháp lý chặt chẽ hơn
they may use it to make unauthorized purchases or withdraw • law enforcement and international
money from the individual's bank account. Similarly, if a cooperation: thực thi pháp luật và hợp tác
business suffers a cyber attack, they may lose valuable data or quốc tế
incur costs related to repairing damage caused by the attack. • cybersecurity technologies and
• Damage to reputation and loss of trust: Cybercrime can infrastructure: công nghệ và cơ sở hạ
damage the reputation of businesses, institutions, and tầng an ninh mạng
governments, resulting in a loss of public trust. For instance, a • transparency and accountability: minh
data breach at a major retailer can lead to a loss of trust bạch và sự trách nhiệm
among customers who may fear that their personal
attack on a government agency can erode public trust in the
ability of the government to protect sensitive information.
• Identity theft and loss of personal data: Cybercriminals may
steal personal information, such as social security numbers,
credit card details, and passwords, which they can use for
identity theft. For example, if a cybercriminal gains access
to an individual's social security number, they may use it to
open credit accounts in the victim's name, causing
significant financial harm. Similarly, if a cyber attack on a
business results in the loss of customer data, the affected
customers may be at risk of identity theft.
• Disruption to essential services and critical infrastructure:
Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, such as power grids,
water treatment facilities, or hospitals, can cause significant
disruptions and even endanger lives. For example, if a
cyber attack disrupts the power grid, it can lead to widespread
power outages and disruptions to transportation systems,
businesses, and hospitals.
• Physical harm or even loss of life in extreme cases: For
instance, a cyber attack on a hospital could cause a
malfunction of medical equipment, endangering the lives of
patients. Similarly, a cyber attack on a transportation
system could result in accidents or other incidents that
cause physical harm or loss of life.
• Psychological distress and trauma for victims: Cybercrime
victims can suffer from anxiety, depression, and
post-traumatic stress disorder. One who is harassed online
often suffers from anxiety and stress in their real life.

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Causes of cybercrime include lack of cybersecurity awareness, interconnectivity of devices, anonymity online,
financial gain, political motivations, and social/psychological factors such as revenge and thrill-seeking. The effects
of cybercrime include financial losses, damage to reputation and loss of trust, identity theft, disruption to essential
services and critical infrastructure, physical harm, and psychological distress. Solutions include increased awareness
and education, stricter regulations, improved law enforcement and international cooperation, investment in cybersecurity
technologies, and greater transparency and accountability.

Lack of cybersecurity awareness and education

Increasing interconnectivity of devices and networks

Relative ease of anonymity online

Financial gains

Political motivations

Social and psychological factors

Financial losses

Damage to reputation and loss of trust

Identity theft and loss of personal data

Disruption to essential services and critical infrastructure

Physical harm or even loss of life

Psychological distress and trauma

Increased awareness and education


SOLUTIONS Technologies and infrastructure

Development of new and innovative approaches

Greater transparency and accountability

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Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.

1.1. Mind map about nurturing environment leading to crime



1.2. Parents should get punishments in some ways if their children break the law. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?
On the one hand, it is understandable why parents should be partly accountable for their children's illegal behaviors.

2.1. Mind map about the using technology in solving crimes

Surveillance cameras/CCTV

DNA technology
Mobile apps

2.2. The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advanced technology which can pre-
vent and solve the crime. Do you agree or disagree?
To start with, modern technology and tools have greatly helped solve crimes more quickly and accurately.

3.1.Mind map about the socio-economic factors in crime rates


Financial burden

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3.2. Some people believe that a crime is a result of social problems and poverty, others think that crime is a
result of a bad person's nature. Discuss and give your opinion?
On the other hand, I hold the view that social problems and poverty play a significant role in determining
criminal activities.

4.1. Mind map about the benefits and drawbacks of imprisonments and rehabilitation programs





Rehability programs/centers


4.2. Young people who commit crimes should be treated the same as as adults who commit crimes. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
On the contrary, I strongly believe that young offenders should not face the same punishments as adults.

5.1. Mind map about the causes leading to cybercrimes

Lack of cybersecurity
awareness and education

Increasing interconnectivity of devices and networks

Relative ease of anonymity online

Cybercrime Causes
Financial gains

Political motivations

Social and psychological factors

5.2. Many people today are worried about cybercrime, such as hacking and identity theft. What problems does
cybercrime cause, and what solutions can you suggest for ordinary people and businesses to take?
Technological advancements have given rise to a new form of criminal activity called cybercrime. With the prevalence
of online transactions,

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Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases

2.1. Causes of crimes

personality disorders exposure to violence unable to control go against

or drug use thoughts and actions social norms

lack of empathy academic failures negative seek out ways to

interpretations of make quick money
events in their lives

denied access to genetic disorders harsh discipline feeling of

basic resources abandonment

poor parenting a sense of injustice bullying parental abuse

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2.2. Measures to solve crimes

parental courses counseling and overcrowding and integration of

therapy understaffing lessons on laws and
crime prevention

loss of freedom enhancement of teach children about vocational training

safety and laws and values programs
security measures

surveillance cameras deeply ingrained isolate extremely report suspicious

or CCTV criminal behaviors dangerous criminals behavior

face social isolation encourage substantial cost provoke violent

community activities thoughts and plans

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2.3. Cybercrime

financial gains relative ease of desire for revenge, physical harm or even
anonymity online ego gratification, or loss of life
the thrill

disruption to political motivations more stringent identity theft and loss

essential services regulations and of personal data
and critical legal frameworks

increasing technologies and financial losses lack of cybersecurity

interconnectivity of infrastructure awareness and
devices and networks education

greater transparency damage to reputation adopt best practices

and accountability and loss of trust

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For many decades, tourism has witnessed continuous development and has become one of the fastest-growing eco-
nomic sectors in the world. In addition, air, road and water transportation technologies have contributed to making
travel easier than before. In this chapter, "Travel and tourism" refers to some concepts such as "gap year" and traveling
for work, study or leisure. This chapter will focus on the advantages of travel for work, study or leisure and disadvan-
tages of taking a gap year as well as tourism.

Benefits of taking a gap year and travel

Drawbacks of taking a gap year

Drawbacks of travel and tourism

Benefits of taking a gap year and travel

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Traveling abroad, whether for study, work, or leisure, can have • broadens one's horizons: mở mang
a significant impact on a person's life. đầu óc
• not found in books or on the internet:
One of the most significant benefits is that it broadens one's không có trong sách hoặc trên mạng
horizons by exposing them to new cultures, perspectives, and • beliefs and values: niềm tin và giá trị của
people from different backgrounds. This exposure can help người khác
individuals encounter different ways of living, they become • learn first-hand: học trực tiếp
more open-minded, and they start to see the world from • an assessment of the world: sự đánh giá
different perspectives. They gain a better understanding of the về thế giới
commonalities and differences that exist between cultures,
which ultimately helps them appreciate and respect other
people's beliefs and values.

In addition to exposure to new cultures, individuals who travel

abroad gain access to information that is not found in books or
on the internet. They learn first-hand about different ways of
life, as well as the history and customs of different countries.
This knowledge can help individuals develop an assessment
of the world around them on their own.


Firstly, the opportunity to learn a new language is a major • pick up a new language: học ngôn ngữ
advantage of such trips. If one spends a prolonged period in mới qua việc thực hành
another country, they may have the chance to pick up a new • immerse in a native environment: hoà
language by immersing themselves in a native environment. mình vào môi trường bản địa
They can become familiar with local accents, receive feedback • local accents: giọng địa phương
from native speakers, or even learn new vocabulary and • feedback from native speakers: nhận xét
phrases not found in textbooks. từ người bản địa
• adaptable and versatile: dễ thích nghi và
Secondly, being on their own in a different region or country đa năng hơn
forces them to develop necessary skills such as time
management, budget management, problem-solving, and
many others. These skills help them to become adaptable and
versatile in any environment.

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This is the purpose of scientists and explorers when they go • make discovery: khám phá
to an untouched place. In fact, humans only have knowledge • discover unknown species and things:
of about 5% of the organisms in the world and there are still khám phá về những điều chưa biết
many things such as folk healing methods that are unknown.
For example, traditional healers in the Amazon rainforest may
use certain plants or other natural substances to treat various
ailments. By studying these traditional remedies, scientists
may be able to develop new medicines that are more effective
and have fewer side effects than existing drugs.Therefore,
these trips can help them discover unknown species and
things, which can contribute to many industries, especially in
biotechnology and medicine.


Promoting international tourism can have significant benefits • boost economy: thúc đẩy kinh tế
for the economy: • create job opportunities: tạo cơ hội
• Creating job opportunities: When there is an increase việc làm
in tourism, there is a greater demand for services such as • support other economic sectors: hỗ trợ
accommodation, food, transportation, and entertainment, cho các mảng kinh tế khác
which in turn creates more job opportunities for people. For
example, in Bali, Indonesia, the tourism industry is one of
the biggest employers, with around 30% of the population
working in tourism-related jobs such as hotels, restaurants,
and tour guides.
• Supporting other economic sectors: When there is a growth
in tourism, it can have a positive ripple effect on other
industries such as retailing, as tourists spend money on
a range of goods and services. For example, in Japan, the
government has been actively promoting tourism to support
the economy, which has resulted in a boost in retailing, with
a surge in sales of souvenirs and local products.

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Another benefit of traveling abroad for study, work, or travel • enhance well-being: gia tăng cảm giác
is the positive impact on an individual's well-being. The hạnh phúc và thỏa mãn
experience of making new friends in a foreign land can be a • expand their social circle: mở rộng mối
life-changing experience, providing an opportunity for quan hệ xã hội
individuals to expand their social circle, gain a sense of • step out of comfort zones: bước ra khỏi
belonging, and improve their mental health. According to vùng an toàn của bản thân
a study published in the Journal of Travel Research, travel • boost confidence: tăng sự tự tin
experiences lead to an increase in happiness and satisfaction
in life, even after returning home. This is because traveling
provides a sense of adventure and excitement, which can help
individuals break out of their routines and find new passions
or interests.

Additionally, traveling abroad often requires individuals to

step out of their comfort zones, and this can be an excellent
opportunity to boost one's confidence. For example, a student
studying abroad may have to navigate an unfamiliar educational
system, communicate in a new language, or adapt to a new
cultural context. Such challenges may initially be intimidating,
but as individuals overcome them, they often become more
resilient, self-assured, and adaptable. This confidence can
translate into other areas of life, such as personal and
professional relationships, and lead to long-term benefits.

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Traveling abroad broadens horizons via exposure to new culture, perspectives, people and knowledge that is
not found in books, promotes skill acquisition including soft skills and language, fosters discoveries, boosts the
economy by creating more jobs and supporting other sectors, and finally enhances well-being.

Expose to perspectives
different people

Information that is not found

in books or on the internet

Pick up a new language

Necessary skills

BENEFITS MAKE DISCOVERIES Discover unknown species and things

Job opportunities
Support other economic sectors

Make new friends

Step out of their comfort zones

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Drawbacks of taking a gap year


One of the significant drawbacks of a gap year is the potential • Delayed academic or career progress:
delay in academic or career progress. For students, this break quá trình học tập hoặc làm việc bị gián đoạn
can disrupt their education timeline, leading to a postponed • disrupt education timeline: ngắt quãng
graduation or challenges in readjusting to academic routines chương trình học
upon their return. As a result, they can fall behind with their • postpone graduation: trì hoãn tốt nghiệp
peers when they return to school. Similarly, workers may • readjust to academic routine: thích nghi
experience a setback in their career advancement due lại với lộ trình học tập
to the gap in employment history and the need to rebuild • setback in career advancement: trở ngại
professional momentum. trong thăng tiến
• rebuild professional momentum: xây
dựng lại các dấu mốc sự nghiệp


A gap year, especially if it involves extensive travel or pursuing • financial constraints: khó khăn tài chính
unpaid opportunities, can put individuals under financial
strain. Supporting oneself during the gap year without a
regular income can be challenging and may require careful
budgeting, savings, or financial support from other sources.
Financial constraints can limit the ability to fully enjoy the
gap year experience or cause stress and worry about future
financial stability.

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Depending on the activities and destinations chosen during • exposed to dangerous situations: tiếp xúc
the gap year, there is a possibility of being exposed to với các tình huống nguy hiểm
dangerous situations. Traveling to unfamiliar places or
engaging in adventurous activities can come with inherent
risks, including accidents, health issues, or encountering
unsafe environments. For example, a student who takes a
gap year to work abroad may find themselves in a difficult
work environment where they are expected to work long hours
or do physically demanding tasks. This can have a negative
impact on their physical and mental health, leading to injury, or
burnout. In some cases, students who travel or take a gap year
may also be exposed to dangerous environments that threaten
their health and safety. For example, they may be recruited for
illegal or unsafe jobs, or be exposed to hazardous chemicals
and substances. These situations can have serious long-term
consequences, such as chronic health problems, injuries, or
even death

Taking a gap year can disrupt educational timelines, hinder career advancement, cause financial strain, and pose
risks such as accidents, health issues, and unsafe environments.


DRAWBACKS OF FINANCIAL Limit the ability to



Health issues

Unsafe environments

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Drawbacks of travel and tourism


Travel and tourism, despite their numerous benefits, have a • pollution: sự ô nhiễm
significant negative impact on the environment. • transportation sector: mảng giao thông
vận tải
One of the main issues is pollution. The transportation • emits greenhouse gases: thải ra khí
sector, a vital component of travel, emits greenhouse gases nhà kính
that contribute to climate change. Additionally, the waste • tourists and the hospitality industry: du
generated by tourists and the hospitality industry pollutes khách và các cơ sở lưu trú
the soil and air, leading to environmental degradation. In • cruise travel: du lịch bằng tàu thuỷ
particular, cruise travel has been known to contaminate • contaminate water bodies: làm ô nhiễm
water bodies, which can have detrimental effects on marine các nguồn nước
creatures and ecosystems.

Another concerning aspect is the depletion of resources.

The tourism industry often requires excessive amounts of
water, putting a strain on local water resources. Moreover, to
accommodate the growing demands of tourism, land is often
cleared for the construction of new infrastructure, further
contributing to deforestation and habitat loss. These factors
highlight the need for sustainable practices and responsible
tourism to mitigate the negative environmental impacts
associated with travel and tourism.

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In terms of the economy, tourism is becoming a major industry • uncontrollable factors: nhân tố không
in many countries and cities. However, dependence on this kiểm soát được
sector can make the economy vulnerable to uncontrollable • disease outbreaks: bùng nổ dịch bệnh
factors such as disease outbreaks or natural disasters. • drive up the cost: đẩy giá lên cao
For instance, during times of epidemics or pandemics • pose economic challenges: gây khó khăn
like the COVID-19 crisis, travel restrictions and decreased kinh tế
tourist arrivals can cause a severe economic downturn in • widen income disparities: tăng chênh
destinations heavily reliant on tourism. Similarly, natural lệch thu nhập
disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or tsunamis
can disrupt tourism activities and infrastructure, leading to
significant economic setbacks. Besides, the development
of tourism can drive up the cost of goods and services in
destinations. As the tourism industry flourishes, demand for
various products and services, including accommodations,
food, and transportation, increases. This surge in demand
can lead to inflationary pressures, causing prices to rise. The
higher cost of living can pose economic challenges for local
residents, particularly those with lower incomes. It can also
contribute to widening income disparities, as the benefits of
tourism may not be evenly distributed among the population,
with wealthier individuals and businesses often reaping the
greatest benefits.


The influx of tourism can gradually erode local traditions • erode local traditions and customs: xoá
and customs, as commercial interests often exploit them đi truyền thống và phong tục địa phương
for profit. In an attempt to cater to tourist preferences and • cater to tourist preferences and
expectations, some communities may modify their cultural expectations: phục vụ sở thích và mong
practices or create new ones solely for commercial purposes. muốn của du khách
This can lead to the loss of authenticity and the erosion of • modify their cultural practices: điều chỉnh
the country's cultural identity. tập tục văn hoá
• for commercial purposes: vì mục đích
Moreover, differences in language, lifestyle, and behavior thương mại

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between locals and tourists can lead to misunderstandings • authenticity: tính chân thực
and conflicts. Cultural clashes may arise when tourists do • cultural clashes: sự xung đột văn hoá
not adhere to local customs or fail to respect the cultural • adhere to local customs: tuân theo phong
norms of the destination. This can create hostility and tục địa phương
tension between the local population and tourists, especially • respect the cultural norms: không tôn
when cultural differences are not adequately understood or trọng tiêu chuẩn xã hội địa phương
respected. Conflicts over resources, such as overcrowding at • hostility and tension: sự thù địch và
popular tourist sites, can further exacerbate these tensions. căng thẳng

Lastly, some tourists exhibit poor behaviors while visiting

cultural sites. This can include littering, damaging historical
landmarks, or disrespecting sacred places. Such actions
not only disrespect the local culture and heritage but also
have long-lasting negative effects on the preservation and
maintenance of important cultural sites. It is important for
tourists to be educated about the significance of these sites
and encouraged to show respect and responsibility while
visiting them.

Travel and tourism have negative environmental impacts, such as pollution and resource depletion. The economy
can be vulnerable to factors like disease outbreaks, and tourism can drive up costs and widen income disparities.
Cultural erosion, clashes, and disrespectful behaviors by tourists can harm local traditions and customs.

The depletion of resources

Vulnerable to uncontrollable factors

Drive up the cost of goods and services

Erode local traditions and customs

CULTURE Cultural clashes

Poor behaviors

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Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.

1.1. Mind map about the benefits of studying abroad

Acquire new skills

Enhance well-being

1.2. Some people think that it is not necessary to go to other countries to study other cultures. We can learn from
books, films and the internet. Do you agree or disagree?
On the other hand, I believe that it is better for learners to pay a visit to the country whose culture they want to know
more about.

2.1. Mind map about the drawbacks of tourism

Drawbacks Culture

2.2. Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism
creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree
or disagree with this opinion?
There are indeed several instances where international travel creates social conflicts.

3.1. Mind map about the economic advantage and environmental disadvantage of tourism



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3.2. More people than ever before are traveling to other countries now. Why? Is this a positive development or
negative development?
I believe the prevalence of cross-border trips brings about both positive and negative effects on society.

Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases

2.1. Benefits of tourism and travel

pick up a new language feedback from native adaptable and versatile

enhance well-being broaden people’s horizons appreciate and respect other

people's beliefs and values

assessment of the make discoveries boost economy

world themselves

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2.2. Drawbacks of taking a gap year

postponed graduation rebuild professional exposed to

momentum dangerous situations

financial constraints readjust to academic routines delayed academic or

career progress

setback in their
career advancement

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2.3. Drawbacks of travel and tourism

disease outbreaks widening income drive up the cost of the depletion

disparities goods and services of resources

cultural clashes pollution modify their not adhere to

cultural practices local customs

erode local traditions disrespect sacred emits greenhouse contaminate water

and customs places gases bodies

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Unit 10: HEALTH

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining good health has become increasingly crucial. Our well-being encompasses
not only physical fitness but also mental and emotional balance. In this chapter, readers will discover some common
modern health problems including sedentary lifestyle, overconsumption of sugary food or fast food, exposure to
computer games, health problems due to pollution and prevalence of cosmetic surgeries. Also, this chapter covers
how to lead a healthier lifestyle by playing sports and doing exercise.

Pollution and Health problems The prevalence of sedentary lifestyle

The excessive consumption

The prevalence of cosmetics surgeries HEALTH
of sugary food or fast food

The benefits of playing

Computer games
sports and doing exercise

The prevalence of sedentary lifestyle

The sedentary lifestyle is becoming increasingly common due to the development of science and technology and
changes in work and daily life.

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TECHNOLOGY • sedentary lifestyle: lối sống thụ động
The widespread use of technology, such as smartphones, • widespread use of technology: sự sử
tablets, and computers, has made it easier and more dụng công nghệ rộng rãi
convenient for people to do work, communicate, and be • online streaming services: dịch vụ
entertained without having to move much. With the rise of streaming trực tuyến
online streaming services and video games, people can spend
long hours sitting in front of screens without realizing how
much time has passed.

LACK OF TIME • demanding workload: khối lượng công

Busy schedules and demanding workload can make it difficult việc lớn
for people to find time to be physically active. Many people • juggle work, family responsibilities, and
have to juggle work, family responsibilities, and social social commitments: xoay sở giữa công
commitments, leaving little time for exercise or outdoor việc, trách nhiệm gia đình và xã hội

URBANIZATION • urbanization: đô thị hoá

As cities grow and expand, they often become more crowded • green spaces: không gian xanh
and congested, making it harder for people to be active. The • sidewalks: đường đi bộ
lack of green spaces, sidewalks, and safe bike lanes can • safe bike lanes: làn dành cho xe đạp
discourage people from walking or cycling as a means of
transportation, leading to more sedentary lifestyles.


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Some people may not feel motivated to exercise or be active
due to a lack of interest or enjoyment in physical activities.
The perceived effort and discomfort of exercise can also be a
deterrent for some people.

Certain health conditions, such as chronic pain or injuries, • chronic pain: bệnh mãn tính
may make it difficult for people to engage in physical activity. • injuries: chấn thương
Some people may also be discouraged from being active due
to obesity, which can lead to decreased mobility and joint pain.
Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, can
also affect a person's motivation and energy levels, leading to
a more sedentary lifestyle.


A sedentary lifestyle can lead to negative consequences both • function efficiently and effectively: hoạt
physically and mentally. động năng suất và hiệu quả
• metabolism: sự trao đổi chất
Firstly, this lifestyle can reduce the body's ability to function • immunity: sự miễn dịch
efficiently and effectively. For instance, weaker metabolism • cardiovascular ability: khả năng tim mạch
due to the accumulation of fats and sugars because of a lack • stamina: sức bền giảm
of physical activity. Reduced immunity and cardiovascular • perform physical tasks: thực hiện các
ability due to less exposure to the outdoor environment. nhiệm vụ yêu cầu thể lực
These lead to common illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, • constant brain activity: hoạt động não
cardiovascular disease, and weakened immune systems. liên tục
• psychological disorders: sự rối loạn
Secondly, sitting in one place and lack of movement can lead tâm lý
to reduced stamina, limiting their ability to perform physical • personal and academic schedules: ảnh
tasks and affecting various aspects of their work and life. hưởng lịch trình cá nhân và lịch học tập
• isolate from society: tách biệt khỏi xã hội
In addition, the mental health of those living this lifestyle is also
heavily affected. Spending too much time on technological

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devices causes constant brain activity and stress, which can
lead to psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression,
and other behavioral disorders.

Furthermore, some individuals may not be mature enough to

control their usage time, affecting their personal and academic
schedules. A typical example is many students spending a lot
of time playing games and watching TV, reducing their study
and rest time considerably. This makes them lack enough sleep
and thus unable to concentrate on learning the following day.

Finally, this lifestyle can cause many children and adults

to isolate themselves from society. They gradually lose
confidence in communication and connection with real life.


This means minimizing the amount of time spent in front of • reduce screen time and taking breaks:
electronic devices such as phones, computers, and televisions. giảm thời gian sử dụng thiết bị điện tử và
Taking breaks from screen time can help reduce eye strain, thêm thời gian nghỉ ngơi
fatigue, and improve posture. It can also encourage people to • engaging in regular physical activities
engage in physical activities and social interactions, which are such as walking: tham gia hoạt động thể
essential for a healthy lifestyle. chất như đi bộ
• participating in group sports or joining a
ENGAGING IN REGULAR PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES fitness club: tham gia vào hội nhóm, câu
SUCH AS WALKING lạc bộ thể thao
This involves engaging in regular physical activities such as • maintain a healthy weight: duy trì cân
walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling. Physical activity can nặng khoẻ mạnh
help maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic • switching between sitting and standing
diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, and improve workstations: chuyển đổi giữa trạng thái
mental health. Walking is a simple and effective way to ngồi và đứng khi làm việc
increase physical activity and can be done anywhere and at • stretch and move: giãn cơ và di chuyển
any time.


Participating in group sports or joining a fitness club can help
create a social environment that supports physical activity.

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Group sports such as basketball, volleyball, or soccer can help
improve cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and teamwork
skills. Fitness clubs offer a variety of activities such as
weightlifting, yoga, or aerobics, which can help improve overall
fitness and health.


This involves making changes in work habits to reduce the
amount of time spent sitting. Switching between sitting and
standing workstations can help reduce the risk of back pain
and improve posture. Taking breaks to stretch and move can
help reduce muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and
increase energy levels.

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Technology, lack of time, urbanization, lack of motivation, and health issues contribute to a sedentary lifestyle. A sed-
entary lifestyle reduces the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively, limits physical tasks, causes stress-re-
lated disorders, affects their personal and academic schedules, and isolates individuals from society. To combat
a sedentary lifestyle, it is important to reduce screen time, engage in regular physical activities such as walking,
participate in group sports or join a fitness club, and make changes in work habits by switching between sitting and
standing workstations while taking breaks to stretch and move.


Lack of time

CAUSES Urbanization

Lack of motivation

Health issues

Physical health

Mental health
Affect their personal and
academic schedules

Isolate themselves from society

Reduce screen time and take breaks

Engage in regular physical activities

SOLUTION Participate in group sports or join a

fitness club

Switch between sitting and

standing workstations

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The excessive consumption of sugary food or fast food


The availability and convenience of sugary foods, such as • availability and convenience: sự có sẵn
candies, chocolates, sodas, and fast food like hamburgers and và tiện lợi
hotdogs, make them a popular choice for many people. They • grocery stores: cửa hàng tiện lợi
are widely available in grocery stores, vending machines, and • vending machines: máy bán nước tự động
street vendors and fast-food restaurants, making it easy for • street vendors and fast-food restaurants:
people to satisfy their cravings at any time. quán hàng rong và nhà hàng thức ăn nhanh
• addiction: sự gây nghiện
ADDICTION • stimulate the reward center: kích thích
Sugary foods and fast food are often high in calories and trung tâm kích thích sự thoả mãn
unhealthy fats, sodium, and added sugars that can be • release dopamine: giải phóng dopamine
addictive. When consumed, they stimulate the reward center • feel stressed and anxious: cảm thấy căng
of the brain, releasing dopamine and causing a pleasurable thẳng và lo âu
sensation. This can lead to cravings for more sugary foods • boost their energy: tiếp thêm năng lượng
and fast food, making it challenging to resist them. Moreover, • create a cycle of emotional eating: tạo ra
many people turn to sugary foods and fast food as a form of chu kỳ ăn uống theo cảm xúc
temporary pleasure and comfort when they feel stressed and • awareness and education: nhận thức và
anxious, or want to boost their energy. The reason why people sự giáo dục
turn to these foods in times of stress or emotional distress • poor food choices: lựa chọn thức ăn kém
is because they can trigger the release of certain feel-good • overconsumption: ăn quá nhiều
chemicals in the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin.This
can create a cycle of emotional eating, where sugary foods
are used as a coping mechanism.

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Many people may not be aware of the negative effects of
overconsumption of sugary foods and fast food, such as
weight gain, tooth decay, and an increased risk of chronic
diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain types
of cancer. Lack of education on nutrition and healthy eating
habits can lead to poor food choices and overconsumption of
sugary foods and fast food.


Overconsumption of sugary food or fast food have • mood swings: tâm trạng thất thường
repercussions on both mental and physical health • rapid spikes and drops in blood sugar
levels: tăng giảm nhanh chóng lượng đường
MENTAL HEALTH máu trong người
Mood swing • irritability: sự cáu gắt
Consumption of sugary food and fast food can lead to rapid • fatigue: sự mệt mỏi
spikes and drops in blood sugar levels, which can contribute • cognitive function: khả năng nhận thức
to mood swings, including irritability, and fatigue. • decreased memory: trí nhớ suy giảm
• learning ability: khả năng học tập
Cognitive function • weight gain: tăng cân
A diet high in sugar and unhealthy fats has been linked to • obesity: béo phì
impaired cognitive function, including decreased memory and • calorie-dense: giàu calories
learning ability. • chronic diseases: bệnh mãn tính

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Addiction • diabetes: bệnh tiểu đường
Certain highly processed foods, particularly those high in • cardiovascular disease: bệnh tim mạch
sugar, can trigger reward centers in the brain, leading to • nutritional deficiencies: thiếu dinh dưỡng
cravings and potentially addictive eating patterns. • digestive issues: vấn đề tiêu hoá

Weight gain and obesity
Sugary foods and fast foods tend to be calorie-dense and
can contribute to weight gain and obesity when consumed
in excess.

Increased risk of chronic diseases

Regularly consuming sugary food and fast food is linked to an
increased risk of developing chronic conditions such as type 2
diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Nutritional deficiencies
These types of foods often lack essential nutrients such
as vitamins, minerals, and fiber, leading to imbalances and
deficiencies in the diet.

Digestive issues
Fast food, in particular, tends to be high in unhealthy fats,
refined carbohydrates, and low in fiber, which can result
in digestive problems like constipation, bloating, and an
increased risk of gastrointestinal disorders.


On the one hand, governments can play an important role in • impose taxes on: áp đặt thuế lên
reducing the consumption of sugary foods by implementing • discourage consumption: làm giảm lượng
policies and programs that promote healthy eating habits. tiêu thụ
• launch public education campaigns: khởi

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Sugar taxes động các chiến dịch giáo dục
Governments can impose taxes on sugary drinks and snacks • regulate food marketing: điều chỉnh tiếp
to discourage consumption. By increasing the cost of these thị thực phẩm
products, people, especially low income populations will be • limit the promotion: giới hạn sự quảng bá
less likely to buy them. • replace sugary snacks with healthier
options: thay thế đồ ăn vặt nhiều đường
Education campaigns thành các lựa chọn tốt cho sức khoẻ hơn
Governments can launch public education campaigns to raise • read food labels: đọc nhãn thực phẩm
awareness about the negative health effects of excessive • cut back gradually: giảm dần dần
sugar consumption and promote healthy eating habits. • eat a balanced diet: ăn chế độ ăn cân đối
Regulation of food marketing
Governments can regulate food marketing to limit the
promotion of sugary foods and drinks to children. This can
include restrictions on the use of cartoon characters or
celebrities in advertisements for sugary products, limits
on the placement of sugary products in grocery stores, and
requirements for food and beverage companies to disclose
nutritional information on their products. By limiting the
exposure of children to advertisements for sugary products,
governments can help reduce the demand for these products
and promote healthier eating habits.

On the other hand, individuals have their own ways to reduce
the sugary intake.
Replace sugary snacks with healthier options
Instead of reaching for sugary snacks like candy or cookies, try
snacking on fruits, vegetables, nuts, or seeds. These options
will provide you with important nutrients while also helping to
satisfy your sweet cravings. Besides, sugary drinks like soda,
energy drinks, and sports drinks are major contributors to
sugar intake. Try switching to water, sparkling water, herbal
tea, or unsweetened beverages instead.

Read food labels

Many processed foods contain hidden sugars. Be sure to
check the nutrition label to see how much sugar a product
contains before purchasing it.

Cut back gradually

Cutting out sugar entirely can be difficult. Instead, try cutting
back gradually. For example, if you usually add two teaspoons
of sugar to your coffee, try using one teaspoon instead.

Eat a balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet that includes protein, healthy fats, and
complex carbohydrates can help reduce sugar cravings and
keep you feeling full longer.

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The availability and convenience of sugary foods and fast food, their addictive properties, and lack of awareness and
education contribute to overconsumption and poor food choices. Overconsumption of sugary food and fast food can
lead to mood swings, cognitive impairment, addiction, weight gain, increased risk of chronic diseases, nutritional
deficiencies, and digestive issues. To combat this, governments can reduce sugary food consumption through sugar
taxes, education campaigns, and regulating food marketing while iIndividuals can replace sugary snacks, read food
labels, cut back gradually, and eat a balanced diet.

Availability and convenience

CAUSES Addiction

Lack of awareness and education

Mood swings
Mental health Cognitive function
FAST FOOD Weight gain and obesity
Chronic diseases
Physical health
Nutritional deficiencies
Digestive issues

Impose taxes
Governments Launch public education campaigns
Regulate food marketing

SOLUTION Replace sugary snacks

with healthier options
Read food labels
Cut back gradually
Eat a balanced diet

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Computer games: why are they so popular?


The convenience of playing computer games contributes to • convenience: sự thuận tiện
the trend of children spending more time indoors instead of • demanding physical activity: hoạt động
engaging in outdoor activities. With computer games, children yêu cầu nhiều về thể chất
do not need to go outside or exert themselves physically to • availability: sự có sẵn
have fun. They can sit in one place for hours, playing games • computer or gaming console: máy tính
without any demanding physical activity. hoặc máy chơi game
• specialized equipment or training: thiết bị
The availability of computers and gaming consoles has made chuyên dụng hay đào tạo chơi
it easier than ever for children to access and play games. • online multiplayer options: những chế độ
Many households have at least one computer or gaming nhiều người chơi trực tuyến
console, and there are often multiple devices available for • social outlet: giao lưu xã hội
use. This means that children can easily spend several hours • appeal: sự thu hút
a day playing games without the need for any specialized • engaging and immersive: hấp dẫn và
equipment or training. chìm đắm
• engrossed in a game: bị cuốn vào game
Online multiplayer options in computer games can help
children connect with other players from around the world and
work together to achieve goals within the game. However, this
type of social outlet is limited to online interactions and does
not provide the same benefits as face-to-face interactions
with peers.

The appeal of computer games is another reason why children

may prefer them over traditional sports. Many games are
designed to be engaging and immersive, with compelling
storylines and challenging gameplay. Children can easily
become engrossed in a game for hours, leading to a lack of
interest in other activities such as sports. For instance, Mortal
Kombat 11 allows players to easily change the outcomes of
the story based on the character chosen, which can trigger the

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imagination and curiosity of children, and encourage them to
spend the whole day playing to discover all the story endings.


Playing video games instead of playing sports can have • face-to-face interaction with peers: sự
several negative effects on both physical and mental health. tương tác trực tiếp với bạn bè
• excessive video game usage: việc chơi
One of the most prominent effects is obesity. Spending long game quá nhiều
hours in front of the computer screen reduces physical activity • academic performance: thành tích
and can lead to weight gain. According to a study conducted học tập
by the American Heart Association, children who spend more • successfully combat: cai nghiện
time playing video games have a higher body mass index thành công
(BMI) than those who engage in physical activities such as
sports. As a result, obesity can increase the risk of chronic
health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.

Another negative effect of playing video games instead of

playing sports is poor social skills. Engaging in sports allows
children to interact with others and develop communication
skills, teamwork, and leadership abilities. However, excessive
video game usage can lead to social isolation and a lack of
face-to-face interaction with peers. A study by the University
of Michigan found that students who spent more time playing
video games had lower levels of social competence and were
more likely to experience social anxiety and depression.

In addition to physical and social health issues, playing video

games instead of playing sports can also have a negative
impact on academic performance. Students who spend
more time playing video games often have lower academic
achievement and are more likely to have behavioral problems.

Finally, playing video games for excessive amounts of time can

lead to addiction. Video game addiction is a real and serious
problem that can have negative effects on mental health and

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overall well-being. According to the World Health Organization,
video game addiction can lead to depression, anxiety, and
other mental health problems. It will cost a lot of money and
effort to successfully combat this addiction.

The convenience and availability of computer games, along with their engaging and immersive nature, contribute to
children spending more time indoors, lacking physical activity and interest in other activities.Playing video games
instead of sports can lead to obesity, poor social skills, lower academic performance, and addiction.


A social outlet




Poor social skills

Lower academic achievement


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Pollution leading to health deterioration

Pollution is a major cause of health deterioration worldwide, with exposure to various forms of pollution leading to
a range of health problems and illnesses. Air pollution is the most prevalent and concerning form of pollution, with
millions of people worldwide exposed to unsafe levels of particulate matter and other pollutants. However, water
pollution, air pollution, and noise pollution can also have significant impacts on human health.


Pollution in urban areas has profound health implications • vehicular emissions: khí thải từ xe cộ
for city dwellers, with multiple causes contributing to its • pollutants : chất thải
prevalence. • cardiovascular problems: bệnh tim mạch
• agricultural practices: cách thức canh tác
Firstly, vehicular emissions play a significant role in urban • pesticides and fertilizers : thuốc trừ sâu

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pollution. The high concentration of vehicles in cities leads to và thuốc diệt cỏ
the release of pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen • contaminate soil and water sources: làm
oxides, and particulate matter. These pollutants can cause ô nhiễm đất và nước
respiratory diseases like asthma and bronchitis, as well as • the accumulation of harmful chemicals in
cardiovascular problems including heart attacks and high food crops: tích tụ chất độc hóa học trong
blood pressure. The proximity of busy roads to residential areas các cây lương thực
further exposes residents to harmful pollutants, increasing • hormonal imbalances: sự mất cân bằng
their susceptibility to respiratory infections and allergies. hóc-môn
• tourism and industrial activities: du lịch
Agricultural practices also contribute to pollution and và các hoạt động công nghiệp
subsequent health issues in urban areas. The use of pesticides • noise-related health effects: ảnh hưởng
and fertilizers in farming can contaminate soil and water sources, do tiếng ồn
leading to the accumulation of harmful chemicals in food • household pollution: ô nhiễm do hoạt
crops. When consumed, these pollutants can adversely affect động sinh hoạt
human health, potentially causing digestive problems, hormonal • inefficient cooking: cách thức nấu ăn
imbalances, and even an increased risk of certain cancers. không hiệu quả
• heating methods: hệ thống nhiệt
Tourism and industrial activities in urban areas also • inadequate ventilation: thông gió không đủ
contribute to pollution and subsequent health problems. • solid fuels: nhiên liệu rắn
The tourism industry, which often relies on transportation
and accommodation facilities, generates significant air and
noise pollution. The exhaust emissions from tour buses,
airplanes, and cruise ships contribute to respiratory issues
and noise-related health effects such as stress and sleep
disturbances. Similarly, industrial activities in urban centers
release pollutants like sulfur dioxide, and heavy metals into
the environment. Prolonged exposure to these pollutants can
lead to respiratory ailments, skin irritations, and an increased
risk of cancer among residents.

Lastly, household pollution is a major concern for city dwellers.

Indoor air pollution caused by inefficient cooking and heating
methods, inadequate ventilation, and the use of solid fuels
like coal and biomass, can result in respiratory diseases and
other health issues. The combustion of these fuels releases
harmful pollutants such as particulate matter and carbon
monoxide, which can have adverse effects on respiratory
health, particularly in children and the elderly.

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Governments have the responsibility to create and enforce • create and enforce regulations: tạo ra và
regulations to address pollution. This includes setting thực thi luật lệ
standards for emissions and waste disposal, monitoring • set standards: thiết lập các tiêu chuẩn
pollution levels, and imposing penalties for non-compliance. • emissions and waste disposal: khí thải và
Governments can also fund research and development of xử lý chất thải
sustainable technologies and incentivize businesses to adopt • monitor pollution levels: theo dõi mức độ
eco-friendly practices. For instance, in Thailand, the Pollution ô nhiễm
Control Department has set air and water quality standards, • penalties: hình phạt
implemented waste management regulations, and introduced • non-compliance: sự vi phạm
programs to encourage public participation in environmental • fund research and development of
protection efforts. The government has also established sustainable technologies: đầu tư vào

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the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization nghiên cứu và phát triển công nghệ bền vững
to promote greenhouse gas reduction projects and support • incentivize: khuyến khích
sustainable development. • adopt eco-friendly practices: dụng các
phương pháp thân thiện với môi trường
POLITICIANS • advocate for environmental policies and
Politicians can advocate for environmental policies and regulations: ủng hộ chính sách và quy
regulations that address pollution. They can introduce định về môi trường
legislation that promotes renewable energy, reduces • sustainability efforts: các nỗ lực bền vững
greenhouse gas emissions, and supports sustainable practices. • commercial waste: chất thải thương mại
Politicians can also raise awareness of environmental issues • energy efficiency: năng lượng hiệu quả
and encourage public engagement in sustainability efforts.In • eco-friendly materials: nguyên vật liệu
Malaysia, politicians have promoted sustainable practices and thân thiện với môi trường
environmental awareness campaigns, such as the "No Plastic • carpooling: đi chung xe.
Bag Day" campaign to reduce plastic usage. • sustainable practices: cách kinh doanh
bền vững
Organizations can implement sustainable practices and
technologies to reduce pollution. This includes reducing
commercial waste, increasing energy efficiency, and using
eco-friendly materials. For example, the clothing company
Patagonia has implemented sustainable practices in their
supply chain, such as using recycled materials and reducing
water usage.

Individuals can adopt eco-friendly habits, and support
environmentally conscious businesses and policies. This
includes reducing energy usage at home, using public
transportation or carpooling, and purchasing products
from companies with sustainable practices. For example,
individuals can reduce their plastic usage by bringing reusable
bags to the grocery store and supporting companies that use
eco-friendly packaging.

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Vehicular emissions, agricultural practices, tourism and industrial activities, and household pollution are the main
causes of pollution in urban areas. These contribute to respiratory ailments, cardiovascular problems, digestive is-
sues, hormonal imbalances, and an increased risk of cancer among city dwellers. To reduce the negative impacts of
pollution, governments must create and enforce regulations, while politicians advocate for environmental policies,
organizations should implement sustainable practices, and individuals can adopt eco-friendly habits and support
businesses with sustainable practices.

Vehicular emissions

Agricultural practices
Tourism and industrial activities






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The prevalence of cosmetics surgeries

Cosmetic surgery is a popular solution for people who want to enhance their physical appearance. While there are
many reasons why people choose to undergo these procedures, the most common ones can be categorized into
medical issues, social pressure, idolization, and career requirements.


MEDICAL ISSUES • cosmetic surgery: phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ
Medical issues are a significant reason why many people • medical issues: vấn đề y khoa
undergo cosmetic surgery. Some individuals are born with • born with birth defects: sinh ra đã có
birth defects or physical injuries that can negatively affect khiếm khuyết
their appearance and self-esteem. For example, someone with • improve their appearance: cải thiện
a cleft lip or palate may choose to undergo cosmetic surgery ngoại hình
to improve their appearance and boost their confidence. • social pressure: áp lực xã hội
Similarly, someone who has been in an accident that resulted • promote certain beauty standards: thúc
in facial scarring may opt for cosmetic surgery to minimize the đẩy các tiêu chuẩn làm đẹp nhất định
scars and improve their appearance. • idolization: thần tượng hoá
• look up to celebrities or public figures:
SOCIAL PRESSURE ngưỡng mộ những người nổi tiếng hoặc
Social pressure is another factor that drives many people to người của công chúng
undergo cosmetic surgery. The media frequently promotes • career requirements: yêu cầu công việc
certain beauty standards, including ideal body shapes, • step into or prolong their careers: bắt đầu
trendy skin tones, and height. These beauty standards can be hoặc kéo dài sự nghiệp
unrealistic and unattainable for many people, leading them to
feel insecure about their appearance. As a result, they may
choose to undergo cosmetic surgery to conform to societal
expectations and feel more confident in their appearance.

Idolization is another reason why people choose to undergo
cosmetic surgery. Many individuals look up to celebrities
or public figures and want to emulate their appearance. For
example, someone may want to have Angelina Jolie's lips or

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Kim Kardashian's hourglass figure. In some cases, individuals
may undergo cosmetic surgery to achieve these desired
features and look like their idols.

Finally, some careers require individuals to have a certain
appearance. For example, models, actors, and performers
often need to have a specific look to succeed in their careers.
In some cases, cosmetic surgery may be necessary to step into
or prolong their careers. For instance, a model may undergo a
breast augmentation to meet the industry's beauty standards
and increase their chances of success.


Cosmetic surgeries can have both positive and negative • enhance one’s appearance: nâng cao
effects on a person's life ngoại hình
• boost their self-esteem: nâng cao lòng
One of the most significant positive effects of cosmetic • more employable: dễ kiếm việc hơn
surgery is that it can enhance a person's appearance and • health risks: nguy cơ sức khỏe
boost their self-esteem. For example, someone who has • postoperative complications: những biến
undergone a breast augmentation may feel more confident chứng sau phẫu thuật
and comfortable in their own appearance, which can improve • addictive: gây nghiện
their overall quality of life. • financial strain: gánh nặng tài chính
Additionally, some people may find that cosmetic surgery • perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards:
makes them more employable in certain careers. For instance, duy trì tiêu chuẩn vẻ đẹp phi thực tế
models or actors may need to conform to specific beauty • reinforce stereotypes: củng cố định kiến
standards to succeed in their professions. • discrimination: sự phân biệt, kỳ thị

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Health risks
One of the most significant health risks associated
with cosmetic surgery is the potential for postoperative
complications. For example, a person may experience
excessive bleeding, infection, or scarring after a procedure.
These complications can be severe and may require additional
medical treatment, which can be costly and time-consuming.
Another negative consequence of cosmetic surgery is that it
can become addictive for some people, leading to a financial
strain. For example, someone may undergo a nose job, then
decide they want a breast augmentation and liposuction, and
so on. These procedures can be expensive, and people may
find themselves spending large amounts of money to achieve
their desired appearance. This can lead to significant financial
strain, especially if a person becomes addicted to cosmetic
surgery and continually undergoes procedures they don't
necessarily need.

Perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards

Finally, cosmetic surgeries can perpetuate unrealistic
beauty standards, reinforcing stereotypes and contributing
to discrimination. For example, the media often promotes
thinness as the ideal body type, which can lead to people
undergoing procedures to achieve this unrealistic standard.
This can lead to a negative body image, self-esteem issues,
and discrimination against those who do not fit the perceived
beauty standards.

Cosmetic surgery is sought for medical issues like birth defects or injuries, social pressure, idolization, and career
requirements. Cosmetic surgery can positively enhance appearance and self-esteem, making individuals more em-
ployable. However, it carries health risks, financial strain, and perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards that reinforce
stereotypes and contribute to discrimination.

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Medical issues

Social pressure
Follow their idols's steps

Some carreers require appearance

Enhance appearance
More employable in
some careers
Health risks
Perpetuate unrealistic
beauty standards

The benefits of playing sports and doing exercise

Playing sports or doing exercise has numerous benefits for both physical, mental health and social health and skills.

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One of the most significant benefits of playing sports or • weight management: kiểm soát cân nặng
exercising is weight management. Regular physical activity • burn calories: đốt cháy calo
helps burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. For • achieve weight loss goals: giúp đạt mục
example, running, swimming, or cycling can burn a significant tiêu giảm cân
number of calories, which can help individuals achieve their • strengthen bones and muscles: làm chắc
weight loss goals. cơ và xương
• bone density: tăng mật độ xương
STRENGTHENING BONES AND MUSCLES • develop osteoporosis: mắc bệnh
Another important benefit of playing sports or exercising is loãng xương
strengthening bones and muscles. Regular physical activity • muscle mass: khối cơ
can help increase bone density, which can reduce the risk of • muscular endurance: sức bền cơ bắp
developing osteoporosis later in life. Additionally, exercising • lower blood pressure: giảm huyết áp
can build muscle mass and improve muscular endurance, • heart disease: bệnh tim
which can benefit individuals in various aspects of life. For • improve insulin sensitivity: tăng độ
example, a person who regularly exercises may have an easier nhạy insulin
time lifting heavy objects or performing physically demanding • chronic conditions: bệnh mãn tính


Playing sports or exercising can also reduce the risk of
developing various health conditions. For example, regular
physical activity can help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk
of heart disease, and improve insulin sensitivity. Furthermore,
playing sports or exercising can also reduce the risk of
developing chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and
some types of cancer.


Another important benefit of playing sports or exercising is the • release endorphins: giải phóng endorphins
positive impact on mental health. Engaging in physical activity • induce pleasure and motivation: tạo ra
helps release endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain cảm giác vui tươi và có động lực
that help reduce pain and induce feelings of pleasure and • opportunity to connect: cơ hội để kết nối
motivation. Also, by participating in such activities, individuals • a sense of belonging: cảm giác thuộc về
have the opportunity to connect new people, develop new một cộng đồng
relationships, and strengthen existing ones. Being part of a
team or group can provide a sense of belonging and alleviate
feelings of loneliness or isolation.

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Playing team sports or engaging in group exercise activities • effective communication: kỹ năng giao
can have a significant impact on developing soft skills. tiếp hiệu quả
• Effective communication is a critical aspect of playing team • work collaboratively: hợp tác với nhau
sports or engaging in group exercise activities. When • develop leadership skills: phát triển kỹ
playing sports, individuals must communicate effectively năng lãnh đạo
with their teammates to ensure that everyone is on the • foster a sense of support: thúc đẩy tinh
same page and working towards a common goal. Effective thần hỗ trợ
communication involves not only speaking clearly but also
actively listening to others and responding appropriately.
Through participating in team sports, individuals can
develop effective communication skills that can benefit
them in various aspects of life.
• Team sports or group exercise activities also provide
opportunities to work collaboratively with others. By
working together towards a shared goal, individuals learn
how to coordinate their efforts, share responsibilities, and
provide support to their teammates. Collaborative work
requires individuals to be open-minded, respectful, and
willing to compromise. By developing these skills, individuals
can become more effective team members in their personal
and professional lives.
• In addition to communication and collaboration skills,
participating in team sports or group exercise activities
can also help individuals develop leadership skills. In a
team or group setting, individuals often take on different
roles, and some may emerge as leaders. Being a leader
involves taking responsibility, making decisions, and
motivating others towards a shared goal. By participating
in team sports or group exercise activities, individuals have
the opportunity to develop and practice their leadership
skills, which can benefit them in their personal and
professional lives.

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• Finally, participating in team sports or group exercise
activities can also foster a sense of support. Being part of
a team or group means that individuals are accountable to
others, and in turn, can receive support from their teammates.
This support can be emotional, practical, or motivational,
and can help individuals persevere through challenges
or setbacks.

Playing sports or exercising offers numerous physical health benefits, such as weight management, strengthening
bones and muscles, and reducing the risk of various health conditions. Additionally, it positively impacts mental
health by releasing endorphins and fostering social connections. Furthermore, team sports and group exercise
activities contribute to the development of soft skills like effective communication, collaboration, leadership, and a
sense of support.

Weight management

Strengthening bones and muscles

Reducing health risks

Releasing endorphins

The opportunity to connect

Effective communication

Work collaboratively with others


Foster a sense of support

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Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.

1.1. Mind map about the solutions to deal with overconsumption of sugary food or fast food

Overconsumption of
sugar or fast food

1.2. Scientists agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food. Some people think that
the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think education will not work. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.

On the one hand, there are some compelling reasons why education plays a crucial role in helping people reduce the
junk food consumption.

2.1. Mind map about the reasons of overconsumption of sugary food

Overconsumption of
sugar or fast food

2.2. People are having more and more sugar-based drinks. What are the reasons? What are the solutions to
make people drink less?
There are two main reasons why sugar-based drinks are consumed in large amounts everyday.

3.1. Mind map about the reasons of the prevalence of playing computer games among children

Playing computer games Resons

3.2. Today many children spend a lot of time playing computer games and little time on sports. Why is it? Is it a
positive or negative development?
To begin with, most computer games these days are highly interactive and allow players to immerse themselves in a
complex storyline and control characters at their own will.

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4.1. Mind map about the importance of playing sports

Playing sports Benefits

4.2. Some say that sports play an important role in society. Others, however, think that it is nothing more than a
leisure activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
I entirely agree with people who consider sports to be a prominent factor in the development of society.

5.1. Mind map about the causes and effects of pollution



5.2 Living in big cities is bad for people's health. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

There are some reasons why city life has some negative effects on people’s health.

6.1. Mind map about the causes of having cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery Causes

6.2. An increasing number of people are choosing to have cosmetic surgery in order to improve their appearance.
Why do people have operations to change the way they look? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Firstly, there are a number of reasons why people are choosing to have plastic surgery procedures.

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Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases

2.1. Sedentary lifestyle

weaker metabolism Technology reduce stamina lack of motivation

demanding workload injuries the rise of online lose confidence

streaming services in communication
and video games and connection

constant brain lack of green reduce screen time not concentrate

activity and stress spaces, sidewalks and take breaks on learning
and bike lanes

switch between
sitting and standing

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2.2. Overconsumption of sugary food or fast food

stimulate the Nutritional Availability and decreased memory

reward center deficiencies convenience

Weight gain boost energy cardiovascular Lack of awareness

and obesity disease and education

launch public mood swings Digestive issues fatigue

education campaigns

impose taxes Eat a balanced diet limit the promotion Read food labels

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2.3. Playing computer games

engaging and immersive connect with other players lower academic achievement
around the world

without any specialized chronic health problems without any demanding

equipment or training physical activity

money and effort to poor social skills addiction

successfully combat

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2.4. Pollution

reduce commercial vehicular emissions raise awareness of incentivize

waste environmental issues businesses to adopt

eco-friendly practices

the accumulation of impose penalties for relies on transportation agricultural practices

harmful chemicals in non-compliance and accommodation
food crops facilities

support environmentally the use of solid fuels respiratory ailments inefficient cooking
conscious businesses
and policies

household set standards for reduce energy usage cardiovascular

emissions and at home problems
waste disposal

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2.5. Cosmetic surgeries

rebuilt self-esteem idolization social pressure reinforce stereotypes

ideal body shape discrimination addictive medical issues

more employable career requirements postoperative


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2.6. Playing sports and doing exercise

the opportunity to strengthening bones provide a sense of lower blood pressure

connect and muscles belonging

effective increase bone density work collaboratively leadership


perform physically foster a sense release endorphin weight management

demanding tasks of support

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Practice 1:
1.1. Mind map about the solutions to deal with overconsumption of sugary food or fast food

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Consumer behavior in shopping has evolved with the rise of online platforms alongside traditional brick-and-mortar
stores. In both cases, advertising plays a crucial role in influencing consumer choices, as businesses use various channels
to promote their products and create brand awareness. Furthermore, the availability of imported goods and services
provides consumers with a diverse range of choices, allowing them to access unique and culturally diverse products that
may not be readily available locally. The combination of online and traditional shopping, along with targeted advertising
and the accessibility of imported goods, offers consumers a rich and dynamic shopping experience. This chapter will
cover the pros and cons of advertising, online and traditional shopping, and lastly imported goods and services.

Advertising: benefits and drawbacks

BUSINESS Online shopping and traditional shopping

Goods and services imports

Advertising: benefits and drawbacks

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Advertising can bring many benefits to customers, one of • first-time buyers: người mua sản phẩm
which is raising awareness about products and services. For của nhãn hàng lần đầu tiên
first-time buyers, advertising can be a valuable tool to learn • learn about products or services : biết
about products or services they may not have known existed thêm về sản phẩm
before. By promoting the unique features and benefits of a • potential customers: khách hàng tiềm năng
product or service, advertising can help attract new customers • invoke curiosity: khơi gợi sự tò mò
who may not have otherwise discovered the offerings. For • perception of a brand or product: nhận
example, an advertisement for a new restaurant in town can thức về nhãn hàng hoặc sản phẩm
pique the interest of someone who has never heard of it • existing customers: khách hàng hiện tại
before, leading them to try it out and become a loyal customer. • inform about innovative features: thông
báo về những đặc điểm cải tiến
Advertising can also invoke curiosity among potential • promote loyalty: thúc đẩy sự trung thành
customers, affecting their perception of a brand or product. với nhãn hàng
By presenting a message that captures their attention or • deals and discounts: các giao dịch và sự
highlights a unique feature, advertising can create a positive giảm giá
impression that lingers with potential customers. For example, • price-sensitive customers: khách hàng
a clever ad campaign for a new car model that highlights its quan tâm về giá
eco-friendliness could capture the attention of environmentally
conscious consumers, leading them to consider the brand
when making their next car purchase.

For existing customers, advertising can inform them about

innovative features or other changes to a product or service,
which can promote loyalty. By keeping customers up-to-date

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on new offerings or improvements, advertising can help retain
existing customers who might otherwise look for alternative
options. For instance, an advertisement for an upgraded
version of a popular smartphone may remind current users to
upgrade their devices to access the latest features.

Another benefit of advertising is that it can inform customers

about deals and discounts. This is particularly appealing to
price-sensitive customers who are always on the lookout for
a bargain. For example, a retail store advertising a big sale
can attract customers who may not have visited the store
otherwise, and encourage them to make a purchase at a
discounted price.


Advertising is an effective way for advertisers to increase • brand recognition: độ nhận diện thương hiệu
brand recognition by highlighting their unique features and • unique features and value propositions:
value propositions. For instance, Nike's "Just Do It" campaign đặc điểm độc đáo và giá trị theo đuổi
highlights the brand's focus on empowering individuals to • trust and goodwill: niềm tin và thiện chí
overcome challenges and pursue their dreams. This campaign • testimonials: sự chứng thực
has become iconic and synonymous with the brand, helping to • reviews: đánh giá
increase its recognition and position in the market. • social proof: bằng chứng xã hội
• reach new audiences: tiếp cận khách
Advertising can also help advertisers build trust and goodwill hàng mới
with their target audience. By showcasing testimonials, • channels and platforms: các kênh và các
reviews, and social proofs, advertisers can provide evidence nền tảng
of their brand's quality and reliability. For example, Coca- • differentiate their brand from competitors:
Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign encouraged consumers to phân biệt nhãn hàng với đối thủ cạnh tranh
share their experiences with the product on social media • become a leader: trở thành người dẫn
using a personalized Coke bottle. This campaign generated a đầu, tiên phong
significant amount of user-generated content, helping to build • a competitive edge: lợi thế cạnh tranh
trust and goodwill with consumers. • feedback, data, insights: phản hồi, dữ liệu
và những góc nhìn
Advertising allows advertisers to reach new audiences
through different channels and platforms. By advertising
on social media, search engines, television, radio, and other
platforms, advertisers can connect with potential customers
who may not have been aware of their brand previously. For
example, Amazon's advertising platform allows sellers to
target specific audiences based on their search history and
browsing behavior, helping them to reach new customers who
may be interested in their products.

Advertising can help advertisers differentiate their brand

from competitors and become a leader in their industry. By
highlighting their unique features and value propositions,
advertisers can create a competitive edge that sets them
apart from their competitors. For instance, Apple's "Think
Different" campaign positioned the brand as a leader in

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innovation and design, helping to differentiate it from other
technology brands.

Finally, advertising can provide advertisers with valuable

feedback, data, insights about their products and related
services. By analyzing consumer behavior, advertisers can
identify areas for improvement and make changes to their
products or services accordingly. For example, through
advertising campaigns, McDonald's received feedback
about its limited vegetarian options, leading the company to
introduce more plant-based options on its menu.


Advertising is a prevalent part of modern life, and it has several • intrusive and annoying: cản trở và gây
drawbacks for customers. phiền nhiễu
• interrupt users’ experience: ngắt trải
One of the significant drawbacks is that advertising can be nghiệm của người dùng
intrusive and annoying, as it can interrupt users’ experience. • pop-up ads: quảng cáo pop-up
For example, pop-up ads can appear suddenly while browsing • misleading information: thông tin sai lệch
a website. Such interruptions can create frustration and • deliver on the promises: đáp ứng được lời
resentment towards the advertiser and the product they are hứa đưa ra
promoting, leading to a negative impression of the brand. • a sense of need or urgency: cảm giác cần
thiết và cấp bách
Another disadvantage of advertising is the potential for • squander on necessary things: phung phí
misleading information. Advertisers may not deliver on vào những thứ không cần thiết

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the promises that the goods or service make, creating • promote stereotyping: thúc đẩy sự
disappointment and dissatisfaction for the customer. The rập khuôn
advertising industry is highly competitive, and some advertisers • reinforce the existing social norms,
resort to misleading information to attract customers and gain prejudices: củng cố các tiêu chuẩn xã hội
an edge over their competitors. For example, an advertisement và định kiến hiện có
for a weight loss supplement may make claims that are not • incur a higher price: chịu mức giá cao hơn
supported by scientific evidence, leading customers to waste • pass the advertising expense to customers:
their money on a product that does not work. chuyển chi phí quảng cáo qua cho
khách hàng
Advertising can also create a sense of need or urgency,
encouraging customers to squander on necessary things.
For instance, an advertisement for a limited-time sale might
create a sense of urgency, leading customers to purchase a
product they may not have needed otherwise. Such tactics can
lead to overspending and financial strain on the customer.

Moreover, advertising can promote stereotyping.

Advertisements often reinforce the existing social norms,
prejudices, and limited diversity. For example, an advertisement
for cosmetic surgery may reinforce the stereotype that certain
physical appearance such as a high nose or a slim figure is a
norm. Such messages can be harmful, especially for young
people, who may develop a negative body image or unrealistic
expectations of beauty standards.

Finally, advertising can incur a higher price, as advertisers

pass the advertising expense to customers. Companies need
to recover their advertising expenses, and the advertising cost
is often in the final prices.

COMPANIES • cost: chi phí

One of the major drawbacks of advertisement is its cost, • put a strain on the budget: đặt gánh nặng
especially for small businesses. Advertising requires a lên ngân sách
considerable amount of investment, which can put a strain on • face a budget deficit: đối mặt với sự thâm
the budget of small businesses. Small businesses may not have hụt ngân sách
enough funds to invest in advertising and may face a budget • effectiveness: sự hiệu quả
deficit as a result. In some cases, the cost of advertising can • clear or compelling: rõ ràng hoặc
be so high that it may not be worth the investment. thuyết phục
• not appropriate or offensive: không phù
Another drawback of advertising is its ineffectiveness. hợp hoặc gây phản cảm
Companies may invest in advertising, but the message may • a backlash: sự tẩy chay
not reach the right target audience, or the message may
not be clear or compelling enough to make an impact. If
the message is not delivered effectively, the advertisement
campaign may fail to achieve the desired results. In such
cases, the investment made in advertising may not yield the
expected returns, leading to a waste of resources.

Advertising campaigns that are not appropriate or offensive

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can lead to a backlash from the public. In such cases, the
public may react negatively, leading to a negative impact on
the brand image. For example, advertisements that objectify
women or perpetuate racial stereotypes can lead to backlash
from consumers, leading to a negative impact on the brand.

Advertising benefits customers by raising awareness, invoking curiosity, informing about new features, and offering
deals. For companies, advertising increases brand recognition, builds trust, reaches new audiences, differentiates
from competitors, and provides valuable feedback and insights. However, advertising drawbacks for individuals in-
clude intrusiveness, misleading information, promoting unnecessary spending, stereotyping, and higher prices. For
companies, drawbacks include high costs, ineffectiveness, and the potential for backlash due to inappropriate or
offensive advertisements.








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Commerce: online shopping and traditional shopping

Shopping can take many forms and each type attracts different types of people. However, people often divide it into
two major types: Online shopping and Traditional shopping. "Online shopping" is the form of shopping through websites,
shopping apps or online stores on social platforms. Meanwhile, "Traditional shopping" is the form of shopping that
goes to brick-and-mortar outlets such as shops, malls, supermarkets, markets,... These two forms have their own
advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for the preferences and needs of different types of people.

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Online shopping has become increasingly popular due to the • convenience: sự thuận tiện
many benefits it offers. • shop anytime, anywhere: mua sắm mọi
lúc, mọi nơi
Convenience • wait in long lines: chờ đợi trong hàng dài
One of the primary benefits is convenience. Online shopping • deal with the hassle of crowded stores:
allows customers to shop anytime, anywhere from the comfort đối mặt với sự rắc rối của những cửa hàng
of their own home. This means that they don't have to wait in đông người
long lines or deal with the hassle of crowded stores, making it • busy people: những người bận rộn
an ideal option for busy people who have limited time to spare. • mobile disabilities: người có sự bất tiện
Additionally, online shopping is particularly suitable for people trong việc đi lại
with mobile disabilities, such as the disabled or the elderly, • better deals and discounts: ưu đãi và
who may have difficulty physically visiting a physical store. giảm giá
• compare prices across multiple retailers:
Better deals and discounts so sánh giữa những cửa hàng khác nhau
Another major benefit of online shopping is promotions. Many • easy access to information: dễ dàng tiếp
online retailers offer better deals and discounts than their cận thông tin
brick-and-mortar counterparts. This is because online retailers • product descriptions: mô tả sản phẩm
have lower overhead costs and can pass those savings onto • recommendations: các khuyến nghị
customers. • a greater selection: nhiều sự lựa chọn hơn
• more inventory on hand: có nhiều hàng
Compare prices sẵn trong kho
With online shopping, customers can easily compare prices
across multiple retailers to find the best deal.

Easy access to information

Online shopping also provides easy access to information.
Customers can easily read product descriptions, reviews,
and recommendations from other customers. This makes it
easier for customers to make informed purchasing decisions
based on the experiences of others. Additionally, online
retailers often provide detailed product information, including
specifications and dimensions, which can be difficult to find
in physical stores.

A greater selection
Finally, online shopping offers a greater selection. Customers
are not limited to the shelves of a single store, and online
retailers typically have more inventory on hand than their
brick-and-mortar counterparts. This means that customers
have a wider variety of products to choose from, and they are
more likely to find the specific item they are looking for.


Online shopping has become increasingly popular due to its • shipping: phí vận chuyển
convenience and accessibility. However, it also has some • impulse buying: mua không có dự
drawbacks that shoppers should be aware of. tính trước
• fraud: sự lừa lọc
The additional cost for shipping • scammer: kẻ lừa đảo

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One of the main disadvantages of online shopping is the • fake websites: các trang web giả
additional cost for shipping. Some retailers offer free shipping, • use tactics: sử dụng thủ thuật
but others may require a minimum purchase amount or charge • steal personal and financial information:
a flat rate. This can be a deterrent for shoppers who are trying đánh cắp thông tin và tài chính cá nhân
to save money, especially if the shipping fees end up being • longer wait times for delivery: chờ lâu để
more expensive than the products themselves. được giao hàng
• delay: sự trì hoãn
Impulse buying • interfere with a shopper's schedule: cản
Another potential drawback of online shopping is that it can trở kế hoạch của người mua
encourage people to buy more than they actually need. With
just a few clicks, shoppers can easily add items to their virtual
shopping carts without taking the time to consider whether
they really need or can afford them, leading to overspending.

Online shopping also comes with a risk of fraud. Scammers
can create fake websites or use tactics to steal personal
and financial information from real shoppers. This can result
in identity theft, unauthorized charges, and other forms of
fraud. Shoppers should always be cautious when providing
their information online and only use reputable retailers and
payment methods.

Longer wait times for delivery

Finally, online shopping can have longer wait times for
delivery than traditional shopping. Even with expedited
shipping options, there can still be delays due to unforeseen
circumstances such as weather, holidays, or shipping carrier
issues. This can interfere with a shopper's schedule and
cause frustration if they were expecting to receive their items
by a certain date.

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While online shopping has become increasingly popular, there • see and touch products: ngắm và chạm
are still some benefits to traditional shopping that customers vào sản phẩm
should consider. • interact with employees and other
shoppers: tương tác với nhân viên và
Personal experience những người mua hàng khác
One of the main advantages of traditional shopping is the • guidance: sự hướng dẫn
personal experience. When shopping in physical stores, • opinions and advice: các ý kiến và
customers can see and touch products, giving them a better lời khuyên
sense of what they are buying. For example, when shopping • immediate gratification: sự hài lòng ngay
for clothing, customers can try on items to check for fit and lập tức
quality. This helps them make better purchasing decisions. • take their items home immediately: mang
về nhà ngay lập tức
Social interaction • bargaining: sự trả giá
Traditional shopping also provides social interaction.
Customers can interact with employees and other shoppers
to gain insights into products and services. Employees can
provide guidance and recommendations based on their
expertise and experience, while other shoppers can offer their
opinions and advice. This creates a sense of community and
fosters relationships that online shopping cannot replicate.

Immediate gratification
Another benefit of traditional shopping is immediate
gratification. Customers can take their items home

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immediately after making a purchase, rather than having to
wait for shipping. This is particularly important for customers
who need the product urgently or simply do not want to wait
for delivery.

Finally, traditional shopping provides the opportunity for
bargaining. Customers can negotiate with sellers to get
better deals, which can save them money. For example, when
purchasing a large ticket item like a car or a piece of furniture,
customers can often negotiate the price to get a better deal.
This is not an option when shopping online, as prices are
typically fixed.


Traditional shopping has been the primary mode of shopping • time-consuming: tốn thời gian
for many years. Although it can be a fun and social activity, it • wait in line to check out: chờ để tính tiền
also has its drawbacks. • limited accessibility: độ tiếp cận hạn chế
• remote areas: ở vùng xa xôi
Time-consuming • limited variety: sự đa dạng hạn chế
One of the biggest drawbacks is that it can be very time- • limited showroom and inventory space:
consuming. To find what you want, you may need to visit không gian trưng bày và trữ hàng hạn chế
multiple stores, which can take a lot of time. Additionally, you • display a fraction of the products: trưng
may need to wait in line to check out, which can add to the bày chỉ phần nhỏ sản phẩm
overall time spent shopping. • limited hours of operation: giờ hoạt động/
mở cửa giới hạn
Limited accessibility
Moreover, traditional shopping has limited accessibility. If you
live in remote areas, it can be challenging and costly to travel
to the nearest shopping center or mall. This is particularly
true for those who do not have access to a private vehicle.
Furthermore, people with disabilities or limited mobility may
also find it difficult to navigate crowded stores or climb stairs.

Limited variety
Furthermore, traditional shopping has limited variety. Physical
stores have a limited showroom and inventory space, meaning
that they can only display a fraction of the products that are
available for purchase. This is particularly true for smaller
stores or boutiques that have limited space. Customers may
not be able to find the exact product they want, or they may
have to settle for a less desirable alternative.

Limited hours of operation

Lastly, traditional shopping has limited hours of operation.
Stores are only open for certain hours per day, typically during
regular business hours. This can be inconvenient for people
who work during those hours or have other commitments that
prevent them from shopping during those times. It can also be

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frustrating for those who need to make last-minute purchases
or have unexpected shopping needs.

Advertising benefits customers by raising awareness, invoking curiosity, informing about new features, and offering
deals. For companies, advertising increases brand recognition, builds trust, reaches new audiences, differentiates
from competitors, and provides valuable feedback and insights. However, advertising drawbacks for individuals
include intrusiveness, misleading information, promoting unnecessary spending, stereotyping, and higher prices. For
companies, drawbacks include high costs, ineffectiveness, and the potential for backlash due to inappropriate or
offensive advertisements.

Personal experience
Social interaction
Immediate gratification
Limited accessibility
Limited variety
Limited hours of operation

SHOPPING Convenience
Better deals and discounts
Easily compare prices across
multiple retailers
Limited variety
Limited hours of operation

Additional cost for shipping

Impulse buying
Longer wait times for delivery

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Goods and services imports


CUT DOWN MANUFACTURING COST • cut down manufacturing costs: cắt giảm
One of the main benefits of imports is that it helps to cut down chi phí sản xuất
manufacturing costs. By importing raw materials or finished • raw materials: nguyên liệu thô
goods, businesses can save money on production costs. • finished goods: hàng thành phẩm
For example, importing steel from China may be cheaper • stay competitive: giữ sự cạnh tranh
than producing it domestically due to lower labor costs and • core competencies: năng lực cốt lõi
economies of scale. This can help businesses stay competitive • streamline production processes: hợp lý
in the global market and keep prices low for consumers. hoá quy trình sản xuất
• reduce waste: giảm sự thải ra
IMPROVE EFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY • increase output: tăng sản lượng đầu ra
Imports can also help to improve efficiency and productivity in • diversify their supply chain: đa dạng hoá
businesses. By importing specialized goods or components, chuỗi cung ứng
businesses can focus on their core competencies and • source from multiple countries: lấy
streamline their production processes. This can help to reduce nguyên liệu hoặc hàng hóa từ những
waste, increase output, and improve overall productivity. For quốc gia khác nhau
example, a car manufacturer may import specialized engine • mitigate supply chain disruptions or
parts from Japan to improve the performance of their vehicles. political instability: giảm sự gián đoạn
Another example is some kinds of nutrient-rich berries that chuỗi cung ứng hoặc bất ổn chính trị
can only be grown in Asia can now be enjoyed by people all • rely on domestic production: dựa vào sản
over the world. Importing these kinds of food can provide xuất trong nước
people with a highly nutritious diet, which directly promote • not produced domestically: chưa thể sản

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health and prevent diseases. xuất nội địa
REDUCE RISKS • transportation: ngành vận tải
Another benefit of imports is that it can help to reduce risks for • retail: bán lẻ
businesses. By diversifying their supply chain and sourcing
materials or goods from multiple countries, businesses can
mitigate the risk of supply chain disruptions or political
instability in any one country. For example, if a business
sources all of its raw materials from a single country and that
country experiences a natural disaster or political unrest, the
business could be severely impacted. By diversifying their
supply chain through imports, businesses can spread their
risk and minimize potential disruptions.


Imports can also help to increase the variety and choice of
goods available to consumers. By importing goods from around
the world, businesses can offer a wider range of products than
would be possible if they only relied on domestic production.
This can be particularly beneficial for niche or specialized
products that are not produced domestically. For example, a
grocery store may import exotic fruits and vegetables from
South America or Asia to offer customers a wider selection
of produce.

Finally, imports can also create jobs in a variety of industries.
By importing raw materials or finished goods, businesses can
create jobs in transportation, logistics, and retail. Additionally,
by increasing their competitiveness in the global market
through imports, businesses can grow and create new jobs
in their core industries. For example, a clothing manufacturer
may import raw materials from multiple countries, but then
use those materials to produce clothing domestically, creating
jobs in both the importing and manufacturing sectors.

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Imports can have some drawbacks that can affect a country's • outflow of foreign exchange: dòng ngoại
economy and society in various ways. tệ ra
• the country's foreign exchange reserves:
CAUSE AN OUTFLOW OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE dự trữ ngoại hối quốc gia
Importing goods and services from other countries means that • currency devaluation: sự mất giá tiền tệ
the country's money is flowing out to pay for those imports. • a trade deficit: thâm hụt thương mại
This can lead to a decrease in the country's foreign exchange • dependence on foreign supplies: sự phụ
reserves and currency devaluation. The outflow of foreign thuộc vào nguồn cung nước ngoài
exchange can also lead to a trade deficit, which means that • vulnerabilities in the supply chain: sự dễ
a country is importing more than it is exporting, leading to an tổn thương trong chuỗi cung ứng
imbalance in the economy. For example, if a country like the • affect domestic culture and values: ảnh
United States imports more oil than it exports, it will have to hưởng văn hoá và giá trị trong nước
pay for the imports in foreign currency, which can lead to a • decline in demand for domestic products:
decline in the value of the U.S. dollar. sự giảm nhu cầu hàng nội địa
• local industries: kinh tế địa phương
When a country imports a significant portion of its goods and
services from other countries, it becomes dependent on those
foreign supplies. This dependence can create vulnerabilities
in the supply chain, especially during times of political or
economic instability. For instance, when a country relies
heavily on oil imports from other nations, it may face supply
disruptions and price fluctuations due to geopolitical tensions
or natural disasters in the exporting countries.


Imports can have a significant impact on a country's domestic
culture and values. Foreign goods and services can influence
local preferences and consumer behavior, leading to a decline
in demand for domestic products. This can have a negative
impact on local industries, which may struggle to compete
with cheaper imported goods. For example, the availability of
cheap imported textiles from China can lead to the decline of
the domestic textile industry in a country like India, where textile
manufacturing is a significant contributor to the economy.

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Imports help businesses cut manufacturing costs, improve efficiency, reduce risks, increase variety, and create jobs.
However, they can lead to an outflow of foreign exchange, dependence on foreign supplies, and impact domestic
culture and industries.

Cut down manufacturing cost

Improve efficiency and productivity

BENEFITS Reduce risks

Increase variety and choice

Job creation

An outflow of foreign exchange

DRAWBACKS Dependence on foreign supplies

Affect domestic culture and values

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Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.

1.1. Mind map about the benefits of online shopping

Online shopping Benefits

1.2. In some countries, shopping online is replacing shopping at the store. Do you think it is a positive or
negative development?
On the one hand, there are some compelling reasons why education plays a crucial role in helping people reduce the
junk food consumption.

2.1. Mind map about the benefits of imports

Imports Benefits

2.2. In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather than food produced locally.
Why do people buy imported food? What could be done to encourage people to buy local food?
There are some reasons behind the trend of prioritizing imported food.

3.1. Mind map about the negative impacts of advertising on customers

Advertising Drawbacks Customers

3.2. Some people say advertising has positive economic effects. Others think it has negative social effects because
it will make people dissatisfied with who they are and what they have. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
On the one hand, advertising has negative impacts on the societal level.

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4.1. Mind map about the positive impacts of advertising

Advertising Benefits

4.2. The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no useful purpose, and can
even be damaging.
It is ill-founded to claim that commercials are purposeless and detrimental to consumers and businesses.

Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases

2.1. Advertisement

deals and discounts create a first-time buyers promote loyalty

competitive edge

build trust reach new audiences increase brand feedback, data,

and goodwill recognition insights

existing customers promote stereotyping squander on potential customers

necessary things

a backlash interrupt users’ put a strain on misleading

experience the budget information

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2.2. Shopping

shop anytime, Limited hours see and easily compare

anywhere of operation touch products prices across
multiple retailers

guidance and product descriptions Bargaining Time-consuming


Impulse buying Immediate live in remote areas Social interaction


steal personal and interfere with a more inventory additional cost

financial information shopper's schedule on hand for shipping

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2.3. Imports

improve efficiency diversify their not produced an outflow of

and productivity supply chain domestically foreign exchange

dependence on cut down focus on their core affect domestic

foreign supplies manufacturing cost competencies culture and values

stay competitive in negative impact on increase variety currency devaluation

global market local industries and choice

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Historical and cultural values play an important role in shaping our society and preserving our heritage. These values
are reflected in our traditions, arts, music, literature, and other forms of cultural expression. However, in recent times,
there has been a decline in the recognition and preservation of these values. Many people are more focused on modernity,
technology, and materialism, and have become disconnected from their cultural roots. This has led to a loss of traditions,
customs, language, and other aspects of our cultural heritage. In Chapter 12, learners will explore the decline of some
aspects in culture and history such as the gradual disappearance of minority languages, the disappearance of some
traditional customs and practices, the emergence of digital museums, and finally, globalization - a factor contributing to
the aforementioned phenomena.

The decline of traditions and customs

The decline of minority languages and

HISTORIC-CULTURAL the prevalence of English-a global language
Traditional museum and digital museum

Globalization: advantages and disadvantages

The decline of traditions and customs

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As people move from rural to urban centers, they often adapt • migration and urbanization: sự di cư và
to new circumstances and lose touch with their cultural roots. sự đô thị hoá
They may adopt new customs and ways of living that are • adopt new customs and ways of living: áp
more in line with urban living, leaving behind their traditional dụng phong tục và lối sống mới
customs and practices. For example, in rural areas, traditional • the breakdown: sự phá vỡ
crafts were once a way of life, with families passing down their • traditional social structures: các cấu trúc
skills and techniques from generation to generation. However, xã hội
many young people are leaving their rural communities and • family ties: mối quan hệ gia đình
moving to cities to pursue other careers. As a result, the • individualism and personal success: tính
knowledge of traditional crafts is not being passed down to cá nhân và sự thành công bản thân
younger generations. • globalization: sự toàn cầu hoá
• cultural assimilation: sự đồng hoá văn hoá
Furthermore, urbanization can lead to the breakdown of • changing values and attitudes: các giá trị
traditional social structures and family ties, which can further và thái độ thay đổi dần
erode cultural traditions. As people become more focused • gender roles: vai trò giới tính
on individualism and personal success, they may be less • lifestyles and beliefs: lối sống và niềm tin
interested in maintaining their cultural heritage. • technological advancements: sự tiến bộ
về công nghệ
GLOBALIZATION • social media and instant messaging:
Globalization has significantly impacted cultural practices mạng xã hội và tin nhắn tức thì
and traditions across the world. With increased access to • a fast-paced modern lifestyle: lối sống
communication and transportation, people are exposed to hiện đại và nhanh
a wide range of ideas and lifestyles. This exposure to new
cultures can have a positive impact by promoting cultural
understanding and appreciation. However, it can also lead to
cultural assimilation, where traditional practices and customs
are replaced by modern ones. One way in which globalization
has impacted traditional practices is through the spread of
Western fashion and fast food. As people are exposed to
Western styles of dress and cuisine, they may begin to adopt
these practices instead of their traditional ones. For example,
in many parts of the world, traditional clothing is being
replaced by Western-style clothing. This has led to the decline
of traditional dress, which is unique to specific cultures and
regions. Similarly, traditional cuisine is being replaced by fast
food and other Western-style dishes, leading to a decline in
the traditional recipes that have been passed down through
generations. Many traditional customs are even modified for
commercialization, such as the lion dance in Vietnam. This
tradition, previously only performed by professional martial
artists during special occasions, is now often poorly performed
by amateurs at tourist sites across the country.


Societal norms and values can shift over time, making
traditional customs and practices seem antiquated and
irrelevant to contemporary life. For example, as gender roles
have shifted in many societies, traditional practices that are

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based on gender distinctions may have lost their relevance.
In some cultures, traditional gender roles dictate that women
should not work outside the home, but as more women have
entered the workforce, these practices have become less
common. Additionally, changing attitudes towards issues such
as sexuality, religion, and politics can also lead to a decline in
traditional customs and practices. As people become more
accepting of different lifestyles and beliefs, they may be less
interested in maintaining practices that are based on strict
cultural norms.

Technological advancements have changed the way we
live and behave, and this can have an impact on traditional
customs and practices. For example, the rise of social media
and instant messaging has led to a decline in face-to-face
communication, which can erode traditional customs that rely
on personal interactions.

Furthermore, people may simply not have the time to maintain

and practice traditional customs and practices in the face of
a fast-paced modern lifestyle. For example, traditional crafts
that require a great deal of time and effort may not be as
popular as they once were, as people prioritize convenience
and efficiency.


Traditions and customs are often deeply rooted in a society's • loss of cultural identity: đánh mất bản
culture and history. When these traditions decline, it can lead sắc văn hoá
to a loss of cultural identity and a sense of disconnection • social disintegration: cảm giác mất
from the past. This can have a negative impact on the mental kết nối
and emotional well-being of individuals. For example, the • loss of historical knowledge: mất kiến
traditional practice of song and dance is an important part of thức lịch sử
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, and is used to • economic impact: tác động về kinh tế
pass on knowledge and history, as well as to connect with the
spiritual world. However, with the decline of these traditional

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practices, many Indigenous Australians have lost a sense of
cultural identity and connection to their heritage.

Traditions and customs provide a sense of belonging and
social cohesion. When these traditions decline, it can lead
to social disintegration and a breakdown of community. This
can have negative consequences on the social fabric of a
society, leading to increased social isolation, loneliness, and
even violence. In Vietnam, the traditional practice of the Tet
holiday, also known as Lunar New Year, has been a central
part of social life for generations. The Tet holiday is a time
for family reunions, ancestral worship, and the exchange of
gifts. However, in recent years, with the rise of urbanization
and globalization, the traditional practices of Tet have been in
decline. Many young people now choose to travel or celebrate
the holiday in a Westernized way, which often means forgoing
the traditional practices that were once central to the holiday.

This decline of Tet traditions has led to a breakdown of social

cohesion and a sense of disconnection from the community.
Many elderly people, who place a high value on traditional
practices, feel alienated from younger generations who no
longer share their values.


Many traditions and customs are based on historical events or
cultural practices. When these traditions decline, the historical
knowledge associated with them may also be lost. This can
have a negative impact on a society's understanding of its
own history and cultural heritage. In China, the traditional
practice of calligraphy has been in decline in recent years.
Calligraphy is a form of artistic writing that has been practiced
in China for over 2,000 years and is closely tied to the country's
history and cultural identity. However, with the rise of digital
communication and the decline in traditional education,
fewer young people are learning calligraphy and the art form
is in danger of being lost. This loss of calligraphy skills not
only results in the loss of an important cultural practice, but
it also means a loss of the knowledge and skills necessary
to create and preserve historical documents and artworks.
Without calligraphy skills, fewer people will be able to read and
appreciate ancient texts and artworks written in calligraphy,
leading to a loss of historical knowledge and understanding.

Many traditions and customs are associated with local
economies, such as crafts, festivals, and food production.
When these traditions decline, it can have a negative impact

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on local economies and lead to unemployment and poverty. In
many rural areas of Mexico, traditional crafts such as weaving,
pottery, and woodworking are in decline. This has led to a loss
of local economic opportunities and an increase in poverty
and unemployment. Additionally, many traditional festivals
and celebrations that support the local economy have been
canceled or scaled back due to changing cultural norms and

Migration, urbanization, globalization, changing values, and technological advancements contribute to the decline
of traditional customs and practices worldwide. The decline of traditional customs and practices leads to a loss of
cultural identity, social disintegration, loss of historical knowledge, and negative economic impact.

Migration and urbanization

Changing values and attitudes

Technological advancements



Loss of cultural identity

Social disintegration
Loss of historical knowledge

Economic impact

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The decline of minority languages and the
prevalence of English-a global language


The decline of minority languages is a widespread issue today, • the dominance of a majority language: sự
and there are several reasons for this phenomenon. thống trị của 1 ngôn ngữ chung
• compete with the resources and prestige:
THE DOMINANCE OF A MAJORITY LANGUAGE cạnh tranh với nguồn lực và sự uy tín
One of the major factors that accelerate this process is the • demographic factors: những yếu tố nhân
dominance of a majority language in a particular society. khẩu học
Minority languages may face difficulties in competing with • population decline: dân số giảm
the resources and prestige of the dominant language. For • relocate or abandon their traditional
instance, in Vietnam, most of the national TV channels cultural practices: di dời hoặc bỏ những
broadcast in the Kinh language, which is the majority language, tập tục văn hoá truyền thống
while channels that use minority ethnic languages are few and • passed down to future generations: được
receive little attention. As a result, minority languages may chuyển sang thế hệ tương lai
struggle to maintain their vitality and attract new speakers. • inadequate opportunities to learn and
use in schools or on media platforms:
DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS không có đủ cơ hội để học và sử dụng ở
Another significant cause of the decline of minority languages trường và trên các phương tiện truyền thông
is demographic factors, such as population decline. If the
number of people speaking a minority language decreases
rapidly, the language may face difficulties in maintaining
the number of speakers and its importance. In some cases,
the loss of speakers of a minority language may be due to
migration, urbanization, or low birth rates. For example, the
indigenous languages of the Americas were threatened by
European colonization, which caused the deaths of millions
of indigenous people, reducing the number of speakers and
ultimately contributing to the decline of their languages.

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Changes in culture and the economy can also have an impact
on the vitality of a minority language. If a group of people who
speak a minority language are forced to relocate or abandon
their traditional cultural practices, then the language may no
longer be passed down to future generations. This can result
in the loss of the language and culture altogether. For instance,
in some regions of Africa, colonialism and the introduction of
Western cultural values led to the suppression of indigenous
languages and customs. As a result, some of these languages
have become endangered or have already gone extinct.


Additionally, government policies and education systems can
play a significant role in the vitality of minority languages. If
there are inadequate opportunities for individuals to learn and
use a minority language in schools or on media platforms,
then the language may struggle to survive. Governments may
also promote the use of the dominant language at the expense
of minority languages, further contributing to their decline.
For example, in some countries, the education system only
teaches the dominant language, leaving minority languages
with limited opportunities for preservation and development.


ENGLISH • the dissemination of knowledge
English is the most widely spoken language in the world, with worldwide: sự truyền đạt thông tin trên
an estimated 1.5 billion speakers globally. Its popularity as a thế giới
global language has several advantages: • facilitate the sharing of information and
• ideas: tạo điều kiện cho việc chia sẻ
TECHNOLOGICAL AND ACADEMIC • renowned institutions and universities:
KNOWLEDGE WORLDWIDE các học viện và trường đại học nổi tiếng

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Most scientific and academic publications are written in • international business: kinh doanh
English, and researchers from different parts of the world quốc tế
often use English to communicate their findings, making it • no confusion between parties: không có
easier to share knowledge across borders. English is also sự nhầm lẫn giữa các bên
the language of the internet, which has further facilitated the • streamline processes: hợp lý quy trình
sharing of information and ideas. làm việc


Another advantage of English as a global language is that
it is the language of renowned institutions and universities
worldwide. Many of the top universities, such as Harvard,
Oxford, and Cambridge, predominantly operate in English.
Fluency in English, therefore, opens up opportunities for
students and professionals to work and study in these
institutions. English is also the language of international
conferences and seminars, making it easier for professionals
to participate in and contribute to these events.


English is the language of international business, and its
use in this field has several advantages. The widespread
use of English in international business means that there is
no confusion between parties, streamlining processes and
making it easier to conduct business. Proficiency in English
also opens up opportunities for career advancement in
international organizations and companies, making it an
important skill for professionals who want to work globally.

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The adoption of a single common language can have far-reaching • the loss of cultural heritage: đánh mất
consequences, including the loss of cultural heritage. bản sắc văn hoá
• accurately conveyed: truyền tải chính xác
Culture, traditions, and identity within a community are • less diverse and vibrant world: thế giới ít
conveyed via language. When a language is no longer used đa dạng và màu sắc hơn
or valued, these essential aspects of a society cannot be • social exclusion: sự tách biệt xã hội
accurately conveyed, leading to a less diverse and vibrant • poverty or marginalization: sự nghèo đói
world. The loss of cultural heritage happens, eroding the hoặc cho ra rìa
beauty and uniqueness that arises from linguistic diversity. • economic disadvantages: bất lợi về kinh tế
• sustain their life: duy trì cuộc sống
Another significant impact of having only one common language
is social exclusion. Without the ability to communicate with
others, individuals find themselves increasingly isolated
within society. This isolation can result in various forms of
disadvantage, such as poverty or marginalization.

Furthermore, there are economic disadvantages associated

with the dominance of a single language. Learning a new
language requires time, effort, and resources. When a
language becomes the dominant one, individuals who are not
proficient in it face significant challenges in their daily lives.
They may struggle to find employment, access educational
opportunities, or even navigate basic services. This language
barrier creates obstacles that make them hard to sustain
their life.

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Migration, urbanization, globalization, changing values, and technological advancements contribute to the decline
of traditional customs and practices worldwide. The decline of traditional customs and practices leads to a loss of
cultural identity, social disintegration, loss of historical knowledge, and negative economic impact.

Demographic factors

Goverment policies and education systems

Changes in culture and the economy

The dominance of majority language

The dissemination of scientific, technological

and academic knowledge worldwide

Renowned institutions and university
predominantly operate in English

Language of international business

Loss of cultural heritage

EFFECTS Social exclusion

Economic disadvantages

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Traditional museum and digital museum

With the development of science and technology today, many forms have been transferred digitally, and museums
are no exception. However, traditional museums and digital museums still have some differences in many aspects.


Traditional museums offer visitors the opportunity to see • see artifacts and exhibits in person: trực
artifacts and exhibits in person, allowing them to engage with tiếp xem hiện vật và triễn lãm
the exhibits in a more immersive way. The physical experience • a sense of scale, texture, and other
of being in the museum provides a sense of scale, texture, and details: cảm nhận về tỷ lệ, kết cấu và các
other details that cannot be replicated digitally. Guided tours chi tiết khác
can provide additional information and context to visitors, • guided tours: chương trình tham quan có
enhancing the overall museum experience. For example, the hướng dẫn
Louvre in Paris is a traditional museum that attracts millions • additional information and context: thêm
of visitors every year. The museum's vast collection of art and thông tin và ngữ cảnh
artifacts includes famous works like the Mona Lisa, Venus de • travel to the physical location: di chuyển
Milo, and the Winged Victory of Samothrace. Visitors can see đến địa điểm thực tế
these works in person, allowing them to appreciate their size, • fragile and require limited access: mong
colors, and textures in a way that is impossible through digital manh , dễ vỡ và chỉ cho giới hạn tiếp xúc
media. Additionally, the Louvre offers guided tours and audio
guides that provide visitors with additional information about
the exhibits, making the visit more informative and engaging.
Traditional museums also provide a social experience, allowing
visitors to share the experience with friends and family.

However, traditional museums can be expensive and

time-consuming for visitors who must travel to the physical
location. They can also be crowded, making it difficult to see
exhibits and fully enjoy the experience. Some exhibits may be
fragile and require limited access, which can limit the number
of visitors who can see them.

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On the other hand, digital museums offer accessibility and • affordability: khả năng chi trả
affordability, allowing visitors to explore exhibits from • explore exhibits from anywhere: xem
anywhere in the world. Visitors can view high-resolution triển lãm ở bất cứ nơi đâu
images and virtual tours of exhibits, providing a detailed view • view high-resolution images and virtual
of artifacts and exhibits. Interactive features such as quizzes tours: thưởng thức các hình ảnh và các
and games can make the visit more engaging and educational. chuyến tham quan ảo với độ phân giải cao
Digital museumdis can reach a wider audience and provide • interactive features: các tính năng tương tác
greater exposure for cultural heritage. For example, the British • replicate the physical sense: bắt chước
Museum in London has created a digital museum called the những cảm nhận thực tế
Google Cultural Institute. • copyright: bản quyền

However, the digital experience cannot replicate the physical

sense of scale, texture, and other details of artifacts and
exhibits. The lack of physical experience can result in a less
immersive experience for visitors. The absence of guided tours
and educational programs can limit the amount of context and
information provided to visitors. Some exhibits may not be
available online due to copyright or other restrictions.

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Imports help businesses cut manufacturing costs, improve efficiency, reduce risks, increase variety, and create jobs.
However, they can lead to an outflow of foreign exchange, dependence on foreign supplies, and impact domestic
culture and industries.

See artifacts and exhibits in person

Guided tours

Expensive and time-consuming


Fragile and require limited access


Accessibility and affordability

View high-resolution images and virtual tours of exhibits

Interactive features

Not replicate the physical sense of scale,

texture, and other details


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Globalization: advantages and disadvantages

As mentioned above, globalization is no longer a new concept in today's society. Although it is the cause of the de-
cline and gradual disappearance of some customs, traditions, and languages ​​in some countries, it certainly brings
many significant advantages.

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FOSTERING ECONOMIC GROWTH • international trade, investment: đầu tư và
One of the most significant advantages of globalization is thương mại toàn cầu
that it fosters economic growth by promoting international • access larger markets: tiếp cập với thị
trade, investment, and job creation. Globalization has enabled trường lớn hơn
businesses to access larger markets and lower-cost resources, • access to new knowledge and technology:
allowing them to increase production and reduce costs. For tiếp cận với kiến thức và công nghệ mới
example, the rise of free trade agreements has facilitated the • the advancement of various fields: sự
growth of global supply chains, allowing companies to access phát triển của nhiều ngành
new markets and customers. As a result, many developing • spread of cultural practices, languages,
countries have experienced significant economic growth and and traditions across borders: lan truyền
poverty reduction. các tập tục văn hoá, ngôn ngữ và truyền
thống toàn thế giới
AC C E S S TO N E W K N O W L E D G E • interconnected world: thế giới kết nối hơn
A N D T E C H N O LO G Y • integrate into the global working
Another advantage of globalization is that it enhances access environment: hội nhập vào môi trường
to new knowledge and technology through exchange programs toàn cầu
and international collaboration. Globalization has enabled the • cultural conflicts: xung đột văn hoá
rapid dissemination of ideas, knowledge, and technological • address global issues: giải quyết vấn đề
innovations across borders. For instance, international toàn cầu
students can now study in universities around the world • humanitarian aid: hỗ trợ nhân đạo
and bring back valuable knowledge and skills to their home
countries. Moreover, international collaboration in research
and development has led to the advancement of various fields,
including medicine, engineering, and technology. For example,
the Human Genome Project, which involved scientists from
many countries around the world, led to the mapping of the
entire human genome, providing a wealth of information that
has been used to develop new diagnostic tools, treatments,
and medications for a range of genetic diseases.

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Globalization has also promoted cultural diversity and
understanding by facilitating the mixing of people and ideas
from different backgrounds. Globalization has encouraged the
spread of cultural practices, languages, and traditions across
borders, contributing to a more diverse and interconnected
world. For example, the rise of cultural exchange programs,
such as study abroad programs, has allowed students to
experience different cultures firsthand, leading to greater
understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity.

Moreover, understanding cultural diversity also helps people

integrate into the global working environment. In Japan, it is
customary to have a more formal and hierarchical approach
to communication and decision-making in the workplace. This
means that respect for seniority and rank is highly valued,
and it is essential to use honorific language when addressing
superiors. Moreover, direct confrontation or criticism is often
avoided, and it is common to communicate indirectly or
through intermediaries. by understanding these key features,
global employees can perform better and avoid unnecessary
cultural conflicts.

Finally, globalization has promoted global cooperation in
addressing global issues such as environmental problems,
health problems, and humanitarian aid. Globalization
has created platforms for international cooperation and
negotiation, enabling countries to work together to address
global challenges that require collective action. For instance,
international organizations such as the United Nations
and the World Health Organization have facilitated global
cooperation on issues such as climate change, public health,
and humanitarian aid, resulting in significant progress in
addressing these issues.

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THREATEN LOCAL TRADITIONS AND • threaten local traditions and national
NATIONAL IDENTITY identity: đe doạ truyền thống địa phương
One disadvantage of globalization is that it can threaten local và bản sắc dân tộc
traditions and national identity. As foreign culture spreads • foreign culture spreads: văn hoá ngoại
around the world, traditional clothing, languages, and lifestyles bang lan truyền
tend to disappear. For example, in Vietnam, the rise of • more familiar with foreign cultures and
foreign entertainment, such as Korean dramas and American languages: quen thuộc hơn với văn hoá
movies, has led to a growing interest in and consumption of và ngôn ngữ nước ngoài
foreign media among young people. As a result, many young • harsher competition for jobs: sự cạnh
Vietnamese people have become more familiar with foreign tranh việc làm gay gắt hơn
cultures and languages than their own traditional culture. Or • move their operations to countries with
this can be seen in Asian countries where transcontinental lower labor costs: chuyển cơ sở vận hành
expansion of powerful Western-based corporations run their đến những nước có nhân công thấp tiền
branches. Those organizations often require their staff to • unemployed: thất nghiệp
wear dress shirts and pants to work, which gradually reshapes • harm the environment: làm tổn hại đến
fashion patterns of the indigenous. môi trường
• international travel: đi lại quốc tế
H A R S H E R C O M P E T IT I O N F O R J O B S • overpopulation: sự bùng nổ dân số
Another disadvantage of globalization is that it can lead • climate change and environmental
to harsher competition for jobs. As companies move their degradation: sự biến đổi khí hậu và xuống
operations to countries with lower labor costs, workers in cấp môi trường
developed countries can find themselves unemployed. This
can be seen in the United States, where many manufacturing
jobs have moved to China and other countries in Asia. This has
led to job losses and economic insecurity for many workers.

Globalization can also harm the environment by increasing
international travel and overpopulation. As more people
travel around the world, they contribute to climate change
and environmental degradation. The increased movement of
goods and people has also led to overconsumption and the
depletion of natural resources. This can be seen in many cities
around the world, where pollution levels are high and natural
habitats are being destroyed to make way for new developments.

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Globalization fosters economic growth, knowledge exchange, and cultural diversity. However, it threatens local
traditions, leads to job competition, and harms the environment through overconsumption and climate change.

Foster economic growth

Access to new knowledge and technology

Promote cultural diversity and understanding

Address global issues


Threaten local traditions and national identity

DISADVANTAGES Harsher competition for jobs

Harm the environment

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Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.

1.1. Mind map about causes leading to the decline of some traditions and customs

Migration and urbanization

The decline of some Globalization
traditions and customs Changing values and attitudes
Technological advancements

1.2. It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. Technology and traditional cul-
tures are incompatible. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
With the advancement of technology, some traditional practices have been declined and abandoned.

2.1. Mind map about the disadvantages of globalization

Globalization Disadvantages

2.2. Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development,
while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a result. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion.
Expanding cultural exchange and international trade could potentially lead to the erosion of national identities for a
few reasons.

3.1. Mind map about the effect of the decline of minority languages and the dominance of a common language

The decline of minority

languages and dominance Effects
of a common language

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3.2. A few languages are increasingly spoken in different countries, while the usage of others is rapidly declining. Is
this a positive or a negative development?
Despite the great convenience of sharing common languages, the fact that other languages are less spoken can bring
several drawbacks.

4.1. Mind map about the benefits of digital museums

Museums Digital

4.2. Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will no longer be necessary because people can see
historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree?
On the one hand, it is understandable why some people argue that physical exhibitions are obsolete.

Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases

2.1. The decline of some traditions and customs

technological a decline of face-to-face adopt new customs loss of

advancements communication and ways of living cultural identity

social disintegration migration and cultural assimilation gender roles


globalization loss of historical more focused on prioritize convenience

knowledge individualism and and efficiency
personal success

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2.2. Language

facilitate the sharing forced to relocate or loss of poverty and

of knowledge abandon traditional cultural heritage marginalization
cultural practices

no confusion hard to sustain life government policies less diverse and

between parties and education systems vibrant world

renowned institutions demographic factors social exclusion struggle to compete

and universities with the resources
predominantly operated and prestige of the
in English dominant language

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2.3. Museums

explore exhibits from anywhere crowded guided tours

in the world

fragile and require see artifacts and exhibits Interactive features

limited access in person

copyright travel to the physical location not replicate the physical

sense of scale, texture, and
other details

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2.4. Globalization

increase production humanitarian aid addressing global access to

and reduce costs issues new knowledge
and technology

integrate into climate change Fostering economic threaten local

the global and environmental growth traditions and
working environment. degradation national identity

international travel promote cultural harsher competition unemployed

diversity and for jobs

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Unit 13: ANIMALS

Humans' treatment toward animals is an extremely sensitive topic. We use various animal species, from tiny bacteria
to large animals that have many similarities to us, in many different ways.Therefore, there has been much debate about
the necessity of using animals in researching products that serve humans. In addition, another controversy related to
animals is the presence of zoos today. Some people question whether keeping these wild animals captive is better than
returning them to their natural environment. Chapter 13 on Animals will provide learners with some advantages and
disadvantages of animal experiments and the important role of zoos at various levels.

Animal testing: Benefits and Drawbacks


Animal zoos

Animal testing: benefits and drawbacks

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First of all, experimentation on animals for testing new • life-saving drugs: nhiều loại thuốc cứu
drugs or assessing the effectiveness of new products is very sống mạng người
necessary. Indeed, we have historically discovered many • alternatives: biện pháp thay thế
life-saving drugs for humans based on experiments on • immune-related diseases: bệnh liên quan
animals. For example, testing on cows was crucial in creating đến hệ miễn dịch
a vaccine to eradicate smallpox from deadly diseases; or • neuro-related diseases: bệnh liên quan
experiments on dogs helped scientists discover insulin to đến thần kinh.
treat diabetes in the 1920s. • genetic-related diseases: bệnh liên quan
đến di truyền.
In addition, there are no alternatives for complex studies • have a biological and genetic structure:
related to immune-related diseases, neuro-related diseases, có cấu trúc sinh và gen
or genetic-related diseases. Other methods, such as computer • the final stages of testing: những giai
simulations, can only be applied to simple conditions that đoạn cuối của cuộc thử nghiệm
humans have knowledge of. For more complex diseases that
we do not fully understand, such as some types of cancer,
the only way to test effectiveness is through animal testing
because some animals have a biological and genetic structure
similar to humans.

Furthermore, at some early stages of research and testing,

we are forced to choose between animals and humans for
experimentation. However, humans usually only participate
in the final stages of testing. At this point, animals play as
guinea pigs before human volunteers are used.


However, for some individuals, this practice is morally wrong. • morally wrong: sai về mặt đạo đức
They believe that animals also have their own rights, and • have their own rights: có quyền của chúng
humans do not have the right to experiment with products or • pose a risk to the lives: đe dọa đến
experiments that pose a risk to the lives of these animals. mạng sống
They argue that some animal species, such as laboratory • exposure to radiation: tiếp xúc với
mice, are facing risks such as exposure to high levels of phóng xạ

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radiation, genetic modification, or deliberately infected with • genetic modification: sự điều chỉnh về gen
some diseases, leading to risks of cancer and even death. • deliberately infected with some diseases:
bị cố tình lây nhiễm với một số loại bệnh
Their concern and objection also lie in the success rate and • have side effects: có tác dụng phụ
effectiveness of this method. In the United States, many • mass withdrawal: sự thu hồi hàng loạt
people oppose this type of experiment because they witness • contracted in humans: mắc bệnh ở người
an estimated 50-60 million laboratory animals being killed
each year for research purposes. Some research drugs have
many side effects on humans and have experienced mass

Finally, many diseases are contracted in humans but not

in animals. Therefore, even if there is effective research on
animals, it may not necessarily be suitable for humans.

Animal testing is necessary for discovering life-saving drugs and studying complex diseases with no alternatives.
Animals' biological structure aids research before involving humans in the final stages. However, opponents argue it
violates animal rights, has ethical concerns, and may not accurately represent human reactions.

Historically discovered many life-saving drugs

BENEFITS No alternatives for complex studies

Human-final stage


Morally wrong

DRAWBACKS Success rate and effectiveness

Contracted in humans but not in animals

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Animal zoos
The zoo we know of today has been prevalent since the 18th century. Some zoos are popular because they bring many
benefits to both humans and animals. However, many zoos also instill fear in humans due to the actions that take
place within them. Regardless of the era, zoos always have their pros and cons.


First of all, zoos can preserve endangered animals by keeping • poachers: kẻ săn trộm
them safe from poachers and other threats, such as habitat • habitat destruction: sự phá huỷ môi
destruction and the spread of urbanisation. Specifically, trường sống
zoos often participate in conservation programs that aim to • urbanisation: sự bành trướng đô thị
breed endangered animals in captivity and then reintroduce • endangered animals: các động vật có
them back into their natural habitats to help stabilize their nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng
populations. This is especially important for species that are • breed in captivity: nhân giống trong điều
critically endangered and facing extinction. kiện nuôi nhốt
• reintroduce into their natural habitats:
Moreover, zoos also provide medical care and treatment for thả về lại môi trường sống tự nhiên
animals that may not receive proper care in the wild. In some • stabilize populations: ổn định dân số
cases, animals may have injuries or illnesses that make it • provide medical care and treatment: cung
difficult for them to survive in their natural habitat. In such cấp chăm sóc và chữa trị y tế
cases, zoos can provide a sanctuary for these animals to • receive proper care in the wild: không
recover and receive the medical attention they need. Zoos nhận được sự chăm sóc phù hợp trong
also have veterinary staff who can provide specialized care môi trường tự nhiên
for animals that may not be available in the wild. • veterinary staff: nhân viên thú y
• ecology: hệ sinh thái
Furthermore, zoos provide educational opportunities for
visitors to learn about animals they may have never seen
before. Many zoos offer guided tours, informational displays,
and interactive exhibits that educate visitors about different
species and their habitats. This helps to raise awareness and

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educate the public about the importance of conservation
and environmental protection. Additionally, zoos can also
contribute to scientific research by providing opportunities for
researchers to study animal behavior, genetics, and ecology
in a controlled environment.


• Abuse and exploitation: Some zoos take advantage of their • abuse and exploitation: sự lạm dụng và
role as animal caretakers to exploit and abuse animals for bóc lột
entertainment purposes. This can include forcing animals • perform tricks: biểu diễn xiếc
to perform tricks or live in inadequate living conditions. • live in inadequate living conditions: sống
These practices are unethical and can harm the physical trong điều kiện thiếu thốn
and mental health of animals. • roam and hunt: đi lang thang và săn mồi
• Unsuitable for all species: Not all animals are suited for • aggression: sự hiếu chiến
captive environments, and keeping them in zoos can be • hold small numbers: chứa được số
detrimental to their well-being. For example, large animals lượng nhỏ
such as elephants and big cats need a lot of space to roam • protect the large majority of species: bảo
and hunt, and being confined to a small enclosure can lead vệ được phần lớn các loài
to stress and aggression. • display common or popular species: tập
• Hold small numbers of animals: zoos can only hold small trung vào những loài thông dụng hoặc
numbers of animals and therefore cannot protect the được yêu thích
large majority of species from being hunted or their • biodiversity: đa dạng sinh học
habitats from being destroyed. Therefore, each government
should create and fund conservation programs that help
to stop the destruction of the habitats of endangered
species so that animals can live in their natural state rather
than be locked up in cages for their entire life.
• Limited educational value: While some zoos can offer
valuable educational opportunities, many focus on
displaying common or popular species that may not offer
much in terms of education or conservation efforts. This
can lead to a limited understanding of biodiversity and
can give the false belief that only certain animals are
worth conserving.

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Zoos preserve endangered animals, provide medical care, and offer educational opportunities. They breed and rein-
troduce species, protect from poaching and habitat destruction, and contribute to scientific research. However, some
zoos engage in abuse and exploitation, confining animals to inadequate conditions. Unsuitable for certain species,
zoos limit educational value and cannot protect the majority of species.

Help stabilize their populations

BENEFITS Provide medical care and treatment

Educational opportunities


Abuse and exploitation

Unsuitable for all species

Hold small numbers

Limited educational value

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Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.

1.1. Mind map about the drawbacks of using animals for testing medicines and new products

Animal testing Drawbacks

1.2. Some people say that it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use. Others,
however, think it is cruel and unnecessary. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
There are two major reasons why some people oppose the idea of using animals for medical experiments.

2.1. Mind map about the benefits of using animals for testing medicines and new products

Animal testing Benefits

2.2. Some people say that it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use. Others,
however, think it is cruel and unnecessary. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Despite the above mentioned disadvantages, in my opinion, animal testing is necessary.

3.1. Mind map about the benefits of zoos

Zoos Benefits

3.2. Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down. Others however believe that zoos can be
useful in protecting wild animals. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.

On the one hand, many people feel that zoos are useful in some regards.

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4.1. Mind map about the drawbacks of zoos

Zoos Drawbacks

4.2. Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down. Others however believe that zoos can be
useful in protecting wild animals. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.

However, while the aforementioned ideas may be true to a certain extent, I believe that zoos are unnecessary for the
following reasons.

Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases

2.1. Animal testing

participate in the final genetic modification have a biological and genetic

stages of testing structure similar to humans

exposure to high levels have their own rights many side effects on humans
of radiation

contracted in humans but historically discovered many no alternatives for complex

not in animals life-saving drugs studies

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2.2. Zoos

habitat destruction educational abuse and have veterinary staff

opportunities exploitation

forced to help stabilize their study animal limited educational

perform tricks populations behavior, genetics, value
and ecology

hold small numbers reintroduce to a lot of space to limited understanding

the wild roam and hunt of biodiversity

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Practice 1:
1.1. Mind map about the drawbacks of using animals for testing medicines and new products

1.2. There are two major reasons why some people oppose the idea of using animals for medical experiments. Firstly,
they believe that animals also have their own rights, and humans do not have the right to experiment with products
or experiments that pose a risk to the lives of these animals. Every year, many animals are subjected to medical
experimentation and have to suffer physical pain such as exposure to high levels of radiation, genetic modification, or
deliberately infected with some diseases. Additionally, their concern and objection also lie in the effectiveness of this
method. Many diseases are contracted in humans but not in animals. One example is human-specific viruses such
as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). These viruses have evolved to specifically infect human cells and cannot
infect other animals, which makes it difficult to develop animal models for studying and testing treatments for these
diseases. Therefore, even if there is effective research on animals, it may not necessarily be potent for humans.

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The design of housing and buildings holds immense importance in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing
spaces. From residential homes to commercial structures, thoughtful design considerations can enhance livability,
efficiency, and overall user experience and the overall community. In this chapter, learners will discover the importance
of function and appearance of a structure, the benefits and drawbacks of two kinds of city- horizontal and vertical
cities, and how the uniformity or uniqueness contribute to the city landscape and other aspects.

Function and Appearance

HOUSING-BUILDING Horizontal and vertical cities

Uniformity and Uniqueness

Function or Appearance

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On the one hand, the intended use of a building is very • determine related factors: quyết định
important as it will determine many related factors such as những yếu tố liên quan
layout, building materials, and safety procedures. • layout: bố cục
• Layout: An office will require individual workspaces, known • materials: chất liệu
as cubicles, or a coworking space depending on the • safety standards: quy chuẩn an toàn
organizational culture. Besides, functional rooms such as
meeting rooms, restrooms, and dining rooms added to
meet the needs of the company are considered based on
the intended use. For example, a hospital needs patient
rooms, examination rooms, reception areas, etc.
• Materials: A traditional Vietnamese stilt house will require
wood materials to reflect the historical and cultural values
of a certain period. A residential apartment building will be
made of reinforced concrete to ensure safety and stability.
• Safety standards: when designing a building, the intended
use will determine the installation of electrical wiring, fire
exits and equipment, and emergency equipment placement
and design.


Moreover, a well-equipped building that serves its intended • improve the quality of life: cải thiện chất
purpose will improve the quality of life of occupants. It helps lượng cuộc sống
to use energy more efficiently by utilizing available resources • use energy more efficiently: sử dụng
such as natural lighting or air circulation. This has a great năng lượng hiệu quả hơn
impact on the mood and health of building users. • natural lighting: ánh sáng tự nhiên
• air circulation: sự lưu thông không khí
Lastly, It provides appropriate spaces and facilities that
support the activities and tasks performed within it. For • enhance work performance: nâng cao
example, a well-designed office building may have ergonomic hiệu suất công việc
workstations, meeting rooms, collaboration spaces, and • support the activities and tasks performed
amenities like a cafeteria or fitness center. Such functionality within: hỗ trợ cho các hoạt động được
improves efficiency, promotes collaboration, and facilitates thực hiện bên trong tòa nhà
smooth workflow, thereby enhancing work performance.

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On the other hand, appearance plays an equally important role • appearance: vẻ bề ngoài
in a building. • break the monotony: phá vỡ sự đơn điệu
• create a more vibrant and interesting
A building that is visually pleasing can help to make a city more cityscape: tạo ra quang cảnh thành phố
attractive, and break the monotony of concrete buildings. This sôi động và thú vị
can help to create a more vibrant and interesting cityscape, • appealing to both residents and tourists:
which can be appealing to both residents and tourists alike. thu hút dân địa phương và khách du lịch
• iconic landmarks and tourist attractions:
In addition to making a city more attractive, buildings with các địa danh mang tính biểu tượng và địa
unique and eye-catching architecture can become iconic điểm du lịch
landmarks and tourist attractions. These types of buildings • impact on the local economy: ảnh hưởng
can have a positive impact on the local economy by attracting nền kinh tế địa phương
visitors, creating jobs, and generating revenue. For example, • increase its own property value: tăng giá
Landmark 81 in Vietnam has become a popular tourist trị tài sản
attraction, with its distinctive design and impressive height • higher demand and higher prices: nhu
drawing visitors from all over the world. cầu và giá tiền tăng
• more income for the owner: nhiều thu
Finally, an aesthetically pleasing building can also increase nhập hơn cho chủ toà nhà
its own property value. Buildings that are well-designed and
visually appealing are generally more desirable, which can
translate into higher demand and higher prices. This can
be beneficial for property owners, who can see an increase
in the value of their investment over time. Additionally, an
aesthetically pleasing building can help to attract more
tenants, which can generate more income for the owner.

However, the one is not necessarily more important than the other. These two factors can be developed at the same
time when constructing a building. The important thing is that the investor should consider which aspect is more
important to them at the present time in order to make the right decisions.

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The intended use of a building determines layout, materials, and safety standards. It improves quality of life, energy
efficiency, and work performance by providing suitable spaces and facilities while a visually pleasing building en-
hances city aesthetics, attracts tourists, and becomes a landmark. It increases property value, demand, and income
for owners.

Determine many factors

FUNCTION Improve the quality of life

Enhance work performance


Break the monotomy of concrete buildings

APPEARANCE Iconic landmarks and tourist attractions

Increase its own property value

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Horizontal vs vertical cities: which is better?
Advances in science, technology, and healthcare help people live longer and have healthier lives. However, this raises
concerns about overpopulation. As the population increases, so does the demand for living space. To address a lack
of accommodation in cities, the concept of vertical cities with high-rise buildings emerged. However, in some parts
of the world, some people support horizontal cities. Each type of city planning will be suitable for the characteristics
of each city.


Horizontal cities tend to prioritize creating public spaces • public/ community-oriented spaces:
for social interaction, such as parks, public squares, and không gian cộng đồng
pedestrian zones. These spaces often serve as gathering • social cohesion: sự gắn kết
places for people of all ages and backgrounds, promoting • prioritize private spaces: ưu tiên không
social cohesion and a sense of community. In horizontal gian riêng tư
cities, the emphasis on community-oriented spaces can also • a sense of exclusivity: sự riêng tư
encourage people to participate in public life and take an • weakened sense of community: sự gắn
active role in shaping their communities. kết cộng động yếu

On the other hand, vertical cities often lack community-oriented

spaces due to the limited availability of land. Instead, vertical
cities may prioritize private spaces within high-rise buildings,
such as pools, gyms, and lounges, to provide residents with
amenities that promote a sense of exclusivity. This can result
in a lack of public spaces for social interaction and a weakened
sense of community among residents.

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In terms of economy, vertical cities can be more economically • accommodate large numbers of people:
efficient due to their ability to accommodate large numbers đáp ứng cho lượng người lớn
of people in a small space.Thus, A vertical city can better • optimize the land use: tối ưu việc sử
optimize the land use. Specifically, high-rise buildings can dụng đất
also provide a significant amount of commercial space, • more land for other purposes: có nhiều
which can attract businesses and create job opportunities đất cho những mục đích khác
for residents. Then, more land can be available for other • crops: các vụ mùa
purposes, such as cultivating crops to meet the growing food • expand streets: mở rộng đường xá
demands or expanding streets to alleviate traffic congestion, • create walkable communities: tạo ra cộng
which enables dwellers to access better public transportation, đồng đi bộ
reduce commuting times and increase productivity. • diverse commercial spaces: không gian
thương mại đa dạng
However, horizontal cities can also be efficient by creating
walkable communities that reduce the need for cars.
Horizontal cities can also offer more diverse commercial
spaces, such as street-level storefronts and outdoor markets,
that promote local business activity.

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Horizontal cities make it easy for emergency vehicles to • emergency vehicles to navigate: các
navigate through the sprawling urban areas, which can help phương tiện dễ dàng đi vào khu gặp nạn
public safety services to respond quickly to emergencies. • respond quickly to emergencies: giải
Moreover, in horizontal cities, residents often know each other quyết nhanh các trường hợp khẩn cấp
better, leading to increased community engagement, which • know each other better: biết nhau rõ hơn
can help prevent and deter criminal activity. Studies have also • community engagement: sự gắn kết về
shown that horizontal cities tend to have lower crime rates cộng đồng
compared to vertical cities, which can contribute to a safer • prevent and deter criminal activity: ngăn
overall environment. However, with low population density, ngừa và giảm hành vi phạm tội
horizontal cities may not have enough residents to support • low population density: mật độ dân số thấp
robust public safety services, leading to slower response • slower response times: thời gian phản hồi
times and lower levels of safety. thấp hơn
• strict fire safety measures: biện pháp
On the other hand, high-rise buildings in vertical cities phòng cháy chữa cháy nghiêm ngặt
are required to have strict fire safety measures in place, • sprinkler systems: hệ thống phun nước
including sprinkler systems, fire-resistant materials, and • fire-resistant materials: vật liệu chống cháy
other equipment, which can reduce the risk of fire-related • street-level crime: các tội phạm đường phố
injuries and deaths. Also, living in a high-rise building can • evacuate: di tản
reduce exposure to street-level crime, such as muggings • constant maintenance and inspection:
or car theft, since these crimes are less likely to occur on bảo trì và thanh tra liên tục
upper floors. Nevertheless, high population density in vertical • elevators: thang máy
cities can lead to overcrowding, which can increase the risk
of crime and make it more difficult to evacuate in the event
of an emergency. Furthermore, tall buildings in vertical cities
require constant maintenance and inspection to ensure their
structural integrity, and a failure in any part of the building's

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infrastructure can have catastrophic consequences. Finally,
high-rise buildings in vertical cities rely heavily on elevators,
which can be a safety concern in the event of a power outage
or elevator malfunction.


Vertical cities require less land per capita, which allows • compact design: thiết kế nhỏ gọn
for the conservation of natural habitats. They can also be • high-performance building systems: hệ
more energy-efficient due to their compact design and thống toà nhà hiệu suất cao
use of high-performance building systems. However, the • dispersed layout: kết cấu phân tán
construction of tall buildings in vertical cities can have a
significant environmental impact, including the depletion of
natural resources and the emission of greenhouse gases.
Specifically, the higher population density in vertical cities
can lead to increased air pollution, waste generation, and
water consumption, as well as a higher demand for energy for
heating, cooling, and transportation.

In contrast, horizontal cities require more land to accommodate

the same number of people, which can result in deforestation
and the loss of habitats for wildlife. Moreover, the dispersed
layout of horizontal cities can result in a higher demand for
energy for transportation and heating/cooling buildings.
However, horizontal cities may have more green spaces and
wildlife habitats, which can support biodiversity and improve
air quality.

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Horizontal cities prioritize public spaces, promoting social cohesion. Vertical cities optimize land use, attract businesses,
but lack community spaces. Horizontal cities have lower crime rates but may lack safety services. Vertical cities have
fire safety measures but face risks of overcrowding and power outage. Vertical cities conserve land but contribute to
pollution. Horizontal cities have green spaces but require more land and energy.






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Uniformity or Uniqueness
Uniformity and uniqueness are two important factors that greatly affect the characteristics and identity of a city.
Although both have advantages and disadvantages, a proper balance between them is crucial in creating a vibrant city
that people want to live, work, and play in.


Cities that promote uniformity can have several advantages. • uniformity: sự đồng bộ
• well-organized: gọn gàng
One major advantage is that they tend to be well-organized • building codes: quy chuẩn xây dựng
and efficient. This is because a uniform city is easier to plan • zoning regulations: phân vùng
and develop, with consistent building codes and zoning • navigate: định vị
regulations that make it simpler to design and construct new • a consistent and pleasing appearance: bề
buildings and infrastructure. As a result, these cities may have ngoài đồng nhất và dễ nhìn
a more coherent and logical layout that can make it easier for • a sense of order and stability: sự trật tự
residents and visitors to navigate and get around. và ổn định
• a positive first impression: ấn tượng đầu
A uniform city can also be visually appealing, with a consistent tiên tích cực
and pleasing appearance that creates a sense of order and • instill a sense of trust and confidence:
stability. This can be particularly important for attracting thúc đẩy sự tin tưởng và tự tin
tourists and businesses, as a well-designed and consistent • a sense of unity and common identity:
city can create a positive first impression and instill a sense cảm giác thống nhất và bản sắc chung
of trust and confidence in its residents and visitors. • bridge cultural and social differences: kết
nối những sự khác biệt về văn hoá và xã hội
Moreover, uniformity can promote a sense of unity and • monotonous and dull: một màu và
common identity among residents. This can be especially nhàm chán
important in large cities, where people may come from diverse • lack the vibrancy and diversity: thiếu sự
backgrounds and have different beliefs and values. By creating sống động và sự đa dạng
a shared sense of identity, a uniform city can help to bridge • lack character: thiếu cá tính
cultural and social differences, promoting social harmony and

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a sense of belonging.

However, there are also some disadvantages to promoting

uniformity in cities.

One potential drawback is that a uniform city can be

monotonous and dull, with little variation in street life or
cultural expression. This can create an environment that lacks
the vibrancy and diversity that can make a city truly interesting
and engaging.

Additionally, a uniform city may be seen as lacking character,

making it less distinctive and memorable than a city with more
diverse architecture and design.


A city that focuses on promoting architectural diversity in its • a visually interesting and attractive
housing can have several advantages. environment: không gian đẹp mắt và thú vị
• distinctive and memorable architecture:
For one, it can create a visually interesting and attractive kiến trúc khác biệt và đáng nhớ
environment, with a range of unique and eye-catching • cater to different lifestyles and preferences:
buildings that make the city stand out. This can make the city phục vụ cho các lối sống và sở thích
a more appealing place to live, work, and visit, as people are khác nhau
often drawn to places with distinctive and memorable • a sense of social fragmentation: sự phân
architecture. Take Hoi An, Vietnam as an example. This small mảnh xã hội
city in central Vietnam is famous for its well-preserved Ancient
Town, which features a unique mix of Chinese, Japanese,
and Vietnamese architecture. The city's historic houses
and temples are known for their colorful facades, intricate
carvings, and ornate decorations.

Moreover, a diverse range of housing options can cater to

different lifestyles and preferences, accommodating a wider

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range of residents and potentially contributing to a more
inclusive and diverse community. Amsterdam, for example,
has a mix of traditional row houses, modern apartments,
and floating homes that cater to different lifestyles and
preferences. For example, the row houses are typically narrow
and tall, designed to fit into the city's small and densely
populated streets, while the modern apartments offer a more
spacious and contemporary living environment. The floating
homes, on the other hand, provide a unique and alternative
housing option for those who prefer to live on the water. By
offering a variety of housing options, Amsterdam has created a
more inclusive and diverse community that can accommodate
residents with different needs and preferences.

However, there are also some potential disadvantages to

promoting architectural diversity in housing.

First, it can be more challenging to plan and develop a city with

a wide range of housing styles, as it requires more attention
to detail and potentially more complex zoning and building
regulations. This can make it more difficult and costly to
build new homes or renovate existing ones, potentially limiting
the supply of affordable housing. In Hong Kong, many older
buildings in the city have fallen into disrepair due to a lack of
maintenance and renovation, posing safety risks for residents.
The city's diverse range of architectural styles, which includes
everything from traditional Chinese-style buildings to modern
high-rises, can make it more challenging to maintain and
repair these buildings, potentially leading to higher costs and
safety concerns.

Additionally, a city with too much architectural diversity can

lack coherence and unity, making it harder to develop a clear
sense of community identity and potentially contributing to
a sense of social fragmentation. In Mumbai, India, the city is
known for its mix of old and new architecture, with colonial-era
buildings and modern skyscrapers coexisting side-by-side.
While this diversity can be visually interesting, it has also been
criticized for lacking coherence and contributing to a sense of
chaos and disorder.

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Uniform cities are well-organized and visually appealing, promoting efficiency, trust, and unity. However, they can lack
diversity and character, resulting in a monotonous environment. Meanwhile, promoting architectural diversity in housing
creates an attractive environment with unique buildings, but it can be challenging to plan and maintain, potentially leading
to higher costs and a lack of community coherence.









Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.

1.1. Mind map about the roles of the appearance of building design

Break the monotony of concrete buildings

Apperance Iconic landmarks and tourist attractions

Increase its own property value

1.2. When designing a building, the function is normally more important than the outward appearance. Do you
agree or disagree with this idea?
On the one hand, it cannot be denied that a magnificent looking structure can bring a wide range of benefits that
should be taken into consideration.

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2.1. Mind map about benefits and drawbacks of the uniformity of house styles.

Well-organized and efficient

Advantages Visually appealing
A sense of unity and common identity
Monotonous and dull
Lacking character

2.2. Some people think that newly built houses should follow the style of old houses in local areas. Others think that
people should have freedom to build houses of their own style. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
On the one hand, there are some reasons why all buildings in a particular area should have the same style.

3.1. Mind map about benefits and drawbacks of vertical cities

Safety Society

Environment Economy

3.2. Some people think that it is best to live in a horizontal city while others think of a vertical city. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
A vertical city can better optimize the land use because land on earth will not grow any bigger, while the human pop-
ulation is ever-increasing.

Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases

2.1. Function or Appearance

enhance work performance break the monotony of safety standards

concrete buildings

impact on the local economy layout use energy more efficiently

materials increase its own property value

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2.2. Vertical and horizontal cities

expanding streets create walkable a weakened sense of a weakened sense

communities community of community

respond quickly to more land for increased community promote local

emergencies other purposes engagement business activity

lack community-oriented difficult to evacuate rely heavily conservation of

spaces on elevators natural habitats

reliance on large compact design have strict fire deforestation

amounts of energy safety measures

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2.3. Uniformity and uniqueness

monotonous and dull create a sense of order bridge cultural and

and stability social differences

more complex zoning and a visually interesting and lack coherence and unity
building regulations attractive environment

well-organized and efficient a sense of social fragmentation cater for different lifestyles
and preferences

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Practice 1:
1.1. Mind map about the roles of the appearance of building design

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The world's population is growing at an overwhelming rate, and the global economy is becoming more industrialized
than ever before. As a result, more and more people are moving to cities in search of greater opportunities. This
process is known as urbanization. Moreover, as the population in cities becomes increasingly crowded, there is still
a great demand for people living and working in rural areas to move to the city. This has given rise to a second type
of urbanization, known as urban sprawl, the widespread development of urban areas on undeveloped land near the
city. Chapter 15 will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of cities and urban areas, from which learners can
understand why urbanization or urban sprawl is necessary. In addition, this chapter provides some solutions to one
of the most pressing issues in urban areas: transportation.

City life and rural life

URBANIZATION Means of transport in cities

Solutions for traffic problems in cities

Comparison: city life and rural life

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City life offers many benefits to individuals, including: • the concentration of companies: sự tập
trung của các công ty
Job opportunities • career advancement: sự thăng tiến trong
One of the main advantages of living in a city is the công việc
concentration of companies and job opportunities available. • higher salaries: lương cao hơn
With many businesses operating in close proximity, city • better benefits and perks: phúc lợi và đặc
residents have access to many employment options, which quyền cao hơn
can lead to career advancement, higher salaries, and better • better facilities and services: cơ sở vật
benefits and perks. For example, New York City is known for chất và dịch vụ tốt hơn
its concentration of financial companies, which offer well- • prestigious schools and universities: các
paying jobs and opportunities for career growth in the finance ngôi trường và đại học danh giá
industry. Similarly, San Francisco is home to many high- • well-equipped teaching equipment and

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tech companies, which provide employment opportunities devices: trang thiết bị dạy học hiện đại
for people with specialized skills in areas such as software • well-qualified teaching staff: giáo viên
engineering and data analysis. chuyên môn cao
• eating and entertaining options: các lựa
Better facilities and services chọn ăn uống và giải trí
Cities tend to offer better facilities and services than rural • larger and more advanced medical
areas, which can lead to a higher quality of life for residents. facilities: cơ sở vật chất y tế rộng rãi và
In terms of education, cities often have prestigious schools tiên tiến hơn
and universities, with well-equipped teaching equipment • more specialist doctors: nhiều chuyên gia
and devices, and well-qualified teaching staff. For example, bác sĩ hơn
Boston is home to some of the best universities in the world, • greater mobility and freedom: sự tự do và
such as Harvard and MIT, which attract students from all over di chuyển tốt hơn
the globe. • broaden individuals' horizons: mở mang
đầu óc
Cities also offer a wide variety of eating and entertaining
options, including cinemas, sports facilities, shopping centers,
and restaurants. For example, Los Angeles has a thriving food
scene, with a wide range of restaurants serving cuisine from
around the world.

Moreover, cities have better healthcare access because they

typically have larger and more advanced medical facilities.
Cities often have multiple hospitals, medical centers, and
clinics, each with a range of medical services and specialties.
For example, in New York City, there are over 70 hospitals and
numerous medical centers, providing access to a wide range
of medical care. This means that city residents have more
options for medical care and are more likely to be able to find
a provider who can meet their specific healthcare needs. Also,
they tend to have more specialist doctors. Specialist doctors,
such as cardiologists, oncologists, and neurologists, require
advanced medical training and expertise to treat complex
conditions. In cities, there are often more opportunities for
specialist doctors to practice and collaborate with other
medical professionals. This means that city residents have
greater access to specialized care if needed.

Convenient transport
Public transportation in cities tends to be more advanced and
accessible than in rural areas, making it easier for individuals to
get around. This can lead to greater mobility and freedom, and
can make it easier for individuals to access job opportunities,
education, and entertainment. For example, London has an
extensive public transportation system, including the famous
"Tube" subway system, which allows residents to quickly and
easily travel throughout the city.

Diverse culture
Cities tend to be more diverse than rural areas, with people

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from different backgrounds living and working. This can lead
to exposure to different cultures, customs, and perspectives,
which can broaden individuals' horizons. For example,
Toronto is known for its diverse population, with people from
all over the world living and working in the city. This has led
to a rich cultural scene, with festivals, museums, and events
celebrating different cultures and traditions.


Diverse and highly educated workforces • diverse and highly educated workforces:
One of the main advantages is the access to a large pool nguồn nhân lực đa dạng và chất lượng cao
of talent. Cities are home to diverse and highly educated • proximity to suppliers and customers:
workforces, which can be invaluable for companies looking to gần với nhà cung cấp và khách hàng
recruit top talent. The high concentration of skilled workers • reduce transport time and costs: giảm
also means that companies have access to a range of different thời gian và chi phí vận chuyển
skill sets and can benefit from the expertise of specialists in • large storage spaces: kho chứa lớn
their fields. • receive their orders: nhận hàng
• modern infrastructure and amenities: cơ
Proximity to suppliers and customers sở hạ tầng và vật chất hiện đại
Proximity to suppliers and customers is another significant • transport systems: hệ thống giao thông
advantage of city life. Being located in a city reduces transport • communication networks: mạng lưới
time and costs, as shipping routes are shorter and deliveries viễn thông
can be made more frequently. This reduces the need for large • utility services: tiện ích công cộng
storage spaces and makes it more convenient for customers to • brand visibility: sự nhận diện thương hiệu
receive their orders, which can increase customer satisfaction • noticed by potential customers: được
and loyalty. khách hàng tiềm năng chú ý
• the vibrancy of urban living: sự sôi động
Modern infrastructure and amenities của cuộc sống thành thị
The infrastructure and amenities provided by cities, such as
transport systems, communication networks, and utility
services, also make it easier for companies to conduct
business and reach their customers.

Brand visibility
The high visibility of city life means that companies are more
likely to be noticed by potential customers, and can benefit
from being associated with the vibrancy and excitement of
urban living.

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While city life offers many benefits, there are also several • exhaust fumes from vehicles: khí thải từ
drawbacks that can impact individuals' quality of life. xe cộ
These include: • smoke from factories: khói từ nhà máy
• sewage and waste: nước thải và rác thải
Higher cost of living • higher rates of crime: tỷ lệ tội phạm
One of the most significant drawbacks of living in a city tăng cao
is the higher cost of living. This includes expenses such as • social and economic inequality: bất bình
accommodation, utilities, and food, which can put a financial đẳng về xã hội và kinh tế
burden on individuals and families. For example, San Francisco
is known for its high cost of living, with average rent prices for
a one-bedroom apartment exceeding $3,500 per month. This
can make it difficult for individuals and families to afford basic
necessities, such as housing and food.

Traffic congestion
City life is often worsened by traffic congestion, which can
make it difficult for individuals to get around and can lead to
increased stress and frustration. This can also contribute
to air pollution and carbon emissions, which can impact the
environment and public health. For example, Los Angeles is
notorious for its traffic congestion, with commuters spending

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an average of 119 hours per year stuck in traffic. This can lead
to reduced productivity and a lower quality of life for individuals.

Cities are often associated with high levels of pollution,
including exhaust fumes from vehicles, smoke from factories,
and sewage and waste. This can impact individuals' health,
contributing to respiratory problems, heart disease, and other
health issues. For example, Beijing is known for its severe air
pollution, which can lead to increased rates of lung cancer and
other respiratory illnesses. This can be especially harmful to
vulnerable populations, such as children and the elderly.

Cities can also be associated with higher rates of crime, which
can impact individuals' safety and sense of security. This can be
related to social and economic inequality, as well as access
to products and services. For example, Detroit has one of the
highest crime rates in the United States, with a high incidence
of violent crime such as robbery and assault. This can lead to a
sense of insecurity among residents and impact their daily lives.

Less natural space

Finally, cities tend to have less natural space than rural areas,
which can limit individuals' access to green space and outdoor
recreation. This can impact mental health and overall quality
of life. For example, Tokyo is known for its lack of green space,
with just 3.3 square meters of park space per person. This can
lead to increased stress and a reduced quality of life for residents.


Financial strain • a financial strain: áp lực tài chính
One of the main challenges is the higher operating costs, which • fiercer competition: sự canh tranh gay gắt
can be a financial strain for many companies. Rent and utility
costs are typically higher in urbanareas, which can make it difficult
for small companies to compete with larger corporations.

Fiercer competition
Increased competition is another challenge that companies
face in the city. Hubs of industries in urban areas mean that
there are often many companies competing for the same
market share. This can be particularly challenging for small
businesses, which may struggle to compete with larger
corporations that have more resources and brand recognition.

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Living costs • make ends meet: kiếm đủ tiền để duy trì
One of the most significant advantages of living in rural areas is cuộc sống
the lower cost of living. The price of goods and services in rural • exposure to outdoor spaces and nature:
areas is often lower than in urban areas, which makes it easier for tiếp xúc với không gian bên ngoài và không
people to make ends meet. For example, the cost of rent in rural gian xanh
areas is generally much lower than in cities.

Exposure to outdoor spaces and nature

Rural areas provide plenty of opportunities for people to enjoy
outdoor activities and connect with nature. Residents can easily
find places to hike, fish, hunt, and camp. Exposure to outdoor
space and nature has been shown to have numerous health
benefits, including reducing stress levels and improving overall
well-being. For instance, a study published in the Journal of
Environmental Psychology found that participants who spent
time in nature experienced significant reductions in stress levels
compared to those who spent time in urban environments.

Less noise and pollution

Living in rural areas can also provide residents with a quieter
and cleaner environment. In contrast to the constant noise
and air pollution of urban areas, rural areas tend to have more
peaceful and natural surroundings. This can be especially
beneficial for those who are sensitive to noise or have
respiratory issues. For example, in rural areas, people may hear
birds chirping or the sound of a nearby stream, rather than the
constant hum of traffic and construction in urban areas. This
can create a more relaxing and calming environment that can
improve mental health and well-being. In terms of pollution,
rural areas generally have cleaner air and water than urban
areas. This is because there are fewer factories and vehicles
emitting pollutants, and the natural environment can help to
purify the air and water.

Sense of Community
Rural areas are known for their tight-knit communities, where
people often know each other and immediately help people who

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are in need. In small towns, for example, residents frequently
volunteer at local events and support local businesses. This
sense of community is often absent in urban areas, where
people are more likely to lead isolated and disconnected lives.
The close-knit communities in rural areas also provide a sense
of security and belonging for residents.


Limitations in diversity and career advancement • career diversity and advancement: sự đa
Living in a rural area can mean limited opportunities for career dạng và thăng tiến trong công việc
advancement and less diversity in job options. This is because • dependence on cars or other transport:
there are typically fewer businesses and industries in rural phụ thuộc vào xe ô tô và các phương
areas, and those that do exist may not offer the same level of tiện khác
professional development opportunities as larger companies
in urban areas. For example, someone who wants to pursue a
career in tech or finance may find it difficult to do so in a rural
area where those industries are not as prevalent.

Limited access to modern facilities

Rural areas may not have the same access to modern facilities
and amenities that urban areas do. This can include healthcare
services, education, entertainment options, and more. For
example, a rural community may have limited access to
specialized medical care or higher education institutions,
which could make it more difficult for individuals in those
areas to pursue certain career paths or receive necessary
medical treatments.

Less diverse and convenient lifestyles

Due to the limited access to modern facilities and amenities,
rural areas may offer less diverse and convenient lifestyles than
urban areas. This can include fewer dining and entertainment
options, less cultural diversity, and a potentially more limited
social scene. However, some people may prefer the slower
pace and more close-knit community of rural living, and may
not mind sacrificing some convenience in exchange for a more
peaceful and simple lifestyle.

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Dependence on cars or other transport
In rural areas, people usually have to rely on cars or other
forms of transportation to get around, as public transportation
is often limited or nonexistent. This reliance on personal
vehicles can lead to higher emissions and contribute to
environmental problems such as air pollution and climate
change. Additionally, the lack of public transportation options
can also create difficulties for those who don't have access to
a car, such as the elderly, people with disabilities, or those with
low incomes. They may struggle to access essential services
or find it challenging to get around for daily activities.

On the one hand, living in a city offers individuals various benefits, including job opportunities, better facilities and
services, convenient transport, and exposure to diverse cultures. However, there are drawbacks such as a higher cost
of living, traffic congestion, pollution, higher rates of crime, and limited natural space. Meanwhile, city life can offer
many benefits for companies, such as access to a diverse and highly educated workforce, proximity to suppliers and
customers, and infrastructure and amenities. However, there are also challenges, such as higher operating costs and
increased competition.On the other hand, living in rural areas offers lower living costs, exposure to nature, a sense of
community, but limited career options, access to modern facilities, and dependence on personal transport.

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Job opportunities
Better facilities and services
Convenient transport
Diverse culture

Benefits Diverse and highly educated

Proximity to suppliers
and customers
Modern infrastructure
and amenities
Brand visibility

Higher cost of living

Traffic congestion
Individuals Pollution
Drawbacks Less natural space
CITY LIFE- Financial strain
RURAL LIFE Companies
Fiercer competition

Lower cost of living

Exposure to outdoor spaces and nature
Less noise and pollution
Sense of Community

Limitations in diversity and
career advancement
Limited access to modern facilities
Less diverse and convenient lifestyles
Dependence on cars or other transport

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The choices of means of transport in cities


Cost-effective • cost-effective mode: phương tiện hiệu
Bikes are a cost-effective mode of transportation. Once quả về mặt chi phí
you've purchased a bike, there are no additional costs for fuel, • fossile fuel: nhiên liệu hoá thạch
insurance. This makes them an excellent choice for those who • insurance: bảo hiểm
want to save money on transportation costs.

Environmentally friendly mode

Additionally, bikes are environmentally friendly, producing • environmentally friendly mode: phương
no emissions and requiring no fossil fuels to operate. This tiện thân thiện với môi trường
means they contribute less to air pollution and global warming
than cars or public transport. For example, in Amsterdam, the
extensive network of bike lanes and the bike-sharing schemes
have led to a decrease in air pollution and greenhouse gas

Promote physical activity and good health

Another benefit of bikes is that they promote physical activity
and good health. Cycling is an excellent form of exercise that
can help people maintain good health and reduce the risk of
chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Cycling also has mental health benefits, such as reducing
stress levels and improving mood. In Copenhagen, the high
level of bike use has been linked to better public health
outcomes, including lower rates of chronic disease and a

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higher life expectancy.

Easy to park and maneuver in traffic

Bikes are also easy to park and maneuver in traffic. They require • park and maneuver: đỗ xe và điều khiển
minimal space to park, and in cities where traffic congestion
is an issue, bikes can be a faster and more efficient way to get
around. Bikes can also be an excellent option for short-distance
travel, such as commuting to work or running errands.

A limited range and speed •
However, a drawback of bikes is that they have a limited range • a limited range and speed: không đa dạng
and speed compared to cars or public transport. This makes về chủng loại và hạn chế về tốc độ
them less suitable for long-distance travel. For example, if • less suitable for long-distance travel:
you live in a rural area and need to travel a long distance to get không phù hợp để di chuyển đường dài
to work, a bike may not be a practical option.

Little protection from the weather

Another potential drawback of bikes is that they offer little • little protection from the weather: ít có sự
protection from the weather. Cyclists can be exposed to rain, bảo vệ khỏi tác động từ môi trường
wind, and extreme temperatures, which can make biking • exposed to rain, wind, and extreme
uncomfortable and even dangerous in some cases. temperatures: tiếp xúc với mưa, gió, và
thời tiết khắc nghiệt
Limited storage space
Bikes also have limited storage space for carrying goods, which • limited storage space: không gian chứa
can be an issue if you need to transport large or heavy items. đồ hạn chế

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Convenience • a sense of privacy and security: cảm giác
Cars provide a lot of convenience, as they allow people to travel riêng tư và bảo mật
long distances comfortably and quickly. They also provide
a sense of privacy and security, as drivers can control their
environment and limit their exposure to weather conditions
and potential safety risks.

Cars are very versatile and can be used for a variety of • versatile: đa năng
purposes, such as commuting to work, running errands, or • status symbol: biểu tượng địa vị
taking road trips. They also offer more storage space than
bikes or public transport, making it easier to transport large
items or a group of passengers.

Personal reflection
For some people, owning a car is a status symbol that • financial success, independence, and
represents financial success, independence, and freedom. It freedom: thành công về tiền bạc, sự độc
can also be a way to express personal style and taste, as there lập và sự tự do
are many different types of cars with various features and • style and taste: phong cách và sở thích
designs. For example, many people buy high-end luxury cars cá nhân
such as a Rolls Royce or a Bentley as a symbol of their wealth
and success. These cars are often customized to the buyer's
preferences, with unique features such as custom paint jobs,
luxurious interiors, and cutting-edge technology.

Cars are often a significant financial investment, not just in the • depreciate in value: giảm giá trị
initial purchase price but also in maintenance, fuel, insurance,
and repairs. They can also depreciate in value quickly, making
them a less-than-ideal long-term investment.

Environmental impact
Cars are a major source of air pollution and greenhouse
gas emissions, which contribute to climate change and
harm public health. They also require significant amounts of
natural resources and energy to produce and maintain, further
depleting the planet's resources.

Traffic congestion
In urban areas, cars can contribute to traffic and congestion, • environmental impact: ảnh hưởng
which can lead to increased travel times, stress, and reduced môi trường
productivity. They can also pose a safety risk to pedestrians • deplete the planet's resources: làm cạn
and cyclists, as well as to other drivers on the road. kiệt nguồn tài nguyên

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Affordability • agility and speed: sự nhanh nhạy và tốc
Motorcycles are often less expensive to purchase and độ chạy
maintain than cars, making them a more affordable mode of • navigate through traffic: điều khiển
transportation. They also tend to use less fuel, which can save giao thông
money in the long run.

Agility and speed

Motorcycles are smaller and more maneuverable than cars,
allowing riders to navigate through traffic and find parking
spaces more easily

Safety concerns
Motorcycles are more vulnerable to accidents and injuries • lack the protective features: thiếu các
than cars, as riders lack the protective features that cars thiết bị bảo vệ
provide, such as airbags and seat belts. • weather-dependent: phụ thuộc vào thời tiết
• limited storage and passenger capacity:
Weather dependence hạn chế về chỗ chứa và số lượng người đi
Riding a motorcycle is more weather-dependent than driving a
car, as riders are exposed to rain, wind, and cold temperatures.
This can limit the use of motorcycles to certain times of the
year or regions with more moderate climates.

Limited storage and passenger capacity

Motorcycles have limited storage space and can only
accommodate one or two passengers, making them less
practical for carrying larger items or transporting groups of
people. This can limit their usefulness for certain types of
trips, such as grocery shopping or family outings.

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Public transport is often cheaper than owning and operating a
car, which can save people a significant amount of money over
time. For example, taking the bus or train to work every day
can be much less expensive than driving and paying for gas,
parking, and maintenance.

Reduced environmental impact

Public transport produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions
than cars, helping to reduce air pollution and mitigate climate
change. For example, a single bus can replace up to 50
cars on the road, which can have a significant impact on
reducing emissions.

Reduced traffic congestion

Public transport can carry a large number of commuters and
then help reduce traffic congestion in urban areas, which can
lead to faster travel times, increased productivity, and reduced
stress for commuters. For example, in cities like New York, the
subway system carries millions of people each day, reducing
the number of cars on the road and easing traffic congestion.


Limited scheduling and route options
Public transport schedules and routes may not always be • limited scheduling and route options: lịch
convenient or flexible enough to meet people's needs. For trình và tuyến đường giới hạn
example, buses or trains may not run frequently enough or may • crowding and discomfort: sự đông đúc và
not go to certain destinations, making it difficult for people to không thoải mái
get where they need to go on time. • safety concerns: lo ngại về vấn đề an toàn

Crowding and discomfort

Public transport can be crowded and uncomfortable, especially

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during peak commuting hours. This can lead to longer travel
times, stress, and discomfort for passengers. For example,
during rush hour, trains and buses can become so crowded
that people have to stand or squeeze into tight spaces.

Safety concerns
Public transport can also pose safety risks, such as accidents,
assaults, or theft. For example, some subway systems have
high crime rates or are poorly lit, making it dangerous for
passengers to travel at night.

Bikes have many benefits, including being cost-effective, environmentally friendly, promoting physical activity, and
being easy to park and maneuver. However, they also have some drawbacks, including limited range and speed,
exposure to weather conditions, and limited storage space. Cars offer convenience and flexibility, and are sometimes
seen as a status symbol, but they can be expensive and have a negative impact on the environment and contribute
to traffic and congestion in urban areas. Motorcycles are affordable and maneuverable. However, they pose safety
concerns, have weather limitations, and have limited storage and passenger capacity. Public transport is affordable
and eco-friendly and reduces traffic congestion. However, it can have limited scheduling and route options, be crowded
and uncomfortable, and pose safety concerns.

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A cost-effective mode
Environmentally friendly mode
Promote physical activity and good health
Easy to park and maneuver in traffic
A limited range and speed
Drawbacks Little protection from the weather
Limited storage space and passenger capacity

Benefits Versatile
Personal reflection

Depreciate in value
Drawbacks Environmental impact

MEANS OF Traffic congestion

Agility and speed

Safety concerns
Drawbacks Weather dependence
Limited storage and passenger capacity

Benefits Reduced environmental impact
Reduced traffic congestion
Limited scheduling and route options
Drawbacks Crowding and discomfort
Safety concerns

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Solutions for traffic problems in cities
Traffic congestion is inevitable in cities, especially in large and mega-cities. The government has been proposing and
implementing many measures such as expanding more road lanes, building more bridges and roads, promoting the
use of public transportation, etc., to minimize this congestion, thereby enhancing traffic safety on the streets. How-
ever, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the specific situation, the government
will apply different measures and combinations.


Increasing the price of petrol can potentially reduce traffic • increase the price of petrol: tăng giá xăng
congestion. This is because higher fuel prices may discourage • discourage people from driving: làm mọi
people from driving, especially if they have cheaper and người không muốn lái xe
available alternative transportation options. For example, if
the price of petrol is high, some people may choose to take
public transportation, bike, or walk instead of driving. These
kinds, which can carry a large number of passengers at once,
can reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

In addition, higher petrol prices may encourage people to

carpool, which can also reduce congestion. Carpooling
involves sharing a ride with others who are going to the
same destination, and this reduces the number of cars on
the road. This can help to alleviate traffic congestion, reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, and save money on fuel costs.

However, such a practice can have some negative impacts • low-income individuals and families: cá
on users. nhân và gia đình thu nhập thấp

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One of the main drawbacks of increasing the price of petrol • the financial means to switch: không có
to reduce traffic congestion is the potential negative impact tiền để chuyển sang phương tiện khác
on low-income individuals and families who rely heavily on • public transit: phương tiện công cộng
personal vehicles for transportation. They may not have • unfair: bất công
the financial means to switch to more cost-saving types • political opposition: sự chống đối về mặt
of transportation or may not have access to public transit chính trị
options. This can lead to a decrease in their mobility and
overall quality of life.

Moreover, increasing the price of petrol can lead to higher

transportation costs for businesses, which may ultimately
result in increased prices for goods and services. For
example, transportation costs are a significant component of
the total cost of production for many businesses. If the cost
of transporting goods increases due to higher fuel prices, the
cost of producing those goods will also increase to maintain
profitability, which can ultimately lead to inflation. This can,
in the long term, potentially impact the overall economy in
several ways.

Finally, there may be resistance from certain groups who feel

that the increased cost of petrol is unfair. For example,
low-income individuals who rely heavily on private
transportation may be disproportionately affected by the
increase in petrol prices. They may have to cut back on other
essential expenses to pay for the increased cost of fuel. Such
resistance can lead to political opposition and may make it
difficult for policymakers to implement such measures


Widening or building more roads is a common measure that • widen or build more roads: mở rộng hoặc
many countries use to address traffic congestion. For example, xây thêm đường
in the United States, the government has allocated billions of • increase the capacity of roads: tăng
dollars to expand highways and build new roads to alleviate sức chứa
congestion. In India, the government has launched a project to • reduce collisions and accidents: giảm sự
build over 80,000 kilometers of roads to improve connectivity va chạm và tai nạn
and reduce congestion.

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The main advantage of this measure is that it increases the
capacity of roads, which means that more vehicles can travel
on them at the same time. This can reduce congestion, as
there is more space for vehicles to move. It can also reduce
collisions and accidents, as drivers have more space to
maneuver and can avoid collisions more easily.

However, increasing road capacity can also lead to an • increase in travel demand: sự tăng về nhu
increase in travel demand. This is because when there is cầu đi lại
more space on the road, more people may choose to drive
instead of using other modes of transportation. This can
ultimately lead to more congestion on the road, as the
increase in capacity may not be enough to accommodate
the increase in travel demand.


TRANSPORTATION OR GREEN VEHICLES • reduce the number of cars: giảm lượng xe
Encouraging people to use public transportation or vehicles lưu thông trên đường
that use green fuel sources can have several benefits. • traditional gasoline vehicles: phương tiện
chạy bằng xăng truyền thống
Reducing the number of cars on the road
When more people use public transportation, it can decrease
the number of cars and private vehicles on the road, which
can help alleviate traffic congestion. For example, in cities
like Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Singapore, the use of public
transportation is highly encouraged, and as a result, the number
of cars on the road is much lower compared to other cities.

Improving air quality

Vehicles that use green fuel sources emit fewer pollutants
and greenhouse gases, which can help improve air quality
and reduce congestion-related health problems. For example,

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electric vehicles emit no tailpipe emissions, and hydrogen fuel
cell vehicles emit only water vapor. This can help reduce the
amount of harmful pollutants that are released into the air,
which can have a positive impact on human health.

However, there are also some drawbacks to encouraging

people to use public transportation or vehicles that use green
fuel sources

Public transport can be crowded and uncomfortable, especially • reliability: độ đáng tin cậy
during peak commuting hours. This can lead to longer travel • difficult to plan their trips: khó khăn trong
times, stress, and discomfort for passengers. For example, việc lên kế hoạch chuyến đi
during rush hour, trains and buses can become so crowded • charging or refueling stations: trạm sạc
that people have to stand or squeeze into tight spaces. điện hoặc tiếp thêm nhiên liệu

Public transportation schedules may not always be reliable,
which can make it difficult for people to plan their trips
accordingly. This can also be the case for vehicles that use
green fuel sources, as there may not be enough charging or
refueling stations available, which can limit the distance that
these vehicles can travel.

Increasing petrol prices can reduce traffic congestion by encouraging alternative transportation and carpooling, but
may significantly affect low-income individuals and families, higher transportation costs for businesses, and face
political opposition. While building or widening roads can have some benefits in reducing congestion and improving
safety, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks and negative impacts, such as increased emissions and
the potential for increased travel demand. Encouraging public transportation or green vehicles can reduce cars on the
road, improve air quality, but cost and reliability can limit adoption.

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Benefits Discourage people from driving

PRICE OF PETROL Negative impact on low-income
individuals and families
Higher transportation costs for


WIDENING OR Benefits Increase the capacity of roads

Drawbacks Increase in travel demand

Reduce the number of cars

on the road

USE PUBLIC Improve air quality

VEHICLES Discomfort

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Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph
using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.

1.1. Mind map about the benefits and drawbacks of cities to companies

Drawbacks Benefits
in cities

1.2. In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of the cities and into
regional areas. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
A trend toward relocating businesses outside of cities can exert certain negative impacts on businesses.

2.1. Mind map about the benefits and drawbacks of using bicycles

Drawbacks Benefits

2.2. In some cities, people are choosing cars instead of bicycles, while in other cities riding bikes are replacing
cars. Why is this the case? Which development do you think is better?

Although aforementioned benefits of cars, bicycles seem a wiser choice in the long term because of the environmen-
tal and health benefits.

3.1. Mind map about benefits and drawbacks of using public transport

Drawbacks Benefits

3.2. Some people believe the government should spend money on building train and subway lines to reduce traffic
congestion. Others think that building more and wider roads is the better way to reduce traffic congestion.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
On the other hand, better public transport systems are beneficial for the environment and people who do not have a
private vehicle.

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4.1. Mind map about benefits and drawbacks of raising the price of petrol

Raise the price

Drawbacks Benefits
of petrol

4.2. The best way to solve the world's traffic and environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. Do you
agree or disagree and give your own opinion?
On the one hand, the policy of raising the price of fuel may bring about certain benefits in terms of the environment.

5.1. Mind map about the effects of cities on people’s health

The effect of
Drawbacks Benefits
cities on people's health

5.2. Living in big cities is bad for people's health. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Granted, living in cities is advantageous to people’s health to some certain extent.

Practice 2: Complete the mind maps below using the given phrases

2.1. The comparison between city and rural life

education proximity to suppliers brand visibility dependence on cars

and customers or other transport

make ends meet concentration of prestigious schools higher operating

companies and universities costs

healthcare access diverse culture sense of community limited access to

modern facilities

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2.2. Means of transport in cities

easy to park and less suitable for agility and speed depreciate in value
maneuver in traffic long-distance travel

a sense of privacy no fossil fuels limited storage crowding and

and security to operate space and discomfort
passenger capacity

a cost-effective mode weather dependence lack the more storage space

protective features

accidents, assaults, reduced environmental carry a large number personal reflection

or theft impact of commuters

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2.3. Solutions for traffic problems in city

political opposition increased price for goods reduce collisions and accidents
and services

not have the financial discourage people from driving increase in travel demand
means to switch

not be enough charging and improve air quality encourage people to carpool
refueling stations available

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Practice 1:
1.1. Mind map about the benefits and drawbacks of cities to companies

1.2. The main disadvantage of a trend toward relocating businesses outside of cities is that there is a lack of diverse
and highly educated workforces in rural regions, as rural dwellers are less likely to be equipped with a wide range of
vocational skills. Thus, companies may face several problems trying to recruit new employees, and face significant
increases in funding for training new staff. In addition, moving to rural areas would likely put companies at risk as
most potential customers are found in cities. In fact, most customers are not willing to travel a far distance to buy
products and services; as a result, they can switch to other competitors, which can significantly reduce revenue and
therefore lower their profits.

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