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Ion-Exchange Resins for Efficient Removal of Colorants in

Bis(hydroxyethyl) Terephthalate
Rong Huang, Qi Zhang, Haoyu Yao, Xingmei Lu,* Qing Zhou,* and Dongxia Yan
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ABSTRACT: Bis(hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) obtained

from waste poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) glycolysis often
have undesirable colors, leading to an increased cost in the
decoloration of the product and limiting the industrialization of
chemical recycling. In this work, eight types of ion-exchange resins
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were used for BHET decoloration, and resin D201 showed an

outstanding performance not only in the decoloration efficiency
but also in the retention rate of the product. Under the optimal
conditions, the removal rate of the colorant and the retention
efficiency of BHET were over 99% and 95%, respectively. D201 showed outstanding reusability with five successive cycles, and the
decolored BHET and its r-PET showed good chromaticity. Furthermore, the investigations of adsorption isotherms, kinetics, and
thermodynamics have been conducted, which indicated that the decoloration process was a natural endothermic reaction.
Adsorption interactions between the colorant and resin were extensively examined by various characterizations, revealing that
electrostatic force, π−π interactions, and hydrogen bonding were the dominant adsorption mechanisms.

1. INTRODUCTION oxidation, and active carbon adsorption.15−17 Among these

Glycolysis is the most promising method in waste poly- methods, the recrystallization process is quite simple, but the
(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) recycling.1,2 It has been solvent separation is difficult; the additives from the polymer
practiced by well-known enterprises such as DuPont, Kodak, still exist and BHET loss is large. The oxidation method can
Dow Chemicals, and Goodyear.3,4 The main glycolysis product achieve significant decoloration efficiency, whereas it also
of PET is the monomer bis(hydroxyethyl) terephthalate causes secondary pollution and even result in the destruction
(BHET), which is the monomer of PET and can be used of BHET’s molecular structure. The vacuum distillation
directly as a raw material for the synthesis of PET to form a method is desirable with less waste generation and low
closed loop. Moreover, BHET, an important chemical and requirements for raw materials. However, BHET refining is not
industrial material, has been widely used in scientific research feasible due to the likelihood of repolymerization. 11
and industrial production. For example, it is used for the Adsorption, a common physicochemical measure, is very
production of various high-value products such as polyur- popular because of its excellent efficiency, minimal cost, and
ethane, hydrophobic textile dyes, alkyd resins, and waterborne super less sludge accumulation. Among many adsorbents,
coating.5 Although the recovery method of PET via glycolysis active carbon is the most common one, while it is far from
is promising,6 there are still some problems worth attention. ideal due to the difficult reproduction which leads to high cost.
In general, catalyst development, BHET purification, and its As a result, the majority of used active carbon is treated as solid
decoloration are the main difficulties in glycolysis industrializa- waste, which is contrary to the concept of sustainable
tion. Nowadays, many researchers focus on the first two,7−11 development.18−20 The existing conventional decoloration
while the bottleneck problem is the high chromaticity of methods and adsorbents are generally problematic. Therefore,
BHET, but it has attracted little attention. The heavy-colored searching for a new adsorbent that can effectively remove the
BHET limits its high-value usage, and the r-PET regenerated colorant from BHET and can be regenerated easily is an urgent
from it is usually substandard in chromaticity. To reduce the issue.
chromaticity, traditional decoloration methods are adopted,
which greatly increase the process cost and hinder the
industrialization process. However, the problems related to Received: March 19, 2021
BHET decoloration has not been solved yet.12−14 Bearing in Accepted: April 23, 2021
mind the aforementioned dilemma, the decoloration of BHET
is pressing.
In this regard, various measures have been attempted for the
decoloration of BHET, including recrystallization, distillation,
© XXXX The Authors. Published by
American Chemical Society
ACS Omega Article

Recently, resins have been widely used in the decoloration diameter distribution. In addition, in separate and purification
and separation of sugar liquors,21−23 medicine,24,25 foods26 and technology, product selectivity is also an essential evaluation
so on,27−29 owing to its easy regeneration and high selectivity. index. Li et al. used modified activated carbon to remove the
Qiang et al. used resins to removal the hydrophobic caramel color of BHET, and the decoloration rate was 97%. However,
pigments from cane molasses, and the anion exchange resin the retention efficiency of BHET was not mentioned.17 In this
can achieve 99% decoloration rate.30 The colorants used in study, the loss ratio of BHET was investigated for the first
PET products, especially in textile, are mainly disperse dyes time. All these resins caused BHET loss in a more or less
and reactive dyes, among which, reactive dyes are more amount. The loss ratio of BHET was JK206 > D202 > D201.
difficult to treat.31,32 The reactive dyes usually appear in an Therefore, to reduce the loss of BHET, further investigations
ionic state in solution, which makes the decoloration through on the decoloration of BHET were carried out using D201.
ion-exchange resins highly advantageous. However, the 2.1.2. Influence of Temperature. Temperature’s impact on
theoretical research is lacking, and we hope to reveal a gentle BHET decoloration by D201 was investigated using a fixed
and effective method for removing colorants from BHET and original concentration in 1 h (Figure 2a). The increase in
usher in the new plastic economy. temperature was in favor of the sorption process of the
Therefore, eight ion-exchange resins were used to evaluate colorant, which hinted that the adsorption of the colorant onto
the decoloring performance according to their color removal D201 was a natural endothermic reaction. On the one hand,
rate and BHET retention rate for the first time. The the increased temperature endowed colorant molecules with a
decoloration factors and the interactions between the much higher kinetic energy; hence, the adsorbates can reach
adsorbent and colorant were investigated. The adsorption active sites with a higher energy. On the other hand, the
isotherm, kinetic, and thermodynamic experiments together boundary layer thickness around the resin decreased with an
with different adsorption models were analyzed. Numerous increase in temperature; hence, the mass transfer resistance of
characterization methods were employed to discover the the colorant decreased consequently.35 Therefore, the increase
interactions between the adsorbent and colorant. A compre-
in temperature promoted adsorption. However, the loss degree
hensive and detailed recognition of the decoloration
of BHET was also sensitive to temperature change, and heating
mechanism was obtained via this theoretical study.
was not conducive to the retention of BHET. Hence, room
2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION temperature was the relatively optimal condition, which can
not only save energy but also achieve the ideal purification goal
2.1. Adsorption Parameters and Reusability. 2.1.1. Ad- in both the decoloration and selectivity of BHET.
sorbent Selection. Ion-exchange resins with different func- 2.1.3. Influence of Resin Dosage. An optimal concentration
tional groups were carried out to select the most suitable
of the adsorbent not only can achieve the ideal effect but can
adsorbent for the decoloration and purification of the PET
make the process more economic. As evident from Figure 2b,
glycolysis product. As shown in Figure 1, the decoloration rate
the adsorption rate of the colorant increased dramatically with
an increase in the adsorbent dosage, and from 0.1 g/50 mL to
0.15 g/50 mL, the prominent changeless decoloration rate over
99% kept constant with an increase in the dosage. In contrast, a
slight increase in BHET loss was caused with an increase in the
mass of resin. These trends probably caused by the available
active adsorption sites and the competition intensity between
the colorant and BHET. First, with a larger amount of resin,
redundant effective adsorption sites were provided, and the
colorant was preferentially adsorbed on the resins rapidly.
Then, with an excess amount of adsorbent and an extremely
low concentration of the colorant after adsorption, the
adsorption competitiveness of the colorants was largely “lost”
even the interaction between BHET and the adsorbent was
quite weak.36 Hence, the loss rate of BHET was increased to
Figure 1. Properties of different ion-exchange resins for BHET some extent.
decoloration. 2.1.4. Influence of Contact Time. Figure 2c shows the effect
of time on adsorption. The decolorization rate increased in the
and loss ratio of BHET on different resins were distinct.33,34 first 3 h and for this period, colorant adsorption onto the resins
Among these resins, D201, JK206, and D202 showed decent occurred quickly. The motor force of this stage may be caused
efficiencies in the decoloration process, which can achieve by abundant blank active sorption sites and the huge difference
99.16%, 99.87%, and 83.65%, respectively. Moreover, the of the colorant concentration between the liquid−solid
decoloration rates of strong base ion-exchange resins were interphase.37 After this, the colorant concentration difference
higher than those of weak base resins: strong [JK206 (99.87%) gradually decreased, the active sites on the adsorbent surface
> D201 (99.16%) > D202 (83.65%) > D296 (74.95%) > IRA- tended to saturation, and the decolorization rate of the resin
410 (69.33%)] > weak [D301 (51.98%) > D900 (43.44%) > increased more slowly and flattened out at 4 h; at this time, the
D392R (31.09%)]. Thus, the functional group played a vital decoloration rate was nearly 99%, and the BHET retention
role in the decoloration stage, and the more basic the efficiency was over 95%. Then, the colorant adsorption
functional group of the resin, the better its decoloration achieved equilibrium at 4 h. After 4 h, there was an increased
performance. Besides, the superiority in the decoloring loss in the BHET product while the decoloration rate remained
performance of D201 and JK206 may be caused by its pore constant.
ACS Omega Article

Figure 2. Different effects on the decoloration of BHET: (a) contact temperature, (b) resin dosage, (c) contact time, and (d) the influence of
regeneration cycles via D201.

2.1.5. Reusability. In general, the recyclability of the Ce 1 C

= + e
selected resin should be fully studied to gain economic qe kLqmax qmax (3)
viability when applied in practical application.38 As shown in
Figure 2d, D201 showed outstanding reusability with a slight In these equations, Ce and qe are the equilibrium
decrease in the desorption rate and the decoloration rate after
concentration and the adsorption capacity of the colorant,
five cycles can still exceed 99%. Besides, the appearance of the
respectively; A is the binding constant of equilibrium relevant
reused D201 after five cycles was almost unchanged compared
to maximum binding energy; and B equals to RT /b (T is the
to fresh D201 at low magnification, and only a slight change
temperature in kelvin, R is the molar gas constant (8.314 J·
was observed at a higher magnification with tiny cracks (Figure
mol−1·K−1), and b is the adsorption heat). Both n and kF are
S1). Thus, D201 resin showed outstanding performance and
reusability for colorant removal, which makes it a potential Freundlich constants, reflecting the sorption amount and
candidate for the decoloration of BHET. intensity, respectively. The kL is the Langmuir constant
2.2. Adsorption Isotherms. Adsorption isotherms show concerning the affinity of binding sites. qmax is the maximum
the distribution of adsorbates in two phases in terms of sorption capacity (mg·g−1). The fitting parameters of the
concentration and pH under uniform temperature.39 To adsorption isotherm are summarized in Table 1.
further elucidate the mechanism of colorant adsorption using According to the fitting correlation coefficients, the Temkin
D201, adsorption isotherm experiments were carried out. As and Freundlich isotherms did not describe the experimental
shown in Figure 3a, it was noteworthy that all the isotherms data well, while the correlation coefficient R2 of the Langmuir
showed the same trends and shapes, and the higher the isotherm was above 0.991. This suggested that the Langmuir
temperature, the stronger the adsorption capacity of the model can depict the adsorption data well and indicated that
colorant, suggesting that the decoloration process was the decoloration process was uniform monolayer adsorp-
endothermic. To have a more comprehensive understanding tion.42,43 Besides, the equilibrium capacity qe from the
of the decoloration mechanism, Temkin, Freundlich, and experiments and the calculated maximum capacity qmax from
Langmuir isotherm models were proposed, which were the model were very close. From 288.15 to 328.15 K, the
expressed in the following equation, respectively.40,41 values of qe were 117.79, 129.37, 143.04, 172.05, and 232.01
qe = B ln A + B ln Ce mg·g−1, respectively. The values of qmax were 107.41, 131.58,
142.05, 173.31, and 231.48 mg·g−1, respectively. The values of
the separation factor RL that are related to the adsorption
1 process were in the range of 0−1 (Table S1), indicating that
ln qe = ln kF + ln Ce
n (2) the adsorption was favorable. The pH value of solution is a
ACS Omega Article

Figure 3. Adsorption isotherm of the BHET decolorization system via D201: (a) adsorption isothermal curve, (b) Temkin, (c) Freundlich, and (d)

Table 1. Isotherm Model Parameters of Colorant

Adsorption onto D201
Temkin isotherm model
temperature (K) A (L·g−1) B (J·mol−1) R2
288.15 38.07 11.15401 0.9784
298.15 1722.80 9.02364 0.8705
308.15 3.29 × 105 7.51728 0.9616
318.15 2.21 × 1015 4.17278 0.9833
328.15 7.42 × 106 11.06643 0.8890
Freundlich isotherm model
temperature (K) N kF ((mg·g−1)(L·mg−1)1/n) R2
288.15 6.23 43.26 0.9938
298.15 10.63 69.95 0.9301
308.15 15.43 95.80 0.9736 Figure 4. Adsorption isotherm at various pH values.
318.15 38.52 147.73 0.9872
328.15 18.11 175.28 0.8962 As shown in Figure 4, with an increase in the pH value, the
Langmuir isotherm model equilibrium adsorption capacity decreased rapidly and then
temperature (K) kL (L·mg−1) qmax (mg·g−1) R2 tended to be flat. This may be caused by a change in resin’s
288.15 0.00109 107.41 0.9910 surface charge properties. As shown in Figure S2, the point of
298.15 0.00089 131.58 0.9911 zero charge (pHpzc), in which the surface of the resin was
308.15 0.00034 142.05 0.9962 electrically neutral, was determined, and the pHpzc of D201 was
318.15 0.00009 173.31 0.9998 found to be 6.70. When pH < pHpzc, the D201 surface was
328.15 0.00003 231.48 0.9987 occupied by excess H+ ions and in a positive charge state.
Besides, the colorant was anionic and contained deprotonated
sulfonic clusters in solution.44 Hence, a strong electrostatic
significant factor that affects the equilibrium, and the force occurred between the colorant and D201.20 When pH >
adsorption isotherm under different pH values is shown in pHpzc, the resin was occupied by excess OH− ions and in a
Figure 4. negative charge state; hence, the electrostatic repulsive force
ACS Omega Article

Figure 5. Adsorption kinetics study of the decolorization system.

Table 2. Kinetic Parameters of Colorant Adsorption onto D201 Ion-Exchange Resin

model temperature (K) k1 (h−1) R2
pseudo-first-order 288.15 0.94 0.9710
298.15 1.35 0.9875
308.15 1.58 0.9823
318.15 2.38 0.9847
328.15 1.62 0.9809
temperature (K) k2 (g·mg−1·h−1) H (mg·g−1·h−1) R2
pseudo-second-order 288.15 0.03 28.59 0.9909
298.15 0.04 100.32 0.9995
308.15 0.06 210.07 0.9961
318.15 0.07 202.81 0.9973
328.15 0.09 192.00 0.9989
temperature (K) kdif1 (mg·g−1·h−1/2) kdif2 (mg·g−1·h−1/2) kdif3 (mg·g−1·h−1/2) R12
intraparticle diffusion 288.15 19.36 16.66 8.85 1.0000
298.15 58.11 20.79 2.54 0.9984
308.15 63.02 13.34 2.34 0.9685
318.15 62.73 12.83 0.98 0.9962
328.15 58.78 10.55 0.88 0.9997

was observed between the resin and colorant, and the and Table 2 show the fitting results. Both the pseudo-first-
adsorption attraction was very week.45 An increase in the order and pseudo-second-order kinetic models can elucidate
equilibrium capacity at a lower pH implied that decoloration the adsorption behavior of the colorant onto the anion
was probably due to electrostatic force along with ion exchange resin properly. In detail, the decoloration process of
exchange. BHET was more in line with the second model (R2 > 0.990),
2.3. Adsorption Kinetics. Adsorption kinetics is an which suggested that the adsorption process was dominated by
important factor reflecting chemical reaction and mass-transfer chemiadsorption.48 The value of H for decoloration increased
processes. The colorant adsorptions via D201 resin with time rapidly with a higher temperature and then decreased slightly,
were investigated. Pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order which also reflected that the adsorption rate at higher
kinetic models were used to fit the experimental data.46,47
i k y
temperature was significantly faster than that at lower one.

log(qe − qt ) = log(qe) − jjj 1 zzzt

The diffusion of the colorant into the pores of fresh D201 is

k 2.303 {
of great significance. Thus, the intraparticle diffusion model
(4) was taken into consideration. According to the fitting result of
the intraparticle diffusion model, all plots in three linear parts
t t
= (k 2qe2)−1 + showed similar characteristics (Figure 6). The deviations of the
qt qe (5) straight lines from the origin in Figure 6 indicated that the
intraparticle diffusion was not the only rate-limiting step.
H = k 2qe2 (6) Moreover, the higher the intercept C value, the more
important role the external diffusion played in the decoloration
qt = kdif t + C (7) process. Moreover, the values of kdif in every segment followed
the order: kdif1>kdif2>kdif3; they represent the exterior surface
where qe and qt are the sorption capacity in equilibrium and at adsorption step, the interior surface adsorption step, which is
time t, respectively; k1 and k2 refer to first-order and second- controlled by intra-particle diffusion, and the equilibrium
order rate constant, respectively; H is the indicator of the adsorption step for which the colorant moves from larger pores
initial adsorption rate; and kdif and C represent the diffusion to micropores in a tardy rate, respectively.40 In the initial
coefficient and the intercept of the curve, respectively. Figure 5 segment, as a result of vastly available adsorption sites on the
ACS Omega Article

Figure 6. Intraparticle diffusion model.

surface of D201, the removal rate of the colorant was Figure 7. FTIR spectra of the decoloration system.
instantaneous. Besides, the maximum value of kdif1 hinted
that the external diffusion played a dominant role in the cm−1, which represented that the resin still had a small
decoloration dynamics. adsorption effect on BHET.50 A new strong absorption peak
2.4. Thermodynamic Study. The increased value of qe appeared at 1130 cm−1, which was the characteristic
with a higher temperature elucidated that the decoloration absorption peak of the sulfonate S=O, and the peak in 1486
process was endothermic. The thermodynamic parameters ΔH cm−1 was attributed to the methyl C−H of the quaternary
, ΔS , and ΔG related to the decoloration were calculated from ammonium group in D201 resin; the increase in intensity
the van’t Hoff plot equation. The activation energy Ea was hinted that the quaternary ammonium played an indispensable
calculated by the Arrhenius equation (eq 11), where K is equal role in the decoloration process. The new vibration absorption
to k2 in the pseudo-second-order model.47 peak of C−Cl at 615 cm−1 further proved the adsorption of the
q colorant. The peak at 1630 cm−1 red-shifted to 1607 cm−1, and
Kc = e the width of the peak also expanded significantly, suggesting
ce (8) that the benzene ring in D201 and colorant showed π−π
interactions during the decolorization process. Thus, the
ln Kc = − adsorption process was mainly influenced by electrostatic
R RT (9) forces, π−π interactions, etc. In addition, according to the
ΔG = ΔH − T ΔS (10) molecular structure of BHET, colorant, and D201, hydrogen

1 ij Ea yz
jj− zz
bond could work. However, this interaction is too weak to be

Tk R {
proved by FTIR. Thus, the possible decoloration mechanism is
ln K = ln A +
(11) shown in Figure 8.
As shown in Table 3, the value of ΔH was positive and
exceeds 40 kJ·mol−1, indicating a chemical adsorption process,
and a higher temperature was conducive to decoloration.49
The enhancement in the randomness of the decoloration
system can be confirmed by the positive value of entropy ΔS .
Above room temperature, the negative value of ΔG hinted the
spontaneous decoloration process and ΔG gradually decreased
with a higher temperature, which indicated that within the
scope of experimental investigation, the temperature was one
of the controlling factors of the decolorization rate, and the
increase in temperature can promote the spontaneous reaction.
The Ea value for the colorant adsorption was found to be 21.52
kJ·mol−1, indicating that the BHET decoloration procedure
was favorable.20
2.5. Characterization. Figure 7 shows the FTIR results of Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the decolorization mechanism.
BHET, colorants, and D201 before and after adsorption. A
small stretching vibration peak of carbonyl appeared at 1715

Table 3. Thermodynamics Parameters and Activation Energy

R2 △H (kJ·mol−1) △S (J·K−1·mol−1) △G (kJ·mol−1) Ea (kJ·mol−1)

288.15 K 298.15 K 308.15 K 318.15 K 328.15 K
0.9988 40.02 134.80 1.18 −0.17 −1.52 −2.87 −4.22 21.52

ACS Omega Article

Figure 9. SEM images of ion-exchange resin (a) before adsorption and (b) after adsorption.

To better understand the physicochemical characteristics of

D201 resin before and after the decoloration process, SEM and
BET were also performed. As observed in Figure 9, the
appearance and structure of the D201 particle did not change
at a low magnification, which indicated that the resin had
strong mechanical properties and did not break easily. At a
higher magnification, the fresh D201 had a smooth surface and
a large number of pores, while the one after adsorption
appeared much rougher and its pores became smaller. Table 4

Table 4. Physicochemical Properties of D201 before and

after Adsorption
surface area pore volume pore diameter
resin (m2·g−1) (cm3·g−1) (nm)
Figure 10. BHET and r-PET: (a and c) before decoloration and (b
D201 6.933 0.0484 31.96
and d) after decoloration.
D201 after 6.857 0.0435 29.21
Table 5. Chroma Analysis Results of BHET and r-PET
sample chromaticity
presents the BET characteristics of anion exchange resins, and
it shows that the D201 resin had a large average pore size, L a B
which could be conducive to the colorant diffusion.27 BHET before decoloration 72.48 25.73 −6.34
Moreover, according to the BET analysis, the pore diameter BHET after decoloration 94.12 −0.10 0.79
and pore volume of fresh D201 were larger than those of the r-PET from colored BHET 78.99 2.55 13.87
used one, which was consistent with the phenomenon r-PET from decolored BHET 94.05 −0.39 1.44
observed in Figure 9.
2.6. Chroma Analysis. The BHET samples before and
after decolorization with D201 and the regenerated r-PET are colorant and loss ratio of BHET) for the first time. Under the
shown in Figure 10, and their chroma analysis results are optimal condition (25 °C, 0.1 g·50 mL−1, and 4 h), the
shown in Table 5. Evidently, the color of BHET changed decoloration rate of the colorant and the retention rate of
significantly from red to white after decoloration, and the color BHET were over 99% and 95%, respectively. The regeneration
of r-PET regenerated from undecolorized BHET was yellow, performance of D201 was outstanding with five successive
while the one from the decolored BHET was obviously white, cycles, and the decolored BHET and its r-PET showed good
and its whiteness value L ≥ 80 and b value ≤ 2, which met the chromaticity. The interaction between the resin and colorant
requirements of the bottle-grade PET. Moreover, when was mainly attributed to electrostatic forces, π−π interactions,
compared with other decolorization methods, decolorization and hydrogen-bonding interactions. Finally, the investigation
method using the D201 resin not only can show an excellent of the adsorption isotherms at various concentrations and pH
decoloring performance but also can achieve a good quality in values, kinetics, and thermodynamics indicated that the
r-PET (Table S2).11,17,51 Thus, the decoloration method of sorption was a monolayer endothermic chemical sorption
BHET by the D201 resin was feasible. conformed to the pseudo-second-order model. In conclusion,
the aforementioned excellent performances of D201 resin
3. CONCLUSIONS provide a good prospect for BHET decoloration, and we
An efficient decoloration method for waste PET glycolysis believe that this green and effective decoloration method can
product BHET was developed using ion-exchange resins with provide waste PET glycolysis product a wider area of
two main evaluation indexes (the decoloration rate of the application.
ACS Omega Article

4. EXPERIMENTAL of the colorant and BHET after reaching adsorption

4.1. Materials. PET particles were obtained from Jingdong equilibrium, respectively; m (g) is resin mass; and V (L)
Commercial Co., Ltd. Zinc acetate, urea, ethylene glycol, represents the volume of colored BHET solution.
methanol, hydrochloric acid (HCl), sodium chloride (NaCl), 4.4. Batch Adsorption and Desorption. The adsorption
sodium hydroxide (NaOH), active carbon, and ethylene glycol experiments of the colorant and BHET onto resin were carried
antimony (C6H12O6Sb2) were obtained from Kepujia Reagent out and possible influence factors including sorption time,
Co., Ltd. The colorant (Reactive Red X-3B, the chemical temperature, and resin dosage were analyzed. The temperature
structure is shown in Figure S2) was purchased from Karma range was 288.15−328.15 K. The resin dosage was varied from
Reagent Co. Ltd. The reagents were directly used without 0.02 g/50 mL to 0.15 g/50 mL. The contact time was in the
purification. Ion-exchange resins (IRA-410, D201, D301, range of 0.5−6 h. The sorption−regeneration cycles were
D900, D392R, JK206, D202, and D296) were obtained from repeated five times under constant conditions. Desorption
Langfang Sennart Chemical Company, and their basic experiments were conducted with 20 wt % HCl solution (the
properties are listed in Table S3. The resins were used after usage amount was 1 g of resin for 1 L of eluent and the volume
pretreatment.25 of methanol was equal to distilled water) for a day. Then, the
4.2. Preparation of BHET and r-PET. The glycolysis resin was removed, washed to neutral, and reused in the
product BHET was obtained from the waste PET decom- following decoloration tests. The efficiency of regeneration
position using the depolymerizing agent EG and catalyst. The (RE%) was computed via eq 15.
synthesis of the catalyst (n(urea)/n(ZnCl2) 4/1) was the same Ce2V2
as reported previously, and the mass of the catalyst and EG was RE% = × 100
(C0 − Ce)V (15)
0.05 and 4 times of waste PET, respectively.9 A three-necked
rounded-bottom glass flask with a reflux condenser, magnetic where C0, Ce , and V are defined as in eq 12; Ce2 is the colorant
stirrer, and thermometer was employed. The reaction was concentration in the regeneration liquid after desorption; and
conducted at 449.15 K until the complete degradation of PET. V2 is the desorption liquid volume.
Then, deionized water was used for the separation of BHET 4.5. Isotherm and Kinetic Experiments. Decoloration
from the reaction mixture, and the obtained crude BHET isotherm studies using D201 as an adsorbent were investigated
products were purified by active carbon treatment and water at different initial colorant concentrations and pH values,
recrystallization several times, and then they were dried at which were in range of 100−700 mg/L and 1−11, respectively.
343.15 K for 24 h. Then, the colored glycolysis product The adsorption temperature was in the range between 288.15
solution was simulated by adding the colorant (Reactive Red and 328.15 K. Decoloration kinetics studies were carried out
X-3B) to control it as the only colorant source, since it was by placing D201 contacted with colored BHET solution at
commonly used in polyester blended fabrics and was an different temperatures and time intervals. The adsorbed
important source of color. The concentrations of BHET and amounts of the colorant on resin were determined by eq 12,
the colorant were 10 g/L and 100 mg/L (the volume of where the adsorption capacity qt at time t (mg/g) replaces qe .
methanol was equal to that of distilled water), respectively.
The synthesis of r-PET was carried out in a sealed flask under Other parameters of eq 12 represent the same meaning.
mechanical agitation. The usage amount of the catalyst
(ethylene glycol antimony) was 0.1 wt % of BHET. The
reaction conditions were kept at a nitrogen atmosphere and
* Supporting Information

heated and evacuated. The Supporting Information is available free of charge at

4.3. Adsorbent Performance Test. A fixed mass of ion-
exchange resins (IRA-410, D201, D301, D900, D392R, JK206, SEM characterization of the fresh D201 and reused
D202, and D296) of 0.1 g were put into Erlenmeyer flasks D201, determination of point of zero charge, informa-
containing 50 mL of colored BHET solution. The flasks were tion about the colorant, RL values of the adsorption
shaken at 298.15 K for 12 h with a constant agitated rate. The isotherm, comparison of different BHET decoloration
supernatant after adsorption was determined by UV and methods, and resin’s basic information (PDF)

HPLC to obtain the concentration of the colorant and BHET,
respectively. The equilibrium adsorption capacity of the
colorant, qe (mg·g−1), decoloration rate (R%), and the loss AUTHOR INFORMATION
ratio of BHET (L%) were calculated by the following Corresponding Authors
equations: Xingmei Lu − Beijing Key Laboratory of Ionic Liquids Clean
Process, CAS Key Laboratory of Green Process and
V Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Complex
qe = (C0 − Ce) ×
m (12) Systems, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China; School of Chemical
C0 − Ce and Engineering and Sino Danish College, University of
R% = × 100
C0 (13) Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China;
Innovation Academy for Green Manufacture, Chinese
C BHET·0 − C BHET·e Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China;
L% = × 100
C BHET·0 (14); Phone: +86-010-
82544800; Email:
where C0 (mg·L−1) and C BHET·0 (g·L−1) are the initial Qing Zhou − Beijing Key Laboratory of Ionic Liquids Clean
concentrations of the colorant and BHET, respectively; Ce Process, CAS Key Laboratory of Green Process and
(mg·L−1) and C BHET·e (g·L−1) are the residual concentrations Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Complex
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