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Amphibole merupakan kelompok mineral silikat yangmerupakan mineral pembentuk

batuan.Deskripsi Mineral :
1. Warna : hitam,kelabu,kehijau-hijauan dan kekuning-kuningan
2. Kilap : Kaca
3. Kekerasan : 5-6 (skala Mochs)
4. Goresan :coklat sampai abu-abu
5. Sistim Kristal : Monoklin & Ortorombik6
. Belaha : imperfect (tidak sempurna) dalam dua arah pada 56
dan 124
.7. Pecahan : tidak merata (uneven).8. Berat Jenis : 2,3-3,3 g/cm
9. Tenacity : Brittle
10. Kemagnetan : Paramagnetik
11. Derajat Ketransparanan : kadang-kadang tembus pandang (transparan), tembus cahaya(Tra
12. Sifat Khas : kelompok mineral silikat yang berbentuk prismatik atau kristalyang menyerupai
jarum. Mineral amphibole umumnyamengandung besi (Fe), Magnesium (Mg), Kalsium (Ca),
danAlumunium (Al), Silika (Si), dan Oksigen (O).
13. Nama Mineral : Amphibole/
14. Rumus Umum : (Na,Ca)
15. perawakan Kristal : Granular (membutir), masif (agregat besar) dan kadang-kadangacicular
16. Kegunaan : Digunakan dalam pembuatan asbesDigunakan juga pada industri tekstil
17. Genesa : Terbentuk karena proses pembekuan magma pada suhu sekitar700
C. Merupakan mineral penting dan penyebarannyaluas dan mineral pembentuk batuan pada
batuan beku sepertidiorit,gabbro,basalt,pada betuan metamorf seperti
padahornblendite.Amphibole. Pada batuan beku granit terdapatasosiasi mineral seperti
Amphibole (Hornblende), ortoklas, plagioklas, dan biotit mika.
Nama :Robertho KadjiNIM : 1306101020Jurusan : Teknik Pertambangan
Group of minerals that contain iron, magnesium, silicon, oxygen, and hydroxyl (OH). Amphiboles
may also contain calcium, sodium, and lithium. The amphiboles have prismatic cleavage with an
angle of 56° and 124°, which distinguishes it from the pyroxenes, which have an angle of 87° and
93° (almost perpendicular). The amphiboles are very similar to the pyroxenes, and the minerals
belonging to each Group often cannot be distinguished by ordinary methods. Generally, though, the
amphiboles occur in longer, thinner crystals than the pyroxenes. The pyroxenes contain the same
elements that the amphiboles do, except they lack hydroxyl, which alters both physical and chemical
The amphibole group is in the inosilicates subdivision of the silicates group.


Biotite is a very common form of mica. It is named in honor Jean Baptiste Biot (1774 - 1862), a French
physicist, mathematician, and astronomer who researched the mica minerals for their optical properties.
Because of Biotite's abundance, its presence is usually lacking in collections except for it being
an accessory mineral to other minerals. Biotite can come in enormous crystal sheets that can weigh
several hundred pounds. Thin sheets can be peeled off as layers, and the thinner a layer is peeled the
greater its transparency becomes.

In 1998, the IMA removed the status of Biotite as an individual mineral species, and instead declared it as
a group name for the following individual members: Phlogopite, Annite, Siderophyllite, and Eastonite.
However, mineral collectors still refer to Biotite by its traditional name and rarely make a distinction
among its members except for Phlogopite.

Biotite is very hard to clean because if washed it will absorb water internally and start to break apart. The
best way to wash Biotite and other Micas is with a dry electric toothbrush.

Chemical The classic formula for Biotite is:

Formula K(Mg,Fe2+3)(Al,Fe3+)Si3O10(OH,F)2

The group formula including all member minerals:

Individual members are:
Phlogopite: KMg3AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2
Siderophyllite: KFe2+2Al(AlSi2O10)(OH)2
Eastonite: KMg2Al(AlSi2O10)(OH)2
Annite: KFe2+3AlSi3O10(OH)2
Fluorannite: KFe2+3AlSi3O10)F2
Tetraferriannite: K(Fe2+3Mg)(Fe3+,Al)Si3O10)(OH)2

Composition Basic fluoro potassium, magnesium, iron aluminum silicate

Color Black, dark brown, dark green, reddish black. Individual group member minerals
such as Phlogopiteand Eastonite can be in lighter colors.

Streak White

Hardness 2.5 - 3

Crystal System Monoclinic

3D Crystal Atlas
(Click for animated model)

Crystal Forms Crystals are in thick flakes, micaceous masses and groupings, and
and Aggregates in tabular, foliated, flaky, and scalyforms. Crystals may also be elongated with one
dimension flat, or stubby triangular or hexagonally shaped crystals. Also forms
in prismatic barrel-shaped or tapered pyramid-shaped crystals composed of dense
parallel plates, and as rounded nodules of dense crystals.

Transparency Translucent to opaque. Thin flakes will always be translucent if held up to the light.

Specific Gravity 2.8 - 3.4

Luster Pearly

Cleavage 1,1

Fracture Uneven

Tenacity Sectile, elastic

Other ID Marks Tendency for small pieces or flakes or peel off.

In Group Silicates; Phyllosilicates; Mica Group

Striking Flaky habit, crystals, sectility, and mode of occurence.


Environment Biotite is a common rock-forming mineral, and is especially noted in metamorphic

rocks such as schist and gneiss. It is also found in igneous rock such as granites and
rhyolites. Biotite is also the primary mica in rare earth pegmatites.

Rock Type Igneous, Metamorphic

Popularity (1-4) 2

Prevalence (1-3) 1

Demand (1-3) 2

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