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Part 1: Self-introduction

- Name, Full name, hobby, family, future plan, from...

Part 2: Topic presentation

Part 3: Discussion


1. Talk about (an) important person/people in your life.

2. Talk about what motivates you at university.

3. Talk about your perfect job.

4. Describe your study/life balance.

5. Talk about your future plans.

6. Describe how you spend your free time.

7. Talk about important inventions.

8. Describe your recent journey.

9. Talk about your lifestyle.

10. Talk about healthy habits.

Topic 8:

Last summer, I had a chance of visiting UAE-United Arab Emirates

where is famous for the highest tower in the World, the richness, and
hot climate.. The first experience I had after 8 hours on plane was a
huge and modern airport with automatic check in system. Along the
road to my hotel were deserts and rows date palm trees on both sides
of road, you could see date palm tree everywhere in UAE. I spent the
first day visiting famous places like Golden Gate- a huge gate was
covered by gold, Future Museum - a vibrant and immersive space, the
world’s tallest human-made structre – Burj Khalifa...At the end of
day, I had dinner with local food. I was looking forward to it but it
tasted was terrible. The second day, I experienced a safari tour. I got
to ride adventure cars on the sand, rode camels, and watched fire
dancing, everything was great except this place was too hot and I had
to use a lot of sunscreen. At the end of the trip, I bought a few boxes
of dates and some souvenirs for my friends. It was the greatest trip in
my life.

Topic 9:

Topic 10:
All of us want to have good health because we cannot buy health
even we are rich, so a simple way to keep good health is having good
habits. First, you should follow a healthy diet plan that includes all the
essential micronutrients and steer clear from junk food. As important
as a healthy diet plan, it is having meals on time, it will help you
avoid stomachache. Second, you should exercise regularly and have a
physically active daily routine. Instead of playing games, surfing
Facebook, and watching TV you can spend more time outdoors and
do activities such as walking, running, swimming, and cycling. It
helps to keep fit and your body energetic, and refresh your mind.
Another habit is taking adequate sleep at night. Sleep and nutritional
considerations are help to prevent the onset of a cold or flu and
improve your immune system. If you go to bed early at night and
wake up early in the morning, you will have enough time to
accommodate all tasks during the day. A person with a good and
healthy habit is generally more confident, sociable, and energetic. In
conclusion, health is very important so practice good habits to have
great health.

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