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Chapter Four

Adi Sulaiman
Talking about training
• There is much to learn to be able to do must jobs well.
• New employees must learn how to do their jobs.
• Experienced employees must learn to keep up with job
changes and how to improve their performance.
• In many organizations, a person will not be considered
for a promotion until certain training has been
completed and certain skills mastered.
• Learning in many jobs is a lifelong process that does
not stop with a certain level of education.
Five Steps are Required for Effective
Organizational Training Programs
Need Assessments
• NA is conducted to determine which employees need
training and what the content of their training should be.
• NA should focus on three levels :
▪ Organization Level → is concerned with the objectives of the
organization and how they are addressed by the performance
of employees
▪ Job Level → is concerned with the nature of tasks involved in
each job.
▪ Person Level → is concerned with how well job applicants or
present employees are able to do job tasks.
• A well-conducted needs assessment can help organizations
make the most of their training resources.
Set Objectives
• Part of this step is to define the criteria for training
• The objectives of training are based on criteria and
should include a statement of what a trainee should
be able to do or know after training.
• The training criterion is a statement of how
achievement of the training objective can be
• Once we know what the training criterion is, we can
design appropriate training to achieve it.
• Training objectives should be based on the result of
the need assessment.
Design Training
Trainee Training Work
Characteristics Design Environment

Ability Feedback Encourage The Aplication of

Learned Principles produce
employee motiation to learn and
General increase d transfer of training



Learning (Methods)
Deliver Training
• Even the most well-designed training program
will be inffective unless it is properly delivered.
• In most organizations, specialists who are skilled
in training deliver the program.
• They may or may not be experts in the content
of the training or in training design.
• Content is the responsibility of SMEs who know
the particular topics that the training will cover.
• Program delivery is not a frequent activity of an
PIO Psychologyst.
Evaluate Training

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