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Task 1

1.1 Digital customer journey

Customer journey mapping is a way to imagine a method or service from the point of view of the
customer. The digital customer journey amalgamates all the digital touchpoints and accumulated
experiences that customer has with a particular brand. those digital touch points mainly could
categorize into several group as (Zaheer, 2021),

 Basic online information of the customer.

 Information on transactions.
 Interactions in online customer service.

A customer journey map could be used to visualize the customer journey.

1.2 Customer journey map

The Customer journey map is a visual process of the illustration the customer experience with an
organization. Many organizations have used customer journey map to focus on the functionality
of specific touchpoints to enhance the customer experience.

Ex: Customer journey map exhibit the visual story of their customer when interactions with the
Singer Sri Lanka PLC brand. Singer sri lanka PLC 's Customer journey map generally evaluates
the customer's emotions and experiences at every step of the way. It shows customers the various
stages from digital channels to awareness and consideration of purchases. Singer Sri Lanka PLC
able to create a Customer journey map using the steps below (Marketo, 2021).

 Determine Organization Objectives

 Create effective Customer Personas
 Determine all touchpoints
 Determine the Type of Map
 Customer journey planning
 Continuing the customer journey

Following is the Customer Journey Map of Singer Sri Lanka PLC created using the above steps.
This customer journey map is perfect for both the graphics section (symbols, icons and keys) and
content (customer attitudes and emotions).

This customer journey map includes Singer sri lanka PLC's various shopping options and more
convenient customer service. Here are some practical things to consider when planning each stage
of this journey.

 Awareness: Discover our brand and the alternatives we deliver

 Research: Figure out more about the Singer Sri Lanka PLC and what we have to give and
decide if we have the right solutions to their problems.
 Comparison: Comparing our brand to rivals who have the best solution for our particular
 Purchase: Making the final option and purchase.
 Retention: Encourage repurchase and recommend to other people.

Customer journey map visualize only the experiences of a few customers but Customer journey
analysis could collect data on the interaction of every customer, not just few customers.

1.3 Customer journey Analyzing

Customer journey analytics is the process of analyzing customer behavior data across contact
points and overtime to touchpoints the impact of customer behavior on organization outcomes.
Singer Sri lanka PLC's customer journey analytics enables to manage, measure and enhance their
customers experience across touch points and times. These able to analyzing data, generating an
active understanding of journey optimization, and continuing to measure the effectiveness of
customer experience initiatives. Then, Singer Sri lanka PLC could respond quickly to changes in
their customer behavior.

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