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MATRIC NO MC220918012
DATE 20 AUG 2023

Fill in the information required below.


1. Your answer can be type-written directly onto the ANSWER SHEET provided.
2. If you choose to handwrite, use only blue or black pens. Write legibly and clearly. Scan your
completed answer and insert only ONE (1) image per page onto the ANSWER SHEET provided.
3. You have the responsibility to make sure that what you submitted is the complete FINAL version
of your answer as no resubmission or correction is allowed. Follow the instructions given on the
cover page when submitting your answer.
4. Submit your answers in ONE (1) file. Do NOT submit multiple files. If you have many files, kindly
ZIP your files. Submission must ONLY be in Microsoft Word / Excel / PDF format.
5. Begin each question on a fresh page. Write your matric number on top of every page.
6. If you wish to type-write your answers, kindly use ARIAL font and size 10.

Write down in the boxes below the questions attempted in sequence.

Compulsory to For examiner’s use For external

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student only
Section/Question Marks Marks
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Introduction to Assessment in Education (ESEB3084) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination May 2023

Matric No: MC220918012

Type or insert your scanned answer on this answer booklet.

Question 1
Activity 1 which can be done in class is a question or task in the form of reading
comprehension. Students will be given a short statement to read and understand. Then some
questions have to be answered by the students based on their understanding of the short
statement. Usually, this task can be done individually or in pairs in class. More complex reading
skills require readers to analyze, appreciate, evaluate and create reflection on the given text.
Teachers can refer to the DSKP provided by the Malaysian Ministry of Education in order to
achieve the necessary goals and objectives curriculum. For example, reading comprehension
for the Bahasa Melayu subject are as follows:
Theme: Healthy Lifestyle Practices
Instructions: Read and understand the statements below, then answer some of the questions

Hygiene and personal care are very important to everyone, especially teenagers. This is
because teenagers will reach puberty. Adolescent skin will be sensitive and prone to acne.
Therefore, teenagers need to focus on personal hygiene, especially facial care.

1. What is the main message in the statement above?

2. Give an effect if you do not take care of personal hygiene, especially on the face.

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Introduction to Assessment in Education (ESEB3084) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination May 2023

Matric No: MC220918012

Next, activity 2 which can be implemented in class is interpreting a picture. Students will be
given a picture or several pictures to look at. Then the students will analyze the pictures and the
students will make an assessment by answering the given questions using their knowledge,
experience, skills and values and giving their justification. Usually, this task can be done
individually or in pairs in class. For example, I chose a Bahasa Melayu subject for the theme of
practising a healthy lifestyle as follows:
Instructions: Look at the picture below and understand it. Describe the factors that cause
obesity and explain how to overcome it.

Activity 1

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Simple (2) improvement

The entire text Almost the Only a small Unable to

can be entire content of amount of understand the
understood and the text is content can be entire content of
Understanding mastered. understandable. understood and the text read.
and knowledge mastered.
All answers are Almost all the All the answers
correct. answers are Few answers given are wrong
correct. are answered

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Introduction to Assessment in Education (ESEB3084) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination May 2023

Matric No: MC220918012

Activity 2

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Simple (2) improvement

The sentence is Complete and The sentence is Do not use

very complete grammatical incomplete and complete and
and sentences. ungrammatical. grammatical
grammatical. sentences.
The use of The use of
Sentence Skills The use of punctuation punctuation The use of
punctuation marks fulfils the marks is too little punctuation
marks is very function and to meet the marks does not
accurate to the purpose even if function and meet the
function and there are some purpose. function and
purpose. mistakes. purpose.

Question 2
Teachers do not specify clear instructional objectives for students. This makes it difficult for
students to achieve their goals. Teachers will find it difficult to focus on what needs to be
emphasized in the learning and teaching process. For example, a weak lesson plan objective is
something like students will learn about an essay. It is possible that the objectives stated in the
lesson plan are too general and will make it difficult to focus on important things.
Next, teaching materials are not listed which causes teachers not to provide real experience
to students during the learning and teaching process. Teachers may also get out of activities
that should be planned and cause teachers to only interact with students without the help of
teaching tools that help maximize the learning experience. For example, in the subject of
science, the teacher is only guided by the textbook and interacts with the students without
taking them to the science lab for experiments.
After that, assessment materials for students are not in line with the student's ability level.
Teachers only focus on how to achieve learning objectives without observing and evaluating the
abilities of each student. For example, teachers provide formative assessments where all
students in the classroom have to answer open-ended essay questions regardless of student

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Introduction to Assessment in Education (ESEB3084) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination May 2023

Matric No: MC220918012

b) Assessment materials for students are not in line with the student's ability level.
First, teachers use a variety of assessment methods for students. Each student has a
different level of ability and teachers play an important role to use Bloom's Taxonomy theory
approach to test the level of student ability. Objective assessments such as short-answer
questions, multiple questions, true-false and essay questions such as extended and intended
can be used to test the level of student ability. Teachers will be able to observe and assess
every need that students need in the classroom. In addition, teachers can plan effective
teaching plans in the future.
Next, teachers practice differentiated instruction during the teaching and learning process.
This can help meet the needs of each student. In planning lesson plans, teachers can adjust
content, information, techniques and processes during the teaching and learning process. For
example, giving students the option to complete assignment projects based on their interests by
ensuring that learning objectives are achieved. Therefore students have the opportunity to
achieve the goals required in the curriculum.
In addition, instructional objectives must be specified specifically and clearly so that teachers
can focus on the assessment that should be given. For instance, rather than saying that
students will understand the concept of verbs, it is better that students will be able to express
verbs. Teaching and learning objectives also need to be put in verbs that are aligned with
learning outcomes. For example, if the learning outcome is for students to be able to write a
summary essay, then the teaching objective should be students able to write a good and
concise summary essay in a correct way.


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