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MCQs 1
T/F 3

1. ‘Brainstorming’ means ______.
A. to collect all kinds of ideas on a topic
B. to do some mental exercise
C. to make efforts to understand something
D. to give some kind of stimulus to the brain
2. ‘Interactive’ listening is ______.
A. listening and responding
B. listening for mood and tone
C. listening for word stress and emphasis
D. listening for finding out speaker’s attitude
3. Reading skill can be best developed by ______.
A. writing answers to questions on text
B. focusing on the use of words from context in the text
C. doing vocabulary exercises
D. doing quizzes and playing word games
4. Practice of grammatical structures in a controlled manner can be done by ______.
A. correcting wrong sentences produced by learners
B. putting the given verbs in the correct tenses
C. writing paragraphs and essays
D. explaining the use of particular structures
5. Which of the following is true about teaching pronunciation?
A. Teachers should only refer to stress and intonation when teaching it.
B. Native-like pronunciation is the goal.
C. Teachers should do aural drills most of the time.
D. Teachers should not distort when giving a model.
6. For which of the following lexical items should teachers use the technique of word formation
to show meaning?
A. opstimistic
B. researcher
C. verbal
D. latter
7. Which of the following lexical items can best be taught with the technique of enumeration?
A. utensils
B. violence
C. birthday
D. series
8. Which of the following is a communicative pronunciation activity?
A. telephone numbers
B. stepping stone
C. stress matching game
D. tongue twister
9. Which of the following game can best be used in the aural drills of teaching pronunciation?
A. pronunciation journey
B. stepping stone
C. telephone numbers
D. find the way out
10. In which of the following items should we pay attention to secondary stress?
A. necessitate
B. necessary
C. necessarily
D. necessity
11. Which option contains homophones?
A. see/sea, pair/pear
B. tool/took, here/hair
C. bear/bore, dear/dare
D. rest/test, rack/tack
12. Which option contains compound nouns?
A. extremely lovely, highly available
B. paperback, green hand
C. tailor-made, job-induced
D. an English teacher, a white house
13. When should we teach grammar of words?
A. When the words are structural ones
B. When there exists confusion among students
C. When there is little confusion
D. When the words are active vocabulary
14. The word “photographer” ______.
A. contains a diphthong
B. is stressed on the second syllable
C. starts with a voiced consonant sound
D. contains secondary stress
15. Which of the following is not suitable in the pre-writing stage?
A. peer-editing
B. analysing the model text
C. brainstorming ideas
D. conducting oral preparation

1. Reading aloud is not necessary at all in teaching reading.

→ F (Reading aloud can be useful at the earliest stages of reading)

2. We should teach all difficult vocabulary items in a reading text in the pre-reading stage.

→ F (Only teach those that cause difficulty in understanding the text)

3. We don’t always ask guiding questions in the pre-reading stage.


4. We use concept check questions when teaching active vocabulary only.

→ F (Passive vocab cũng cần hỏi để check understanding)
5. We don’t always use oral check in the while-reading stage.
→ F (Use khi nghi là có HS kh đọc bài, chép lời giải trong sách)
6. Questioning strategies can be used to enhance pairwork.


7. Definition questions can be used to teach the meaning of passive lexical items in pre-reading


8. Questions in the post-reading stage help stimulate students’ background knowledge.


9. Teachers should teach word family and collocations of all selected items in pre-reading stage.


10. Teaching grammar inductively is superior to teaching grammar deductively.


11. For sounds that have no minimal pairs, the aural drills can be omitted.


12. No correction should be made to the students’ pronunciation in the lead-in stage of
pronunciation teaching.


13. Reading a novel is rarely classified as intensive reading.


14. Features of connected speech include one word causing a change in a sound in a neighbouring


15. Intensive listening involves listening to the whole recording to get a general understanding.

[Statements about reading]
16. It's a good idea to get students to underline new vocabulary in the text the very first time they
read it.
→ F (1st time đọc để lấy gist thoi)
17. It is not possible to create an intensive reading task for a bus timetable.

18. True/False questions can only be used for detailed reading tasks.
→ F (Hỏi về main ideas cũng làm dạng này được rite?)
19. You should set reading tasks before students begin reading.
→ T (Mấy cái task để activate background knowledge được tính hong?)
20. It's not a good idea to set time limits for reading because it makes students panic.
→ F (Nếu mình muốn rèn kĩ năng đọc, nhất là để đi thi, thì nên có time limit chứ ha)
21. The first time students read a text, it's better that they don't use a dictionary.


22. Sometimes it's a good idea to get students read and not bother about a task.


23. Lead-in activities are mostly a waste of time.


24. It helps that students get the gist understanding of a text before reading for detail.


25. Students should be able to understand a writer's opinion about a topic the very first time they
→ F (Nhiều khi t đọc phải 2-3 lần t mới hiểu nên chắc kh ép HS đc đâu hỉ)


1. The answer to a guiding question should be a ______ one.

→ short

2. Reading a text and answering questions orally can be classified as a ______ speaking activity.

→ controlled
3. To teach vocabulary in the while-reading stage, teachers can use the activity of matching
besides ______ questions.

→ definition

4. The aim of oral preparation in teaching writing is to ______ the chances of making mistakes
when students do the guided writing task.

→ avoid

5. A good meaningful activity for grammar practice is not really suitable for ______ drilling.

→ choral

6. A teacher can get students to summarise a reading text as a follow-up activity when teaching
reading when (s)he only has about ______ minutes left.

→ 10

7. When introducing a text, teachers should use some ______ words to arouse students’ curiosity
about the content of the text.

→ guessing

8. It is necessary that teachers divide the listening text into ______ to help students do the
listening tasks more easily.

→ chunks

9. Teachers can make grammar practice more meaningful by getting students to say real things
about ______.

→ themselves

10. In most current coursebooks of English, grammar is supposed to be taught inductively and

→ deductively

Numbers 1 to 3 show three different kinds of reading text. Letters a to i are descriptions of
reading tasks. Match them together with the appropriate text, and then put them in the
correct order (which task would you do first?, second?, etc).
Reading tasks
a. scanning for numbers like hours, wage etc.
b. very detailed reading to understand the writer's point of view
c. skim reading to locate relevant information
d. scan to locate the correct heading
e. detailed reading about the profile of the person they want and job description
f. skim reading to determine interest in topic under discussion
g. detailed reading to fully understand all the information related to this topic
h. skim reading for suitability
i. detailed reading to understand all points being made

(Thứ tự bên dưới là thứ tự trước - sau luôn)

Texts Tasks

1. a job advertisment h. skim reading for suitability

a. scanning for numbers like hours, wage etc.
e. detailed reading about the profile of the
person they want and job description

2. a letter to the editor of a newspaper f. skim reading to determine interest in topic

under discussion
i. detailed reading to understand all points
being made
b. very detailed reading to understand the
writer's point of view

3. an encyclopedia entry c. skim reading to locate relevant information

d. scan to locate the correct heading
g. detailed reading to fully understand all the
information related to this topic

Letters a to h describe different teaching or learning situations that involve vocabulary.

Decide which of the following approaches is the most suitable, and circle the correct letter.
T = teacher-fronted explanation or elicitation
S = student-centred task
C = use the context to work out the meaning

Teaching / Learning Situations for vocabulary Approaches

a. 2 new words before a speaking activity.

b. 4 words in a fading text that are not important for an understanding of the

c. 8 words from a listening text that are important to an understanding of the


d. A set of about 10 words based around a topic or theme (e.g. crime words).

e. A couple of words that crop up unexpectedly in the lesson.

f. 3 words that are included in a grammar practice activity.

g. A list of verbs and nouns that go together (collocation) e.g. nouns that go
with make and 'do'.

h. 4 words that are specific to a particular kind of written language e.g. legal

Put the steps of “Slap the board" in the correct order.

Steps Order

T calls out the new words in VN. 6

T puts the new words on the Bb in bubbles. 1

T asks Ss to stand at equal distance. 5

T divides the class into 2 teams. 2

Ss run forward and slap the word. 7

T chooses a student from each team. 3

T asks Ss to go to the front of the class. 4

Put the steps of “What and Where" in the correct order.

Steps Order

T gets the Ss to repeat the rubbed-out word in each empty circle each time he 4
rubs the word.

T writes the new words in circles on the board. 1

T rubs out the first word (don't rub out the circle). 3

T asks Ss to fill in the words in the circles. 7

T continues until all the circles are empty. 5

T asks Ss to repeat all the rubbed-out words in the circles. 6

Ss remember the words. 2

Put the steps of “Rub out and remember" in the correct order.

Steps Order

T puts meanings / VN translation. 2

When all the English words are rubbed out. T goes through the list of 6
meanings /VNese translations and gets the Ss to call out the English words.

T rubs out the new words in English one at a time. 4

T presents/ elicits new vocab. 1

Ss copy in their books then close their books. 3

T points to the VN translation and asks "what's this in English?" 5

Ss come to the Bb and writes the English words again. 7

Put the steps of “Matching" in the correct order.

Steps Order

T draws pictures or writes the definition / translation on the right-hand side of 2

the Bb.

T asks Ss to come to the Bb to match the items on the left with those on the 3
right by drawing a line between them.

T writes the new words in a list on the left-hand side of the Bb. 1

T invites Ss to take the role of T. 4

There are different ways that the teacher can convey the meaning of a word in order to try
and elicit it. In the left-hand column below there are 8 words. Letters a to h describe
different methods of getting the meaning of words across. Choose the best method for each

Words Methods

1. hop (v) b. Doing a mime or action.

2. viability (n) h. Getting students to read a short written text that acts as a context for the

3. exhausted (adj) g. Telling a short, personal story to give an example of the meaning.

4. kiwifruit (n) a. Showing students a physical object of some kind - sometimes called

5. bitter (adj) d. Asking students to think about the opposite meaning of a word they
already know.

6. imitate (v) c. Explaining the meaning by giving an oral definition of the word.

7. skyscraper (n) f. Using a picture of something.

8. rarely (adv) e. Using a cline or diagram.

Read the text. Imagine that you want to present these new words from the text. Which ones
would you present as active vocabulary, and which would you present as passive
vocabulary? Write them in two lists.
In Britain, the weather is very varied; people will never know what it will be like the next day.
The summer is warmer than the winter, but even in summer the average temperature is only 16°.
Sometimes the sun shines, but at other times the sky is covered in cloud, and it often rains.
In winter it is sometimes very cold, especially in the north of the country. The temperature may
fall below 0°, and then there is often snow and ice.
The best season of the year is probably in late spring. At this time of year the weather is often
sunny and warm; the countryside looks very green, and there are wild flowers everywhere.
- Active vocabulary: weather, season, spring, sunny, countryside
- Passive vocabulary: varied, average temperature, cloud, snow, ice

Match the concept questions to the example structures (3 for each structure). Then, put the
questions in the best order.
1. I've had this car for about 3 years now.
d. When did you buy it? (3 years ago)
g. Did you own it all that time? (yes)
1. Do you still have it? (yes)
2. We're going to meet up with them after dinner.
f để. Is the speaker talking about now or the future? (now)
h. Is the action in the present or the future? (future)
a. Did you decide to do this before speaking or when you were speaking? (before)
3. I was waiting at the bus stop when he drove by.
e. Did the action happen in the past? (yes)
i. Did it begin before or after the second action? (before)
m. Did it continue after the second action? (yes)
4. You should really see a doctor.
k. Do you think this is a good idea? (yes)
c. Do you want the other person to do this? (yes)
o. Do you feel very strongly that the other person do this? (no)
5. It looks like it might rain tomorrow.
b. Is it only a possibility? (yes)
n. Is the speaker sure about the action? (yes)
j. Will it definitely happen? (no)

Decide whether these items are passive or active vocabulary: Argentina, thriving, agriculture,
processed food.

Decide whether these items are abstract or concrete vocabulary: economy, industry, mineral
resources, fruit.
- Abstract: economy, industry, mineral resources
- Concrete: fruit

List all the possible visual aids that can be used to show the meaning of processed food,
- processed food
+ Blackboard: T vẽ
+ Real objects
+ Flashcards
+ Charts
- destination
+ Flashcards
+ Charts
Why is it necessary to decide whether a vocabulary item is a concrete or an abstract one /
an active or a passive one?
- To decide the appropriate technique to teach that vocabulary item
- Distinguising between a concrete or an abstract vocabulary item: To decide how to present
its meaning
+ Concrete: with pictures/real objects
+ Abstract: with examples/situations
- Distinguising between an active or a passive one vocabulary item: To decide how to teach
it and decide the concept check questions
+ Active: thoroughly with examples, collocations, family words; check understanding
+ use
+ Passive: present quickly with an example; check understanding

What is the biggest difference between concept check questions and questions to help Ss use
the word?

Put these stages of a reading lesson in a logical order.

a. Check detailed understanding by asking multiple-choice questions.
b. Focus on vocabulary in the text by asking learners to find words that mean X, Y, Z.
c. Use a picture to generate interest in the topic.
d. Ask learners to read the text quickly in order to answer gist questions, such as: What's it
about? Who wrote it? Why?
e. Ask learners to talk about their personal responses to the text and its topic.
f. Teach essential vocabulary that learners may be unfamiliar with.
g. Focus on a grammar structure in the text by, for example, asking learners to underline each
instance of it.
h. Use the title of the text to encourage learners to predict the content of the text.

- Pre: c,h,f
- While: d,a,b
- Post: g,e
g là post do là yêu cầu HS underline, mục đích là để mb focus vào 1 cái điểm ngữ pháp nào đó để
học típ

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