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Maugham (5 stories)
“The Ant and the Grasshopper”
1. Lexical stratum:
1. Translate the following words into Ukrainian:

 Fable-байка
 Burden-ноша, груз
 to be devised to do smth-мати на меті, планувати
 scapegrace-гульвіса, шибайголова
 industry-працьовитість
 to chuck-відмовитися від, покинути
 giddiness-легковажність,недалекоглядність
 expostulation-заперечення
 laborious-трудомісткий
 rumour-чутка
 store-запаси
 unscrupulous-безсовісний
 to beg for smth-випрошувати щось
 enticement-спокуса
 larder-комора
 amendment-зміни в кращу сторону
 perversity-розбещеність
 to blackmail-шантажувати
 disapproval-засудження,несхвалення
 gamble-азартна гра
 to prosecute-притягувати до відповідальності
 to philander with-залицятися до когось
 prudence-обачність
 gloom-понурість

2. Give the definition to the expressions and find them in the text:

 to bring home to smb-to make someone understand something much more

clearly than they did before, especially something unpleasant.(page 78)
 Reconcile oneself to smth-to accept a situation or fact although you do not like
it(page 78)
 Couldn’t help doing smth-to not be able to control or stop something(page 78)
 wear an expression of-feel some emotion, which is visible on your face(page
 sit on one’s shoulders-being something that is someone’s to deal with(page 78)
 to be in hilarious spirits-to be in a cheerful, frivolous mood(page 79)
 to cause trouble-to make problems, to create difficulties, to cause bother(page
 to make friends-to start a friendly relationship; to become friends with
someone(page 78)
 to make a fresh start-an opportunity to start over without prejudice(page 79)
 look as if one had just come out of a bandbox-to look very clean and fresh;
look as if you had just had a bath and put on all-new clothing(page 79)
 to make a point of doing smth-to give one’s attention to (doing something) to
make sure that it happens(page 80)
 to rub one’s hands-to be pleased because something has happened which gives
you an advantage, especially because something bad has happened to someone
else(page 80)

3. Explain the meaning of the idiom in form of a mini situation:

“Every family has a black sheep.”
Mr. And Mrs. Green are famous writers whose works are read all over the world.
They are successful, intelligent, interested in art and collect antiques. Every year
they rest in different parts of Europe. Three children were born to the Green family:
Elizabeth, Anna and George. All three had a small age difference and went to the
same school. Elizabeth and George are like their parents, both are interested in art
and writing, attend various clubs. They have excellent grades and feedback from
their teachers is nothing but favorable. The children are happy to travel with their
parents in Europe and absorb the culture of Italy, Spain and Germany. Only Anna
feels strange in this family. She does not like going to school with her brother and
sister, she likes rock music and comics. She does not want to travel to Europe. She
likes Japan and Korea. She quarrels more than her brother and sister. Her parents
often scold her for this. The little girl feels that she is the black sheep in her family.

2. Answer the questions:

1) Who was a black sheep in the Ramsay?
In the fable, Tom is the black sheep of his family. After all, he was so different from
his brother George, who works honestly and long for decades. Tom gave up his
family and work in favor of a free life.
2) Why did Tom begin to blackmail his elder brother George?
Tom began to blackmail George when he stopped providing funds to his brother, who
never returned them. Tom felt threatened by his brother and, fearing for the receipt
of money from his brother, which he had been providing on a regular basis, decided
that blackmail would be the best solution.
3) Describe two personages: Tom and George (mention about their traits,
appearances, way of life etc.)
These two characters are like white and black colors, they are completely different.
Tom is a real troublemaker who only wants to have fun and is willing to do anything
for it, even leave his wife, children and work. He is ready to get into debt, cheat and
threaten just to get what he wants. He is attractive and he uses it all his youth. His
beauty hides a bad character and indifference to higher feelings. He uses his
charisma by seducing social ladies and taking advantage of them. His brother,
George is the complete opposite. He has a family and takes care of it, he goes to
work from 9 in the morning and sits until 6 in the evening to receive a salary, a third
of which he will save. He lives correctly and follows the rules of society. However,
when his brother remains rich at the end of the fable, then we also see the negative
side of George, he starts to get angry, because he thinks that his brother did not
deserve it, and maybe he is jealous of Tom’s huge wealth, and this drives him to mad
anger. The two brothers unites only one thing: selfishness. Tom was selfish, he
cared only about himself and his pleasures, but George, although he cared about
everyone, hid behind this his selfish desire for approval from society, he wanted to
appear and be better than his brother the slob.
4) How do you reveal the proverb: “Industry is rewarded and giddiness is punished”?
This proverb vividly expresses the idea that hard work and thoughtful lifestyle are
always rewarded, such a life was led by Ant from the fable and George Ramsay. All
their lives, these two thought and cared about their future, wanting to provide for
themselves and not think about where to find money in their old age. In the other
part of the proverb, we see that short-sightedness also bears its fruits, but negative
ones. In the fable, the jumping grasshopper is left with nothing for the winter, and
spends his life singing and dancing. In Tom Ramsay’s life, everything was like the
grasshopper’s, but with one difference. Tom still managed to get out of the situation,
albeit in a dishonest way, while the jumping horse could not. However, you should
not do as Tom did, because his story is rather an exception to the rules, and at the
same time, it is quite dishonest.

“The Escape”
1. Translate the following words into Ukrainian:

 to be convinced -бути переконаним

 prudence-розсудливість, обережність
 confess-зізнаватися, визнавати
 instant-миттєвий, негайний
 suffering-страждання
 pathetic-жалісливе
 loom-наближення небезпеки
 hefty -дужий,міцний
 to wring-стискати
 fickle-мінливий, примхливий
 hazard-випробування, небезпека
 shrewd-проникливий
 fled-втікач(втік)
 persuade-переконувати
 solemn-серйозний
 to extricate oneself-визволитися, звільнитися
 callous-бездушний, безжалісний
 oath-обіцянка, клятва
 careful-обачний, обережний
 rotten-жахливий
 to induce-спонукати до чогось
 render-робить,стає причиною, спричиняє
 scheming-підступний
 to jilt-відмовляти
 dispossessed-позбавлений чогось
 lamb-ягня
 to reconsider-переосмислювати, переглядати свої погляди
 peevish-ставати нетерплячим, дратівливим
 inspect-оглядати
 assiduous-старанний, зацікавлений
 behave-мати певну поведінку, поводитися

2. Give the definition to the expressions and find them in the text:

 to make up one’s mind-to decide or reach a conclusion about something.(page

 to fall in love with smbd.-to develop strong romantic feelings and emotional
attachment.(page 192)
 common sense-practical and sound judgment based on everyday reasoning and
experience.(page 192)
 to be on the point of doing-to be going to do something very soon(page 192)
 plenty of money-more than enough money for what you intend to do with that
money(page 192)
 upon my word-an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc(page 193)
 as hard as nails-not feeling or showing any emotions such as sympathy, fear, or
worry(page 193)
 well up into smth.-well acquainted with (a particular subject); knowledgeable
about(page 193)
 fall out of love-to no longer feel romantic love for someone(page 193)
 to be in a quandary-a state of not being able to decide what to do about a
situation in which you are involved(page 193)
 to be in possession of smth-if you are in possession of something, you have it,
because you have obtained it or because it belongs to you.(page 193)
 to deal with-to do something about (a person or thing that causes a problem or
difficult situation)(page 193)
 to be apt to do smth-to be likely to do something or to often do something(page
 to lose one’s temper-to get angry(page 194)
 by the way-used to introduce a new subject to be considered or to give further
information(page 194)
 to take care of-to protect someone or something and provide the things that that
person or thing needs(page 194)
 to get over the blow-when an argument blows over, it becomes gradually less
important until it ends and is forgotten(page 194)

3. Find and built up a chain of the synonyms from the text and the dictionary (more
than 3):

 to convince-to persuade,to assure,to encourage, to have influence

 plenty-abundant, ample, plentiful ,excess
 hazard-risk, danger, threat, venture
 lovely-beautiful, attractive , gorgeous, delightful
 callous-indifferent, heartless, insensitive,cold, unfeeling
 common sense-wisdom, logic , practicality ,good judgement, good reasoning
 house-hunting-residence-looking, residence-seeking,home-looking, property
 lodging-residence, housing, dwelling, accomodation

2. Answer the questions:

1) Why can Ruth Charing render most men defenseless?
Ruth left many men defenseless because of the way the pathetic expression on her
face confused men and would not allow them to leave this charming girl without
help, no matter how selfish she really was.
2) What’s the reason of Roger’s hefty situation between the hazards of life and his
“helpless little thing like Ruth”?
Roger has been running away from relationships all his life, but when he met Ruth,
he couldn’t run away from her. Even after learning about what she really was like, he
did not run away, but tried with all his might to separate her from himself and
postpone the purchase of the house so that she would leave him.
3) Why does he call her as “helpless little thing” if she was as hard as nails?
He called her that because at first he did not know what she really was. She seemed
to him a victim who was constantly unlucky. On top of that, her constant sad
expression and big eyes confused him like most men who dealt with Ruth.
4) Is the marriage hefty, rotten, happy or instant moment between Ruth and Roger?It
is worth noting that everything happened quite quickly with the heroes, so the word
instant is very appropriate in this situation. Roger introduced Ruth to his friends,
announced the marriage, but a happy family life was not destined to happen because
of Ruth’s character. Her character could be characterized by the word rotten.
5) How did they separate in spite of Roger’s gallant and assiduous courts to Ruth?
They parted very strangely and it would be difficult for a person who did not know
the story to believe in such a thing, but it so happened that Roger, for the sake of
which Ruth herself left him, deceived her with the house, looking for him for 2 years.
Ruth, who only had selfish goals at the expense of Roger, could not wait so long, and
during this period she found herself a new «lover» whom she was supposed to marry.
“The Force of Circumstance”

1. Lexical stratum:
1. Translate the following words into Ukrainian:

 to chuckle -сміятися
 to tear off -відривати
 mellifluous -ласкавий, милозвучний
 ravenous -голодний, ненажерливий
 to remonstrate -висловлювати незгоду, заперечувати
 to exacerbate-турбувати, нервувати
 wan-блідий
 frenzied-нестриманий
 pallor-бліда шкіра
 to waylay sb-нападати на когось
 to slink out of-непомітно вислизнути, втекти
 to have a row-сваритися, сперечатися
 stray-бродячий
 insipid-прісний
 palatable-приємний на смак, смачний
 a lark-жайворонок, жарт
 to distress-турбувати
 somber-похмурий
 ominous-зловісний
 confinement-замкнутість

2. Give the definition to the expressions and find them in the text:

 to pension sb off-to retire someone and provide them with a pension or

financial support.(page 464)
 to form an impression-to produce a strong effect on somebody (page 465)
 to take away one's breath-astonish or inspire someone with awed respect or
delight(page 465)
 to offer a smiling welcome-to greet or receive someone in a friendly and
welcoming manner, often accompanied by a smile.(page 466)
 as pleased as punch-extremely delighted or satisfied with a situation or
outcome.(page 472)
 to have a jaw-to engage in a conversation or discussion, especially a lengthy or
informal one(page 472)
 at the end of one's tether-a situation in which one has no patience or energy left
to cope with something
 to make a clean breast of sth-to speak openly and honestly about (something
that previously has been lied about or kept secret)(page 474)
 to make a nuisance of oneself-to cause trouble or to annoy other people(page
 to take the matter out of one's hands-to remove control or responsibility for a
situation or decision from someone.(page 463)

3. Find and built up a chain of the synonyms from the dictionary (more than 3):

 confinement-imprisonment, restriction,enclosure,captivity
 lark-fun, amusement, giggle, joke
 somber-melancholy, gloomy,serious, sad
 gracious-courteous,kind,polite,considerate
 dreary-bleak, monotonous ,dull, cheerless
 to stroll-walk, wander,roam,amble

2. Answer the questions:

1. In what ways is this story dated? Does it still retain the interest and sympathy of
the modern day reader, and if so, how?
In the story itself, it is difficult to determine which period was indicated, but what can
be said for sure is that the story can be considered relevant even now, despite the fact
that most of the details and the very place of action and traditions that are
characteristic of the heroes in the story and are not characteristic of our society
however, the story of the lie itself is one that is quite common nowadays.
2. What makes for a happy marriage? Write down four preconditions for a happy
I want to start with the fact that marriage is a very individual thing, especially in our
time. Everyone chooses the principles and rules by which to live. However, I can
confirm that there can be no marriage without love, and first of all, a marriage where
two people love each other is considered happy. However, it is still possible to name
four components that apply to most couples. The first is respect. Two people must
respect each other, each other’s interests, values. Mutual understanding is the second
point and it is necessary for a couple to be able to be with each other for a long time
and not to part. The ability to resolve conflicts is the third point, no less important,
this point is noted by most couples who have been together for a long time. They say
that this helped preserve their relationship for such a long time. Last bat not sheet is
common goals. This is important for couples, because it is impossible to be with a
partner with whom you have very different views and goals. This leads to quarrels
and divorce in the future. These were the four points of a happy and long marriage in
my opinion.
3. What might jeopardize happiness in a marriage?
Happiness in marriage can be threatened by lies, jealousy, different goals,
interference from the family of one or two of the partners, different cultures, different
worldviews, bad habits and much more. All this is threatening for the couple and all
this complicates the marriage and leads to divorces
4. Express your attitude to the story.
Overall, I liked the story. It is quite instructive for me, because it tells about the
importance of truth, the importance of trust in relationships. And I really liked the
description of the place where everything happened. In my head, the image of the
tropics, the images of birds and birds that were described there appeared. The story
turned out to be sad, but it left a good impression
5. Which character do you sympathise with? Why?
I really like Doris. She is very sincere, educated and intelligent. She lovingly cared
for and loved her husband. As a real woman, she turned his house into a cozy place
where there was a place for flowers and everything beautiful. She appreciated nature
and its beauty. On the one hand, she is a little naive, because she too quickly agreed
to marry Guy, but as a woman she behaved beautifully and knew how to be a good
wife and partner for her husband.
“The Happy Man”
1. Translate the following words into Ukrainian:

 to flounder-бовтатися
 hazardous-небезпечний
 to surmise-припускати, робити висновки
 forcible-примусовий
 cursory-мимовільний
 stout-кремезний, міцний
 livelihood-засоби до існування
 intently-уважно
 to concern-турбуватися, цікавитися, стосуватися
 indisposition-погане самопочуття, нездужання
 squeamish-гидливий, вередливий
 dissipated-розсіяний
 sympathetic -співчутливий
 boldly-сміливо
 voluptuously-спокусливо

2. Give the definition to the expressions and find them in the text:

 to alter manners (habits, points of view, plans, one's way of living, a

dress-to change the way one behaves, thinks, plans, lives, or dresses.
(page 315)
 to be littered with books (papers, lumber, etc.)-if something is littered
with things, there are a lot of those things in it,to have a lot of books
(papers, clutter) scattered around in a disorganized manner.(page 317)
 a ring at the bell (a knock at the door)-a sound made by a ringing
doorbell (or a knock) indicating someone is at the door.(page 315)
 to have not the least notion (of smth.)-to have absolutely no
understanding or knowledge of something.(page 317)
 to remind smb. of smth.-to cause someone to recall or think about
something.(page 317)
 to reach out (up, down) for smth.-to extend one’s arm (upward or
downward) to try to grab or obtain something.(page 316)
 a dim recollection-a memory or understanding of something that is not
clear in your mind(page 317)
 to have a fancy for smth.-to have a liking or preference for something.
(page 316)
 to keep body and soul together -stay alive, especially in difficult
circumstances.(page 317)
 to be (feel, make oneself) at home somewhere-to relax and feel
comfortable somewhere as if you were in your own home or in a very
familiar situation(page 318)
 to drive up to a house (come up to the door)-to approach a house by
driving a vehicle (or walking) and reach the entrance(page 317)
 shabby clothes (house, man, street)-worn-out, old, and in poor condition
clothes (house, man, street)(page 318)
 to exchange smth. (for smth.)-to give something in return for something
else, usually as part of a trade or swap.(page 318)

2. Answer the questions:

1. Who is the narrator of the story "The Happy Man"?

The narrator of the story «The Happy Man» is Somerset Maugham because
he story is written in the first person.
2. What can you say about the structure of the story?
The structure of the story is created in chronological order, because the story
develops gradually and we see characters who have become older
3. What conclusions as to Somerset Maugham's attitude towards life and
relations between people can you draw from the first passage? Do you share
his views?
At the beginning of the story, Somerset Maugham notes that it is difficult for
him to choose their fate for others, advise them, and have a direct influence
on their lives, because he is not the person who has the right to change
people’s lives and decide something for them. It is difficult for him to
understand how politicians can decide for people how they should live. I
completely agree with him, I believe that each individual person should
decide for himself/herself what might be better for him/her, because not
everyone knows how this or that person feels, no one knows all his thoughts,
does not know his full capabilities, so in my opinion , people can only advise
something, but the decision shouldn’t be made by them.
4. What made Stephens come to the narrator for advice? Why does he want to
alter his life?
Stephen comes to the narrator for advice, and rather even for a solution to his
problem. Stephen doesn’t like his job as a doctor, and although he has
enough money to live on, he still misses life itself, joy and adventure. He
was attracted to Spain and although he did not know much about life there,
he still wanted to go there, but it was difficult for him to make a decision
himself, the narrator helped him to dare to take this step and change
something in his life.
5. What words and phrases are used to describe Stephens at the beginning and
at the end of the story? How can the reader gather that Stephens was happy in
Spain? What was it that attracted him to Spain?
Stephens is described at the beginning as having a monotonous life and being
discontented.Stephen did not like being a doctor in England. He was
tormented by the feeling that he was not in his place, and he felt that Spain
could become his new home.At the end of the story, he was full of happiness,
he had a new wife, he was happy and appreciated everything he had, despite
the fact that he had less money than in England.
6. How does the author draw the main-character: by describing him or by
showing him through his actions and conversation?
In my opinion, the author uses two options, because we had a rather short
description of the character, but also described the actions and his
background. By describing Stephen’s behavior and movements, we
understood what kind of person he is
7 What traits of character did the doctor possess that appealed to the author?
The author had a favorable impression of the doctor because of his
compassionate, empathetic, and pragmatic nature. The doctor’s practical
guidance and sincere care for Stephens further endeared him to the author.
8.How would you explain the title of the story?
In my opinion, the story is called that because of it’s ending . The title of the
writing shows that Stephen did get what he wanted. He became happy. The
whole purpose of the story is happiness, this is the main theme. And when
we reach the end of the story, we associate the name with the end and the
puzzle comes together.
9. What is the message of the story and by what devices did the author achieve
the effect?
In my opinion, the main idea of the work was to show that we will be happy
when we do something for it. Those who do nothing for it will not get
happiness. To do this, you need to be decisive, defend your opinion and not be
afraid of your own mistakes. The author uses the development of the main
character and describes the consequences of Stephen’s courage, who eventually
got the life he deserved

3. Complete the following sentences using the word combinations and

1. When one is no longer young, it is not an easy thing to alter one's habits. 2. The
coat is a size too large for you, you must exchange it.3. I'm tired of changing my
plans every time you change your mind. 4. She had scarcely finished speaking before
there was a ring at the bell and a knock. 5. Without a word she reached out for pen
and paper. 6. Lora altered the letter, but the man was quick enough to catch hold of it.
7. She daren't even to reach out for the switch lest the movement should wake the
child. 8. Clare is easily carried away; when she has a fancy for something she cannot
think of anything else. 9. "Some more cake?" -"Thank you, I have quite enough
chocolate cake." 10. Dave had to do all kinds of odd jobs that came his way to keep
body and soul together 11. The moment David saw the car driving up to the house, he
rushed out to meet his friends. 12. I found myself in a room littered with books,
papers and all kind of lumber. 13. I'm at my wits' end. I have not the least notion of
where to look for him. 14. I have not the least notion what he's hinting at. Do his
words make sense to you? 15. I wish you reminded me. it just slipped my mind. 16.
The moment he mentioned the incident, a dim recollection came back to me. 17. The
clothes the man wore were terribly shabby, but that evidently did not bother him. 18.
Ed had some difficulty in finding the place, a shabby building in an evil-smelling
slum. 19. Let's move up for you to have a better view of the stage. 20. The three
friends exchanged a glance. They were unanimous in their disapproval. 21. They
exchanged ideas before reaching a decision. 22. If you don't remind me of it, I'll
forget. 23. Her friendly sympathetic smile made me feel at home.
4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and
1. A number of things happened to me and caused a change in the course of my
life. 2. English spelling is appalling, but in time it will be partially changed. 3. He
heard the bell ring and went to open the door. 4. She held out her hand to take the
letter. 5. Dobbin stretched out his hand and caught the vase before it fell to the floor.
6. Jane's salary was hardly sufficient to make both ends meet. 7. I saw a cab approach
and stop at the door of my house. 8. There were test-tubes and phials scattered about
on the table. 9. He was left alone in the unkempt study with books, papers and what
not thrown about. 10. I haven't the faintest idea of what you're talking about. 11. I
have only a vague idea of the street I used to live in. 12. It was a poor, ill-furnished
small bedroom. 13. The man was wearing a much worn grey suit. 14. The boy did not
feel at ease in such a splendid house.
1. Several events happened in my life, and they caused an exchange in the course of
my life.2. The state of English spelling is terrible, but it will be partly exchanged in
time.3. Upon the doorbell ring, he moved to open the door.4. She reached out her
hand to receive her letter.5. Dobbin reached out his hand and prevented the vase from
falling to the floor.6. Jane’s salary was barely enough to keep body and soul
together.7. I saw a cab approach and driving up to the entrance of my house.8. The
table was littered with test-tubes and phials9. He was left alone in the disheveled
study, with the room littered with books, papers, and what not thrown about.10. I
don’t have the least notion about what you’re discussing.11. I possess only a dim
recollection the street where I used to live in.12. It was a shabby small bedroom .13.
The man was dressed in a shabby grey suit.14. The boy didn’t feel at home in such a
splendid house.

“The Unconquered”

1. Translate the following words into Ukrainian:

 to mislead- гуляння  temptation-
брехати  mongrel- спокуса
 guttural- дворняжка, собака  derision-насміх,
гортанний без породи глузування
 conqueror-  errand-доручення  anguish-
завойовник  to grudge- страждання
 to declare- ображатися  aghast-
оголошувати  armistice- шокований,
 deliberately- перемир’я приголомшени
навмисно  refinement- й
 spree-розгул, уточнення  ringleader-лідер

2. Explain the contextual meaning of the following lexical units and translate
 to despise-to feel that she was українською-
a strong dislike pregnant, завойовувати
for someone or drastically changed  hostility-an
something his attitude towards occasion when
because you her and fell in someone is
think that that love.Переклад unfriendly or
person or thing українською- shows that they
is bad or has no зневажати do not like
value.In the text,  to conquer- something.In the
Annette despised overcome and take text, Hans
the control of (a place complained
sentimentality of or people) by about the fact
the Germans, military force.The that in Soissons,
and in particular text described the all the people
Hans, who German conquest are hostile
mercilessly of France during towards the
raped her, and World War Germans, and he
then, learning II.Переклад so wants some
kind of friendly нападати на needed, food,
attitude.Перекла когось tobacco and
д українською-  to make amends-to newspapers,
вороже make up for a because he
ставлення wrongdoing or wanted to
 to fling oneself mistake, to rectify a apologize for
on smb-to move situation, or to what he had
suddenly offer apologies and done to
towards compensation for Annette.Перекл
someone in harm caused .In the ад українською
order to attack text, Hans bought -
them or hold and brought відшкодовуват
them.Переклад everything и
українською- Annette’s family

3. Find the following expressions, supply their Ukrainian equivalents:

 at a gulp-за один ковток (page 276)
 to give a shriek-верещати(page 276)
 to feel at ease-комфортно себе почувати(page 277)
 to treat smb well-добре ставитись до когось(page 277)
 to know smth like the palm of one’s hand-знати, як п’ять пальців (page 279)
 to be nasty-противно себе вести(page 280)
 to fling oneself on smb- кидатись на когось(page 280)
 to get on smb’s nerves-діяти комусь на нерви(page 283)
 to cross one’s mind-спадати на думку(page 283)
 to set one’s mind on doing smth-налаштувати себе на щось(page 283)
 greed for food-жадібний до їжі, ненаситний(page 284)
 to cope with smth-впоратись з чимось(page 286)
 to cry one’s eyes out-проплакати всі очі(page 285)
 to ruin one’s life-зруйнувати чиєсь життя(page 288)
 to bring smb to knees-подолати когось(page 288)
 to be on one’s side-прийняти чиюсь сторону(page 291)
 to let bygones be bygones -забувати минуле(page 294)
 to bear smb malice-злитись на когось(page 294)
 with all one’s heart and soul-з усією душею(page 290)
 to get over the shock-пережити шок(page 293)
 to tear to pieces-розірвати на шматки(page 294)
 to give way to one’s feelings-піддатися емоціям, почуттям(page 296)
4. Write a plan of the story.
1.Introduction (Hans’ deeds at Soissons)
2.Return to victims
3.Establishing connections
4.The truth about pregnancy
5.Attempts to convince Annette
6.Inevitable revenge
5. Outline the key issues elucidated in the story.
The main problem in the writing, in my opinion, is the coverage of how war affects
ordinary, peaceful people. We could observe a change in the views and principles of
the heroes in the work. War changes not only people’s lives, but also changes them
themselves, both physically and emotionally. This happened to the family of the
main character. They changed their attitude towards Hans after he started bringing
them food and other necessities, even though they should have hated him for the pain
he caused their family. In my opinion, during wars, stories like this are not isolated,
but rather a common practice, but Hans’s falling in love was an exception to the rule.
And although he tried to make amends, the injury he caused to Annette does not
absolve him of responsibility. The second problem is whether a person who was an
enemy just recently can change into a friend who will be with you for the rest of your
life. This is what Hans tried to become, but would he be able to cope with it? Could
his violent habits disappear? After all, even becoming calmer in the work, he still
showed violence towards the animal, so wouldn’t Annette be the next victim after the
animal?The third problem is the murder that Annette committed.
In general, the work shows many problems that are difficult to discuss, but despite
their difficulty, they really existed during the war and, unfortunately, continue to exist

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