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How to throw a frisbee properly

I have chosen this topic because it

can teach how to throw a frisbee.
your probably asking why you would
need to know how to throw a frisbee.
For me I play frisbee because its fun
to play this, especially with your
friends. By learning how to throw a
frisbee you can play with other
people. You could also teach your
other friends that don’t know how to
play and have more fun.
175 g frisbee (preferred)
30-40 meter playing area
A target or a friend
Step 1: Holding a Disk
Put your pointer finger along
the edge of the disk, your
thumb on the top, and the
rest of your fingers wrapped
on the other side of the edge.
You may adjust to your liking
but this is the proper way of
holding a disk.
Step 2: Proper Footing
You need proper footing
because if you don’t you
might fall down and hurt
yourself. Again you can
adjust to your liking but the
proper way is to have your
dominant foot forward and
your non-dominant foot
turned 90 degrees
Step 3: Position for Throwing
Curl your arm (with disk in
hand) towards your body.
You may also turn your body
for stronger throws with
results in farther distance.
Unlike the first 2 steps this is
the default position. But if
someone somehow finds
another way to throw a
frisbee you’ll be using this.
Step 4: Aiming
To aim you just need to point the
frisbee at the target but what you
gonna want to do is to release when
your arm reaches somewhat of a 45
degree angle. You also need to angle
the disk up or down depending on
how high you want the disk to go.
The disk should be parallel to the
ground or else it will curve and you
wont hit your intended target. If
your target is moving you should pre
aim and adjust to the speed of the
Step 5: Throwing
To throw you have to move
your arm outwards as fast as
you can before you reach the
appropriate release angle. To
help with this your gonna
want to flick your wrist as
hard as you can. As seen in
the video.
Step 6: Releasing
When you want to release
already you should adjust
the power your gonna use.
This will greatly affect the
range of where the disk is
gonna go.
Step 7: Fine tuning
Fine tune your throws so that
it will be able to get to the
target accurately. The goal is
for the frisbee to fly as flat as
possible. After practicing it
should look like the disk in
the video.
That’s all Thank you

I hope you learned from this

wikiHow(no date) How to Throw a Frisbee,

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