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COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The first
known cases of COVID-19 were reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The
outbreak was initially linked to a seafood and live animal market in the city. However,
it later became apparent that the virus could spread from person to person through
respiratory droplets.

The outbreak rapidly spread across China and by January 2020, cases were being
reported in other countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global
health emergency on January 30, 2020. By March 11, 2020, the WHO declared
COVID-19 a pandemic as the number of cases continued to rise rapidly around the

Since then, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on global health and economies.
Governments and health organizations around the world have implemented various
measures to try and slow the spread of the virus, such as social distancing, wearing
masks, and lockdowns. The development of effective vaccines has been a major
focus, and vaccination programs have been rolled out in many countries around the

As of February 2023, COVID-19 continues to be a major global health issue with over
424 million confirmed cases and 5.9 million deaths worldwide, according to the

Sure, here is a possible blog post that links COVID-19 with the importance
of disinfectant, good hand hygiene practices, and microbiological testing
provided by Viroxy laboratory:

Title: How Microbiological Tests and Disinfectants Can Help Combat


Unprecedented difficulties have been presented by the COVID-19 epidemic

to people and communities all around the world. It is crucial to
comprehend the part that disinfectants, proper hand hygiene habits, and
microbiological testing may play in halting the spread of the virus as we
continue to navigate this ongoing catastrophe.


Disinfectants are chemical agents that are used to eliminate or reduce the
number of microorganisms on surfaces, thereby reducing the risk of
infection transmission. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of
disinfectants has become more important than ever before.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the use
of EPA-registered disinfectants against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes
COVID-19. It is important to choose disinfectants that are effective against
the virus and to use them according to the manufacturer's instructions.

One such disinfectant that has been tested against SARS-CoV-2 is Viroxy
Surface Disinfectant. This disinfectant has been shown to be effective
against the virus and is registered with the EPA. Viroxy Surface Disinfectant
can be used on a wide range of surfaces and is safe for use in healthcare
facilities, schools, and other public settings.

Good Hand Hygiene Practices

In addition to the use of disinfectants, good hand hygiene practices are also
essential in preventing the spread of COVID-19. The virus can be spread
through respiratory droplets or by touching a contaminated surface and
then touching your face, eyes, or mouth.

The CDC recommends washing your hands often with soap and water for at
least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public place, blowing your nose,
coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not available, an alcohol-
based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can be used.

Microbiological Testing

Microbiological testing is also an important tool in the fight against COVID-

19. Testing can help to identify individuals who have the virus and allow for
prompt isolation and treatment. It can also help to monitor the
effectiveness of disinfectants and other infection control measures.

Viroxy Laboratory provides a range of microbiological testing services,

including testing for SARS-CoV-2 on surfaces, in the air, and on hands. This
testing can help to identify areas that may require additional disinfection or
other infection control measures.

As we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of
disinfectants, good hand hygiene practices, and microbiological testing can
all play an important role in preventing the spread of the virus. By using
effective disinfectants like Viroxy Surface Disinfectant, practicing good hand
hygiene, and utilizing microbiological testing services provided by Viroxy
Laboratory, we can all do our part in protecting ourselves and our
communities from COVID-19.

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