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Q1: Which of the following is not a valid alignment attribute??

a Right

b None

c All of above

d Left

e None

f Top

Q2: How to login into docker hub.?

a $ docker $login

b None

c $ docker --log

d None

e None

f $ docker login

Q3: What command, followed by the directory name is used to access that specific

a cp

b acs

c cd

d None

e None

f access

Q4: MySQL runs on which Operating Systems??

a None

b Unix, Linux, Windows,Mac And Others

c None

d Linux And Mac OS-X Only

e Unix And Linux Only

f Windows only

Q5: How can we add comments in PHP??

a None

b # commented code to end of line

c /* commented code here */

d None

e // commented code to end of line

f all of the above

Q6: What is a permalink??

a A permalink is the web address used to link to your content.

b Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual pages and blog posts, as
well as your category and tag archives

c The numeric IP address of your WordPress site

d None

e The complete URL of your WordPress site

f A popular WordPress Plugin

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