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Кафедра іноземних мов
професійного спрямування

з дисципліни «Інтенсивний курс англійської мови»

Виконав здобувач групи ЗТУ 4-1

спец. 242 «Туризм» заочної форми навчання

Крошка Л.Ю

Я як здобувач(ка) Національного університету харчових технологій розумію і підтримую

політику університету з академічної доброчесності. Я не надавав(-ла) і неодержував(-ла)
недозволеної допомоги під час підготовки цієї роботи. Використання ідей, результатів і
текстів інших авторів мають посилання на відповідне джерело.

Перевірив: викладач кафедриРудницька К. М.

Київ 2023

1. Choose the correct meanings of the words in italics
1 research (n)

A serious study in a subject B an examination in a subject C an analysis of

2. benefit (n)
A a profit B a bonus C an advantage
3. similarities (n)
A a problem of something B the same characteristics C the advantage of
2. Collocations
Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

clear physical share social

Over the past decade people have become aware of just how powerful
1 social media can be. From governments being forced to explain
thSeir actions to songs being boosted to top of the music charts, there
is no doubt that technological developments have overtaken our
lives. There seems to be a(n) 2 clear relationship between the rise of
this technology and the fast-changing world in which we now live.
Immediately after something happens on the other side of the world,
we know about it: people share videos and photos instantly. Even
celebrities are constantly hassled about 3 physical their appearance.

3 Vocabulary. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. 2 words in a

box are extra.
agencies journalists views events content audience
1. I think 24-hour TV news channels changed how journalists report the news.
2. These days big events are reported in too much details.
3. The content of the newspapers can get very repetitive.
4. It is often hard to get expert views on difficult subjects.
4 Adjectives for experience and feeling Complete the sentences using the
correct options A–C.
1. I feel so about forgetting her
birthday. A guilty B fascinated C
2. They were absolutely by
this music. A surprised B
fascinated C exhausted
3. I was late and he was
with me. A calm B furious
C guilty
4. My most moment was trying to introduce a woman
whose name I couldn't remember.
A embarrassingB amazing C dull
5 Present tenses
Complete the text with the present simple or present continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.

Emoticons 1 play(play) an increasingly important role in communication

these days. It 2 seems(seem) that they 3 make(make) you appear friendlier
4 help(help) you become more popular on social media. Some people
5 think(think) that the use of emoticons 6 is(be) unacceptable in the
workplace, though they 7enter(enter) work emails more and more.
6. Relative clauses.
Join the two sentences together using a relative clause. Use “which”. “who”
or “when”.

1. I like my friends. They enjoy spending time playing

table games. I like playing table games.
2. He dislikes boring things. These things waste
his time. He dislikes waste his time.
3. We often watch funny films. They make
us happy. We often watch us happy.
7. Read the text and answer the questions below it.
Can we rely on mother planet?

Could Mother Nature be coming to our rescue again? New research indicates
that the Earth’s vegetation has been absorbing more carbon dioxide than
been thought, which has led to a reduction in global warming and will give
us more time to get under control.
Mother Nature has been kind to us. For centuries she took everything
humans threw at her without seriously fighting back. But as scientists point
us, there are limits to Mother Nature’s patients. The positive effect of carbon
dioxide on plant growth is unlikely to continue in the long term because trees
and vegetation meet other problems, most importantly a lack of nutrients
such as phosphorous and nitrogen that they need to grow.
Global warming brings other problems too. For instance, tree-killing insects
do better in warmer temperatures. One example in the pine bark beetle,
which has killed 45 million acres of forest in western Canada and north-west
America. Also, climate change leads to drier weather which results in more
forest fires. These release huge amounts of carbon dioxide into atmosphere.
The positive and negative effects of global warming cause much debate in
climate science. However, the basic physics of global warming are
agreed by scientists.
Sunlight passes through the atmosphere, like glass in a greenhouse, warming
the Earth. Much of it is reflected back as infrared radiation and a large
amount of it is absorbed by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere, heating the world further. Without this natural process, the Earth
would be 20̊ С colder, and humans would not be able to live here. However,
when we produce more carbon dioxide, it increases greenhouse gases.
Although scientists agree on this, they do not always agree on how we deal
with nature’s acts of kindness. Clouds are good example of this. They
naturally send heat back out into space but air pollution results in a further
increase in this effect. As we clean the pollution from our skies, we send less
heat back into space. Similarity, increased temperatures result in melting ice
which leads to rising seas. But these actually absorb more heat.
Al in all, it seems that an increase in carbon dioxide will not warm the Earth
as much as we had thought. However, we still need to take immediate action.
For leading scientists, it is important to focus on the changes the world has
already experienced from low levels of warming. These include the tree-
killing insects and melting ice in the Antarctic and the Arctic. Interestingly,
the latte is being increasingly linked storms in Britain.

Answer the questions below.

Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

1.What aspect of our climate causes forest fires?

2.Which part of global warming are experts in agreement about?
3.What form of sunlight goes back out of the atmosphere?
4.What connects the Arctic to bad weather in Britain?
1. Drier weather

2.Basic physics

3.Infrared radiation

4.Melting ice

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