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A: Hello, Gino’s

B: Hi, can I book a table for tomorrow night, please.

A: How many people is it for?
B: Four.
A: And, what time would you like?
B: About 8, 8:30 maybe
A: Ah, let’s see… We’re pretty busy tomorrow, so I can do half past seven or
B: Ohhh… Ok Dane. Half seven, please.
A: What name is it ?
B: Jamie.
A: J-A
B: M-I-E.
A: Ok, so that a table for four at half past seven tomorrow evening.
B: Great. Thanks, bye.
A: Byeee.
A: Hello, Gino’s
B: Hi, I call earlier to book a table for four and I was wondering if I can make it or
six instead?
A: Ah, what’s name is it?
B: It’s JAMIE.
A: Hmm… Table for four and half past seven. So, you want to change it to 6
B: No. Sorry, can I make it for six people?
A: Oh, I see. Sorry, that shouldn’t be problem. I can move you to a bigger table
but it will be nearer the kitchen. Is that ok ?
B: No problem. Is it possible the change the time as well ? Make it a little bit
later ?
A: Ah… We can, is 8 ok for you ?
B: Perfect, Thanks
A: Lovely, see you tomorrow then

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