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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology © 2015 American Psychological Association

2015, Vol. 1, No. 1, 60 –71 2332-2101/15/$12.00


Enhancing Attention and Memory During Video-Recorded Lectures

Daniel L. Schacter and Karl K. Szpunar

Harvard University

Lectures have long been a staple of various kinds of instruction, and constitute a
component of most online learning platforms. Systematic research has begun to
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

examine how to enhance lecture learning in traditional classroom settings and in

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

online education. This article provides a conceptual framework for thinking about
attention and memory during video-recorded lectures, particularly as related to
online learning, that builds on 3 key claims: (a) online learning can be conceived
as a type of self-regulated learning, (b) mind wandering reflects a failure of
executive control that can impair learning from lectures, and (c) providing inter-
mittent tests or quizzes can benefit attention and learning. We then summarize
recent studies based on this framework that examine the effects of interpolating
brief quizzes in a video-recorded lecture. These studies reveal that interpolated
quizzing during a video-recorded lecture reduces mind wandering, increases task-
relevant behaviors such as note taking, boosts learning, and also improves calibra-
tion between predicted and actual performance. We conclude by discussing rec-
ommendations, open questions, and future research directions.

Keywords: interpolated testing, metacognition, mind wandering, online learning, video-recorded


Lectures have long been an essential part of Online learning, of course, has developed
education. Although there has been much de- rapidly during recent years. This development
bate recently about the utility of lectures and has been fueled in part by the emergence of
whether they should be supplemented or even freely accessible massive open online courses
replaced altogether by more active forms of (MOOCs) involving students from all over the
learning (e.g., Herried & Schiller, 2013; Mazur, world, as illustrated by fast growing online plat-
1997), lectures remain a prominent feature of forms such as Coursera, edX, and Udacity. Yet
the traditional classroom. Moreover, one can online learning and education have existed in
make the case that lectures occupy a more some form since the very inception of the In-
prominent role now than ever in education, be- ternet, and numerous studies have examined the
cause video-recorded lectures are often used to efficacy of various aspects of online learning.
supplement classroom lectures (Gorissen, van For example, in a meta-analysis of evidence-
Bruggen, & Jochems, 2012) and perhaps most based practices in online learning produced by
important, play a role in many online learning the U.S. Department of Education (Means et al.,
platforms (Breslow et al., 2013). 2010), the authors noted that a search of re-
search literature concerning online learning
from 1996 through mid-2008 turned up more
than 1000 empirical studies of online learning.
This article was published Online First February 9, 2015.
Daniel L. Schacter and Karl K. Szpunar, Department of
Research studies have typically focused on
Psychology, Harvard University. questions concerning the relative effectiveness
Preparation of this article was supported by a grant from of online versus face-to-face classroom instruc-
the Harvard Initiative for Teaching and Learning. tion, with some evidence indicating that online
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-
dressed to Daniel L. Schacter, Department of Psychology,
learning is often as effective as classroom learn-
Harvard University, 33 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA ing, and that a blend of the two is more effective
02138. E-mail: than either one alone (Means et al., 2010).

Many more reports have been published since tially interesting implications for both online
the 2010 meta-analysis by Means et al., includ- learning as well as learning in the traditional
ing studies of such topics as factors that dis- classroom.
criminate between dropouts and completers of
online courses (e.g., Lee, Choi, & Kim, 2013), Enhancing Learning From Video-Recorded
how to predict success in online learning (e.g., Lectures: Conceptual Framework
Kruger-Ross & Waters, 2013), the impact of
ethnic or minority status on participation in Our conceptual framework consists of three
online education (e.g., Ke & Kwak, 2013), char- key proposals that provide a foundation for at-
acteristics of participants in a MOOC (Breslow tempting to enhance learning from video-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

et al., 2013), and the priorities of online educa- recorded lectures. First, we portray online learn-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

tors (e.g., Dawson, Dana, Wolkenhauer, & ing as a type of self-regulated learning (Bjork,
Krell, 2013). At the same time, “how-to” and Dunlosky, & Kornell, 2013; Zimmerman & Sc-
popular books concerning various aspects of hunk, 2011). Second, we argue that mind wan-
online learning and education have proliferated dering entails a failure of executive control that
(e.g., Conrad & Donaldson, 2011; Khan, 2012; can interfere with lecture learning. Third, we
Thormann & Zimmerman, 2012; Vai & Sosul- discuss reasons why providing intermittent
ski, 2011). quizzes within a lecture ought to enhance learn-
Although it is clear that the literature con- ing.
cerning online learning is large and growing,
given that video-recorded lectures are often Online Learning Can Be Conceived as a
part of online learning platforms, it may be Type of Self-Regulated Learning
surprising that there is relatively little system-
atic research on how to enhance learning from One advantage of online educational plat-
video-recorded lectures. Given the wide vari- forms is that students are given the freedom to
ety of participants in MOOCs and related learn on their own time and at their own pace
forms of online learning (Breslow et al., (Khan, 2012). This advantage, however, is as-
2013; Means et al., 2010), such research sociated with challenges that students might not
would have potentially broad applicability to experience to the same extent in the classroom.
a variety of learners, including adults seeking In particular, students are left to themselves to
to supplement their education by taking on- regulate the quality of the learning experience.
line courses, college students, and even high Thus online education depends critically on
school students. For example, a 2010 survey self-regulated learning, a form of learning in
reported that the percentage of high school which the learner is primarily responsible for
students taking at least one online course dou- initiating, managing, and sustaining the learning
bled from 2008 to 2009 to just over 25% process (Zimmerman & Schunk, 2011). Cogni-
(Nagel, 2010), a 2012 report by the Evergreen tive psychologists have long been interested in
Education Group indicates a continuing rapid self-regulated learning (Bjork et al., 2013), and
rise (Watson, Murin, Vashaw, Gemin, & it is also widely recognized that self-regulated
Rapp, 2012), and a recent analysis from the learning plays a crucial role in education (Zim-
Sloan Foundation projects that five million merman, 2008). Yet relatively little empirical or
K-12 students—mainly high school stu- theoretical work has been carried out to link the
dents—will be enrolled in some type of online extant literature with the emerging field of on-
course by 2016 (Picciano et al., 2012). line learning.
In view of the importance of understanding Self-regulated learning draws heavily on
how to enhance and perhaps optimize learning metacognition, that is, awareness and knowl-
from video-recorded lectures, recent research edge of one’s own cognitive processes. Re-
has begun to investigate how to enhance atten- searchers in cognitive science and in education
tion to, and retention of, the contents of a video- have come to increasingly realize the important
recorded lecture. This article provides a brief role of metacognition for learning in educa-
summary of the conceptual framework that has tional contexts (e.g., Bjork et al., 2013; Grotzer
guided this research and the early returns from & Mittlefeldt, 2012; Hacker, Bol, & Keener,
initial studies, which we believe have poten- 2008; Hacker, Dunlosky, & Graesser, 2009). A

useful cognitive framework for thinking about Although we have focused on aspects of self-
metacognition was developed by Nelson and regulated learning that are most directly related
Narens (1990), who outlined the dynamic inter- to video-recorded lectures and online education,
play between monitoring (assessing the extent we also note that classroom lectures and learn-
and nature of one’s own knowledge) and con- ing, too, include self-regulated components. For
trol (cognitive processes that manage other pro- example, students can ask questions of lecturers
cesses) across various phases of the learning in live classrooms when they do not fully un-
experience (e.g., acquisition, retention, and re- derstand a point in the lecture, and students
trieval). For instance, during the initial learning engage in considerable self-regulated learning
of a video-recorded lecture, students may at when studying outside the classroom (for further
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

some point generate a “judgment of learning.” discussion, see Bjork et al., 2013). However, we
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

In other words, students may assess how well also suggest that some aspects of self-regulated
they think they have learned and will later re- learning, such as viewing a video-recorded lec-
member the contents of the lecture. This judg- ture, may take on heightened importance in
ment can have a causal influence on executive online education given that students frequently
control processes that guide additional study experience such lectures in situations that lack
(Metcalfe, 2009). Consequently, students who the structure of the classroom, such as a home
experience difficulty grasping specific aspects or dormitory environment (for discussion, see
of a video-recorded lecture may produce a rel- Song & Hill, 2007; Tsai, 2009).
atively low judgment of learning and decide that
they want to review specific portions of the Mind Wandering Reflects a Failure of
video before moving on to subsequent lessons. Executive Control That Can Impair
However, numerous studies from cognitive psy- Learning From Lectures
chology have shown that people are frequently
Learning from either video-recorded lectures
inaccurate in monitoring their own learning
or classroom lectures requires students to direct
(Bjork et al., 2013).
their attentional resources to the content of the
Much research has focused on the concept of
lecture in a controlled manner that includes
calibration, or the fit between individuals’ judg-
active avoidance of external or internal distrac-
ments about their performance and their actual
tion (cf. Baddeley, 1993; Kane & Engle, 2002).
performance (Keren, 1991). A good deal is Nonetheless, this executive control of attention
known about the conditions and individual dif- can sometimes fail, and bouts of inattention are
ferences that affect student calibration (Bol & not uncommonly consumed by self-relevant
Hacker, 2012). Consider, for example, the cal- thoughts unrelated to the content of ongoing
ibration between students’ predictions of how external stimulation (Smallwood, 2013; Small-
well they think they have learned a particular wood & Schooler, 2006). Importantly, once an
subset of materials and performance measures episode of mind wandering has been initiated,
that assess how well they actually retain that performance associated with the external task of
information (Hacker et al., 2008). Calibration interest can suffer (for review, see Smallwood
scores typically reveal that students are over- & Schooler, 2006).
confident about their initial levels of learning It has been long recognized among educators
(Hacker et al., 2008). This finding has important that students have difficulty sustaining attention
implications for executive control of study be- to lectures in the classroom (e.g., Brown, 1927),
havior: if students feel as though they have and advocates of online learning have similarly
mastered a particular topic, when in fact they recognized that learners have difficulty sustain-
have not, then they are likely to proceed to other ing attention (e.g., Khan, 2012; Koller, 2011).
lessons instead of devoting the additional study However, there has been relatively little system-
time needed to master that topic. Consistent atic research concerning the topic despite its
with this idea, research has shown that when critical importance for both traditional and on-
students make overconfident judgments of line education. A recent detailed review of the
learning, they are less likely to take advantage literature concerning attention and mind wan-
of subsequent opportunities to restudy target dering during both classroom and online lec-
material (e.g., Dunlosky & Rawson, 2012). tures (Szpunar, Moulton, & Schacter, 2013)

supports the general conclusion that lapses of computer-related multitasking in the classroom
attention constitute a significant barrier to learn- and during online learning with a view toward
ing. For example, studies of classroom lectures determining whether such activities are more or
indicate that students have increasing difficulty less of a problem in one or the other setting.
paying attention as a lecture goes on, and that There are contexts in which mind wandering
lapses of attention during lectures have a nega- can be beneficial, as when individuals think
tive impact on note taking and retention (e.g., about ways to achieve personally relevant future
Bunce, Flens, & Neiles, 2010; Cameron & Gi- goals during mind wandering episodes (Baird,
untoli, 1972; Johnstone & Percival, 1976; Smallwood, & Schooler, 2011). Nonetheless,
Lindquist & McLean, 2011; Scerbo, Warm, the foregoing studies make it clear that lapses of
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Dember, & Grasha, 1992; Schoen, 1970; Stuart attention such as mind wandering represent a
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

& Rutherford, 1978; Unsworth, McMillan, potential barrier to lecture learning and should
Brewer, & Spillers, 2012). be a focus of any attempt to improve lecture
Emerging evidence indicates that similar dif- learning.
ficulties arise during video-recorded lectures. In
a recent study of attention during video- Providing Intermittent Tests or Quizzes
recorded lectures, Risko, Anderson, Sarwal, En- Can Benefit Attention and Learning
gelhardt, and Kingstone (2012) reported two
experiments in which students watched 1-hr Many studies have demonstrated that retriev-
lectures on different topics (psychology, eco- ing information from memory (also known as
nomics, or classics). Students were probed at the “testing effect”) can enhance long-term re-
various different times into a lecture and were tention of that information, even more than ad-
asked if they were mind wandering at that mo- ditional study (Roediger & Karpicke, 2006). In
ment. Overall, participants in both experiments addition, the benefits of retrieval/testing have
indicated that they were mind wandering in been shown to extend beyond the specific ma-
response to around 40% of the probes, with terial that is tested such that students who prac-
significantly more mind wandering observed in tice retrieval are better able to transfer their
response to probes given during the second half knowledge to answer related questions in novel
of the lecture than to those given during the first contexts (Butler, 2010; Carpenter, 2012).
half. There was some variability in the overall These direct benefits of retrieval on retention
incidence of mind wandering across three lec- have been demonstrated in numerous laboratory
tures and in how much mind wandering in- studies (for reviews, see Dunlosky, Rawson,
creased from the first half to the second half of Marsh, Nathan, & Willingham, 2013; Roediger,
the lecture, that is, 30% to 61% incidence dur- & Butler, 2011). Moreover, recent studies have
ing the first and second halves of the Classics demonstrated that these direct benefits of re-
lecture, compared with 39% to 47% for Eco- trieval extend to classroom settings (McDaniel,
nomics and 31% to 44% for Psychology (Risko Agarwal, Huelser, McDermott, & Roediger,
et al., 2012). Nonetheless, for all three lectures 2011; Roediger, Agarwal, McDaniel, & Mc-
the increase in mind wandering across the lec- Dermott, 2011). In addition, and critically for
ture was associated with poorer performance on our purposes, a growing line of research has
a test of lecture material given shortly after the demonstrated indirect benefits of retrieval/
lecture. In a follow-up study, Risko, Buchanan, testing for learning, such as when interpolating
Medimorec, and Kingstone (2013) reported quizzes in a series of word lists enhances learn-
similar results, and also found that student at- ing of new word lists that are presented subse-
tention to video-recorded lectures was impaired quent to the retrieval/testing manipulation (Sz-
by computer-dependent activities that were un- punar, McDermott, & Roediger, 2008; for
related to the lecture, such as e-mail or surfing recent reviews, see Pastötter & Bäuml, 2014;
the web. Note that studies of classroom lectures, Roediger, Putnam, & Smith, 2011). Such indi-
too, have documented that engaging in compu- rect benefits of retrieval/testing on subsequent
ter-dependent activities unrelated to a lecture learning have been attributed to reductions in
can disrupt learning (e.g., Sana, Weston, & Ce- proactive interference (Szpunar et al., 2008; see
peda, 2013). An interesting question for future also, Tulving & Watkins, 1974) and, of partic-
research would be to compare the effects of ular interest for present purposes, heightened

attention to the study materials elicited by the and final lecture segment, both groups did arith-
probable occurrence of an upcoming quiz on metic problems for a minute and then received
the materials (Pastötter, Schicker, Niedernhu- quiz questions for the final segment. Finally,
ber, & Bäuml, 2011; Weinstein, Gilmore, Sz- five minutes later all participants received a
punar, & McDermott, 2014). final cumulative test concerning all four lecture
Although these studies indicate that interpo- segments. After the lecture and before the final
lated retrieval/testing can benefit learning indi- cumulative test, participants used 7-point rating
rectly by enhancing attention to and learning of scales to indicate the extent to which they had
subsequent study materials, the educational im- mind wandered during the lecture and their
plications of the effect remain to be explored. level of anxiety toward the final test.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

The studies summarized in the next section di- The results indicated a clear advantage for
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

rectly examine the effects of interpolated quiz- students in the interpolated group. Specifically,
zing on enhancing attention to and learning of participants in the interpolated group (a) an-
video-recorded lectures. swered significantly more questions correctly
than students in the noninterpolated group con-
Enhancing Learning From Video-Recorded cerning the critical fourth lecture segment (84%
Lectures: An Experimental Approach vs. 59%) and answered significantly more ques-
tions correctly than students in the noninterpo-
To determine whether interpolated quizzing lated group on the final cumulative test for all
could improve attention, by reducing mind wan- four lecture segments (88% vs. 66%), (b) re-
dering, and enhance learning during a video- ported that they had mind wandered signifi-
recorded lecture, Szpunar, Khan, and Schacter cantly less often than students in the noninter-
(2013) conducted two experiments that used a polated group, (c) took notes on a much higher
video-recorded statistics lecture and interpo- proportion of slides during the lecture than did
lated within the lecture brief quizzes that probed students in the noninterpolated group, and (d)
students’ comprehension of lecture content. In reported significantly less anxiety about the up-
both experiments, a 21-min statistics lecture coming final cumulative test than did students
was divided into four segments of equal length. in the noninterpolated group.
All participants in both experiments were in- Experiment 2 attempted to replicate these
structed just before the lecture that they might results, and also to address two critical issues
or might not be quizzed after each segment, raised by Experiment 1. First, Experiment 1
which would be determined randomly by a assessed mind wandering only after the lecture
computer. They were also informed that they had concluded. Because this is a retrospective
would receive a final test after the conclusion of measure, the results could have been influenced
the lecture. Participants were given lecture by forgetting or memory distortion. Accord-
slides that could be used to take notes during the ingly, Experiment 2 overcame this problem by
lecture, and after each lecture segment, all par- using a direct probe measure that has been used
ticipants in both experiments completed arith- frequently in the experimental literature on
metic problems unrelated to the lecture for one mind wandering (e.g., Smallwood, 2013; Small-
minute. wood & Schooler, 2006). Students were in-
In Experiment 1, there were two groups, formed before the lecture that at random points
which were distinguished by what the partici- during the lecture, they would be asked to indi-
pants did for the next two minutes after each cate whether or not their attention had strayed
lecture segment. The interpolated group re- away from lecture content (i.e., Are you mind
ceived quizzes consisting of brief questions wandering?). The mind wandering probes oc-
about the content of each segment (e.g., Explain curred once during each of the four lecture
the relation between a population and a sam- segments at a randomly determined point that
ple). There were six such questions per seg- occurred at least 30 seconds into the segment
ment, with 20 sec allowed for responses to each and 30 seconds before the segment ended. Sec-
question. The noninterpolated group continued ond, Experiment 2 was designed to help deter-
to work on arithmetic problems for an addi- mine whether some or all of the benefits ob-
tional two minutes for each of the segments served for the interpolated group in Experiment
preceding the final segment. After the fourth 1 were attributable to simple reexposure to the

study materials that is afforded by interpolated which was significantly lower than in either
quizzes. Thus, in addition to including interpo- of the other two groups. Participants in the
lated and noninterpolated groups, as in Experi- interpolated group took three times as many
ment 1, Experiment 2 also included a restudy lecture notes (24% of slides with additional
group that was presented with the same quiz notes) as did participants in the other two
questions as the interpolated group, but was not groups (approximately 8% for other groups).
required to answer these questions during the These results indicate that the value of inter-
first three lecture segments (i.e., the answers polated quizzes is not attributable to simple
were provided along with the questions). reexposure to study materials, because the
The results of Experiment 2 nicely repli- restudy group performed identically to the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

cated and extended those from Experiment 1 noninterpolated group on all key dependent
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

(see Figure 1). Participants in the interpolated measures in Experiment 2. Thus, these exper-
group (89%) correctly answered more ques- iments provide empirical support for the
tions about the fourth and final lecture seg- claim that interpolated quizzes encourage
ment than participants in the noninterpolated people to sustain attention to a lecture in a
(70%) and restudy (65%) groups, were less way that discourages task-irrelevant activities
anxious about a final test that followed the such as mind wandering and encourages task-
lecture, and produced more correct items on relevant activities such as note taking, result-
that final test than those in the other groups ing in a clear benefit to learning.
(93% for interpolated group vs. approxi- One additional result is worth noting. After
mately 73% for other groups). With respect to the lecture in Experiment 2, participants in
mind wandering probes, participants in the each condition were asked to make subjective
noninterpolated and restudy groups indicated estimates of how cognitively demanding they
that they were mind wandering in response to found the experience of attending to the lec-
about 40% of the probes. By contrast, the ture. Participants in the interpolated group
incidence of mind wandering was cut in half, reported that their experience of learning the
to about 20%, in the interpolated group, lecture was less mentally taxing compared

Figure 1. Mind wandering, note taking, and final cumulative test performance for nonin-
terpolated, restudy, and interpolated groups in Szpunar, Khan, and Schacter (2013, Experi-
ment 2).

with participants in the noninterpolated or To investigate the issue, Szpunar, Jing, and
restudy groups. Thus, interpolated quizzing Schacter (2014) used a variation of the inter-
might help students to sustain attention to a polated quizzing paradigm described earlier
lecture over even longer time periods by re- in an experiment that included three groups of
ducing the subjective sense of mental effort high school students. Each group viewed the
associated with attending to a lecture. same 21-min introductory statistics lecture
used in the Szpunar et al. (2013) study, which
as before was divided into four segments. All
Metacognition and Calibration During groups were informed before the beginning of
Video-Recorded Lectures the lecture that a computer would randomly
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

determine whether they would be quizzed af-

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

A critical issue in education generally, and ter each lecture segment, and that there would
one that that is especially relevant to online be a final test on the entire lecture. A 4-test
learning, concerns whether students can accu- group received interpolated quizzes after each
rately monitor their own learning. A benefit of lecture segment, whereas a 0-test group per-
making lecture materials available to students formed math problems after each lecture seg-
online is that it allows students to study those ment. Just before the final test, participants in
materials on their own time and at their own both groups were asked to predict, on a
pace. However, as we discussed earlier, edu- 0 –100% scale, how well they would perform
cational research has demonstrated that stu- on the final test. Based on the findings dis-
dents are not necessarily well equipped to cussed earlier, participants in both the 4-test
monitor their own learning (Bjork et al., and 0-test groups should predict high levels of
2013; Bol & Hacker, 2012), and such limita- performance on the final test, but participants
tions may be especially likely to manifest in the 4-test group should perform closer to
themselves in the absence of face-to-face in- the predicted level than those in the 0-test
teractions that support monitoring processes group. An additional 1-test group received a
in traditional classroom settings (e.g., asking quiz only on the fourth and final lecture seg-
instructors to clarify or elaborate upon points ment to determine whether a single quiz could
of confusion; cf. Song & Hill, 2007). This help students to combat the overconfidence
metacognitive vulnerability might be accen- that was expected to occur in the 0-test group.
tuated with video-recorded lectures because The main results of the experiment were
previous studies have shown that students generally consistent with predictions. Stu-
subjectively assess video-recorded materials dents in the 4-test group predicted that they
as easier to learn and more memorable than would perform at a high level on the final test
text materials (e.g., Choi & Johnson, 2005; (77%), and their actual performance (75%)
Salomon, 1984), which could lead them to closely matched their predicted performance.
mistakenly believe that they had learned the By contrast, students in the 0-test group also
target information to a greater degree than predicted that they would perform well on the
they actually did (Bjork et al., 2013). Indeed, final test (78%), but their actual performance
an early study by Salomon (1984) provided (48%) was significantly and dramatically
evidence along these lines, showing that lower than their predicted performance. Stu-
learners rated comparable material as easer to dents in the 1-test group fell in between the
learn when it was presented in video than other two groups: their predicted performance
textual form, even though objective measures (60%) was considerably lower than students
of retention and learning failed to reveal a in the other two groups, but still somewhat
corresponding advantage for video over text. higher than their actual performance (50%).
Given that overconfident judgments of learn- Overall, these results support the conclu-
ing can result in students failing to take ad- sion that during learning of video-recorded
vantage of opportunities to restudy target ma- lectures, interpolated quizzing can help to
terials (Dunlosky & Rawson, 2012), it is produce enhanced calibration with actual per-
important to assess strategies that could help formance. Such increased calibration is likely
students to produce more accurate judgments to be important in actual course settings
of learning. where accurate assessment of learning is es-

sential to making good use of opportunities to tures. One possibility is that interpolated re-
restudy materials that in fact require addi- trieval/testing might have less of an effect on
tional study. attention during highly engaging lectures that
produce relatively low baseline rates of mind
Conclusions, Questions, and wandering. Ongoing studies in our laboratory
Recommendations led by Nicole Rosa and Helen Jing that use
lectures that produce relatively low (i.e.,
The studies described in this article represent ⬍30%) baseline rates of mind wandering have
what we believe to be a promising first step in thus far yielded results consistent with this idea.
exploring the nature of attention and memory Third, and related to the preceding point, it
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

during lectures, and developing methods for will be important for future studies to examine
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

enhancing lecture learning. Interpolated quiz- the influence of specific design features of vid-
zing reduced mind wandering, increased task- eo-recorded lectures on performance measures
relevant behaviors such as note taking, boosted related to attention and learning. The statistics
learning, and also improved calibration between lecture used in the aforementioned studies re-
predicted and actual performance. Thus, we be- quired students to watch a video showing only
lieve that this research provides some basis for the lecture slides accompanied by audio of the
recommending to teachers that they include in- instructor. Whether other presentation formats
terpolated quizzes in either video-recorded or are associated with better or worse baseline
live classroom lectures. However, because these performance in terms of attention and learning
experiments are indeed only a first step, much awaits future work (e.g., a video presentation
work remains to be done and several critical that includes both the lecture slides and instruc-
issues need to be explored. tor moving around the classroom). More gener-
First, the studies we reviewed made use of an ally, exploring questions regarding the con-
arbitrary 5-min interval for separating the pre- struction of lecture slides for multimedia
sentation of interpolated quizzes. One important presentation and their impact on attention and
avenue for future research will be to determine learning will also be informative (for a recent
the optimal presentation frequency and spacing review, see Mayer, 2008).
of interpolated quizzes in the service of improv- Fourth, the studies discussed here have used
ing attention to and learning from lecture mate- measures of literal or rote retention to assess
rials. To provide better guidance for teachers, lecture learning. An important question is
research will need to address how early inter- whether interpolated retrieval/testing also en-
polated quizzes need to be introduced into a hances learning at a conceptual level, such that
lecture and how much time may elapse between students are better able to transfer what they
interpolated quizzes before attention begins to have learned to novel contexts. Previous re-
wane and learning suffers. search on the direct benefits of testing have
Second, the results described in the preceding already been shown to extend beyond the spe-
section from the studies by Szpunar et al. (2013, cific material that is tested, such that students
2014) have been obtained with a single lec- who are tested are better able to transfer their
ture—a 21-min introductory statistics lecture. It knowledge to answer related questions in novel
is thus unknown whether these results will hold contexts (Butler, 2010; Carpenter, 2012). We do
with other lectures. One notable feature of the not yet know whether the same applies to inter-
statistics lecture is that it yielded relatively high polated retrieval/testing during lectures, but the
levels of mind wandering in nontested groups, issue clearly merits investigation.
in the vicinity of 40% for both college students Fifth, students participating in the aforemen-
(Szpunar et al., 2013) and high school students tioned studies were given a fixed amount of
(Szpunar et al., 2014). This estimate is similar time to study each lecture segment. In reality,
to those obtained from other video-recorded and as we alluded to earlier, online learning
lectures (Risko et al., 2012) as well as from typically affords students the luxury of pro-
research concerning classroom lectures gressing through video-recorded lectures at
(Lindquist & McLean, 2011). However, as their own pace. Hence, it will be important for
noted earlier, Risko et al. (2012) observed vari- future studies to assess the extent to which
ability in levels of mind wandering across lec- students mind wander during and learn from

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ciency with which students are able to complete study of student attention decline using clickers.
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Finally, although not directly tied to the is-
sues we raise above, it will be important for Butler, A. C. (2010). Repeated testing produces su-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

future work to develop an understanding of the perior transfer of learning relative to repeated
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