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Kusum Neupane

 Balkumari, 44600 Kathmandu (Nepal) To

 (+977) 9866641792
 Technological University Dublin
Dublin, Ireland


Subject: Regarding Study In TU Dublin

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in pursuing a degree in Professional Cookery at

Technological University of Dublin. My name is Kusum Neupane, and I am a dedicated
individual from Nepal who recently completed the Certificate III in Commercial Cookery. It is
with great enthusiasm that I am applying to your esteemed university to further enhance my
culinary skills and knowledge.

I chose Technological University of Dublin for its outstanding reputation in providing top-
notch culinary education and its commitment to preparing students for successful careers in
the culinary industry. The comprehensive curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and
experienced faculty at your university align perfectly with my aspirations to become a skilled
and innovative professional in the field of cookery.

Throughout my Certificate III in Commercial Cookery, I gained hands-on experience in various

culinary techniques, food preparation, and kitchen management. The program has equipped
me with a solid foundation in the culinary arts, and I am eager to build upon this foundation
through the rigorous and industry-relevant coursework offered at Technological University of

One of the key factors that attracted me to your program is the emphasis on practical training
and real-world applications. I believe that this approach will not only complement my existing
skills but also prepare me to meet the dynamic challenges of the culinary industry.
Additionally, the opportunity to learn from experienced chefs and industry professionals will
provide me with valuable insights and mentorship that I believe are crucial for my growth as a
culinary artist.
My passion for culinary arts, coupled with my dedication and strong work ethic, has been
evident in my academic achievements and practical experiences. I am confident that the
Professional Cookery program at Technological University of Dublin will serve as the perfect
platform for me to further refine my skills, expand my culinary knowledge, and prepare for a
successful career in the culinary world.

I am excited about the prospect of contributing to the vibrant and diverse community at
Technological University of Dublin and am confident that my unique background and
experiences will bring a valuable perspective to the program.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how
my skills and aspirations align with the goals of your esteemed institution during an interview.

Kind regards
Kusum Neupane

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